Thursday, July 8, 2021

Beach Report 7/8/21 - The Calm Before the Storm

The Ospreys and the Ospreys were flying over the beach today. Sorry, no photos; I only had the cell phone camera. It was overcast thanks to the oncoming storm, in whatever form it takes, with temperatures in the low 80s, and humidity through the roof. Georgia was babysitting, so Skye and I were on our own.
The wind from the south barely made it to the water, leaving it almost entirely calm.

A Great Blue Heron hunts off the groin, while a gull of some sort lazes on the posing post.
It was a pretty good day for fossils, 28 shark's teeth, including this matched set of Snaggletooths, upper and lower, and a well worn "cookie", an epiphyseal plate from a dolphin or whale

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