Monday, August 5, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Kamala in Hiding?

Sarah Arnold at TownHall, asks Is Kamala Harris Hiding From the Media? Insty, WIPE IT, LIKE WITH A CLOTH, OR SOMETHING? "LOL-Now We Know Why They’re Hiding Her! Kamala Harris Asked to Explain Cloud Storage and Woof (Watch). "Kamala Harris is being hidden away, much like Joe Biden was. What makes this even worse for our pals on the Left is they at least had an excuse with Biden and could claim his age was the main issue when it came to answering questions or speaking without a teleprompter. They can’t do that with Kamala because she’s only 60." At the Free Bacon, WATCH: Veep Thoughts with Kamala Harris (Vol. 16). Roger Kimball at Am Great goes on about Kamala Harris and the Masque of Magical Thinking "The Democrats have mutated into the party of nowhere, so it is not surprising that they prefer pleasing fantasy to sobering reality."

Clark Wren at Am Think thinks Don’t be surprised if Kamala shoots ahead in the polls. "I haven’t seen this much fawning love from the elites and the media since Barack Obama ran for president.  Kamala didn’t get one single vote, yet she is the Democrat party’s presidential candidate." NewsMax highlights a CBS Poll: Trump, Harris Tied in Battleground States, but cites David Axelrod: Harris Momentum Due to 'Irrational Exuberance'. Da Caller, ‘They Don’t Have A Lot Of Time’: Victor Davis Hanson Warns How GOP Could Lose To Harris. That was certainly the Democrats plan.

Darin Gaub to Newsmax: Austin Overrode 9/11 Deal to Help Harris. Well, he might have had personal reasons, too. 

At RedState 'Bonchie' claims Kamala Harris VP Pick Leaked by Incompetent Philly City Staffer, Josh Shapiro. RCP's Salena Zito weighs the Risks and Opportunities for Shapiro as VP Candidate. Opportunity, Pennsylvania, risks Michigan, Minnesota. Matt Margolis at PJM is on the Democrat Civil War Watch: Fetterman Warns Kamala About Picking Josh Shapiro

Blaze, Kamala’s desperate for the black vote — but she might be LOSING it. 'Streif' at RedState, enjoys it when ABC's Stephanopoulos Loses His Crap When Rep. Donalds Refuses to Back Off on Kamala's 'Blackness'. Brent Baker at Hat Hair, Stephanopoulos Goes After Donalds About Trump's "Kamala Turned" Comments. Twitchy, Now, THIS Is How You DO IT! Byron Donalds DECIMATES George Stephanopoulos Over Kamala's HeritageWilliam Martin@wsmartin218 "Senator @JDVance destroys Border Czar Kamala Harris in 30 seconds: "The problem is going to be Kamala Harris's record and Kamala Harris's policies...Donald Trump delivered peace, he delivered prosperity. Kamala Harris has delivered an open border and skyrocketing inflation."" Mark Lewis at TownHall on  The Democrats’ Obsession with Race. OTP, Name Game, "Now Everyone Seems To Have Opinion On Trump's Pronunciation Of 'Kamala' Harris." Twitchy, Kamala HQ: J.D. Vance Wants to Take Away Birthright Citizenship … And? Like Insty says, Stop, I already want him! Dan Greenfield at Front Page is concerned, Kamala is Anti-Israel. Her Husband’s Law Firm Repped the PLO, "The PLO’s money arm was the largest foreign principal for his law firm." Herr Professor Jacobson at LI, The Second Gentleman’s “Missing” Love Child Becomes A Campaign Problem For Kamala. "Why is Doug Emhoff’s affair empregnating the nanny during a prior marriage an issue? Because it was covered up while Kamala’s campaign aggressively labeled JD Vance “weird” and her supporters attacked Vance’s marriage. What’s that line about people who live in glass houses?" WaEx, Trump and Harris double spending over other swing states in Pennsylvania

Terrence Kibble at JTN, Taliban gets $239 million in aid after failure of State Dept. vetting "The aid was supposed to support counterterrorism efforts in Afghanistan." Oooopsie! Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair seems to think Why is Israel Striking Back Harder Now? Because Biden is Out.

VodkaPundit at Insty, NO, BECAUSE HE GOT CAUGHT: "Biden Freezes Immigrant Flight Program After Massive Fraud Uncovered." At NYPo, Wisconsin voters fear Kamala Harris win, Sen. Tammy Baldwin winning third term over soft-on-immigration record. Jazz Shaw explains why No, We Have No Idea What the Migrant Crime Rate Is. Because they don't do the paperwork. 

Matt Margolis at his substack, It Looks Like a Recession Is Coming. Salena Zito at WaEx sees Middle America rattled by jobs report. Da Wire, Cotton: If ‘The Last Four Years Have Been Bad For Your Family, The Worst Is Yet To Come’ If Harris Wins.

Stacy McCain says Donald Trump Had an Agreement to Debate Joe Biden, Not to Debate ‘Whoever Democrats Pick to Replace Joe Biden’ "Hey, remember when it was a “right-wing conspiracy theory” if you thought Democrats were going to pull a Torricelli-Lautenberg switch and run some other presidential candidate instead of Joe Biden?" NewsMax cites Trump on Debate With Harris: 'I Don't Think She's Going to Show Up'. At Da Caller, Renowned Pollster Says Donald Trump Can End Kamala’s Campaign With One ‘Ten-Word Question’ "Can you name one thing she accomplished as Vice President?"

NewsMax, Trump: Georgia GOP Leaders 'Want Us to Lose'. OTP hears Graham Implore Trump, Kemp To ‘Repair The Damage’

From Fox, RFK Jr. admits to dumping dead bear cub in Central Park as Roseanne Barr listens in bizarre video. "RFK Jr. says The New Yorker is going to publish an article on the 10-year-old incident." I may have misunderestimated him. 

At PJM, Mark Tapscott Is This the Biggest Election Fraud Scandal Ever? and Bryan Jung, ActBlue Is Accused of Money Laundering By Several State Attorneys General. Brianna Lyman at Da Fed reports Alabama Democrat Arrested For Allegedly Casting 7 Fraudulent Absentee Ballots. Da Fetched, Democrat Candidate for Clay Country Commission Arrested on Multiple Voter Fraud Charges. John Solomon at JTN,  sees and Election Red Flag: Postal Service watchdog warns some mailed ballots may be delayed, not counted, "A US Postal Service audit of the 2024 primaries found ballots to voters were processed on time only on average of 97.01 percent, while voters' ballots returned to election counting centers were processed about 98.17% of the time," and Nick Ballasy Gun control group founded by Bloomberg plans to spend $45 million in 2024 election cycle "The group's spending would be across eight pivoting swing states that will determine the majorities in the House and Senate as well as control of the White House, according to a report."  Althouse catches the WaPoo whining "In the past, campaigns and official party committees, which are subject to contribution limits, generally observed a firewall that blocked information-sharing with super PACs..." ""... and nonprofits that accept unlimited contributions. Now, campaigns and outside groups are free to share messaging and exchange data. That new opportunity has allowed the Trump campaign to supplement a bare-bones in-house field program with allied programs fueled by megadonors.... By contrast, the Harris campaign and allied outside groups said they are not changing their approach in response to the FEC decision...." From "Trump team gambles on new ground game capitalizing on loosened rules/The campaign is joining forces with outside groups such as Turning Point Action after regulators cleared the way for more coordination. But it comes with the risk of untested outfits duplicating efforts or working at cross purposes" (WaPo)." At Da Caller, J. CHRISTIAN ADAMS: Here’s Why Poll Workers Create Fair Elections

ET identifies 2 Key Senate Races to Watch This Year "Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and former Gov. Larry Hogan (R-Md.) face steeply uphill battles in states controlled by the opposite party."

Hat Hair rephrases Hey - Did You Know Trump Is Using That Assassination Thing Just Like Mussolini Did? Begee Welborn at Hat Hair comments  "The woman who wrote this is reputed to be a "scholar of Mussolini and authoritarianism." Which I guess translates to "hysterical useful tool" in plain English. As you can imagine, Politico is getting eaten alive, but having no shame, it matters not a whit to them." NYPo's ed board is concerned that Meta AI’s false facts about Trump shooting are part of a disturbing trend. Terrence Kible at JTN reports Texas woman arrested in DC for threats against Trump. "The Secret Service warned local police about the threats."

From WaEx, Judge sets court date for Trump election interference case. "The D.C.-based federal judge has asked that attorneys for Trump and the government appear in court on Aug. 16 so they can prepare for the case to go to trial now that she has “regained jurisdiction” over United States v. Trump. Chutkan had paused proceedings last December pending Trump’s appeals regarding presidential immunity." OTP, Judge Denies Trump Motion To End Election Case On ‘Selective Prosecution’ Argument "In a 16-page order, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan wrote that, at the outset of the trial process, the court must assume the allegations against Trump are truthful — and the “improper reframing of the allegations against him” he has presented so far cannot support dismissal."

Kathy Salgado at PJM hears Trump Say Zuckerberg Apologized for Censorship, Said He Wouldn’t Support Democrat. The tech guys are running scared. Tom Knighton at TAW claims We gave them too much power. They stole it while we weren't looking. From HE, Meet Jigsaw, Google's dangerous new anti-democratic tool. Scott Pinsker at PJM, Joe Rogan Goes Live on Netflix… and Liberals Lose Their Minds. From Big League Politics, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Wins $1.4 Billion Settlement
Paxton is gradually turning into America’s AG. "Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton recently announced that he won a $1.4 billion settlement from Meta, the parent company of Facebook, over privacy-related issues dealing with Facebook acquiring Texan users’ facial and biometric data without their knowledge or getting their consent."

Brad Palumbo at WaEx notices The LGBT activist grift just got exposed. "A remarkable report from journalist Emily Steel reveals that GLAAD has, in recent years, used its $30 million-plus budget to fund an extravagant lifestyle for its executives, in ways that likely breach both its internal policies and IRS rules." Mia Cathell at TownHall, We Investigated a 'Trans Kids' Camp. Look Who's Funding It. Washington DC, which means you and me. 
The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: A Sight Not Seen For Quite Some Time up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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