Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Trump, Musk Break Internet, Democrat's Hearts

Stacy McCain is still Watching CNN (So You Don’t Have To). "The most popular show on CNN, Anderson Cooper 360 at 8 p.m. ET, gets about 700,000 viewers. The total viewership of the two-hour interview Donald Trump did on X with Elon Musk is unknown, but it was certainly in the many millions — far bigger than the audience for Cooper or Wolf Blitzer, Jake Tapper, Caitlin Collins, et al. So it is rather amusing that CNN, which can’t get an interview with Kamala Harris, slams Musk for scoring an interview with Trump, an interview that is much more popular than anything on CNN." Twitchy notices CNN Clips Conversation Where Musk and Trump 'Blow Off' the Bombing of Hiroshima Brandon Morse at RedState, The Musk/Trump Conversation on X Shatters Records and Elon Posts Astounding Final Numbers.  Althouse, "Yeah, well, you know, maybe like, I think it's part of what people in America wanna, you know, people in America wanna feel excited and inspired about the future." "Said Elon Musk — here, in the transcript at TurboScribe — at 1:36:27 in his conversation last night with Donald Trump. He continues with this very generic, very sunny vision. . . " At Fox, Musk boasts of 1B views for 'no limits' X interview with Trump "Former President Trump's Space post received 73M views alone, according to Elon Musk." WokeSpy has a Summary of Donald Trump’s Historic Interview With Elon Musk. Hat Hair's Capt. Ed sees Equity! Elon Challenges Kamala to Twitter/X TalkMore Trump-Elon: Do You Think Kamala Could Do This? and Elon to Trump: The Media's Covering Up Kamala's Track Record. 'Bonchie' at RedState thinks Trump Throws a Curveball With Revamped Social Media Game, Takes Completely New Tone. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.13.24,  Spencer Neal at Am Con, 𝕏 Struggles to Handle Trump Return "State of the Union: The Trump-Musk sit-down was beset by technical problems" (Yes, but it got out, both Trump and Musk are capable of learning)  and at Da Fed, Trump Promises To Unleash American Energy With Alaskan Oil And Gas During Musk Interview,  Ace, Trump Conversation With Elon Musk Delayed by Massive DDoS Attack; European Minister Warns Musk That Europe Might Take Action Against X If He... Speaks with the Next President of the United States. Matt Margolis at PJM,  Musk's Interview With Trump REALLY Triggered Kamala's Campaign. From TNP, Kamala Campaign Cheered On DDoS Attack On Musk-Trump ‘X’ Interview. Did the admin order it up from the intelligence agencies?  

Jonathan Turley is not pleased that the EU Censor Threatens Musk Ahead of the Trump Interview: “We are Monitoring.”  WokeSpy, British Police Threaten to Extradite Americans-Including Elon Musk! Hat Hair's Capt. Ed comments. "It's not in much better shape here, as Turley knows. The American media establishment opposes it for everyone but themselves, and the bureaucrats in Washington DC have spent years attempting to quash dissent through "misinformation" policing. Elon Musk is the man largely responsible for thwarting that effort, in fact, which is why he's such a target for the Orwellian authoritarians on both sides of the pond."  Hat Hair's Dave Strom reports E.U. Threatens Twitter/X With Sanctions for Platforming Trump and UK Talking About Jailing Elon Musk and John Sexton thinks Thierry Breton's Threat to Elon Musk Seems to Have Backfired. Twitchy, Shut Up, They Explained: UK Journalist Calls for Police to Investigate Author Douglas K Murray  At Armas, Josh Trevino looks at  This sceptred isle. "Reflections on the revolution in England." Dave Strom wonders if it's Time to Leave NATO?

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.13.24, Twitchy: EU Distances Itself From Thierry Breton’s Threatening Letter To X. Louder With Crowder: How the UK’s anti-free speech authoritarianism comes to America in 3 easy tweets (and one election), also, Stephen Colbert makes laughable claim CNN is unbiased, but it’s the crowd reaction that’s hilarious, BattleSwarm: MSNBC Deceptively Edits Joe Rogan – Lawsuit Coming? Legal Insurrection, Authorities Investigating Break-In at Trump’s Virginia Campaign Office, Harris Campaign Editing Headlines in Google Search Ads to Appear Favorable to Her, The Federalist: The Press Won’t Discuss Real Campaign Issues, Because They Don’t Want Trump To Win,

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.13.24, At Hollywood in Toto, Colbert Calls CNN ‘Objective.’ Guess What Happened Next? His audience laughed. Capt. Ed, "It's telling, though, that even Colbert's liberal audience found that funny. Everyone knows." Insty, “THAT’S SUPPOSED TO BE A LAUGH LINE?” "Well, these days yes, even to a Colbert audience." Ace, Stephen Colbert Tells Kaitlin Collins That CNN Is "Objective" and "Just Reports the News As It Is." "Even His Braindead Shitlib Audience Sees Through That." 

NYPo reports Kamala Harris’ campaign team is editing news headlines in her favor — without outlets’ knowledge: report "Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign team has been silently editing news headlines in Google search results to make it seem like major news outlets are on her side, according to a report. The altered headlines — all paired with a “Paid for by Harris for President” banner — were changed without the news outlets’ knowledge, Axios reported Tuesday." From OutKick, MSNBC, Jemele Hill, Brian Stelter Silent on Joy Reid's Racist Rant Calling White Sen. 'Mayonnaise Sandwich.
Gabe Kaminsky at WaEx, Tim Walz called Hitler-promoting cleric a ‘master teacher’ at Islamic center event. 'Becca Downs at TownHall, News of Tim Walz Hosting Pro-Hitler Imam Gets Worse With Unearthed Footage. Ace, Tim Walz Denies Having Any Relationship With Pro-Hamas, Pro-Hitler Muslim Hate-Preacher. Then the Video Drops, In Which Walz Praises the Hitler & Holocaust Fan as a "Master Teacher." "Only a Master Teacher of evil, Darth.* Brown people are allowed to be as racist and antisemitic as they want." The Free Bacon reports Tim Walz Touted Endorsement From Kremlin Propagandist Who Called 9/11 a ‘False Flag’ "Former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura also endorsed the Harris-Walz ticket," and Tim Walz Pushed a 70 Percent Gas Tax Hike—Then Called For a Federal Gas Tax Pause, "Walz's office lauded 'common sense' gas tax hike and said it would 'keep Minnesotans safe'. Just more Neighborly Socialism (The Stream). Insty, TIM WALZ: “Mind Your Own Damn Business!” Also Tim Walz: ‘Light ‘em up!’ Police shoot paintballs at Minneapolis residents standing on their porch. Related: Minnesota grandma jailed for defying Walz COVID lockdown orders warns ‘you do not want tyranny at this level.’ Lisa Hanson warns Americans against electing Minnesota Gov Tim Walz as vice president: ‘He will take your rights away.’ Insty again, Shot: Walz let Minneapolis burn. Chaser: ‘Light ‘em up!’ Police shoot paintballs at Minneapolis residents standing on their porch. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.13.24,The Federalist, Tim Walz Didn’t ‘Misspeak’ About His Military Service — He’s Lied For Years.

Paul Sperry at RCI, Secrecy of the President's Family 'Doc' Raises the Question: Are We Getting the Full Story on Biden's Cognitive Health? Almost certainly not. Capt. Ed, "I'm not sure there's a work-around to this, constitutionally speaking. Congress could demand testimony on this from O'Connor, but executive privilege and privacy concerns would likely force a standoff. The best preventative to avoid these situations is to refrain from electing people demonstrating cognitive loss, as Biden did in 2020." Victory Girls, Biden On Vacation And A 3 AM Phone Call Could Happen Anytime. Nick Arama at RedState notices Biden Randomly Starts Screaming at Cancer Event, Appears to Forget What Year It Is and Obama's Name. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair, Biden: Hey, I Want to End Taxes on Tips Too! "The Democrats didn't utter a peep about ending taxes on tips and gratuities for all of that time because they were not at all focused on helping out workers in those industries. The Democrats haven't been "the party of the working class" for a very long time."

Capt. Ed hears a CNN Analyst Warns Dems: Polls Are One Thing. Enthusiasm Is Quite Another. and  The Honeymooners?  Matt Margolis, CNN's Polling Expert Tells Democrats That Kamala May Be in More Trouble Than They Think.  VodkaPundit at PJM asserts No, Harris Is Not the Frontrunner... Yet.I&I hears Harris To Voters: You Have To Elect Me To Find Out What I’m For. Althouse finds "And I think the Biden people may have been in somewhat bad faith — maybe not consciously, but I’m not sure they weren’t trying to undermine her." "Said Nate Silver, quoted in "Nate Silver on How Kamala Harris Changed the Odds" (NYT)." Matt Margolis is amused, LOL! Not Even KJP Can Name Any of Kamala's Policy Achievements. Insty, UP TO THE JOB OF PRESIDENT? SHE ISN’T EVEN UP TO THE JOB OF CAMPAIGNING FOR PRESIDENT:  RNC Research@RNCResearch "CNN: What's on Kamala's schedule today? Kamala spokesman Adrienne Elrod: "She's talking to voters and getting her message out there." CNN: She has literally nothing on her schedule today. Kamala spokesman: Well, yeah." Chris Jacobs at Da Fed claims Medicare Agency Just Gave Kamala Harris An In-Kind Contribution With Your Tax Dollars. WaPoo whines In Pennsylvania, Harris can’t shake her anti-fracking past. Capt. Ed, "That's because Paris isn't the idiot that Democrats and the media* assume. She can't just claim to have flipped on every important issue over the last five years without an explanation. And no politician is less able to explain herself than Kamala Harris. * - I am aware of the redundancy."

At TownHall, Madeline Leesman reports Failed 'Border Czar' Kamala Harris Releases New Ad Defending Her Record on Immigration. Byron York at WaEx says No, Kamala Harris cannot ‘flip the script’ on the border. Ace, Harris-Biden Administration Allowed 90% of All Illegals -- The Ones They Identified -- to Remain in the Country. "Don't even ask about the millions they (deliberately) have no records about." NYPo, NYC migrants — including one charged in sex assault 4 months ago — raped woman at knifepoint, beat her boyfriend: sources. Jazz Shaw cites Trump: Illegal Migrants Have Overwhelmed New York. Breitbart, ‘Reshaping the Electorate’: Biden-Harris Admin Granting Citizenship at Fastest Rate in a Decade. Fox, Federal government hastily processing new citizenship requests is 'reshaping the electorate:' report "The Times contrasted the immigration and citizenship process under the Biden-Harris Administration with the Trump Administration’s 'heightened scrutiny' of it." Madeline Leesman, Democrats Want Non-Citizens to Vote in America's Elections. Here's What the RNC Is Doing About It. Fox, Speaker Mike Johnson: Only Americans should decide our elections. Here’s how Congress can guarantee it. "American elections are endangered because it is illegal for states to request proof of citizenship to register to vote." Da Caller, Democrats Announce Push To Add Overseas Votes In Effort To Pad Swing-State Support.  From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.13.24 The Federalist: The Press Won’t Discuss Real Campaign Issues, Because They Don’t Want Trump To WinThe New York Times Praises Democrats’ Immigration Policies For ‘Reshaping The Electorate’Tracking Kamala Harris’ Biggest And Baddest Lies: 20 And Counting,

NYPo's Divine Ms. Devine says Kamala Harris and Dems vilify Project 2025 — but Trump should embrace its winning ideas. Dan McCarthy at RCP says Donald Trump Has to Run Like It's 2016 Again. Capt. Ed, "In fairness, the man just missed getting killed at a rally. One has to wonder whether the reduced schedule has to do with changes made after the assassination attempt, specifically to avoid outdoor venues for the rest of the campaign. That may have created the need to cancel events and start booking indoor venues, and that might be what's keeping Trump off the road at the moment." Brad Stager at RedState notices The New York Times Appears Perplexed and Bothered As 'MAGA Faithful' Gather and Manage to Enjoy Life. New Neo asks Can Trump get through the firewall? Jazz Shaw wonders Family of Isaac Hayes Sues Trump Campaign, But is it Valid? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. At Althouse, "Why Did Trump Say Kamala Looks Like Melania on This Time Cover?" "Asks Margaret Hartmann in New York Magazine." He was being exceedingly generous. From the Ops Desk, What's This Election Really About? "It's all about the three  "I's" . . . inflation, immigration, and Israel."

Jazz Shaw wonders Why is RFK Off the Ballot in New York? Democrats seeking to eliminate choice. ET sees Minnesota’s GOP Senate Primary is Suddenly Competitive "Populist candidate Royce White and establishment favorite Joe Fraser are running for the GOP nomination to take on Sen. Amy Klobuchar in a longshot race." Matt Vespa at TownHall wonders Anyone Notice This Anomaly During Ilhan Omar's Election Returns?

George@BehizyTweets, "BREAKING: A Democrat Election Worker in Harris County, Texas named Darryl Blackburn has just been charged with six felonies for his part in rigging the 2022 midterm election against Republican candidates "Mr. Blackburn's crime DID impact the election [results]." - DA Kim Ogg "Defendant Darrell Blackburn, who worked in the now defunct elections administrator's office, has been charged with six felony charges, five of them tampering with the document, one theft by a public official." Da Fed's Ben Weingarten says The Feds’ Election Interference Didn’t Stop After 2020, It Just Got More Sophisticated From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.13.24 The Federalist: The Press Won’t Discuss Real Campaign Issues, Because They Don’t Want Trump To Win, The New York Times Praises Democrats’ Immigration Policies For ‘Reshaping The Electorate’,  RFK Jr. Blocked From New York Ballot After Challenge From Democrat-Aligned PAC,  and If Pennsylvania’s Elections Are So Secure, Why Did The DOJ Just Launch An Election Fraud Case There?

Media Research Center@theMRC, "One month ago today, Donald Trump took a bullet to the ear in a failed assassination attempt. Throwback to CNN and MSNBC's initial response, where they refused to say "possible gunshots" and instead reported there were "LoUd NoIsEs!"" Cutie Pavlich at TownHall, An Assassin Tried to Kill Trump One Month Ago. But the Liberal Media Wants to Hide It. Dave Strom, It's Been One Month Since July 13th; The MSM and Homeland Security Don't Care. From Da Fetched, Trump Says He’s ‘More of a Believer’ in God after Assassination Attempt. At Insty, THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: wretchardthecat@wretchardthecat, "The Boeingization of the Secret Service. Susan Crabtree at RCP, "Dissension, ‘Toxicity’ Plagued Trump’s Secret Service Detail Before Assassination Attempt." NYPo points out Attempted Trump assassin Thomas Crooks trained at same gun range used by DHS. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not. PJM's Stephen Kruiser claims The Deep State Still Wants to Kill Trump Before the Election. "The story we're being told is that the Secret Service was plagued by a bout of incompetence after an extraordinary, lengthy run of doing its job exceedingly well. As far as I am concerned, that doesn't pass the smell test."
Dave Strom wonders Will the DNC Riots Be Canceled? "Obviously, I have no idea, but all talk about Gaza has been muted by the MSM since Kamala did the switcheroo with Biden." Probably not, they don't really riot for a reason, they riot because they're allowed to. 

UndeadFOIA at Racket, FOIA Files: Did Special Counsel Robert Mueller Rely on Clinton Campaign Operatives to Point to Russia? "FOIA documents show the Mueller probe may have been informed by a Pentagon agency."

John Sexton, Judge Says Anti-Semitism Lawsuit Against Harvard Will Proceed: 'Harvard Has Failed Its Jewish Students.' Volokh at the Volokh Reports a Court Issues Preliminary Injunction Against UCLA, Stemming from Risk of Repetition of Exclusion of Jewish or Pro-Israel Students from Parts of Campus. If participants in unauthorized encampments exclude Jewish or pro-Israel students from walking in parts of campus, UCLA would then have to close those parts to everyone. Campus Reform would like you to Meet the University of Wisconsin-Madison students, faculty, and alumni arrested at anti-Israel encampment

From NRO, Intellectual Property Is ‘Colonialist,’ Says Science. Capt. Ed needles, "May we presume that all of Science Magazine's material is now public domain? Or are they colonialist when it comes to their interests, and anti-colonialist when it comes to the property of others? As Wesley notes, the best way to stifle innovation is to remove the economic incentives from its success."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: It Could Have Been Worse up at The Other McCain.

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