Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - The Kamala Krash, It's Walz

There are two new stories claiming my attention. First, following a lousy jobs report and speculation about a US recession, the news ricocheted around the world and set off a stock market crash on Monday. Second, Kamala Harris, or her handlers (If they selected her, why would they leave the VP choice to her?) passed over Pennsylvania's Josh Shapiro in favor of Tim Walz, apparently preferring to secure Minnesota's Muslim vote, and trust the Philly fraud machine to take care of the other. Stacy McCain, They’re Calling It the ‘Kamala Crash,’ "It’s being called the “Kamala crash” because one of the things that may have triggered the sell-off was that investors believe there is an increased likelihood of Kamala Harris becoming the next president. To help explain what’s going on here, look at these charts . . ." William Strook Books, The Market's About to Crash and WWIII is About to Begin, "Happy Monday, all hell is breaking lose! But we write on." Da Mail, Huge $6.4 trillion global stock market meltdown could be just the start, traders fear. ET, Dow Jones Plunges 1,000 Points Amid Global Market Selloff. TheBlaze@theblaze, "Biden last week: “I cured the economy.” Joe Cunningham at RedState, Kamala Harris Said 'Bidenomics Is Working' in 2023. Republicans Shouldn't Let Voters Forget It. Twitchy, Did NOT Age Well! Kamala HQ Dragged SPECTACULARLY for Tweet Mocking Trump's Stock Market Crash Prediction and, via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.05.24,  WORD SALAD: As Our Savings Crash, at Least Twitter Had Some Fun With #KamalaExplainsTheStockMarket. TheMorningSpew2 @TheMorningSpew2, "#Kamala Explains The StockMarket. The Stock Market is like a store that sells numbers. Big numbers and little numbers. You buy things in a store but in the Stock Market, you can sell numbers, too. The prices in those stores go up and down. Abortion." Matt Vespa at TownHall, Biden-Harris Tweeted Something About Trump That's Come Back to Wreck Them Today.  Insty, BIDENOMICS IS WORKING! The Babylon Bee@ TheBabylonBee, "Historic: Kamala Harris Becomes First Black Woman To Destroy World Economy https://buff.ly/3WxH9i7," Ace, America Is Back, Baby!: World Exchanges Melt Down on Slowing US Economy, "Happy New Week!" Chris Datoc at WaEx, Biden economic aide leaves White House for Harris campaign, my job here is done! NewsMax, Trump Blames Biden, Harris for Market Losses. At OTP, Goldman Sachs Raise Risk Of US Recession To 25%, Sees 50-Point Rate Cut. Mickey Kaus@kausmickey "So why does everybody now think the Fed made a mistake?" Quote David Kurapka@DKurapka "Replying to @kausmickey It's a lagging indicator. They are looking at forward indicators, and presumably have a good sense of where the jobs market is going and don't need the employment # to confirm where it's been." Insty, TODAY IN TEAM BRANDON’S ATTEMPT AT STRAY VOLTAGE: "Shot: Dow tumbles 1,000 points, S&P 500 posts worst day since 2022 in global market sell-off: Live updates. Chaser: Biden administration will ban federal government using plastic cutlery to combat climate change.|

Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, BREAKING: Kamala Snubs Shapiro, Picks Walz "According to CNN, Kamala Harris has chosen as a running mate ... the man who let Minneapolis burn for days before finally tasking the National Guard to take control. Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, will join Harris on the campaign trail later today:" Matt Vespa at TownHall, BREAKING: The 2024 Democrat Ticket Is Complete, And It's the Most Extreme in History. Joe Cunningham at RedState, After a Week of Speculation, Kamala Harris Selects Her Running Mate. Dr. Eli David@DrEliDavid "Kamala's top VP candidate apologizes for his pro-Israel comments from thirty years ago." As @elonmusk said: “The Democratic Party has rapidly become openly antisemitic.” And he didn't even get the nod! Tim Graham@TimJGraham, "Let's guess the Democrats don't really want a convention story line of "pro-Palestinian protesters angry." Quote Curtis Houck@CurtisHouck "ABC's Selina Wang describes opposition to Kamala Harris picking Josh Shapiro as her running mate as "concern" by "Arab Americans" because of "his views". Unreal. Come on, Selina. Just say it. It's because he's Jewish."

Via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.05.24, EBL wonders Where’s Kamala?  and Louder With Crowder: , A Black barbershop doesn’t doesn’t like Kamala Harris, so CNN’s white host goes on the attack. American Greatness: Kamala Harris and the Masque of Magical Thinking, The Most Effective Way to Brand KamalaBlack Conservative CEO: Kamala’s Statement on Reparations Shows She is the ‘New Poster Child for Socialism’, and Kamala Can’t Win, American Thinker: Kamala Harris and the Great Democrat Cheat, The Lid: Here are the Never Trump Traitors Who Joined ‘Republicans for Harris’ This Ain’t Hell, Kamala HQ mocked Donald Trump for predicting market crash under Joe Biden.The Federalist: Local Democrats Urge Georgia To Return To Hand-Marked Ballots, Echoing Conservatives’ Concerns, Media Are Waging An All-Out War On J.D. Vance Because Of His Pro-Family PoliciesKamala Harris Always Planned To Take Away Your Health Coverage and Legal Insurrection  With the World in Complete Chaos, Biden Focuses on Single-Use Utensil Ban, Biden-Harris Admin Released at Least 99 Potential Terrorists.

At Fox, 16 Days: Kamala Harris has not held a press conference since emerging as presumptive Democratic nominee. "Critics feel Harris is copying President Biden’s 2020 playbook." From the Free Bacon, Kamala Harris Avoiding Press Even More Than Biden Did in 2020 ‘Basement Campaign’, "Harris's media shyness comes as she has flip-flopped on several key issues," and Kamala Harris Wants a Reparations Commission Like California's, Which Called To Decriminalize Public Urination. Scott Johnson at Power Line on Harris’s basement campaign "Harris’s public policy views cannot withstand scrutiny. Although they have essentially reflect the orthodoxy of the Democratic Party, they are stupid and unpopular. Rich Lowry’s column “Kam’s sociopathic lies” demonstrates how she camouflages them in scripted settings. Her nascent campaign doesn’t seem to have an answer ready to hand. Thus the basement campaign." Tim Carney at WaEx thinks she's Unburdened by what has been? Harris hasn’t renounced a single radical position. At Ace's THE MORNING RANT: Kamala and Fracking - Can She Successfully Pull Off The “Trust Me, I’m Lying” Gambit? Rick Moran at PJM sees Obama Steps Out From Behind the Curtain to Help Run the Harris Presidential Campaign. Don Surber, Obama finally reveals his agenda. Duane Patterson at Hat Hair asserts The Defense of Kamala Harris is Just Plain Batty. Gad Saad@GadSaad, "Think about all of the times that you've heard @KamalaHarris speak. Have you ever heard her enunciate a single thought that was meaningful, profound, astute, or intelligent? I haven't. She knows nothing; she's done nothing; she has achieved nothing (other than in non-meritocratic pursuits). She is a baffling dolt; an imbecile void of any semblance of a mind. She is vacuous. She is @justintrudeau but more masculine."

Nick Arama at RedState thinks you should WATCH Pelosi's Creepy, Slimy Response When Asked About Leading Plot to Shove Out Biden. Sundance at CTH has a video, When Democrats Say “Our Democracy.” Bob Spencer at PJM, After Forcing Biden Out, Guess Where Pelosi Wants to Put Him Now. Let Matt Palumbo at Bongino help, Pelosi Wants Biden Added to Mount Rushmore. Ace, Bret Baier: The White House Owes Fox an Apology for Lying About Biden's Health. "Just about his health? What about the "Russian propaganda" lie about Hunter's laptop? What a weak cuck."

Matt Margolis, EXCLUSIVE: Rasmussen Reports Talks 2024 Polling. "However, one pollster that still shows Trump with a healthy lead nationally is Rasmussen Reports. Its latest poll, released Thursday, had Trump up five points nationally; however, Trump’s “margin has narrowed, especially when third-party candidates are factored into this year’s election.”" At Am Great the Great Victor Davis Hanson considers How Trump Can Win—or Lose—the Election. "Moving forward, Donald Trump needs to focus his attack on the disastrous Biden governance of the last four years. Make Harris own it. And contrast it with 2017-21 and what will follow in." At Insty, CHOOSE YOUR NARRATIVE . . . Paula Bolyard at PJM, There's Only One Way Trump Can Fix Voter Fraud, win. Da Caller, Decades Of Data Stands Behind Trump’s Claims About Illegal Immigration And ‘Black Jobs,’ Experts Say. At PJM, VodkaPundit says Listen Up, I Think I Know How to Get Kamala Harris to Agree to a Debate...  "I'd suggest bringing on none other than Barack Obama as the sole moderator. He would ask Harris questions like, "What is your favorite color? And it's OK to say purple even though that's my favorite, too." The follow-up question could be, "Name some of your favorite things that come in purple.""

Via the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.05.24, At Da Fed, Local Democrats Urge Georgia To Return To Hand-Marked Ballots, Echoing Conservatives’ Concerns,   WI City At Center Of ‘Zuckbucks’ Scandal Looks To Tap Leftist Lawfare Groups Ahead of Election and Logan Washburn says Here We Go Again: ‘Zuckbucks’ Group Announces Plans To Dump More Cash Into Election Offices. ET, Election Integrity Activist Wants Wisconsin Election Bribery Statutes Enforced. PJM's Stephen Kruiser kids, I'm Taking a Break to Help Illegal Aliens Fill Out Their Mail-In Ballots. From ZeroHedge, Progressive Dems In Michigan Tell Undercover Journo They Were 'Ballot Harvested' Out Of Office By Muslim Voter Fraud Network. If they'll cheat on each other, you can be damn sure they'll cheat on us.

Sundance, This is Alarming – Secret Service Give First Press Briefing, The Sketchy U.SSS Look Even Worse. Dave Strom at Hat Hair examines the evidence and concludes the Secret Service Looks Worse--and More Guilty--Every Day "When your best defense is that the most elite protection agency in the world is less competent than the police from a department with fewer than 20 people, perhaps it's time to go with a different strategy for explaining how a kid took a shot at the once and future president." and has Thoughts on the Secret Service:

In the case of Butler, we don't even have to hypothesize that Rowe and/or Mayorkas DID anything except strangle resources and place substandard agents in a position where they would have defended Trump from an attack. That much incompetence wasn't the result of the best and the brightest.

So the filter I am proposing is this: if all the circumstances we have seen surrounding the shots being fired had taken place in almost any other country would you lean toward incompetence or toward conspiracy to take out a man who threatens the entire Establishment, who call him an "existential threat?"

It seems about as plausible to me that this was incompetence as it is that Russian windows are so dangerous that Putin's enemies keep falling out of them.
Susan Crabtree at RCP is unsurprised to hear Former Secret Service Chief Wanted To Destroy Cocaine Evidence. "Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle and others in top agency leadership positions wanted to destroy the cocaine discovered in the White House last summer, but the Secret Service Forensics Services Division and the Uniformed Division stood firm and rejected the push to dispose of the evidence, according to three sources in the Secret Service community."

MD Rep. Jamie Raskin promises insurrection, civil war if Trump re-elected. Matt Vespa, Dem Rep Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About the 2024 Election. At Twitchy, Defenders of Democracy Alert: Watch Jamie Raskin Say Congress Will Stop Trump Taking Office If He Wins. Sundance, Congressman Jamie Raskin Seriously and Strategically Promises to Incite “A Civil War” by Blocking Trump from Office if President Trump Wins in November. Vicky Taft at PJM sees Another J6 Lie Go Into the Wood Chipper With the Release of Secret Service Report. Ace, Inspector General's Report: Despite Madison Cornbread's Perjury, Trump Never Wrenched the Wheel of the Presidential SUV from the Driver. "So when will this Insurrectionist be going to jail for perjury?" Never. At Da Pipeline, 'How the Media Missed What I Saw on January 6'. They didn't miss it. They chose not to report it. The NYSun reports Judge Orders Justice Department To Return Helmet, Spear ‘QAnon Shaman’ Wore During January 6 Riot at Capitol. Those should turn out to be worth a pretty penny. 

The Peacock, Google loses antitrust case over search. At Althouse, "Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly." "Wrote Judge Amit P. Mehta of U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, quoted in "Google Violated Antitrust Laws in Online Search, Judge Rules/The ruling by Judge Amit P. Mehta was the first antitrust decision of the modern internet era in a case against a technology giant" (NYT)." Ace, Judge Rules that Google "Is a Monopolist" In the Search Sector of the Economy. "The most money-making part of the internet is search -- deciding what people see when they look for products, information, and political information --and Google is a monopolist in it." Also,
Facing $1 Billion Lawsuit for Defamation Already Branded Malicious by Judge, CNN Attempts to Mitigate Its Liability By Claiming That the Victim of Their Defamation Violated... Sharia Law, So It's Fair to Call Him a Sex Trafficker "The judge has already ruled that CNN's story was false. And not just false -- the media skates on its many defamations by claiming an absence of malice in posting untrue defamations -- but also malicious."

From Campus Reform, UW-Milwaukee suspends pro-Palestine student groups after they said Hillel, other Israel-supporting groups will be 'treated' as 'extremist criminals'. At NYPo, A Yale researchers ‘hot mic’ gaff reveals the academy’s woke bias. The Martin Center examines Why Are Race-Based Scholarships and Programs Suddenly Under Attack?, "The American public is finally waking up to the Left’s long con on race." Ace, The U of Missouri Plays a Shell Game with DEI, Firing a Single DEI Provost and Assigning All DEI Personel to Other Departments. "Missouri is considering joining other states in banning DEI at publicly-funded universities. The Chancellor of Missouri just played a shell game to try to turn the pressure off. All he did was eliminate one single position, and re-assign his many, many DEI officers to other departments." The Grift must go on!

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Biker Babe In Bikini up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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