Friday, August 30, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Kamala Speaks, Do You Want Fries With That?

Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, Too Bad to Check: CNN's Big Kamala-Walz Interview Will Be ... 18 Minutes? "Well, so much for substance!" Jason Miller@JasonMillerinDC "Hearing that @CNN will NOT be releasing the full transcript of all 18-minutes (total) of the interview with Kamala Harris and Human Blocking Dummy Coach Walz. What’s being cut out???" From Breitbart ‘Will CNN Edit out Kamala’s Flubs?’ — Harris Ripped for Scheduling Pre-Taped First InterviewDavid Sacks@DavidSacks, "Kamala Harris’ only job in the interview is not to embarrass herself. Dana Bash’s job is to pitch softballs so she doesn’t embarrass herself. Tim Walz’s job is to jump in and save her if it looks like she will embarrass herself. Kamala Harris will still embarrass herself." Cutie Pavlich at TownHall, The First Quote From Kamala's CNN Interview Is Here. ""My values have not changed," Harris said when asked about her far-left policy positions from the 2020 presidential election cycle." PJM's Matt Margolis thinks Kamala's First 'Interview' Was the Dumpster Fire You Expected It Would Be. Jen Van Laar at RedState sees Kamala Harris Lets Her Radical Freak Flag Fly in CNN Interview. At NewsMax, Harris Explains Flip-Flopping: 'Values Have Not Changed'. NYPo, Kamala Harris shows true lefty colors in CNN interview, admits her ‘values have not changed’ despite major policy flip-flops.  Althouse, "Harris explains in exclusive CNN interview why she’s shifted her position on key issues since her first run for president." "CNN teases, in advance of its airing of the edited, prerecorded interview." Hat Hair's Beege Welborn says To Be Clear: Kamala's CNN Campaign Couples Conversation Kabuki Is Not Craven Cowardice. Matt Vespa at TownHall, Did You Miss These Two Things About Kamala Harris' Disastrous Interview on CNN?.  "Portions of the transcript showed host Dana Bash answering the questions for Harris, along with word salads that provide her camp’s reasoning behind keeping the VP in the bunker." Taxing unrealized gains, "Harris says she has no regrets about lying to voters about Biden’s fitness to serve. "No, not at all."" At CTH Sundance  want you to Check Picture of Dana Bash Interviewing Kamala Harris (her cheat sheet), and President Trump Notes Kamala Cannot Risk Live Interview Ahead of CNN Broadcast Tonight, “She’s Not Very Smart”… Bob Hoge at RedState, HOT TAKES: Internet Reacts to Weird Staging of Kamala's CNN Interview and Hulking Tim Walz.  Insty takes on #JOURNALISMKimberly Klacik@kimKBaltimore, "Kamala is clearly reading notes for many questions from @DanaBashCNN. Why is this important? She had the questions prior to this interview, crafted notes with staff/experts, and is still struggling. This is hard to watch. Wow. #KamalaAndTim Capt. Ed clears his tabs with Thursday's Final Word

Stacy McCain wonders, rhetorically, Why Would Kamala Harris Lie About Working at McDonald’s Circa 1983? "Other than the fact that she lies about everything . . ." Capt. Ed, You Deserve a Fake Today: Did Kamala Lie About McDonald's? 'Bonchie' at RedState, It Sure Looks Like Kamala Harris Made Up Her Hard Knock Tale of Working at McDonald's. The Free Bacon, ‘I Did Fries’: Kamala Harris Claims She Worked at McDonald's, but She Never Mentioned It Until She Ran for President. Did She Really Toil Beneath the Golden Arches? "Harris's résumé a year after she graduated college makes no mention of McDonald's." Matt Walsh@MattWalshBlog, "This is like stolen valor but with fast food."

VodkaPundit at PJM, Kamala Harris Goes Full MAGA, Endorses This Signature Trump Policy. "You'd think I've got to be making this one up, but no: Harris flip-flops on building the border wall." Fash@gopfashionista, "Thank you #KamalaHarris for endorsing all of @realDonaldTrump’s policies. Welcome to #MAGA, girl!" Ace, JD Vance Hits Kamala Harris for Stealing Trump's Policies, "This is the wrong line of attack. Completely, utterly wrong. If you say she's stealing Trump's policies, that mean she is going to implement the policies people want. Which is much more important to them than squabbling about who gets credit." Yep, She's lying. Once she get in office it will be back to flying the liberal freak flag. From Da Signal, Is Kamala Harris Lying About Backing EV Mandates? Almost certainly. Although reality will force them to push the mandate back into the indefinite future. 

Paul Bedard at WaEx, White House Report Card: Biden, Harris hiding instead of building ‘Big Mo’. At NewsBusters, Kamala Scrubs Berkeley and Canada Out of Her Life Story. NewsMax claims Harris Inflated Prosecutorial Record in 2003 Campaign. Twitchy, Kamala Harris Says Trump Has Called for the Termination of 'The Supreme Land of Our Nation'. Chardonnay is a hell of a drug. From the Free Bacon, Kamala Harris's New Arab Outreach Director Said 'Zionists' Are 'Controlling' American Politics. "Brenda Abdelall comments came at a convention featuring prominent anti-Semite Cynthia McKinney." Anxious anxiously reports from Inside the tension in Harris' "Frankenstein" team. Ace, Kamala Harris Posts Fake, AI-Generated Letter from "Tucker" Praising Her Efforts on Common-Sense Gun Control;
The "Disinformation Expert" Media Allows Her to Lie With Impunity
. "Must be nice to have carte blanche to post whatever election-interference lies you like. Must be nice." Tom Knighton at Bearing Arms sees Tucker Fire Back Over AI-Generated Anti-Gun Letter to Kamala Harris with his own AI fake; it's hysterical. Stella Morabito at Da Fed thinks ‘Joy’ Rhetoric Is An Orwellian Attempt To Hide Democrats’ Hatred. "The formula always seems to be two parts deflection, five parts hypnosis, and ten parts deception. The Democrat machine has not yet come out openly to declare that “hate is love,” but they might as well." John Sexton at Hat Hair cites McWhorter: Joy is a Euphemism for Black, "I've argued before that I think the whole "joy" thing was cooked up by Harris' handlers as a way to recontextualize her worst tic as a candidate, i.e. her habit of bursting into hysterics when she is losing her audience's attention. I still think that's likely the truth of it, but Blake's take adds a very DiAngelo-esque spin on that effort. By framing this as "black joy" and a revolutionary act, he frames anyone who dares to criticizes Harris' cackling as a bunch of racist white folks." VodkaPundit is Revisiting the 'Kamala Harris as Sacrificial Lamb' Theory "If they are putting on a show right now and hoping to usher Ms. Harris off the stage quickly, it would indicate they're back on their game." Sundance notes Mark Halprin Has a Pragmatic Warning for Kamala Harris Supporters “I’m warning those of you who want Trump to lose that by the middle of next month, there’s a real possibility, based on what I’ve seen in terms of public and private data … that Kamala Harris could be where Joe Biden was,” says Mark Halperin. “Only one electoral college path and not a particularly strong hold on it.” Matt Walsh@MattWalshBlog, "What we’ve learned from Biden’s tenure is that apparently it’s an option to just not have a president. We’d always imagined that the presidency is a rather essential job. I guess not. We can go 4 years without one. Maybe that should be an option on the ballot in future elections."

Joy Pullman at Da Fed claims that Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians From Teaching In Public Schools. Althouse, "The room erupted when Harris and Walz walked in, and the band played the school fight song with football players and cheerleaders in the back of the room." "Why does a public school herd its students into campaign events — replete with student musicians repurposing the school's fight song to support a political candidate? It's compulsory schooling and compulsory participation in politics. The purpose is openly political." Benny Johnson@bennyjohnson "DANA: "You had said that you and your wife used IVF but it turned out you used a different kind of fertility in order to have children." WALZ: "I certainly own my mistakes when I make em.. I think people know who I am." Benny Johnson@bennyjohnson, "DANA: "You said you carried weapons in war but you have never deployed actually in a war zone." WALZ: "The one thing I'm never going to do is.. I'll never demean another member's service." WOW."

Ace, Video Shows Illegal Alien Venezuelan Sex-Trafficking Gangs in Aurora, Colorado All Armed With "Assault Rifles," Taking Over an Apartment Building (and Reportedly, Then Demanding "Rent" from People Lawfully Living There). "I say "assault rifles" because that's what the media would call them if the weapons were carried by people who "look Republican." Is this America?" Sundance, Colorado Mayor Admits Police Have Lost Control of Part of Community to Venezuelan Illegal Migrant Gang “Tren de Aragua”. NYPo, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis dismisses migrant gang takeover of apartments as ‘imagination’ — despite video, mayor confirming truth. Da Blaze, Massachusetts staying mum about $1 billion in 'secret' spending for illegal aliens, state GOP alleges

At Reason, SCOTUS Keeps Block on Biden's Student Debt Forgiveness Program, "The ruling marks yet another defeat for Biden's loan forgiveness agenda." Matt Vespa sees Harris' Economic Adviser Got Taken to the Cleaners on CNBC Over Unrealized Capital Gains Proposal. Hat Hair excerpts WSJ, Blue-Collar Wage Deflation Is Here, and Capt. Ed comments "We can thank Bidenomics for this. We experienced some level of wage-price cycling during the two-plus years of high inflation. Now that the jobs market has cooled off, those wage hikes will get rolled back ... but the price hikes will still remain." Beege Welborn issues a  'We Did It, Joe' Update: Dollar General's Earnings Crash, Record Drop in Sales. And it's not because it's customers are going to fancier stores. "But in the era of Kamala and the ongoing carnage of #Bidenomics, they're apparently not doing as much business, even at their minimal price point. And the company is quite clear why. Inflationary pressures are eating their customers alive."

Mark Tapscott at Insty, on the MISSING BOUNCE: "Vice-President Kamala Harris was supposed to get a big bounce in the polls as a result of the DNC Lovefest in Chicago. The Issues & Insights guys say they are having a hard time finding that bounce." Matt Margolis thinks The Left Is Going to Freak Out Over Nate Silver's Latest Election Model. Hat Hair reframes Nate Silver, Don't Look Now, but Trump's Back to Being the Favorite. Capt. Ed, "The betting markets shifted slightly in Trump's direction today too, but Harris still has a very narrow lead there. Silver sees a convention bounce, but thinks it will evaporate soon. In the Pinpoint Policy battleground polls Silver links (the other is Emerson, which I covered this morning), Trump leads Harris head-to-head in both PA (47/46) and in Michigan (48/46)." Sarah Arnold at TownHall, Trump Takes the Lead While Harris Can't Answer a Simple Interview Question. At NewsMax, Trump: All IVF Costs Will Be Covered; We Want More Babies. I don't like subsidies, but I agree with the sentiment. We spend lots more on lots worse. 

Chicago Trib, Trump campaign was warned not to take photos at Arlington before altercation, defense official says. Just ignore all those old videos of Barack and Joe weepy eyed at Arlington. Ace, Deep State #Resistance Stars Another Fake News Operation Against Trump, This Time Filing a Complaint Claiming It's Illegal for a Former President to Visit Arlington National Ceremony at Fallen Soldiers' Families' Request

Sundance at CTH, RFK Jr States 57% of His Supporters Were Pulling Votes from President Trump – Video Recorded 8/23/24. Battleswarn, Bret Weinstein Calls The Democratic Party “An Existential Threat To The Republic”. Capt. Ed, NYT: Don't Look Now, But Here Comes Elon. To be fair, they have George Soros and clan. 

At Da Fed, the Unsinkable Mollie Hemingway sees J.D. Vance’s D.C. Suburb Is Only ‘Hate-Free’ If You Agree With Democrat Authoritarians. Twitchy, Mollie Hemingway NUKES Hateful Suburban Lefty White Women Trying to Terrorize JD Vance and His Family. At Da Wire, Former Dem Politician Found Guilty Of Murdering Longtime Vegas Reporter. "After three days of deliberation, the jury returned a guilty verdict in the trial of 47-year-old Robert Telles, who is now convicted of stabbing German to death after the reporter wrote about scandals within Telles’ office before he lost a primary election in June 2022, CNN reported."

Chicago Trib, Gunman in Trump assassination attempt saw rally as ‘target of opportunity,’ FBI official says. Sundance is skeptical, FBI Says Trump Attempted Assassin Acted Alone and There’s No Motive Behind “Why”. "How about just accepting, the friggin’ guy was trying to kill President Donald Trump!  This is not a super challenging motive to identify."

Spiked sees The ‘Get Trump’ show returns for another season. "The new charges against the former president are as specious and partisan as we’ve come to expect." CA Skeet at PJM explains why Alexander Vindman Represents Everything That's Wrong With Our Officer Class. "Unfortunately, when it comes to our military's officer class, I fear Vindman is merely an ugly symptom of a deeper foundational rot. His gleeful participation in the Trump impeachment sham introduced us not to a selfless patriot courageously playing the part of a whistleblower but rather to a narcissistic mid-level bureaucrat who felt that he himself, rather than the commander-in-chief to whom he swore an oath, should dictate foreign policy."

Althouse,  "Mr. Zuckerberg isn't denying that the government caused some of Meta's censorship decisions. The letter is too carefully drafted..." "... to say something so obviously untrue.... Mr. Zuckerberg's phrasing... avoids any overt concession that the efforts to influence the company actually caused Meta to suppress speech. ... Writes Philip Hamburger, in "The ‘Tell’ in Zuckerberg’s Letter to Congress/He neither admits nor denies that Meta bowed to government censorship pressure" (Wall Street Journal)." Matt Taibbi at Racket, Activism, Uncensored: At DNC Protests, the Unseen Flip Side of Joy. "In Chicago last week, Democrats reversed the legacy of 1968 by smothering protest and restoring the smoke-filled room. This time, the whole world wasn't watching - it couldn't." Capt. Ed, "Had Republicans pulled this kind of switcheroo without a single vote being cast, the Protection Racket Media would still be howling about it as an "attack on democracy." Instead, the same media are obsessing over "Joy" and "vibes." Matt hits the nail on the head here." TNP, MSNBC Host Locks X Account After Humiliating Exchange With Corey Lewandowski. From Reason, These Democrats Want the FEC To Crack Down on Elon Musk's Grok "Seven congressional Democrats called on the FEC to stop deepfakes. But is there really much to worry about?" They're looking for an excuse to jail Elon Musk. 

At the College Fix, International ‘equity’ scholars can’t define ‘gender’ after 5 years of research, "International scholars concluded a five-year “equity” project by determining the concept of “gender” cannot be defined but should be incorporated into all aspects of scientific research nonetheless." The more they talk and write, the more confusing the concept gets. That's by design. Campus Reform U of Wisconsin offers LGBT courses on ‘Queering Ecofeminism’ and ‘performance activism’. Easy As. At Hat Hair, Reporter Gets More Than He Bargained for After Asking DeSantis About the 'Trans Care Ban.'  "DESANTIS: "It is the MUTILATION OF MINORS that's harming people! It is WRONG to do this!""

Tax Prof opines California Law Schools Must Encourage Viewpoint Diversity. Good luck with that.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: A Token of My Extreme up on time and under budget at the Other McCain.

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