Saturday, August 17, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Even WaPoo Doubts Kamala's Kost Kontrols

Stacy McCain, BREAKING NEWS: Washington Post Columnist Understands Economics! "The Pulitzer Prize committee hasn’t solicited any suggestions from me, but maybe they should consider Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post for a special award, because I can’t remember the last time anyone at the Post exhibited any real comprehension of how markets work. Greg Price@greg_price11 "Here's your summary of Kamala's speech on the economy: 1) "Our country has come a long way since Biden and I took office" 2) "The price of food is up 50% today than it was four years ago." 3) "Home ownership is out of reach for far too many American families." 4) "I will chart a new way forward." Everything sucks and is too expensive but you should vote for me anyway." WaPoo, Kamala Harris unveils populist policy agenda, with $6,000 credit for newborns, adopting a JD Vance proposal. Matt Vespa at TownHall, The Washington Post's Editorial Board Just Decimated Kamala Harris and Even This Washington Post Columnist Knows Harris Screwed Up Here. Matt Margolis at PJM, Even The Washington Post Destroyed Kamala's ‘Price Controls’ Plan. Althouse, The Washington Post Editorial Board says Kamala Harris has failed to offer "serious economic ideas" — her big speech supplied only "gimmicks." "I'm reading "The times demand serious economic ideas. Harris supplies gimmicks. ‘Price gouging’ is not causing inflation. So why is the vice president promising to stamp it out?" (free access link)." Hat Hair's Dave Strom, Even the Media Isn't Buying Kamalanomics, But the Democrats Are Josh Barro at the Slantic thinks Harris’s Plan Is Economically Dumb but Politically Smart "The vice president’s campaign promises make no sense to people acquainted with supply and demand—but they might win elections." Capt. Ed at Hat Hair disagrees, "Economically dumb, and politically dumb too, as I wrote earlier today. Biden spent three years beating his bongos on these same themes. How popular did that make him, and how popular did that make Bidenomics?" At NewsMax, Study: Harris Economic Agenda Could Add $2T to Deficit. Almost certainly an underestimate. PJM's VodkaPundit says Kamala's Latest Stupid Idea Might Be Her Stupidest—Plus Stealth Reparations! "So on the one hand, Democrats tell you Bidenflation is over already. On the other, they tell you it's so bad that we need Cuban-style price controls on grocery stores. We know how those work out, too, don't we?" The Babylon Bee quips Kamala Proposes $6K Aborted Baby Tax Credit. Capt. Ed responds "Is this even satire?" Althouse asks How much will you give me if I just get a cat? ""Kamala Harris unveils populist policy agenda, with $6,000 credit for newborns" (WaPo)."

From the Wombat's  In The Mailbox: 08.16.24  American Greatness: Theater of the Absurd, Harris-Walz Edition, Kamala to Unveil Economic Plan, and In Touting Soviet-Like Price Control Plan, Kamala Harris Vows to Fight Price…Gauging?, Babalu Blog, Kamalanomics and Castronomics: Identical twins?, Cafe Hayek: Belief In The Righteousness of Price-Controls Belongs in the Dark Ages, The Geller Report: Biden-Harris Regime Using Taxpayer Money to Mask Medicare Premium Hikes Doubling Even Tripling Before Election, Legal Insurrection, Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Kamala Harris is an Empty Suit’ Candidate Who Will ‘Say Anything’, STUMP: Interest Rate Cut? Wanna Bet?, Victory Girls: Another Reinvention of Kamala – How About Hopeless, The Federalist: There Is Nothing ‘Joyful’ About Harris’ and Walz’s Grimly Anti-American AgendaEverything The Biden-Harris Administration Doesn’t Want You To Know About Its Drug Price Controls.

Chris Queen at PJM thinks Kamala Has the Weirdest Campaign Strategy Ever. What's so weird about offering "free" stuff? RedState's Bob Hoge finds a Kamala Harris Tyrannical 2019 Video that Resurfaces: 'I Will Snatch Their Patent So That We Will Take Over'. John Sexton at Hat Hair VIP, Jacob Hacker is Hoping Kamala Harris Will Revive the Public Option Path to Single Payer. Ace, among other things, notes Kamala Harris Again Pushes the "Very Fine People" Lie; Media Continues Its Complicity. "Kamala: If you vote me into office, I will fix what I am currently breaking in office." The Federalist staff is Tracking Kamala Harris’ Biggest And Baddest Lies: 20 And Counting. From Da Caller, Tim Walz’s Dog Gets Media Interview Before Kamala Harris and Harris Wrote Entire Blog Post Encouraging People To Donate To Bail Fund That Freed Future Murderers. Harris wrote? I doubt it. Twitchy, Embrace the Agitprop: Artist Shepard Fairey Copies Himself With New Kamala 'Forward' Poster. WUWT, Biden Admin Cements Gas Stove Rule After Insisting It Isn’t Going After Gas Stoves. Dave Strom cites Stephen A Smith: Conservatives Are Right to Demand Kamala Talk to Press. Capt. Ed, Kamala's Radical 'Jewish Community Liaison' Sets Off Alarms in Israel. Twitchy, RRREEEEEEE! CNN Panel Goes Stark Raving Insane on Nancy Mace Over Kamala's Name (Watch)Defiant Baptist@DefiantBaptist, "Hey @MichaelEDyson, I found another racist that mispronounced Kamala Harris’ first name, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Time to go to work, buddy!"

Nicole Silvero at Da Caller, CNN’s Harry Enten Reveals Demographic Responsible For Kamala Harris’ Growing Momentum, women. Dave Strom, Don't Buy the Propaganda. Nate Silver cited at Hat Hair, Kamalamentum Slowing Down? Da Caller,  ‘This Is A Communist Ticket’: Former Trump Advisor Stephen Miller Predicts Public Will Turn On Kamala In Three Weeks. Kevin Downey at PJM, Adios, Kamalamania, We Barely Knew Ye. From the Wombat's  In The Mailbox: 08.16.24  Twitchy wonders Where's the Momentum? Kamala Harris' North Carolina Campaign Event Is Light on Attendees and Kamala Helped Create “The Shortest Political Ad I’ve Ever Seen”, American Conservative, It’s Kamala’s to Lose,

PJM's Bob Spencer hears a Retired Minnesota Cop Makes Shocking Charge Against Tim Walz "He is not a moderate, he has never been a moderate and here in Minnesota he has been anti-police, he has raised taxes, he is nowhere near being a moderate." Even worse, "he’s anti-police, defund the police, when you have police families, and we have an officer killed in the line of duty, when that family looks at the governor and says we don't want you at the funeral. That should tell you a great deal of how law enforcement in general feels about Walz." WaEx, Vance keeps up stolen valor pressure on Walz with veteran-filled event. Izengabe@Izengabe_ "This is Gov Tim Walz claiming to have stood "on the tarmac at Bagram Air Base in Iraq" in the "Minnesotans In The Global War On Terrorism Post-9/11 Profiles" published in 2023 by the Minnesota Military Veterans Museum. Tim Walz was never deployed to Iraq & Bagram is in Afghanistan. Walz was never there either." Gabe Kaminsky at WaEx, Walz administration awarded $2 million to Muslim group fundraising for al Qaeda-linked charity. Capt. Ed, "Gee, that seems to be a problem, no? Walz and his administration have been clueless about the nuances of the Muslim community in Minnesota; this is likely incompetence rather than malice. But either way, it should be disqualifying for someone on a presidential ticket." At Hat Hair Dave Strom finds More Walz Ties to Islamist Terrorists and John Sexton, Politico: It Was For the Best that Walz Retired When He Did. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.16.24, This Ain’t Hell, Wikipedia lists Tim Walz as Command Sergeant Major and Afghanistan Veteran Come Walz with me, Valor Friday The Taliban celebrates three years in power, JD Vance keeping the stolen valor heat on Tim Walz, and Pin-Ups For Vets 2025.

Da Mail tells The untold story of how Nancy Pelosi forced Biden to quit with a brutal phone call and humiliating ultimatum that ruined 50 years of friendship... and has left Jill and Joe furious. Capt. Ed, "The NYT article yesterday left that out and didn't offer any other rational reason for Biden's reversal. But this explanation doesn't make much more sense either. Most polling is already public, and both Anita Dunn and I both have noted, polling had rebounded after the debate. Worth noting: all sides deny Pelosi and Biden spoke over the weekend." Well, politicians lie. Matt Vespa outlines The October Surprise That Could Lead to Another Major 2024 Shake-Up, Joe "resigns." It would be a bad look, unless he really takes a public turn for the worst. Da Fetched, Joe Biden Resorts to Violent Rhetoric Against Republicans: ‘Beat the Hell out of Them, I Mean it!’ Jason Cohen at Da Caller, CNN Political Director Says Biden’s Maryland Speech Exemplifies Why Dems ‘So Thrilled’ He’s ‘Not Their Candidate’

John Sexton notes a NY Times Opinion: Hunter Biden Should Be Charged with FARA Violations. I think FARA is a violation of the 1st Amendment, but if it's enforced, it should be enforced evenly. 

Capt. Ed cites ABC, Democrats Try Pushing Greens Off Ballot in WI, comments "So much for "defending democracy," eh?" Straight Arrow News reports House Republicans investigating fraud in migrant parole program. Jazz Shaw, CBP Found Discriminating Against Pregnant Employees

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.16.24, The Lid: Secret Service Failures Mount: Local Police Sniper Killed Trump Assassin, NOT Feds, Feds Quickly Cremated Killer’s Body. Nick Arama at RedState, Latest Wild Secret Service News Involves What Biden Just Did for Former Director Kim Cheatle, gave her a Secret Service detail. I hope she gets all the short, fat girls. Althouse, 
"The Secret Service plans to surround Trump's podium with bulletproof glass.... While this measure is typically used to protect sitting presidents..." ""... the Secret Service is making an exception after the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally on July 13, when the gunman took several shots at Trump, grazing his ear before a Secret Service sniper killed him.... The Secret Service typically pre-positions personnel around the country in battleground states so they can be within driving distance of campaign rallies, which enables faster transportation of the ballistic glass to events...." From "Trump to resume outdoor rallies with bulletproof glass" (CBS News)." Basically admitting they can't won't protect him.

Bob Hoge at RedState warns Legal Pundits Warn of 'October Surprise' for Trump—in September  "McCarthy opined in an op-ed Wednesday that he thinks Merchan's going to order time behind bars, even though the former president wouldn’t necessarily be immediately thrown in the slammer"

Ace, Mueller Investigation Tapped Unimpeachable Researchers as Part of Its Attempt to Blame Trump for the DNC Hack -- Hillary Clinton's Fraudsters and George Soros "Remains in the Driver Seat" After Getting His Marxist Prosecutors Elected, Telling Them What to Prosecute and What Not to Prosecute. The Free Beacon, He Stormed a Campus Building at Columbia. He Also Has an Active New York Law License, and He's Poised To Keep It. "Trust fund baby James Carlson only faces a misdemeanor trespassing charge." Capt. Ed kibitzes "Bragg won't press serious charges against actual Leftist insurrectionists, but will spin an NDA payment into 34 felonies against a Republican presidential candidate. Good to know."

Ace reports Iranian Hackers Stole Emails and Reports from the Trump Campaign. The Media Is Waiting to Publish That Material For a Short Time. "The media can't rush to publish this information, hacked by an enemy foreign regime, after they refused to publish information from Hunter Biden's laptop, pretending that that was hacked by Russia." At NYPo, NY Times reporter leaked Jewish WhatsApp group data that fell into hands of anti-Israel activists who harassed members. Jonathan Turley sees CNN Loses Another Motion in Defamation Case as Court Orders Tapper to Appear. "CNN recently lost a recent major ruling when the court found that there was evidence of malice by CNN to support the higher standard needed for defamation. The evidence in the case is remarkably bad for the network after discovery of internal memoranda and emails." WUWT, Every Leading Large Language Model Leans Left Politically, following the ancient compute maxim, GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). 

Sam Ponder
From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.16.24, OutKick, Riley Gaines Says 'ESPN Is A Joke' After Network Fired Sam Ponder.  "They said this was for budget cuts," Gaines said. "But it should be no surprise that Sam Ponder was the only current employee — the only current female employee — at ESPN who was willing to publicly declare that men do not belong in women's sports." Via Hat Hair, Riley Gaines is stoked as NEW: SCOTUS Denies Stay Request from Biden Admin in Title IX Case

Gratuitous Riley Gaines 

SCOTUS Blog, Supreme Court blocks temporary enforcement of expanded protections for transgender students. Ace, Breaking: Supreme Court Turns Down Biden's Request to Reinstate Their Title IX Rewrite. "The Supreme Court had previously struck down parts of Biden's Title IX rewrite as unconstitutional. Biden, for example, rewrote Congressionally-passed law to redefine women as including boys. The Court ruled, rightly, that the president cannot change the meaning of the law on his own whim. Biden, in a purely political move to appease his leftwing lunatic base, appealed and asked the Supreme Court to pretty please allow him the powers of a tyrant. The Supreme Court says no." Stream, Al’s Afternoon Tea: Let’s Ask 12-Year-Old Boys If They Are Pregnant Before Giving Them X-Rays. From WaEx, Ken Paxton sues Biden administration for including misgendering someone as workplace harassment. VodkaPundit at Insty, sees CHANGE: Biden Recession + Wokeness + Streaming + Strikes = Extinction Event For Hollywood. “This is why Deadline has a regular Hollywood Contraction section. Things are so bad that they’re even laying off executives (I know, world’s smallest violin), and many don’t expect to ever be employed in the industry again.” John Sexton reports DEI Offices Continue to Close on UNC Campuses.

Beege Weborn has one for the Whacky Immigrant File: Did I Tell You the One About the Jordanian, the Solar Farm and the Hammer?

Linked at The Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Sydney Sweeney IS Black Cat! and FMJRA 2.0: No Relief In September up and pining for attention at The Other McCain. 

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