Sunday, August 25, 2024

Beach Report 8/25/24

Another exceptionally nice day for Aug. Sunny, 75 and a stiff south wind
We hit the low tide pretty much on the nose and were able to go as far up as we wanted.

Some unattended beach art. Long, Calvert, and the lower part of Matoaka beach were moderately occupied, but the upper beach was nearly abandoned,
This slightly worse for wear lower Snaggletooth was the best of 34 teeth. 


  1. Hey Fritz my wife and daughter found 2 perfect teeth while we were at the beach in Myrtle last week. They were both in perfect shape and looked like a mini meg or white but only maybe half inch long tops. Any guesses?

  2. Could be small megs or whites. Mostly likely a Bull, or similar Carcharhinus. Got a picture?
