Monday, April 8, 2013

Why It Sucks to be Young in the Obama Era

The Only Age Group With Higher Unemployment Than a Year Ago Is ... 20somethings
Each generation of Americans has suffered in its own way during these post-recession years, but only one age group has managed to go the past year without reducing its unemployment rate. It's 20-to-24-year olds. Life imitates Girls.
Also related, this article that shows how the Obama economy is causing us older workers to delay our retirements, and keep the jobs out of the hands of youth:

Are demographics really to blame for the struggling economy?
The financial crisis and subsequent Slowest Recovery Evah has older workers holding off on retirement in droves, and of the job creation that the economy is seeing, a lot of it is concentrated in the older age brackets. Using information from the BLS, ZeroHedge put together this handy little chart illustrating that, in the past few years, the most robust job creation has been for the 55+ age group, with the lower brackets seeing a lot of losses:

And they voted for him overwhelmingly; proving once again that although you may not fool all the people all of the time, you can often fool enough people long enough to get into office.

1 comment:

  1. Any one believe that these problems are just a BIG mistakes by obamma in the oral office of The White House, (shouldn't that be considered raciest?), in dc?
