Monday, August 19, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Amerika's Wine Mom Speaks

 From the Free Bacon, WATCH: Veep Thoughts With Kamala Harris (Vol. 18). Hat Hair, Your 'Kamala Just Unburdened Herself Again' Word Salad of the DayCollin Rugg@CollinRugg:

Matt Vespa at TownHall, Harris Went on the Stump Without a Teleprompter...and Disaster Ensued. Bob Spencer at PJM, In Pennsylvania, Harris Gears Up for the Convention by Tossing an Ominous New Word Salad. Nick Arama at RedState, Kamala's Gobbledygook Answer About Paying for Her Spending Shows Exactly Why They Don't Let Her Talk.  From Twitchy, WATCH: Kamala FINALLY Answers Questions From the Media and It Goes As Well As You'd Expect. At RCP, Steve Cortes Food Costs and Price Controls: Kamala’s Bread Lines Ahead? From Althouse, Are we still talking about "price gouging"? "From "Dems defend Harris’ economic policy but don’t go all in on price-gouging/Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear was alone in discussing the particulars of a policy designed to stop price gouging" (Politico)." and What does "Heavy on Buzz" even mean? "I'm trying to read Reid J. Epstein, in "Harris’s Early Campaign: Heavy on Buzz, Light on Policy/On policy, the vice president is drafting off President Biden, essentially cherry-picking the most popular parts of his agenda and betting that a younger messenger can sell them to Americans" (NYT)." Buzz = Bullshit. Twitchy Thanks to Kamunism, a Whole Bunch of Women Are About to Vote Themselves Out of the Job Market. Jeff Charles at RedState, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Tried to Defend Kamala Harris’ Policy Stances - It Was an Utter Train Wreck. NewsMax, Harris in Campaign Dash Before Protest-Shadowed Convention. PJM's Matt Margolis, Another Humiliating Rally for Kamala Harris, partially filling whole gymnasiums! But it really doesn't matter. It depends on how the votes in Philadelphia get counted. Keri Smith cited at Hat Hair, 'Grampa - What's a 'Psyop'?' Adam Turner at RedState, The Campaign of 'Joy' Is Over; Now We Have the Campaign of Events, My Dear Boy, Events. From WokeSpy, Kamala Harris Campaign Manager Admits She Can’t Win "“I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” said DeCerce, who also wants us to know he uses he/him pronouns. “She doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of.” “She’s weirdly unpopular” DeCerce said, while clarifying that he likes Harris. But despite that, he doesn’t think Harris can beat Trump. “I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” he said. But of course, DeCerce blames that on “a bunch of racist, sexist, bulls***,” as bigotry is the monocausal explanation for all criticism of the left according to them." The Victory Girls would like to introduce you to Ella Emhoff, Kamala’s Ketamine-Pushing Stepdaughter. Meh. NewsBusters, Daily Show Gives Thanks Harris, Not Haley, May Be First Woman President.

Shooting News has Politics as Usual: Tim Walz is a Gun Control Opportunist. From AlphaNews, Man who says he accompanied Walz on trip to China calls VP candidate ‘Maoist to the core’ “It was almost a daily revelation of how much he adores the communist regime.” Stephen Miller@StephenM, "Walz: no one who grows up poor and forgotten is allowed to pursue their dreams." Quote Dustin Grage@GrageDustin "Governor Tim Walz on JD Vance going to Yale University: “None of my Hillbilly cousins went to Yale, or went on to become venture capitals, that’s not who people really are.”" At Am Think, J.B. Shurk thinks Harris/Walz are Mostly Peaceful, mostly. "Call me crazy, but I don’t think politicians who fail to protect cities should be put in charge of protecting nations." NYPo predicts If Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win, expect our military to be woke — and weak. From Insty, A NEW TYPE OF MASCULINITY, SOARING LIKE A BLUE FALCON ABOVE THE OLD: "On “Positive Masculinity:” Does Tim Walz represent a new “enlightened archetype” of men? “No man with a spine would go near the term ‘positive masculinity,’ since it implies there’s something wrong with masculinity. A woman who agreed to bask in cheers of men calling her an example of ‘positive femininity’ would rightly be viewed as pitiable if not an outright traitor to her sex by other women. . . . Also they’ll say anything to manipulate their core single white female constituency."

At the Free Bacon, Harris Thanks Biden for His Service Amid Reports She's Plotting to Disown Him. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw wonders Would the Democrats Dare to Invoke the 25th Anyway? They'd do it in a heartbeat if they thought they could get 1% more of the vote. Norms. "The reason Ward says that it "may not be necessary" to invoke the 25th Amendment is that Joe Biden still has it within his power to remove the need for it. He could show up at the convention in Chicago this week, stand up behind the microphone and say, "That's it. I quit. I'm going home to Delaware." Why would he do that? Because, as Ward points out, he's always been a petty, vindictive man." Althouse, "Republicans said there is 'overwhelming evidence' that Biden participated in a 'conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family.'" "Interesting timing: Biden is scheduled to give the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention tonight, opening night," and "Becoming chief sausage-maker for President Obama.... Plotting a 2016 presidential run, only to be discouraged by Obama.... Running as a moderate, but governing as a progressive.... Signs of slipping concerned allies.... A legacy now tied to his own vice president’s candidacy...." Those are the "Six Takeaways From the Magazine’s Profile of Joe Biden/His decision to quit the race ended a remarkable chapter in American political history — and started one that may yet define his legacy" (NYT)." At Insty, EXCITEMENT ON THE WAY? toddstarnes@toddstarnes, "JUST IN: It was just announced that Michelle Obama will speak at the DNC. Buckle up. #coup #DNC2024"

A game changer if true, from zerohedge@zerohedge  
Stacy McCain sees Hurricane-Force Media Hype. "CNN (I watch, so you don’t have to) is still hyping polls that show Kamala Harris leading Donald Trump on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and, if all you knew about the election is what you get from the “mainstream” media, you would believe she’s cruising to certain victory. Alan Bauer at TownHall,  The Democrats Are Gifting Donald Trump the White House. "In my first track race in high school, I ran a 220 yard sprint. After 110 yards, I was in first place, all by myself. The basic problem was that there were still 110 yards to go, during which I saw the back of every jersey for the seven guys who passed me."  A flurry from NewsMax, ABC Poll: Harris Takes Slight National Lead Into DNC, Trump: I Look Forward to Harris DebateDick Morris to Newsmax: Trump Will 'Massacre' Harris in First DebateTrump: Kamala Has Gone 'Full Communist', Trump: 'We Will Make America Affordable Again' and Trump: Dems 'Should Reimburse Me' for $100 Million Spent Fighting Biden, that was part of their strategy. Jazz Shaw worries about Trump's 'Comrade Kamala' Attack. Accurate, But Too Far? The Great Victor Davis Hanson at NYPo explains How a demonized Trump came back from 2020 ruin to become 2024 nominee. "The American people increasingly compared the Biden three-year disaster with Trump’s record as he left office: no wars, a secure border and legal only immigration, low inflation, low interest rates, and low unemployment." Nick Arama, Joe Rogan Drops Eye-Opening Flashback Footage of Trump on 'The View' The loved him before he challenged Hillary. Jazz Shaw, Willie Brown's Feelings are Hurt. "In a season chock full of dumb political stories, this one may turn out to be a contender for taking the cake."

John Hudson cited at Hat Hair, Already Voting for JD - WaPo Didn't Have to SELL Him to Me. John Hudson@John_Hudson, "SCOOP: Leaked document shows J.D. Vance’s effort to rid ‘wokeness’ from U.S. foreign policy The Ohio senator froze dozens of ambassador nominations over issues like gender transition care and diversity hiring in a “anti-woke” questionnaire obtained by The Post."

From Insty, YES, BUT DEMOCRATS REPRODUCE VIA INDOCTRINATION IN THE EDUCATION SYSTEM: Edward Dowd@DowdEdward, "Don’t interrupt your opponent when they are working hard on their own demographic decline! They should set up a mRNA Covid mobile “vaccine” unit for the trifecta!" Quote Robert W Malone, MD@RWMaloneMD "It’s almost DNC day! In preparation, the convention has set up abortion and vasectomy mobile units and even has… a giant IUD on display! (Not a meme folks - this is for real, as reported by the NY Post)."

Logan Washburn at Da Fed reports  Feds Are Helping Register Alabama Prisoners To Vote, via a liberal NGO.

wretchardthecat@wretchardthecat, "USSS chief Cheatle presided over the greatest collapse in institutional reputation since the Russian VDV got clobbered in the opening days of the Ukraine war."

Hat Hair issues a Why For Alert: Johns Hopkins to Return to Standardized Testing Requirements for Admission

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