Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Elon Talks to Trump, Liberals Rage

Jen O'Connell at Red State, Trump on X Taps Into a Voting Bloc That Legacy Media Doesn't Even Know Exists. Althouse, "Live conversation on 𝕏 with @realDonaldTrump & me at 8pm ET tomorrow." "This is unscripted with no limits on subject matter, so should be highly entertaining! If you have specific questions & comments, post them under the chat." Tweets Elon Musk. Mary Chastain, EU Reminds Elon Musk of Its Authoritarian Speech Rules Ahead of Trump Interview. "I bet Musk wouldn’t get a letter if he had an interview with Harris." Matt Vespa at TownHall, Here's the Unhinged Email Sent by the Harris Campaign Attacking Elon Musk's Trump Interview PJM's Stephen Kruiser says X Rated — Trump Triggers All the Right People In Interview With Musk. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.12.24, Louder With Crowder: UK police warn AMERICANS, Elon Musk: Commit thought crimes and you could be guilty of terrorism and From The Federalist, The European Commission Tries To Force Elon Musk To Censor Trump. TownHall's 'Becca Downs, Here's Why Nobody Could Get Into the Trump-Musk Space; Conversation Still Takes Place. Insty, CAN’T STOP THE SIGNAL: DDOS ATTACK ON X TO BLOCK TRUMP INTERVIEW. Elon Musk@elonmusk. "There appears to be a massive DDOS attack on 𝕏. Working on shutting it down. Worst case, we will proceed with a smaller number of live listeners and post the conversation later." I wonder if the intelligence agencies know anything about this? Althouse, Listening to the Musk/Trump conversation.... and Here's the recording of the Trump/Musk conversation?... And was it a true conversation? 

Insty, #JOURNALISM: THEY USED TO AT LEAST MAKE AN EFFORT TO HIDE WHO THEY WERE REALLY WORKING FOR.Stacy McCain at his substack, Born Lucky, is not exactly unhappy 'Censorship Voldemort,' R.I.P. "The ancient Latin adage, De mortuis nil nisi bonum (“Speak no ill of the dead”) is wise advice, but anyone who searched social media for Susan Wojcicki’s name on Saturday morning could discover how widely disregarded this advice was in her case." Althouse, "The New York Times editorial board will no longer make endorsements in New York elections, including in races for governor and mayor of New York City..." "... The Times’s Opinion editor said." Ace, UK Police Commissioner: If You Criticize Us or Call Attention to Our Two-Tier Policing System, We Will Arrest You. Even If You're Posting Online from Foreign Countries. "Fascism is the final step before revolution. He threatens to jail people for "terrorist offenses" for "provoking" people by online speech."

Matt Vespa at TownHall hears Tim Walz's Commanding Officer Took to Facebook and Absolutely Destroyed Him. Ace, Walz's Former Superior: Yes, Walz Quit Because His Unit Was Deploying to Iraq, and He Went Over My Head to Get Someone to Approve the Breaking of His Contract "More of that Stolen Valor Garbage. According to Walz's Command Sergeant Major, Walz had signed a six year contract when he re-upped in the National Guard in 2000. When he was notified that his unit would be mobilized for Iraq, he put in for retirement, despite having two years left to serve on his contract. His superior denied his request -- so Walz went up to two levels of command above to get someone to grant his quickie retirement (and breaking of his contract). Why would someone let him out of the contract?" Streif at Red State, Tim Walz Mocked National Guard Troops As '19-Year-Old Cooks' When Refusing to Deploy Them in Minneapolis, video at link. From Twitchy, The Political Demise of Tim Walz Continues, New Document Reveals He Thought Bagram Was in Iraq. Steve Hayward at Power Line, The Typical Leftist Fantasy Life of Tim Walz. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair comments, "This can be seen very easily in the constant fabulism of Joe Biden, who constantly invented heroic acts because he lacked any in his real life. Fabulism isn't limited to the Left but it seems to have a much deeper connection to it, especially in the deluge of race-incident hoaxes perpetrated to advance Leftist causes." At the Babylon Bee, Tim Walz Clarifies That He Is Not Stealing Valor, Just Redistributing It. Capt. Ed, This isn't even satire any more ... but it's still hilarious. Mary Chastain at LI has a FLASHBACK: Walz Claimed BLM Riots Happen When Society Doesn’t Put ‘Equity and Inclusion at the Center’ "It’s never the fault of the rioters." From Fox, Former White House economist warns of Walz's 'disturbing' policies: 'Avowed socialist'. "Walz's Minnesota is headed for a Venezuela-like disaster, Kevin Hassett warned." At Alpha News, GOP leaders: ‘We warned Gov. Walz’ signing ‘jumbo omnibus’ bill was unconstitutional. Da Blaze thinks Republicans just dodged a killer ray-gun blast when Kamala picked Walz over Kelly.  

Stacy McCain rhetorically wonders Why Do Republicans Hate ‘Joy’? "One of the most familiar (and most annoying) games played by what Andrew Breitbart dubbed the Democrat-Media Complex is to engage in some kind of deliberate provocation, then to react with feigned shock and outrage when Republicans react to the aforesaid provocation. Republicans “pounce” or “seize” or “attack,” the headlines tell us, intending to shift our gaze away from whatever it is that Democrats have said or done, and toward the (allegedly unjustified) Republican reaction." At Spiked, Kamala Harris and the tyranny of vibes. "Harris and her online acolytes are the weirdest people in politics." From Da Caller, Harris Campaign Says Kamala Has Changed, But Will She Bring California’s Climate Agenda To The White House?, Kamala Harris Suddenly Knows How To ‘Fix’ The Border Crisis. One Retired Border Patrol Chief Isn’t Buying It and ’She Has No ideas’: Trump Calls Out Kamala Harris For ‘Copying’ Key Campaign Promise. From the Chicago Boyz, No, They Don’t Really Believe in ‘Equality’. At Hat Hair, Capt. Ed reads the Slantic: Golly, Why Are Kamala's Politics So Hard to Pin Down?, Bill Whittle explains How to Beat Kamala Harris, and Jazz Shaw hears Harris Considering Arms Embargo Against Israel. TNP has a list of 6 Key Indicators Expose The Kamala-Walz Campaign as Fake, Phony, and Fraudulent. From Da Wire, Before Kamala Stole Trump’s ‘No Tax On Tips’ Proposal, She Empowered IRS To Crack Down On Tips. Insty, MY NEW YORK POST COLUMN: You can tell it’s a working-class election by Harris and Walz’s dishonesty and lies. YouTube, Trump Plays Viral Gaffe Supercut Of Kamala Harris On The Jumbotron At Montana Campaign Rally. Lincoln Brown at PJM is amused when A 'Conservative' Columnist Endorses Harris, David French.The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee snarks "David French Says To Save Masculinity, He Will Now Transition To Female https://buff.ly/3WZyc2m."

A veritable feast from the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.12.24, EBL, Cowardly Tim Walz, JD Vance does interviews while Kamala Harris and Tim Walz flee from them, and Kamala Harris Campaign Requires IDs to Attend Her Rally, Twitchy: Drew Holden Compiles List Of Media Spinning The “Swift Boating” Of Tim Walz, Politifact Tries To Set J.D. Vance Straight On Tim Walz’ Retirement, Louder With Crowder, Not weird Kamala fan describes reason for voting: “I’m a trans man and gay and have been pregnant”, Special K claims Biden “absolutely” backs no tax on tips, forgets him sending the IRS after tipped workers, and JD Vance COOKED fake news journalismers all Sunday morning and it’s glorious to watch, American Greatness: Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and Strategic Politicians, Kamala’s Abuse of Staff Exemplifies Leftist Culture, Theater of the Absurd, Harris-Walz Edition, Baldilocks: Who’s In Command?, Gates Of Vienna, Kamala Stomps Her Little Foot — ‘Don’t Call It Radical Islamic Terrorism’, Legal Insurrection: New York City: Orthodox Jewish Man Stabbed on Street by Assailant Yelling “Free Palestine”, “Why Aren’t White Students Invited?”, Biden on Dropping Out: Many House, Senate Democrats ‘Thought I was Gonna Hurt Them in Their Races’, Teacher Unions That Supported Covid Lockdowns Are Big Fans of Harris Running Mate Tim Walz, and New President of the American Assn. of University Professors Calls J.D. Vance a ‘Fascist’, Michele Catalano: the week in joy. Victory Girls: The Baby Parts Selling Scandal Kamala Wants You to Forget, Pelosi Sinks Her Fangs Into Biden’s Dead Presidency, and Can Kamala Skate Through Avoiding The Media Until November?, Watts Up With That, The True Cost of Biden’s Bet on BEVs, and Energy should play key role in 2024 Pennsylvania (and US) elections, and The Federalist: ‘Unlawful Electioneering’: Wisconsin City Clerk Accused Of Posting News Clip In Voting Booths, Republicans Ask SCOTUS To Greenlight Arizona’s Proof Of Citizenship Requirement For Voter Registration, Police Audio Reveals Urgent Response To Biden’s Medical Event In Las Vegas, Washington Created The Doctor Shortage And Can’t Fix It, The Conservative Case For Sauron, and Don’t Let The Camo Hat Distract You From Tim Walz’s Radical Record.

Richard Hanania@RichardHanania has a "Graphic showing how Trump, Vance, Harris, and Tim Walz have spend their adult lives. Striking that the Democratic ticket has literally no private sector experience." Political News Items shares Polls In One Place. Hint, it's a tie, now. Hat Hair's Dave Strom thinks The Establishment Are Fighting Like Cornered Rats. Well, they are. Democrats make a truly historic discovery, from Twitchy, BREAKING: Donald Trump Flew in Plane Once Owned by Jeffrey Epstein.

Ace is on fire, Tulsi Gabbard Will Sue the Biden-Harris Administration for Designating Her a Domestic Terrorist (for Criticizing Kamala Harris), Catherine Herridge: Biden-Harris Administration Retalliated Against Whistleblowers Who Reported The Government Was Deliberately Not Taking DNA Samples from Illegal Aliens and Trump to Sue DOJ for $100 Million Over Politically-Motivated Mar-a-Lago Raid, "Before getting to the article, Happy Monday. As always with corrupt organizations -- discovery should be a blast. And if they destroy records and emails, even better. If Trump gets elected he can prosecute them and put them in prison." At the Free Bacon, How Many Laws Did You Break Today? "REVIEW: ‘Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law’ by Neil Gorsuch and Janie Nitze" Jazz Shaw thinks this might be The Worst J6 Sentencing Yet? Twenty years, "Earlier this year, seven people were arrested for attacking and injuring two NYPD officers in Manhattan. All of them were released without bail while awaiting trial and DA Alvin Bragg is reportedly seeking sentences of two to three years."

Althouse, "Flailing about for relevance since the legalization of same-sex marriage, many gay-rights groups pivoted to a related but fundamentally different cause..."
"... transgender rights. Rather than emulate the movement’s past approach—seeking allies across the political spectrum and accepting compromise as a precondition for legal and social progress—they have taken hard-line left-wing positions. LGBTQ groups repeat the mantra 'the science is settled' on the extremely complex and fraught subject of youth gender medicine and insist that anyone who questions the provision of puberty blockers to gender-dysphoric children is transphobic.... Meanwhile, LGBTQ organizations have slowly been erasing the people whose interests they were established to advance. Less and less do they even use the words gay and lesbian to describe their ostensible constituencies; more and more, they use queer, a historically pejorative term reclaimed by left-wing ideologues...."

Writes James Kirchick, in "How the Gay-Rights Movement Lost Its Way/What should activist groups such as GLAAD do after they fulfill their goals?" (The Atlantic).

NYPo is outraged  Belgium bans Jews from sporting events like it was World War II

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: It Could Have Been Worse up at The Other McCain.

1 comment:

  1. react with feigned shock and outrage when Republicans react to the aforesaid provocation.

    Which is just a slightly different conjugation of
    When the story is About Republicans, that's the story
    When the story is about democrats, the story is about how Republicans are responding.
