Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tattoo Tuesday

Paralympians will no longer have to cover their tattoos of the Olympic rings logo, the committee that oversees Paralympics ruled.

On Friday, Aug. 23, The New York Times reported that the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) had changed its long-standing policy requiring Paralympic athletes to cover up tattoos that featured brands or logos — including the Olympics rings. In the past, if athletes didn't cover their tattoos during events, they would face penalties, including disqualification.

Now, the IPC has reversed that rule. Craig Spence, IPC’s chief brand and communications officer, told the Times that Paralympians with the rings logo tattooed on their body don't have to cover them up, but he didn't offer an explanation as to why the committee had decided to change its policy.

“Athletes with such tattoos do not need to cover them up,” he said.
Seems reasonable to me. 

The Wombat has Rule Five Sunday: My Next Ex-Wife up on time and under budget at the Other McCain.

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