Sunday, August 25, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Will RJK Jr. Seal the Deal for Trump?

NYPo explains How RFK Jr. dropping out could have ‘massive impact’ in key battleground states. Nick Arama at RedState notices Even CNN's Erin Burnett Admits How 'Huge' an RFK Bump May Be for Trump. Jim McLaughlin to Newsmax: RFK Jr. Endorsement a 'Game Changer'. Jim Antle at WaEx, thinks about Rogan Democrats: How RFK Jr. could still swing presidential election. NewsWeek whines RFK Jr. Out, Jill Stein Staying In: Double Boost for Trump. Dr. Jill Stein@DrJillStein "We may disagree with RFK Jr. about many things, but he’s right about how the Democratic Party uses lawfare and dirty tricks to suppress democratic competition and voter choice. The Dems preach about “saving democracy”, but in reality they’re working overtime to stamp it out." Roger Kimball at Am Great, The Left’s Swift Shift After RFK Jr.’s Trump Endorsement. "Kennedy’s indictment of his former party, along with his endorsement of Donald Trump, has sent shock waves through the chambers of the self-appointed elite who would rule us."  

My own view is that this RFK Jr. move may make a slight, but important difference in the election. We are, after all, really arguing about fractions of percentages in the swing states. People currently supporting RFK Jr. owe themselves to consider his arguments, that even though he and Trump disagree on many, if not most issues, the threat from anti-democratic modern Democrat party is such that he his willing to throw in with Trump to save America. 

Althouse, "Of all the repellent Kennedy spectacles of the past 60 years, today's spectacle of Kennedys disavowing other Kennedys for not being good Kennedys..." ""... is really the kind of false aristocratic creepiness that makes me want to, you know, drive off a bridge." Tweets John Podhoretz." Twitchy, Earth Status: SCORCHED! Tammy Bruce Drops an Elbow Off the Top Rope With 'Open Letter to Kerry Kennedy'. Jen Van Laar at RedState, Here's the Most Brutally Honest Response to RFK Jr's Siblings After They Betrayed Him for Kamala.  Tammy Bruce@HeyTammyBruce "An open letter to Kerry Kennedy: You people are awful. Despite your family's checkered past and horrible behavior of so many of the men, Americans have stood with you out of loyalty, sentimentality, and too often, grief. Despite the questionable establishment of your family's wealth, the treatment of Marilyn Monroe, the general womanizing, the abandonment of Mary Jo Kopechne to her death, allegations of rape, one could go on and on, but the point is your family has stayed loyal and protective of family members who have done the most appalling of things. But the moment one of your own acts on his conscience for this country you attempt to throw him to the wolves and publicly condemn him. . . " Capt. Ed at Hat wonders What Does It Take to Get Publicly Disavowed By the Kennedys? Stephen L. Miller@redsteeze, "Once again, proven the theory that you can be an insane bat shit anti-VAX liberal invited on CNN and the daily show and have the best friends in Hollywood but the second you become or endorse to Republican you become unacceptable." Rob Reiner@robreiner "I’ve known Bobby Kennedy for quite a while. Something has happened to him. Maybe it’s the worm that got into his brain, but saying Trump will protect your freedoms and keep America from becoming a totalitarian state, he’s out of his fucking mind."

Althouse, at least until recently a Kennedy supporter notes RFK Jr.'s issues — he's made it very clear — are censorship, chronic disease in children, and the war in Ukraine. NewsMax reports Trump Vows Panels on Assassinations, Health. NYPo, Trump vows to release JFK assassination docs as RFK Jr. makes rally debut hours after endorsing GOP nominee

Da Fed's Staff is Tracking The Lies Of The Left At The DNC. Althouse, "At the Democratic convention, especially on the opening night, 'corporate greed' was a scourge, and speaker after speaker sought to link 'freedom'... to programs that protect the middle class..." and "And multiple speakers delighted the crowd by alluding to the fabricated viral claim that Trump’s running mate, Sen. JD Vance, wrote in his memoir about having sex with furniture." "This gets my "civility bullshit" tag, which in this case reflects my belief that the old "When they go low, we go high" was just a strategy choice, to be abandoned when it didn't seem effective... or when the low material is tantalizing enough, like that well-upholstered couch that seems be calling out to you. By the way, what's with casting shame on masturbators? They vote too." 

From WokeSpy, “What A Team!” – Oprah Winfrey Once Wanted To Be Donald Trump’s Vice President. Nick Arama wants you to WATCH: Jon Stewart Mercilessly Mocks the DNC Hypocrisies in Brilliant Bit. Althouse, Jon Stewart daringly but silently calls Bill Clinton a sexual predator... then coyly laughs about it.

Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw notes Cornel West Off the Ballot in Pennsylvania. "The Democrats' strategy of attempting to nitpick to death any possible threat to a Kamala Harris victory in November was most recently focused on independent candidate Cornel West in the battleground state of Pennsylvania. Just as they were met with success in getting RFK Jr. tossed off the ballot in New York on nonsensical grounds, a judge on the Commonwealth Court sided with the Democratic Secretary of State's office and booted West from the Keystone State's ballot on yet another technicality." The Center Square, Democrats’ law blocking candidates from ballot remains unconstitutional "Illinois Supreme Court dismisses state’s appeal after deadlock." Illinois Policy, Voter choice wins in slating case before Illinois Supreme Court. Natalia Mittelstadt at JTN, RNC sues Detroit over hiring seven times more Democratic than Republican poll workers in primary, "Detroit’s failure to hire Republican poll workers is the kind of bad-faith Democrat interference that drives down faith in elections," RNC Chairman Michael Whatley and RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump said." Beege Welborn at Hat Hair comments "Start costing these cities money and they'll start turning loose of the reins some. NTM they know you're on to them." Anchorage Daily News reports Alaskans will vote on whether to repeal ranked choice voting under state Supreme Court decision. Beege Welborn adds "The Murkowskis of the world lost this round. I hope Alaskans finish them off." Nick Minock@NickMinock "Gov. Glenn Youngkin said his admin’s initiatives have removed close to 80,000 dead voters from the state’s voter rolls last year, removed voters who have moved out of state, and Youngkin has removed more than 6,000 non-citizens from Virginia’s voter rolls." Beege adds "I'm starting to think maybe the powers that be haven't been entirely square with us about some things..." Misty Severi at JTN reports a Majority of Americans expect large numbers of illegal aliens to unlawfully vote this election: "The poll found that 54% of respondents said they believe illegal immigrants will vote in November, and 75% of respondents said they do not support allowing illegal immigrants to vote in federal elections." Yep.

Jazz Shaw gets wind of Democrat Civil War (Again). Pelosi vs NY Governor, girl fight! Anyone betting against Pelosi is a fool. 

Florida’s Voice@FLVoiceNews, "RON DESANTIS: "[Kamala Harris] is the change agent? She is offering this fresh start? [...] If your house is on fire, would you bring in the arsonist to put out the fire?" "She was instrumental in creating these [problems like high prices] at the grocery store." "Somehow, she's gonna apply policies that are gonna fix the policies she already created?" Sarah Arnold at TownHall invites you to Watch Tucker Carlson Destroy Kamala Harris' Credibility In Seconds. At NewsBuster, Worst Media Outburst of the DNC, Night Four: ‘You Will Remember Where You Were,’ When Kamala Spoke. Nick Arama, The Two Ironic Lines in Kamala's Address That Didn't Go Well for Her and Had Everyone Talking "perhaps the unintentionally funniest line was about how she stands up against "elder abuse," as Rebeccas Downs at our sister site Townhall reported." From Da Wire, Jen Psaki Says Kamala Is ‘Charismatic’ Like Hillary Clinton. She would, even if she didn't believe it. Ben Shapiro@benshapiro, "Remember, kids, Donald Trump is responsible for every page of Project 2025, which he did not write, is not on his campaign page, and has explicitly disowned, but Kamala Harris not responsible for ANYTHING HER OWN ADMINISTRATION HAS DONE WHILE SHE IS VICE PRESIDENT." From Da Caller, Kamala-Backed Border Bill Would Allow Illegals Deported By Trump Back Into Country. John Sexton at Hat Hair has Reasons to Think Biden's Border Restrictions Won't Work for Long. The Center Square Alabama sees 16 state coalition sues Biden administration to block amnesty plan.  Althouse, "The word almost never spoken was the name of Ms. Harris’s actual hometown: Berkeley, Calif." "From "As Kamala Harris Claims Oakland, Berkeley Forgives/The vice president has virtually erased Berkeley, Calif., her hometown, from her campaign biography. The residents of 'the People’s Republic' say they get it" (NYT). What if deception freaks people out? What if straight talk is a lure?" NYPo, Kamala’s brother-in-law fleeced taxpayers for billions to give to left-wing groups and lawyers. So, it runs in the family. Sarah Arnold reports an Atlantic Writer Breaks Ties With Kamala Harris After Exposing Dems Lies.

Stephen Moore at Hat Hair thinks Biden-Harris Have a Sixth Sense the Economy Is in Trouble -- They're Probably Right. Erik Erikson at NewsBusters The Jobs Aren’t All Right "The government, for the past year, has overstated joblessness by 818,000 jobs. That revision comes on top of the monthly revisions already made. It is probably not a conspiracy to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris look good or they would have waited until after the election, not before early voting, to announce the revision. But it is troubling that the government data was off by so much and equally as troubling that politicians and the press together have lectured Americans that the public did not know what they knew." My understanding is that the feds have two main measures of jobs, mandatory reporting by business, and a household survey. For quite a while now, the household survey has been reporting far fewer new jobs than the business report. But I really don't understand the revision. AEIR, A Recession the Yield Curve Predicted (Again)

At NewsMax, Trump: VP Harris Skirted Democracy, Must Own Her 'Failure'. Da Mail, Gavin Newsom makes underhanded dig at Kamala Harris when asked about DNC nominating process. At OTP, Newsom Swipes At Harris: ‘I Was Told To Say’ Process Was ‘Inclusive’. wretchardthecat @wretchardthecat, "The weakness to this 'coup' was that it yielded preference falsification. Once the taboo is broken a completely different picture may emerge." Quote Max Abrahms@MaxAbrahms "The greatest coup of the Democratic Party was making it reputationally costly to vote for Trump. I will provide a litany of very serious problems with Kamala and the Democratic Party and even people in my life with whom I am close will say, “So, what are you going to vote for" At Brownstone, Anchors in a Sea of Chaos "Either the Democrats had an incredible poverty of available candidates, or they believe so blindly in the propaganda machine that is being mobilized that they dare to go to the elections with just anyone. A combination of these two factors seems most plausible to me."
The Democratic Party in America is rapidly discarding any democratic character and is transforming more and more into a fully developed totalitarian structure. Under Biden’s rule, it became more or less normal to prosecute and imprison political opponents and dissident journalists (according to some sources, this involved hundreds of dissidents); he actively and explicitly helped create social support for the assassination attempt on Trump; he incited violence against the people of the MAGA movement in a barely concealed way; and in true totalitarian style, he kept the numerous (and perhaps justified) legal allegations against him and his family members out of the media.

Insty,  A FRIEND WRITES: “I forget who it was, but someone made the point that the Democratic ‘weird’ critique is basically a feminized aggression tactic writ large onto political strategy. The argument was that men will argue you’re wrong, and women will argue you’re outside the group. This is amplified by social media and its effects, which reward verbal repartee and social signaling that are present in the novels of Jane Austen, but not in those of Cormac McCarthy. . . . Enthusiasm for Tim Walz as a dad figure is certainly a psychological tell — not on him, but on those doing it.” I guess if I were going to ride that “weird” angle I wouldn’t have had an abortion-and-sterilization van at my convention."

Reagan Reese at Da Caller thinks ‘We Need Answers’: China Watchers Sound Alarm On Walz’s Cozy Relationship With Beijing. Tiananmen Tim. Dustin Grage@GrageDustin, "WOW. The Nebraska Chamber of Commerce had to write a letter to Tim Walz’s Congressional campaign to remove an award he never received from them. Going on to clarify that the Chamber had endorsed his opponent. Is there anything Tim Walz hasn’t lied about?" Begee Welborn says the "Man's wracked himself up some serious BS cred, though, hasn't he?" From Twitchy, Sarah Palin Lights Rick Wilson Up Over His Sudden Concern Over Attacking the Children of PoliticiansRick Wilson@TheRickWilson "For all you MAGA chucklefucks mocking Gus Walz, the fires of hell are going to be extremely fucking hot, and in the meantime, prepare for America to drag you. I know the cruelty is the point for you, but you’re not getting away with it." But Sarah Palin remembers, Sarah Palin@SarahPalinUSA "Where you been on #TrigPalin all these years, Rick? The mocking of #Trig, the lies, conspiracy theories, death-wishes and death threats against him that continue to this day are the most brutal part of my political life. You and other “republican leaders” of your ilk have been heartlessly complicit with haters on the left who find joy in attacking my son. One’s silence up until a democrat’s kid #GusWalz gets mocked ONE time on a national stage is deafening."

From WaEx, Secret Service denied Butler agents extra manpower ahead of Trump rally shooting: Whistleblower and Vance claims Democrats’ ‘apocalyptic rhetoric’ heightening Trump security worries after assassination attemptScott Adams@ScottAdamsSays, "Trump and Kennedy would both take a bullet -- literally -- to save the country, and you can feel it. Harris would let both of them take a bullet so she can be president. Different vibe."

AP, Maryland police officer convicted of tossing smoke bomb at police during Capitol riot. Did he bring it, or did he throw one of theirs back?

Insty, TRYING TO WORK THEIR WAY UP TO ELON: Telegram messaging app CEO Durov arrested in France. “ Matt Taibbi roasts in a Note to Philip Bump "The Washington Post columnist speaks on CNN; a brief reply." NewsMax reports Iranian Hackers Targeted Biden, Trump Staff. You know, I still blame Carter for the Iran mess.

Hat Hair cites York MixFascism Alert: Teenager Who Waved English Flag Near North Yorkshire Islamic Centre Jailed. From the College Fix, MIT students defeat forced dues to anti-Israel union. What's the Matter with Oklahoma? WokeSpy,  Oklahoma School Which Previously Hosted Feet Licking Contests Issues Ban On Student’s American Flag.  From Bravo Blue, Hating the U.S. "I understand the people who hate the U.S. -- Some of them."

The College Fix again, TRENDING: Evolutionary biologists reject ‘white, male’ framework, embrace ‘queer’ DEI research. Following the fad, and the grant money, no doubt.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: A Token of My Extreme up on time and under budget at the Other McCain.

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