Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - DNC Convention Open as Biden Bows Out

The DNC National Convention started yesterday. Why? I don't know, they already selected Kamala with a Zoom call. PJM's Stephen Kruiser says Grab the Pepto — It's DNC Alternative Reality Week. Matt Margolis, Cops Are Reportedly Calling in Sick: Will DNC Violence Be Worse Than 1968? Hat Hair cites the Chicago Contrarian, What's 1000 Cops Out Sick + 1 Police Capt With PTSD Short and It Ain't Monday Yet? Libs of TikTok@libsoftiktok, "Not a single store in Milwaukee boarded up their businesses when thousands of Republicans came to the RNC. These business owners are boarding up ahead of the DNC. Why are Democrats always so violent?" Tim Kennedy@TimKennedyJr1, "Lone counter protester holding up an American flag in front of the @MarchOnDNC2024’s stage. He is SURROUNDED by event organizers and pro-Palestine protestors. Before he said: “God bless America” Crowd shouted back: “F—- America.” George@BehizyTweets, "BREAKING: Pro-Palestine Democrat protestors are now putting up images all over street signs in Downtown Chicago, calling to "STOP KILLER KAMALA" and to "SHUTDOWN THE DNC" Kamala Harris radicalized them in 2020 and now she's getting a taste of her own creatures. I don't feel bad for Democrats, I'm enjoying every bit of this so long as there's no violence." Breitbart wants you to WATCH: Pro-Palestinian Activists Fail to Block Christian, Jewish Pro-Israel Counter-protestersTony Kinnett@TheTonus "NEW: The security perimeter at the DNC is an absolute joke. I've been waved through without showing ID, badge, pass, wristband, or anything. Walked from the inner perimeter to the outer gate without so much as a glance." Kristen Eichamer@KEichamer, "At least their border policies are somewhat consistent."

This is just silly. Insty at his NYPo gig, Working-class people of color hate the riots the lefty elite keeps cheeringTony Kinnett@TheTonus "NEW: At the pro-abortion rally in Chicago: "Reproductive justice means Palestinian liberation." Susan Ferrechio@susanferrechio, "In the press filing center at the DNC, organizers took away the ladies room." Ace, The Human Self-Extinction Movement Shows Its Power at the DNC. "A mobile abortion-and-vasectomy unit rolled into Chicago to cull the Democrats' future herd." I hear it's fully booked. Good. From the Babylon Bee, DNC Dyes Chicago River Red To Celebrate Abortion, while it's still satire. 

Greg Price@greg_price11 "The official DNC platform has been released and it makes at least five mentions of “Biden’s second term.” Tough look for the Democrat copy editors." Like I've never made a cut and paste error. Insty, COPY EDITORS? WHAT COPY EDITORS? Ryan King at NYPo hears Biden to ‘pass the baton’ to Kamala Harris on first night of DNC – then jet off to California. Matt Vespa listened, and heard This Angry Old Man Yelled At Us for Almost an Hour, andSarah Hoyt, When The Psyops Breaks "This week they’re going to try really hard to blast the DNC at us from every angle, but already they’re treading Babylon Bee territory, with their free abortions and vasectomies. They have no clue how WEIRD they sound to normal people. Which makes the psyops hard to stick."

Dave Strom at Hat Hair simply asks Is Kamala Drunk?. Now? Maybe not, but the day is still young. From Da Mail, Conservatives claim these clips show Kamala Harris is giving speeches while drunk. Ace, Is Kamala Harris an Open Public Alcoholic? "The answer is "yes," as anyone who has watched videos of her slurring and giggling her way through post-three-martini-lunch appearances. I'm glad this is getting some traction. If someone can't wait until five-thirty PM to get sloshed, they're certainly not going to be ready for the fabled three AM call." Maybe she's just high on joy, or ecstasy. 

At Breitbart, The Great Doritos Hunt: Kamala Harris’s Husband and Running Mate Help Her Find Chips at a Gas Station. OTP, Harris’s Hunt For Doritos Highlights ‘Shrinkflation’ And Candidate’s Phoniness. Jack Poso@JackPosobiec, "CAUGHT: The Kamala Doritos thing at Sheetz was so fake they filmed it twice, once with Doug, once with Tim Notice on the ‘official’ clip Tim ‘finds’ her a bag but she’s already holding one. She forgot to put it down." PJM's Matt Margolis sees Kamala Reboot Biden’s Gas Station Visit, and It Was Bad. At RedState,  'Bonchie'That Cringe Gas Station Visit by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz Just Got Much Worse, "I don't know about you, but I was going to vote for no price controls, lower mortgage rates, and a secure border until I saw Kamala Harris get a bag of Doritos. What a life-changing moment," and Nick Arama, Patrons Furious After They All Got Tossed Out of Famous Restaurant to Have 'Staged' Event for Harris. At Twitchy, That's Not What 'SUB' Means: Harris Allegedly Replaces Customers in PA Sandwich Shop With Actors. John LeFevre@JohnLeFevre, "Everything about the Harris campaign is fake. Prior to her stop at Primanti’s (the PA sandwich chain), every single customer was kicked out and replaced with actors." At OTP, A Sneaker-Wearing President? Kamala Harris Brings Back Her Chucks.

At TownHall, Matt Vespa, Here's the Simple Question That Tripped Up Kamala Harris in PA, How are you going to pay for it? And Hank Adler, Kamala Harris Shows Her Inner Richard Nixon, we should be so lucky.  Don Surber, How to tell Kamala isn't polling well,  "The press is dumping on her economic plan. USA Today gave permission to its Nicole Russell to write . . . ." PJM's VodkaPundit asks If Harris Is Doing So Great, Why Did She Go Full Commie? It's for her daddy. Fuzzy Slippers at LI cites J.D. Vance: “Giving Kamala Harris control over inflation policy is like giving Jeffrey Epstein control over human trafficking policy” "He’s not wrong." From Da Caller, Vance Says Harris ‘Controlling’ Inflation Response Is Like Giving ‘Epstein Control Over Human Trafficking Policy’  Althouse, "When she starts talking about presence and power—the twin pillars of her political philosophy—she gets steely around the mouth...." "A second occasion this morning for my "how does Kamala feel" tag. And how does Kamala feel? Unbounded, emancipated, overcome by joy, mellifluous, strong... and sharklike. Not a big fan of the unbounded shark as President." 

FromTwitchy, Mark Cuban Reminds Us We've Only Had Four Weeks to Learn Kamala Harris' Policies. Mike Miller at RedState, 'She Doesn’t Need to Negotiate Against Herself': Democrats Beg Harris to Hide Radical Agenda Before Nov. At Disclosure, Different Candidate, Same Plan "Despite the widespread enthusiasm for Kamala Harris, she is a weak candidate—and the race may still hinge on what Donald Trump does or doesn’t do." Bob Hoge at RedState notices Biden's Former Chief of Staff Admits Kamala Harris Vice Presidency Was a Failure, Biden's "legacy." At OTP, CNN Details How Democratic Operatives Are Creating Kamala Harris On The Fly. Hat Hair's Capt. Ed cites a Kamala Surrogate: The Protection Racket Media Will Campaign for Us. Hat Hair's John Sexton debunks David French, Is There a Pro-Life Case to Vote for Kamala Harris? At Da Blaze, New Harris ads spread blatant LIES, claim Republicans want to OUTLAW birth controlKurt Schlichter@KurtSchlichter, "Are you better off after 3 1/2 years of their fighting? Quote Hakeem Jeffries@RepJeffries, "House Democrats are fighting hard to build a country where everyone can get ahead. And live the American dream." From Da Caller, ‘Agree To Disagree’: ABC Host Debates Harris’ Racial Identity With Swing-State Voter

From Ace's Morning Rant, Kamala Harris & Tim Walz: Old School Communists Who Must Be Defeated. Beege Welborn at Hat Hair, Democrats Determined to Stick a Big, Fat, CSM Walz Finger in Veterans' Eyes. Mary Chastain at LI, Walz Introduced as ‘Command Sergeant Major’ at DNC Meeting. "The video cut off too soon so I don’t know if Walz corrected the announcer. I doubt it, though." At Alpha News, Former Walz supporter says governor ‘flipped out’ when questioned about vaccine mandates. ""Tim Walz is an authoritarian socialist and only wants to listen to people that share his worldview," said Nate O'Reilly, a 30-year veteran of the construction industry." Capt. Ed comments  "Authoritarians don't like being questioned or held accountable. Walz is no exception. Be sure to read it all, but let's not forget how Joe Biden reacts when he's challenged on his policies, too." Digging Dirt with Peter D'Abrosca, EXCLUSIVE: Tim Walz Photographed on "Cultural Exchange" Trip with CCP Member on CIA Watchlist "The CIA had Chen Shuhua on a watchlist of important Chinese government officials. He was later photographed with Tim Walz."

Fox reports Biden committed ‘impeachable conduct,’ ‘defrauded United States to enrich his family’: House GOP report "House Oversight, Judiciary, Ways and Means committees have led impeachment inquiry against Biden." Steve Richards and John Solomon at JTN, House probe concludes Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses by helping to enrich his family. "The 291-page report lays out evidence of the Biden family’s foreign payments and the family patriarch’s role in meeting or speaking with partners." Chris Queen at PJM,  Biden Impeachment Report Released. Ace, House Probe Concludes That Biden Committed Impeachable Offenses By Using Government Power to Enrich His Family. "And himself. When mafia dons direct payments to be made to their family members instead of themselves, they're not just being generous. That's their money and everyone knows it; they just can't admit its theirs because they'd be arrested if they did."

Fox,  'Powerful Democrats' pushed President Biden out in 'coup' "NYT columnist "Maureen Dowd described it as a 'jaw-dropping putsch'" From Da Signal, Biden’s Disappearing Act Reveals the Real Power in Washington. "We are now ruled by millions of little apparatchiks burrowed in our Byzantine executive and legislative agencies. It’s a vast interlocking web of government bureaucracies that dictate federal policy more than our elected officials, whether members of Congress or the president." Mediaite claims Morning Joe’s Mike Barnicle Shouts Down Ex-Obama Aide Criticizing Biden, Per Axios Report: ‘F**k You!’  Capt. Ed, "Well, maybe this happened, and maybe it didn't. Maybe they should put the official's name on it this time rather than next time, and I might believe it. YMMV. "

Breitbart, Kamala Harris Hires Disgraced Russia Hoaxer Marc Elias for Election Legal Team, so it's to be business as usual.

From Fortune, ‘Black Swan’ hedge funder warns a recession is coming this year—and the biggest market bubble in history will soon pop, having confidently predicted 21 of the last 5 recessions. Steve Hayward at Power Line with The Daily Chart: Don’t Look Now, But. . .  "Bloomberg reports: Flights, Hotels and Parks Are All Flashing Travel Warning Signs."

At the Center Square, Illegal border crossings surpass 12.5 million since Biden-Harris took office, most in US history "U.S. Customs and Border Protection released monthly border apprehension data on Friday, saying, “statistics show lowest southwest border encounters in nearly four years.”"

NewsMax crows David Axelrod: Trump 'May Well' Win Electoral Vote. From NYPo, Trump claims there’s ‘never been a more dangerous time’ for Jews in US since the Holocaust, says Harris passed on Gov. Shapiro over his faith. Da Hill whines Trump to counter Democratic convention with swing-state blitz.  Matt Vespa Don Lemon Went to Atlantic City to Ask Voters Who They're Supporting. He Wasn't Expecting These Answers. Matt Margolis, Don Lemon Gets Trumped Hardcore Interviewing Voters in Atlantic City! From Breitbart, Trump Supporter Prevented from Entering Mets Stadium with MAGA Hat: ‘Political Discrimination’. John Ruberry at Da Tech Guy, To beat the Democrats, we must destroy the media first. WaEx, Willie Brown threatens to sue Trump for repeating helicopter accident story. Chris Rufo at CJ, Beyond Scandal, "The 2024 presidential campaign invites a sense of realism."

From Da Fetched, FBI ‘Hiding Records’ on Trump Assassination Attempt, Watchdog Group Says. "To protect its ongoing enforcement proceedings surrounding the incident, the e FBI cited FOIA exemption 7(A) after Judicial Watch sent a FOIA request on July 26th asking the FBI to produce all relevant documents concerning its coordination with the Secret Service."

From Da Caller, Alvin Bragg’s Office Leaves Door Open For Delaying Trump’s Sentencing. Capt. Ed, "Do they not care if this takes place after the election? Or are they just sure Merchan won't delay it that long? I'd bet it's the latter." Me too. Bragg trusts Merchan to "do the right thing." John Lucas at Bravo Blue wonders Did Federal Prosecutors Suborn Perjury? "Jeffrey Epstein's cellmate claims that they wanted him to incriminate Trump and the facts be damned."

John Sexton cites Chait: The Goals of Anti-Zionist Protesters Are Not Admirable. "He notes that when it comes to right-wing protests, the left (and the media) usually judges them by the single most extreme statement or act associated with them. When it comes to anti-Zionist protests they are far more forgiving. In fact, there is seemingly nothing left-wing protesters can do that will be criticized by the left. They are given a pass. As Chait puts it, "It is difficult to steer the protesters away from extreme rhetoric and counterproductive tactics if you are abiding a norm of treating them as beyond critique."" The College Fix reports Anti-Israel activists disrupt Rutgers new student orientation, brag on social media. From Ace, Shock Study: Most Displays of Antisemitism are From Islamists and Progressives, not the Much-Obsessed-Over "Far-Right", "I know you're all shocked to learn what you already knew because it's obvious as the feet at the end of your legs." From Breitbart, NYT Reporter Leaked Names of Jews in Australia Targeted by Anti-Israel Radicals.

Totally gratuitous Riley Gaines
Riley Gaines @Riley_Gaines_ "If you're scared to say "protect our daughters", then you're failing your daughters as a father." Leslie Eastman at LI, Neil deGrasse Tyson Veers Out of Lane, Crashes into Biology with Nonsense About Chromosomes "And in terms of astronomy and physics, an expert on Pluto asserts it is a planet, after Tyson helped to demote its status." Dr. Eli David@DrEliDavid, "Neil deGrasse Tyson takes pride in “communicating science”. Here he explains that XX/XY chromosomes don't determine if you are male or female, and instead, each day you can wake up and decide that “today I feel like I am female or male” This is the state of science today."

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Sydney Sweeney IS Black Cat! and FMJRA 2.0: No Relief In September up and pining for attention at The Other McCain. 

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