Friday, August 9, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Walzing Matilda!

Whee! It's windy here!

Stacy McCain on Tim Walz, Worst VP Pick Since Tom Eagleton? "Kamala Harris has been the designated Democratic candidate for barely two weeks, and she’s already screwed the pooch with her first major campaign decision, the choice of Tim Walz as her running mate. I’m sitting here with my office TV tuned to CNN, and everything right now is all about Walz’s disputed military service record." I doubt if Eagleton would have done as much damage. Matt Walsh at Da Wire, Woman Who Stole Nomination Picks Man Who Stole Valor As Running Mate. Hat Hair's Capt. Ed argues "This to me is the most salient point about the Walz stolen-valor issue. A competent vetting process, as Duane wrote earlier, would have either chosen a different candidate after discovering these issues or prepared an immediate campaign to defend the running mate. Instead, they've been caught off guard and are trying to make it up as they go along. And this is the one choice entirely within Harris' control."  Sean Trende at RC Polling, Kamala Harris' Puzzling VP Pick. PJM's VodkaPundit  thinks Tim Walz Is Bizarro JD Vance, Stephen Kruiser thinks the  GOP Should Send Kamala Harris a 'Thank You' Card for Picking Walz and Matt Margolis notes Even the Liberal Media Is Acknowledging Tim Walz's Stolen Valor

NewsMax, CNN: 'No Evidence' of Walz's Combat ClaimsBlaine Holt to Newsmax: Stolen Valor a Big Deal for Vets and Rep. Derrick Van Orden to Newsmax: Walz Should 'Plead for Forgiveness'. Hat Hair's John Sexton, Post: Walz Knew His Unit Might Be Heading to Iraq Before He Retired. Kevin Trainor (Wombat-socko) at his substack, says he's Not The Very Model Of a Modern Sergeant-Major. Ace has More Stolen Valor Garbage: Walz Began His Political Career With Blatant Lie About Having Fought in the War on Terrorism; Atlantic Reporter Won't Say If Walz Lied to Him About Being a Combat Veteran, or If He Just Made It Up to Help Out the Team. Cam Edwards at Bearing Arms finds Realtree Issues Statement On Harris/Walz Camo Hats "Realtree DOES NOT support the Harris/Walz campaign. This hat they bought through a third party that we license to. Just want to be clear here because I’ve seen comments that say we’re supporting them. Simply not true." From WUWT, Dem VP Pick Gov. Tim Walz thinks we should ‘power our Navy using algae’ – Claims ‘the Pentagon is not a bunch of green tree-huggers’ – Morano responds. Proof he's living in the fantasy world of unicorn farts. 

Seth Dillon@SethDillon "The great irony is that his own statement — which he had every right to make — is misinformative." Defiant L’s@DefiantLs "Tim Walz says free speech does not apply to misinformation." Robby Soave at Reason, Tim Walz Was Dead Wrong About Misinformation and Free Speech. "Kamala Harris' veep should learn something about the First Amendment." At Althouse, "That Tim Walz falsely believes the free speech guarantee doesn't include what he considers to be 'misinformation' or 'hate speech' will bother almost no Dem supporters, since the vast majority of them want the state to be empowered to censor dissent." "Writes Glenn Greenwald, at X, displaying this . . . " Rick Moran at PJM, Tim Walz Is 'America's Dad'? Joe Moran Could Crush Walz and Pick His Teeth With His Bones. Reason complains Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz Used COVID Relief Money on Things That Had Nothing To Do With COVID. "Minnesota used federal taxpayer dollars to cover state workers' parking costs, fund the Minnesota Zoo, and teach minority-owned businesses how to apply for government contracts." Ace, has Flashback: Tim Walz Signed a Bill Which Included Pedophilia as Part of the List of Protected Sexual Orientations "To be more precise: The old law defined sexual orientation by saying it explicitly did not include pedophilia." (Never drop the red acid.) Duane Patterson at Hat Hair reminds Democrats Vetting Isn't Just Looking For Someone Not Jewish.

At Da Caller, Kamala Harris: Momentum Or Fauxmentum? At Reason, Nate Silver: How Likely Is a Kamala Harris Presidency? Eric Abbenante@EricAbbenante, "James Carville (the last genuine Democrat) discussing how Kamala Harris' background is 'not all-American', and how she grew up affluent: "Her bio is not all-American. Both of her parents were professors at Berkeley. She doesn't have a 'up by the bootstraps' story. She grew up relatively affluent. College professors don't starve to death. Her bio is not the kind of thing she's going to win this thing on." Kamala Harris' 'up by the bootstraps' story: "So I met Willie Brown..."" VodkaPundit, Trump Just Said Out Loud What Everybody in Washington Is Afraid To "The presidency was taken away from Joe Biden." Matt Orfalea@0rf "EXCLUSIVE: In a newly discovered Zoom recording, the Biden/Harris team reveals how they manipulated voters to think Biden's mental decline was "disinformation".

Capt. Ed, The Silence of the Kams, or Where's the Beef -- And the Press? Matt Vespa at TownHall, The Reason Why Harris Refuses to Speak With the Media Is Downright Laughable. “There’s really no need,” the person said. “The voters that she needs are at the local level. They’re not reading the national press.” Benjy Sarlin@BenjySarlin "Trump is holding a presser today, we interviewed him last week and Vance yesterday and Vance is taking open press questions. Time’s just about up on Harris to avoid this becoming a thing. "Richard Goldberg@rich_goldberg, "Let's have an honest conversation about what happened last night in Michigan and what's going on right now with the @VP team's clean-up attempt. She was not on a teleprompter. She was not hiding behind a press release or a surrogate. It was Harris being confronted by a radical pro-Hamas group asking her to consider an arms embargo on Israel. When confronted with radicals in her face, she said she's open to it." RBe@RBPundit, "CNN, which is not a real news organization, found a way to admit they're not doing interviews with Harris because she's terrible at it by blaming it on Trump." Quote Maxim Lott@maximlott, "CNN's lead story ... the Trump campaign has a devious new plan ... trying to goad Harris into a trap known as a "major media interview"  Da Caller, ‘Absolutely Not’: Retired Border Patrol Chief Says Kamala Harris Never Once Spoke With Him About Border Crisis. Beege Welborn at Hat Hair is thinks it's Too Awful to Check: DNC Holding Up Pro-Israel Rally Permit? Capt. Ed presents 'Pull Off a Leg or Two': The Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Kamala Tried to Bury.

At Am Con, Why Wasn’t ‘Scranton Joe’ at the Harris-Walz Launch Rally? "The president said he would be on the trail for his replacement; Democrats seem to have other ideas." Politico acknowledges Pelosi on Biden: ‘Never been that impressed with his political operation’. "“They won the White House. Bravo. But my concern was: This ain’t happening,” the former speaker said in an interview." From the Martin Center, The Imminent Student-Loan Disaster We’re Not Talking About. "More than half of student-debtholders are not making payments. That is unsustainable." It's rational not to pay if you expect someone else to pick up the bill. From the Free Bacon, Biden-Harris Admin Said a $1B Program Would Bring Thousands of Solar Panels to Puerto Rico. Years Later, Only a Few Have Been Installed.
'We need to figure out how to move faster,' a solar industry expert said." But the money went to all the "right" (left) people. 

Jonathan Turley, The Justice Department Makes The Case Against Hunter Biden . . . and Itself in California. Capt. Ed, "I wrote about the new filing this morning. Turley's take goes in a different but very valuable direction, and raises the question as to why Hunter didn't get charged over FARA and corruption charges in the first place." Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair, No FARA Charges for Hunter. Kevin Downey smells Chum in the Water: Hunter Biden Associate to Testify That He Bribed the First Son

Cathy Salgado at PJM, Illegal Who Tried to Breach Base Was on Terror Watch List, released on bail.

Ace, Biden Says He Doesn't Think There'll Be a Peaceful Transfer of Power in January 2025; Archdemocrat Jamie Raskin Says He'll Call Out the Army to Crush MAGA Protesters After He Refuses to Certify Trump's Election. "Is it possible that these two sentiments are strongly correlated?" Dave Strom at Hat Hair VIP is scandalized that Biden/Harris Put Tulsi Gabbard on Terrorist Watch List. At Reason, The FBI Raided This Innocent Woman's House. Will She Ever Get Justice? "Thus far, the courts have barred Curtrina Martin from asking a jury for damages. She is appealing to the Supreme Court."

At Hat Hair, Beege Welborn is jubilant that Elon Scores Another Bloodless Victory for Freedom: GARM Being Disbanded. At Freep, Elon Goes to War on Big Advertising. "The X CEO sues advertisers for ‘conspiring’ to boycott his platform. He has a point. But does he have a case?" Capt. Ed comments "Well, good. Musk may not win this case, but he's going to expose a cabal of speech-police activists that may not appreciate all of the sunlight they're about to receive. And Musk may be the only person who can afford to fight this war and have the resources to do it."

Eyal Yakoby@EYakoby "The @columbia Students for Justice in Palestine has just posted that they are “fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization.” It has never been about Israel, it has always been about destroying the freedoms and liberties of the West. @columbia, you created this."

The British Crown Prosecution Services posted a message warning to “THINK BEFORE YOU POST,” telling Brits that they could be prosecuted for “posting material online which incites violence or hatred.” This comes in the aftermath of rioting after three girls were stabbed to death, and eight others injured, in Southport, about 20 miles north of Liverpool. Here’s the thing: This is all entirely the government’s fault.
The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: A Sight Not Seen For Quite Some Time up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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