Saturday, August 31, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - The Kamala and Tim Show Revisited

More fallout from the Kamala and Tim comedy 18 minutes on CNN. At the Free Bacon, Kamala Harris Comes Out of Hiding, "Harris's interview left more questions than answers." Dan Flynn at Am Spec, America Waited 39 Days for This? "The Blah-ness of CNN’s Kamala & Tim Show, It was neither helpful nor damaging but blah." From Althouse, Vague, vacuous, and not flustered... 2 looks at that Kamala Harris interview. ""Kamala Harris didn’t hurt herself in her interview this week with CNN’s Dana Bash. She didn’t particularly help herself, either." Writes Bret Stephens in a NYT piece with a meaner headline: "A Vague, Vacuous TV Interview Didn’t Help Kamala Harris,"", "You've had two Democratic candidates who've not been able to give unscripted interviews, which is extraordinary." and "Kamala Harris' Election Odds Slide With Bookmakers After CNN Interview." Spiked explains Why Kween Kamala is still dodging democratic scrutiny, "Kamala Harris’s interview with CNN was dull, lifeless and insipid – just as she wanted." Newt Gingrich@newtgingrich, "After watching the CNN interview of Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz it is clear that Walz is the first “emotional support candidate” in history. . ." NYPo says Harris lacked ‘confidence’ and ‘authenticity’ in first interview since Biden’s exit: body language expert. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, 'That's It?': The Most Stunning Reveal of the Harris Interview. "Harris doesn't fight. It's not in her. Harris retreats when challenged and avoids confrontation when possible. She lacks a fighting instinct, and her entire campaign thus far demonstrates it." Ace finds a Claim: CNN Taped 41 Minutes of Puffball Interview With Kamala But Edited It Down to Just 18 Minutes. "The filthy Gaslight Media are just corrupt fonts of endless propaganda and disinformation." Sundance at CTH, CNN Delivers Kamala Harris First Interview in Three Heavily Edited Segments and Kamala Harris Segment – Everything About This is a Lie. At WaEx, Byron York wonders Will CNN interview be Harris’s last? Ay Libery Unyielding ‘She Ain’t Made For This’: Harris Aides, White House Staffers Vilify Her In Expository Book. From Breitbart's Nolte: CNN’s Kamala Harris Interview Optics Ridiculed — ‘Child at Adult Table.’ Bad Hombre@joma_gc "Kamala malfunctioned like a McDonald’s soft serve machine when confronted with the mildest of adversarial questions in a controlled environment. That was with the added luxury of splitting the “heat” with her sidekick. They won’t let her do a solo interview." Bad Hombre@joma_gc, "Trump’s last four interviews: -57 minutes (Dr. Phil) -57 minutes (Theo Von) -2 hours and 3 minutes (Elon Musk) -1 hour and 11 minutes (Shawn Ryan) Kamala’s first interview in 40 days as the Democrat nominee: 18 minutes, edited, no transcript, and with a chaperone." Insurrection Barbie@DefiyantlyFree "This analysis of Harris interview is pretty spot on. And this is not from a Trump supporter. Kamala’s Kalamity." Vivek Ramaswamy@VivekGRamaswamy, "Kamala’s interview last night was a reminder that we’re not running against a candidate. We’re running against a *system*. They require a candidate they can control, which means having original ideas is a disqualification. That’s exactly why we get Biden, then Kamala, and so on." At Jewish World Review, The Great Victor Davis Hanson writes New rules for radicals -- How to reinvent Kamala Harris "The complete Harris makeover requires 15 radical rules followed to the letter . . . " Charles Gasparino@CGasparino, "Dem strategist know how to win elections, and I'm actually in awe of their abilities. But the cover-up of the manifold weaknesses of @KamalaHarris is very dangerous for the country. Even a softball interview like last night's shows she doesnt have a clue when it comes to basic issues and no core beliefs. . ." From the Bablyon Bee, ‘What Do YOU Think My Policies Might Be?’ Kamala Harris Asks CNN’s Dana Bash During Interview and Democrats Consider Replacing Kamala Harris With More Coherent Joe Biden. Capt. Ed snarks "This may not be satire." Leah Barkoukis at TownHall, Trump-Vance Campaign Rolls Out Brutal New Ad Using This Line From Harris' CNN Interview. Matt Margolis at PJM, Trump-Vance Campaign Uses Kamala's CNN Interview in Devastating New Ad.

Matt Margolis, again, Tim Walz Made Kamala's First Interview Worse, Not Better. From NYPo, Tim Walz fabricated key details of political ‘origin story’ that involved being turned away at George W. Bush rally. Capt. Ed, Did Walz Fib About His Political 'Origin Story'? I'm starting to see a pattern.
PJM's Rick Moran explores the question, Why Isn't Kamala Harris Farther Ahead? "For the last six weeks, Kamala Harris has basked in the glow of the most positive and loving media coverage I've ever seen in a campaign. And I've seen a lot of campaigns." Because nobody trusts the press anymore; why would they? PJM's Stephen Kruiser swears Kamala Harris IS Election Interference. NYPo, Kamala Harris tied with Green Party candidate Jill Stein among Muslim voters, damning poll reveals. 

Sarah Arnold at TownHall has Experts who Warn Kamala Harris' Tax Proposal Would Destroy America. Maybe that's the point. Paul Sperry@paulsperry_, "DEVELOPING: Kamala campaign has stopped referencing her alleged job at McDonald's and won't respond to media questions seeking the location of the McDonald's store and the dates of her employment at McDonald's, which appears nowhere in her memoirs or early resumes...developing..." Leslie Eastman at LI sees In Latest Folly, Biden-Harris Bans Drilling On 28 Million Acres of Public Lands in Alaska. "Interior Secretary Den Haaland reverses a Trump-era decision opening up millions of acres of federal land in Alaska to energy development and mining." Ace, Biden-Harris Administration Brings Joy to Employers By Depressing White Collar and Blue Collar Wages. "As your wages contract in the midst of high, unstoppable inflation, please remember: Kamala Harris is practicing the "politics of joy," as her media propagandists have dubbed it. She is above petty concerns about real wage losses and stagflation: She's all about bringing joy. This is "vibes" election, not a "facts" election. Racists." OTP, Biden-Harris Admin To Resume Migrant Flight Program. Sarah Arnold, Progressive Denver Mayor Defends 'Newcomers' Gang Violence. Joy! From the Free Bacon, Kamala's Criminal Justice Reform Comrade Accused Israel and America of 'Apartheid' in Fiery Sermon After Hamas Attack. "The Rev. Frederick Haynes has also praised anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan as a 'wonderful and great man'"

And from the In The Mailbox: 08.30.24 (Evening Edition) EBL, anti MAGA Biden-Harris, Twitchy: At This Point We Should Just List The Things Tim Walz Hasn’t Lied About, , According To Hoyt: Lines of Departure 2-2: The Choice isn’t Trump or Harris [by Tom Kratman], American Conservative, The Non-Entity Who Would Be President, American Greatness: Kamala-Flip Flops on Fracking in Softball CNN Interview, Cafe Hayek: Yes, Harris Is Calling for Price Controls, Dana Loesch: Kamala’s Trainwreck Interview, First Street Journal: Politico Seems Unclear That Kamala Harris Is Part Of The Biden-Harris Admin, Kamala Drops Word Salad On ‘Climate Change’, Power Line: State of the Race, Tim Walz Lies Again, and She didn’t do fries, Transterrestrial Musings, The Rhetoric Of “Joy”, New Rules For Radicals, and Who Are The Racists, Again?, Victory Girls: Brat Kamala Rewriting Personal History To Fit The Vibe – Coconuts, also, Biden-Harris Open Border Threatens School Children, Volokh Conspiracy: Biden Administration Restarts CHNV Immigration Parole Program for Migrants From Four Latin American Nations, The Federalist: Dishonest Media Dismiss Illegal Immigrant Cartel Violence Near Denver, Dems Keep RFK Jr. On North Carolina Ballot As Swing State Spoiler To Hurt Trump Campaign, If Donald Trump’s Sex Life Is Fair Game For The Election, So Is Kamala Harris’, Lawsuit Alleges Fulton County Fails To Maintain Accurate Voter Rolls, Violating State And Federal Law, Walz Says He Lied About Going To War Because He Struggles With Grammar.

Althouse, "And I figured I was going to come here and we were going to make a speech. I had a speech all set for you — I was ready — and they said, sir, you're actually doing a town hall." "Said Donald Trump, quite chaotically . . ." Paula Bolyard at PJM wonders What Will Pro-Life Voters Do Now That Trump Has Stabbed Them in the Back? "The current law of the land in Florida is a six-week abortion ban. “I think the six weeks is too short,” Trump told NBC News. “It has to be more time. I told them that I want more weeks.” A video at Hat Hair, Are Black Men Leaning Trump? Steve Sailer, Democrats are finally noticing Karl Rove wasn't right about the Hispanic Vote.

Ace, Is RFKJr. the Key to Attracting Suburban "Health Moms"? "The realignment of left and right has broken a lot of the political ice that kept people frozen into positions they've held so long they've forgotten why they adopted them in the first place."  Insty, WELL, DAMN. This new ad from RFK, Jr.
At Spiked, Beware politicians posing as paragons of ‘decency.’ "Words like kindness, compassion and inclusivity are a form of linguistic blackmail against would-be dissenters."

KanekoaTheGreat@KanekoaTheGreat, "In September 2019, Senator Kamala Harris called on Twitter to censor the sitting President Donald Trump. This was after the Democrat Party's Russiagate hoax was exposed as a multi-year disinformation campaign run against the American people. She's a vindictive authoritarian who will do irreparable harm to our rights and freedoms." From WaEx, Trump raged about ‘plot’ by Zuckerberg to topple him in 2020 in new book. Stephen Kruiser, NPR Offers Up Two More Great Reasons to Nuke Its Taxpayer Funding. Graham Allen@GrahamAllen_1, "NBC SHOULD BE ASHAMED. NBC News asked Gold Star mom Kelly Hoover if it was “appropriate” for President Trump to visit Arlington National Cemetery "Are you in my shoes? I invited him. My son was murdered under the Biden-Harris administration." Hat Hair cites the NYT, NEW: Brazilian Judge Orders Block on Twitter/X Over Refusal to Censor Content. Capt. Ed comments, "There was a time when American media outlets would band together to fight censorship like this. I suspect that their impulse will now be to side with Justice Moraes." At the Blaze, 'LFG!' Texas judge sets stage for Elon Musk to drag leftist Media Matters before a jury. Capt. Ed thinks Elon certainly seems pleased

Jonathan Turley is pissed that the Human Rights Campaign President Calls for Rejection of “the Little Piece of Paper” of the Founders. "Before we start “reimagining” our way out of the most stable constitutional system in history, we may want to consider how the alternatives have been faring around the world."

From the College Fix, Scholars panel tells radiologists: Don’t call first-trimester babies ‘living’. You can call an amoeba living, but don't you dare call a fetus living. 

Ace, James Varney: Public Schools Have Adopted the Same Strategy With Repeat Pedophiles That the Catholic Church Did -- Just Ship 'em Off to a Different District "Weird how the leftwing Marxist media was so outraged that the Catholic Church simply moved child-molesting priests to different dioceses, but when their political allies the teachers unions take the exact same strategy of playing Hide the Pedophile, they take zero interest." This has been true a very long time, but so has the disparate treatment by the press. 

Tom Knighton at TAW, Because of course she did "White Fragility" author "Robin DiAngelo may have plagiarized multiple scholars, including minority writers, in her 2004 Ph.D. thesis, according to a report Monday." As I've said before, nobody really reads that shit, so it seemed safe. Too bad computers can comb through theses and papers looking for it so easily. Campus Reform, NSF grants LSU $4.5 million for ‘equity center’ to study alleged bias against minority faculty members "The money from the NSF grant could have paid tuition and other costs for more than 100 students." Or a few scientists. Hat Hair John Sexton hears Stanford Academics: DEI Is Not Working on College Campuses. Well, it really wasn't meant to, it was meant to fuck things up. Also, Three More Schools Show Enrollment Shift After Affirmative Action Ruling

Linked at The Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Is It October Yet? up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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