Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Biden, Kamala Skip Arlington Ceremony for Abbey Gate 13, Zuckerberg Admits Facebook Censored for Biden-Harris

 A day off has left me with just too much so let's just dive in! Jack Poso@JackPosobiec, "BREAKING: Kamala Harris and Joe Biden skip Arlington Memorial Ceremony for the 13 troopers who died in Afghanistan on the 3rd anniversary Only 1 former president showed up His name is Donald Trump" Hat Hair's Beege Welborn calls it Abbey GateTrump War Room@TrumpWarRoom "FLASHBACK: This was Kamala Harris' first reaction to the reports that Americans were trapped and possibly dead in Afghanistan three years ago. "Slow down" followed by a maniacal cackle."

The Victory Girls claim Fluffy Joy Is Kamala’s Campaign Strategy. At WaEx, Byron York thinks Kamala Harris’s media gambit is working. Dan McLaughlin at NRO has Seven Theories of Press Complicity with the Harris Campaign. All of the above. Hat Hair's Capt. Ed Cotton to ABC's Karl: How Do You Know What Kamala's Positions Are?. Althouse, "Nearly three weeks ago, on an airport tarmac in Detroit, Eugene asked VP KAMALA HARRIS about plans for a sitdown interview."  at PJM Matt Margolis reports Kamala Harris Agrees to Sit for an Interview, but There's a HUGE Catch, "Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), will be her babysitter for the interview," And Stephen Kruiser puts it Kamala Is Bringing a Mansplainer Chaperone to Her First 'Interview'. Maybe he's there to find out the platform. Matt Vespa at TownHall thinks You Simply Cannot Make Up How the Harris Campaign Went About Finding a Media Interview for Kamala. From the Babylon Bee, Reporter Who Asked Kamala A Question Charged With Hate Crime. Capt. Ed snarks, "Of course, this is satire. Everyone knows that reporters don't ask questions of Democrats." 

'Bonchie' at RedState, sees Kamala Harris' Fear Is Palpable As She Desperately Tries to Change the Rules of the ABC News Debate and FIGHT NIGHT: Kamala Harris Folds, ABC News Debate Terms Agreed Upon, Beege Welborn at Hat Hair, The Science Is Settled: It's Donald Trump's Fault Kamala Won't Do the Debate She Agreed To. OTP, Harris Calls For Seated Debate With Notes.  Althouse, I've been suspecting that Kamala Harris will back out of the debate with Trump. "Why should she expose herself when running on nothing — AKA "joy" — has been working so well?" Capt. Ed cites Trump: Kamala Wants to Duck Debates and Trump: Why Should I Do a Debate on Jon Karl's Network? OTP, Trump Threatens To Back Out Of ABC Debate Because He’d Face ‘Panel Of Haters’. I think of it as a pre-emptive strike against the immoderators. Capt. Ed, Trump Announces Debate Agreement -- On His Terms; UPDATE. The Babylon Bee snarks, Harris Team Asks If Her Mic Can Just Be Muted For The Whole Debate.

Jeff Charles at Red State likes how JD Vance Expertly Lays Out the Most Glaring Problem With Kamala Harris' Campaign "“The Democrats reveal how little they know about working people in this country because all of their changes are stylistic and there is nothing substantive,” Vance told Breitbart News. “Their solution to losing working class voters, to losing rural voters, to losing veterans is to sell camo hats with Kamala Harris’s and Tim Walz’s name on them." Frank Luntz@FrankLuntz, "This might be why doesn’t have a single page of policy on it – she can’t even get Democratic lawmakers to support her proposals." Capt. Ed finds Dems in Congress: We Don't Support Kamala's Nonsense Platform. Becky Noble at RedState has a DNC Volunteer who Finally Gets It, Says She Cannot Support Kamala, Not Sure If She Is Still Even a Democrat. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw notes Harris Features Trump Border Wall in Campaign Ad to Great Mockery and Capt Ed adds  Axios: Harris to Propose Building That 'Un-American' Border Wall ... Sorta.  OTP, WATCH: Hypocrite Harris Uses Trump Border Wall In Ad Touting Her Border Toughness. Paula Bolyard at PJM says Kamala Harris Wants Your Kids in Public School, and She Wants Them There NOW, From OTP, Speaker Johnson: Harris Only Person America’s Adversaries Fear Less Than Biden. At Da Mail, The New York Times turns on Kamala! As the liberal newspaper runs a string of brutal op-eds slamming Harris as 'weak', 'a phony' and 'ignorant', is her 'Brat summer' finally over?. Althouse, "Kinda worried the Democrats are so thrilled with the sudden transformation from Biden to Harris they won’t be as obsessed as they ought to be." "Said Gail Collins in this week's "Conversation" with Bret Stephens." Benny Johnson@bennyjohnson "RFK JR: "They got rid of the primaries because they didn't trust the people. They then hand-picked Vice President Harris with no election because they didn't trust the people.. They're the party now of censorship." Twitchy, Dude, We Have EYES! Kamala Staffer Tries Dunking on Trump Delivering Pizza With Video PROVING He's a Liar

At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.26.24 EBL, DEMOCRATS DON’T WANT TO LET KAMALA OUT OF THE BASEMENTKamala Harris Likes Trump’s Border Wall, and Donald Trump lays wreath at Arlington to honor 13 U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan three years ago, Twitchy: Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) Says He Can’t Make Up Stories, Promptly Lies, and You’ll Be (Totally Not) Shocked That Poll Showing Kamala Up By 7 Is Fake News,  Louder With Crowder: RFK Jr goes SCORCHED EARTH on the entire Democrat-Media regime in must-watch epic fashion, CNBC reporter DESTROYS Elizabeth Warren’s pathetic attempt to defend Kamala’s price controls, Tim Walz gets caught in ANOTHER lie about a reward, this time he blames Trump, and They arrested a tech CEO for supporting free speech, this should TERRIFY Americans of Kamala-Walz, American Greatness: Harris, Walz, and a Peculiar Definition of ‘Freedom’Trump Honors 13 Fallen Service Members at Wreath Laying Ceremony on 3rd Anniversary of Kabul Bombing; Biden and Harris Issue Statements, and Kamala Harris’s High-Water Mark?, Cafe Hayek: ‘Price Gouging’ After a Disaster Is Good for the Public, More on the Perniciousness of Price Controls, The Geller Reports DISRESPECT: Biden No-Show At Arlington Cemetery, Only Trump Attends Service Honoring Afghanistan Fallen, The Lid, Kamala VP Pick Tim Walz Says Americans Have No Right to Free Speech, Power Line: Abbey Gate and beyond, and at The Federalist:  Three Years Later, Democrats Can’t Obfuscate Kamala Harris’ Role In Botched Afghanistan WithdrawalNo One Has Resigned In Three Years Since Catastrophic Afghanistan Withdrawal, It’s Time For Republican AGs To Bring The Fight To Democrats’ Proxy Organizations, Exclusive: House Oversight Chair Threatens Subpoenas If White House Doesn’t Cough Up ‘Bidenbucks’ Plans.

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 08.27.24,  EBL:, Debate: Harris vs. Harris, Twitchy: Politico Greatly Offended By J.D. Vance Pointing Out That Kamala Is Biden’s VPDavid French Shows No Self-Awareness At All, Bill Whittle, How To Beat Harris Part II – Polls, American Conservative: Kamala’s Biggest Lie on Race and Inequality, BattleSwarm: Victims Of The Biden Recession: Dogs, First Street Journal: Harris Goes After Trump On Economy And Inflation Or Something, Legal Insurrection, Even Democrats Question Harris’s Attempt to Portray Trump as the IncumbentNow Kamala Harris is Against an EV Mandate, Power Line: Gabbard unsheathed, Afghan Afterthoughts, and Is Anyone Running the Country? Does the Media Care?, This Ain’t Hell Donald Trump joins family members of 13 US service members in wreath laying ceremony, The Federalist, Kamala Harris Wants Amnesty And Open Borders, Not A Secure Border, Under Tim Walz, Minnesota Banned Christians From Teaching In Public Schools, Minnesota County Accepts $20,000 Grant From ‘Zuckbucks’ Group Ahead Of 2024 Election, Democrats Lose Ploy To Remove Green Party Ticket From Wisconsin Ballot, and Garland Makes An Example Of J6 Protesters To Shut Up Anyone Else Who Might Question Elections.

PJM's Stephen Kruiser thinks It Would Be Super Great If Tim Walz Could Tell the Truth About Anything. A video at Hat Hair, Tim Walz: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing and Duane Patterson say Let's Play 'Count The Spots' with Tim Walz. Dustin Grage@GrageDustin "Yes, this is Tim Walz tweeting about his dog Scout. Only problem is that these are two completely different dogs." To be fair, we did have two different dogs named Skye. 

PJM's Chris Queen castigates President Vacation. Kyle Becker@kylenabecker, "JUST IN: After a 5-day stay in the Santa Ynez Valley in California, Joe Biden leaves for a 9-DAY vacation at his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Joe Biden, we are told is, the President of the United States." At OTP, Who’s Running The Country? Joe MIATom Bevan@TomBevanRCP, "Biden's schedule is absolutely blank. Meanwhile, Emily Goodin reports Biden was "visibly shaking" as he exited AF1 in CA on Tuesday morning, and needed a boost from Secret Service agents just to get into his SUV. Who is running the country?" Top Secret Umbra asks Who Really Is Barack Obama? A Counterintelligence Inquiry "Our 44th president harmed the security of America, Israel, and the West – it’s time to ask why." "It’s now painfully clear that since Obama took the oath of office on Jan. 20, 2009, he and his people have been running the Democratic party at the top levels." VodkaPundit at PJM says That Trump Fellow Who's Been President the Last Four Years Sounds AWFUL.

Stacy McCain asks What Is a ‘Conspiracy Theory’?  "it would seem, “conspiracy theory” is now defined as any belief that might cause someone to support Donald Trump. Funny how that works."

Cheryl Hines
From Breitbart, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: What ‘MAGA’ Means to Me — ‘A Nation Brimming with Vitality’. Ace, Robert F. Kennedy Jr: "MAGA" Isn't About Racism. It's About Bringing Vitality Back to America. The Telegraph recounts How a beloved TV star became liberal Hollywood’s public enemy number one, Cheryl Hines, by being married to RFK Jr. Capt. Ed, RFK: Dems Tried to Destroy Me for Running Against Biden. Scott Pinsker at PJM, The Power of Association: What the RFK Jr. Endorsement Means to the Trump Campaign. A Larry video at Hat Hair, Trump Takes Control: RFK Jr. Just Ended This Election! Media Enraged! Alex Clark@yoalexrapz,  "Because of the RFK endorsement women are telling me they are willing to publicly say they’re voting Trump for the first time." From Althouse, "This is a tribute in honor of Bobby. I will establish a new independent presidential commission on assassination attempts, and..." "... they will be tasked with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy." Insty at his substack, Out: Soccer Moms and Security Moms. In: Health Moms. "Is RFK Jr. the secret to suburban women? Althouse catches "I’ve said this from the beginning: I am not a church boy. I have so many skeletons in my closet that if they could all vote, I could run for king of the world." "Said RFK Jr., quoted in "Environmental group calls for RFK Jr. to be investigated for reportedly sawing off whale head/In a resurfaced 2012 interview, his daughter shared he had once used a chain saw to cut off a dead whale’s head to bring it home, reportedly to study" (WaPo). Susie Moore at RedState, RFK Jr. Takes It to Church in Tucker Interview.

Natalia Mittelstadt at JTN, Former Democrat Rep. Gabbard endorses Trump, ""We saw first term in the presidency when he not only didn't start any new wars, he took action to deescalate and wars," Tulsi Gabbard said." Deseret News, Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard endorses Republican nominee Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race. Jazz Shaw, Tulsi Gabbard Twists the Knife. Sundance at CTH, Tulsi Gabbard Endorses President Donald Trump During National Guard Event. Politico whines Trump taps RFK Jr., Gabbard for his transition team. Capt. Ed comments "This means we'll be seeing both on the campaign trail, too. That may have a significant impact on center-Left voters, especially in swing states. I wondered how motivated Kennedy might be to campaign, especially with Hollywood's power elite putting pressure on his wife Cheryl Hines to get him to back off. Christian Toto and I discuss that in our Off the Beaten Path episode today." Sundance sees A New, Larger, MAGA Coalition. OTH, Ace reports More Than 200 Former Bush, McCain, and Romney Staffers Endorse Kamala Harris and It's Such a Big Deal You Guys (PS Most of Them Endorsed Biden in 2020). "So much conserving conservatism you guys!!!" 

The Peacock discovers The Democratic convention's surprise guest: Covid "Positive Covid results are rolling in — including among Kamala Harris' staff — after last week's Democratic National Convention in Chicago." Da Mail, Michelle Obama's secret feud with Biden... what Nancy Pelosi thinks of Kamala Harris... and why the president was left physically shaking: EMILY GOODIN's dispatch reveals what REALLY went down at the DNC. Althouse, The classic "Fear and" title is "Fear and Loathing," but somehow, in these days of loathing, we've got "Fear and Joy." "I'm so skeptical... as I'm reading "Fear and Joy in Chicago/The excitement that radiated through the Democratic National Convention was the other side of what had until recently been a deep despair" by Fintan O'Toole (NYRB)." Matt Margolis at PJM, EXCLUSIVE: Rasmussen Reports on Kamala's 'Bounce' and RFK Jr's Impact on the Race "He also suggested that there’s been a sudden shift in polling methodologies that seem to favor Harris, which he finds suspicious given that "our numbers weren’t that far off from others’ in the industry back in July when the press wanted Biden out." However, with Harris as the nominee, everyone seems to have "lurched left," and the media has followed suit with articles justifying this shift." Jazz Shaw, Catholic Pregnancy Center Vandalized as DNC Ends. NRO, A Pro-Life Pregnancy Help Center in Chicago Is Vandalized.

Misty Severi at JTN reports Jack Smith asks appeals court to reinstate Trump classified docs case, "It is not clear how long it will take for the appeals court to make its decision, but even if it does reauthorize the case, the trial would not place before the November election." Mia Cathell, Jack Smith Files New Indictment Against Trump in J6 Case. Paula Bolyard, Here We Go Again: Jack Smith Brings ANOTHER Indictment Against Trump. Ace, Regime Very Special Prosecutor Jack Smith Indicts Trump Again, "He narrowed the charges to pretend to comply with the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity -- but he's done nothing to cure the fact that he's an illegally-appointed prosecutor. Special prosecutors are supposed to be confirmed by Congress, and have their funding approved by Congress. Smith was appointed by Merrick Garland and is funded by funds Merrick Garland decided himself to provide." Jazz Shaw, Bragg: Okay, I Suppose We Have to Listen to SCOTUS

House Judiciary GOP@JudiciaryGOP, "Mark Zuckerberg just admitted three things: 1. Biden-Harris Admin "pressured" Facebook to censor Americans. 2. Facebook censored Americans. 3. Facebook throttled the Hunter Biden laptop story. Big win for free speech." Ace, Mark Zuckerberg Admits Biden-Harris Administration Pressured Him to Censor Dissenters on Covid and Hunter's Laptop; Admission Directly Contracits DHS Sec. Mayorkas' Claim He Never Asked Social Media Companies to Censor Anything. "Someone needs to go to jail. And by "someone" I mean a lot of people." From Da Caller, Mark Zuckerberg Admits Biden-Harris Admin Pressured Facebook To Censor Content, Expresses Regret. A Larry video, Zuckerberg Begs for Mercy: We Cheated! Kamala Goes MAGA?! Matt Taibbi at Racket, cited at Hat Hair, Zuckerberg Defies the Borg. Capt. Ed comments, "I certainly wish I could share Taibbi's optimism about Zuckerberg, but I'm still skeptical. He's a key donor to Arabella, which funds radical progressive efforts, for one thing. He's part of the Borg he's supposedly defying. He has an opportunity to do what Elon Musk did years ago, which is to stand up for liberty and free speech. Let's wait to see what his next move is." Sundance is skeptical, Mark Zuckerberg Admits to Congress He Worked with Joe Biden and White House to Control Speech in America – Says, He “Regrets” Doing It. Althouse, "Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Monday that the Biden administration was "wrong" to pressure the company to censor certain inaccurate content during the COVID-19 pandemic."  

Stacy McCain wants to know Do Taxpayers in Madison, Wisconsin, Want Schools to Celebrate a Killer? Libs of TikTok@libsoftiktok "These images were reportedly taken inside @MMSDschools in Wisconsin. This school is trying to destroy "heteronormative thinking" and replace it with a "queer affirming network?" When they say they're coming for your kids, believe them." At The Right Scoop, UNREAL: Washington DC family loses custody of their autistic son after refusing to let him transition to a girl

Bob Shibley at InstyWHAT A MONSTER. "Pitt cardiologist Norman Wang was demoted, had an article retracted, and was told he was “unsafe” for students because of maniac statements like “Ultimately, all who aspire to a profession in medicine and cardiology must be assessed as individuals on the basis of their personal merits, not their race and ethnic identities.” He’s suing. (In the meantime, if you need a cardiologist, I suspect he’s a safe bet.)" From the Free Bacon, Uh Oh: Did 'White Fragility' Author Plagiarize BIPOC Scholars? Capt. Ed, "A complaint isn't necessarily proof, but this would be one of the greatest scholastic ironies of all time, if true." Somewhere I saw a great video by Matt Walsh about this, but Google won't help me find it. 

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: A Token of My Extreme up on time and under budget at the Other McCain.

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