Thursday, August 29, 2024

Maryland, My Maryland

 Balmer Sun, New Maryland test scores for English, math show little change across schools

Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program standardized test results from spring 2024 reflected little overall improvement in English language arts and math, according to data released Tuesday by the Maryland State Department of Education.

The percentage of MCAP English and math test takers scoring proficient each rose by less than a percentage point. About 48.4% of students scored proficient in English language arts, and 24.1% scored proficient in math.

Though scores were flat overall, there were some shifts among districts, including Baltimore City improving math scores to no longer be the lowest-ranked system in that subject.

This installment marked the third time the full MCAP was administered. Test scores from the 2022-23 school year reflected improvement in both English and math by over two percentage points.

Given annually to third through eighth graders as well as to high schoolers, who take Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry and 10th grade English assessments, the MCAP math and English language arts tests provide a statewide snapshot of the academic progress of Maryland public school students. Science exams are administered at only two grade levels. While the state did not release detailed data for science, officials reported a 10 percentage point decline among fifth graders, with 23.9% proficient, and a 1.5 percentage decline among eighth graders, with 24.9% proficient.

Disgraceful.  But I bet they learn about pronouns. 

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