Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hollywood Stars Resent Environmental Restrictions

Steven Spielberg, Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, Goldie Hawn and Pierce Brosnan are among 108 homeowners along the 1.2-mile beach, where houses sell for up to $30million. When most of them were built in the 1970s, the owners had to walk 140 feet in the sand to reach the surf. Now, at high tide, the waves crash against an 8-foot-high emergency rock barrier. Though the stars want to spend their own money to rebuild the beach with sand dredged from the ocean floor, regulators have blocked the plan. Environmentalists prefer a “managed retreat” from the waves so the shore can revert to its natural state.
Wow, Ace is writing for Breitbart now?  Whoda thunk!  Way to go, Ace!  Just don't quit your day blog.

This really resonates in our area.  The cliffs in Calvert County are retreating away from the water, as they have more or less continuously since the end of the last Ice Age.  Property owners on the edge of the cliff would love to be able to harden the cliff and protect it from erosion, but they are not permitted to, by law.  We don't even get and "emergency rock barrier".  If the house goes, it goes. A few "lucky" homeowners are being bailed out, their property bought with tax money and their houses razed before the Bay claim them (wouldn't want to dirty the beach with a broken up house).

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