Friday, June 21, 2024

Got The Pneumonia Blues This Time

Last week, Gabby acquired a new cough from pre-school, and by early this week, everyone in the house was coughing. For the couple of day, Georgia and I had slight fevers and miserable coughs and wheezing. Georgia went to the Dr. (actually a nurse practitioner) who diagnosed "walking" pneumonia, prescribed a round of antibiotics (just in case) and an inhaler. Based on those results, Georgia took Gabby in (she has a cough still, but her lungs are clear), and I went to the Dr, who, after one listen to my chest said "pneumonia" and prescribed basically the same regimen as Georgia's. I was ordered to stay inside, and take it easy for a few days while it all kicks in, so no more beach for a while.

Ex-Fed Accuses VMRC of Wasteful Spending

6 News Richmond, Why retired officer says Marine Police guarding the Chesapeake Bay are being ‘wasteful’ 

Andrew Cortez cares deeply about the Chesapeake Bay.

"The Chesapeake Bay is our natural heritage," Cortez said. "A healthy bay helps everyone."

The retired law enforcement officer was an investigator for 36 years, working to keep the Chesapeake in check with different agencies as a special agent with U.S. Fish and Wildlife.

He now has concerns about the group meant to do just that: the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, which oversees Virginia Marine Police.

He's talking about the recent purchase of a 2024 Pathfinder, a boat commonly used for fishing, costing $183,529.16.

Documents he received through a Freedom of Information Act Request, which he shared with CBS 6, show the purchase was made on March 5. The paperwork said it would be needed by April 4, 2024.

"They've got these rocket launchers; they're sort of a holder for rods. For fishing rods," Cortez said. "And it's got the full fisherman package on it. It's not something that would be used for law enforcement or for fisheries research."

VRMC told CBS 6 that the vessel was purchased through the competitive bidding process in compliance with all state laws and policies.

"This vessel will be deployed in the Middle Area Law Enforcement Region for the Virginia Marine Police as a daily patrol vessel to enforce Virginia fishing and safe boating laws, as well as search and rescue operations. It has not been deployed in the field for law enforcement use yet because we are in the process of up-fitting it with law enforcement specific equipment (i.e. blue lights, siren, overt police markings)," Zachary Widgeon, VMRC's Director of Communications sent CBS 6 in an email statement.
That's a pretty sweet ride, but I'll bet they aren't paying full retail.
The response goes on to say: "This 2024 Pathfinder met the Statement of Need at a price that was reasonable in line with industry standards, superfluous features that do not affect its usage as a law enforcement patrol vessel are not relevant or considered in the purchasing process."

"This is wasteful for an agency with a budget about the size of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts," Cortez said.

That's not the only thing Cortez is concerned about.

There's also been a drop in VMRC-related arrests and subsequent convictions.

Between 2017 and 2018, there were 1,202 arrests and 988 convictions, according to Virginia Marine Police Arrests/Convictions data. Between 2021 and 2022, there were 667 arrests and 533 convictions. Based on the numbers, Cortez thinks that's far too few.

"Their conviction rate is 73 percent, which is dismal," Cortez said. "In wildlife law enforcement, marine law enforcement, it should be in the high 90s, because you're catching people in the act."

How many are illegal aliens who don't bother to show up in court? 

Flotsam and Jetsam - Is Biden Losing His Touch with Women?

KT at Hat Hair, Warning, Will Robinson: Women Voters Are Abandoning Biden, Losing Steam With Black Voters "Mr. Biden’s lead among women has slid to about eight percentage points since the 2020 election, according to an average of more than 30 polls conducted over the last six months and compiled by The New York Times. That’s down from a lead among women of about 13 percentage points four years ago." Da Caller, ‘Be Concerned’: Dems Freaking Out That Reliable Interest Group Is Turning To GOP. PJM's Stephen Kruiser says it's Confirmed — Joe Biden Is No Ladies' Man. Ace, Biden Is Losing Support Among His Most Important Bloc: Women "Losing 10% of blacks, who make up 13% of the population, is one thing. Losing 5% of women, who make up, what, 52% of voters? That's worse." Dan Greenfield at Front Page, Biden’s Closest Black Ally Blames “Misinformation” for Black Voters Turning On Him

Tristan Justice at Da Fed, Press Panics Over Public’s Ability To See Through Activist Narratives. "“Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact-checks have trouble keeping up,” headlined NBC’s reporting." I&I, Is Biden Pulling A ‘Chung Ling Soo’ On America? Or Is It 25th Amendment Time? "We suspect the truth is that Biden is far worse in private than what he shows in public, that he needs a strange elixir cooked up by his team of doctors to function, and that the White House press is playing down how bad it knows Biden is so as not to help Trump." Dan Oliver at Am Great warns Wake up, Republicans, the Dark Is Rising "It has become increasingly clear that Biden will not be the Democrat nominee for president. The Republican Party needs to adjust its strategy now to prepare for a race against a different candidate." Rick Moran at PJM, 'It's Like It Was Written By a Committee of Chat GPTS': Biden Ad Campaign's Epic Fail  "It’s soulless," political strategist Steve Schmidt, a fierce Trump critic, recently said on his "The Warning" podcast. "It’s flat." So, a fair representation of the candidate. TNP reports  Axios: Biden’s Running a Fear Campaign, and Many Around Him Think It’s Not Working. Trump is a known quantity, and his era was pretty good except for Covid. At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.20.24 the Shark Tank: Rep. Fine Calls For Jill Biden’s Arrest On Elder Abuse Charges and at Legal Insurrection: CBS News Beclowns Itself by Using ‘Wrong Version’ of Biden Video That Made Him Look Even Worse and Power Line, Here’s the Latest Cheap Fake,

From NYPo, Rachel Morin’s mom blasts DHS chief for calling slain daughter ‘individual,’ says Biden admin hasn’t reached out: ‘Depersonalizes her’. Sister Toldja at RedState, Trump Does What Biden Won't on the Rachel Morin Matter As Her Mother Unloads on Mayorkas. Hat Hair's KT, Say Her Name, Joe: Trump Calls Rachel Morin's Mother. Ace, The Illegal Alien Who Kidnapped and R*ped a 13-Year-Old Girl Filmed the Assault. At Hat Hair, Beege Welborn is concerned about 85,000 'Lost' Unaccompanied Migrant Children. From the Free Bacon, 'The Cartels Know This': Biden's Border Crisis Pushes Montana's Indian Country to the Brink, "'The Biden administration’s Bureau of Indian Affairs treats us worse than white people do,' Indian leader says."

Dave Strom at Hat Hair hears of Another Biden Success: Iran Producing Enough Enriched Uranium for 'Several' Bombs a Month, only for peaceful purposes, I suppose. PJM's Cathy Salgado, Biden Associate: Israel Must Let Hamas Win. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw finds it a Shocker: The White House Doesn't Have a Plan for Gaza and Duane Patterson sees Anti-Zionists in a Funk After a Dunk at the Munk Debates. At Breitbart, Biden Administration Insists the $230M Gaza Pier Will Reopen This Week, Despite Reports It Is Failing, throwing good money after bad.

TNP reports U.S. Budget Deficit Balloons to $1.92 Trillion. Which means, according to John Stossel at Hat Hair, You Owe $100,000! Wall Street Silver@WallStreetSilv "Everyone is posting that the annualized number is about $1.059 trillion. However the interest on the debt for just May 2024 was $103 billion. Debt will grow another $2 trillion or more in the next 12 months. We are already on pace for over $1.2 trillion in annualized payments on the debt. Within the next few years, interest on the debt will exceed Social Security payments and become the largest item in the budget." WaPoo ed board (cited at Hat Hair) says On the National Debt, the U.S. Has a Leadership Deficit, Too. Oh, they're leading, just in the wrong direction. According to a Breitbart Poll: ‘Inflation and Economy’ Top Priority for Americans, Abortion Last.

Ace, looks at an Emerson College Poll: Trump Has Lost Some Support Among Independents, But Clings to a Small Lead in All Battleground States. Fox "News" Is Ecstatic As Their Left-Leaning Poll Shows Biden Taking a Small Lead "This is a post-"conviction" poll. It shows the "conviction" has hurt Trump, but not by enough to put Biden ahead."  Althouse, "New Emerson College Polling/The Hill state polls find former President Donald Trump with a slight edge on President Joe Biden in..." ""... Arizona (47% to 43%), Georgia (45% to 41%), Wisconsin (47% to 44%) Nevada (46% to 43%), Pennsylvania (47% to 45%), and Michigan (46% to 45%), while Biden splits with Trump in Minnesota (45% to 45%)." Emerson College Polling reports. It's that last one that caught my eye: They're tied in Minnesota now?!" Jason Cohen at Da Caller, ‘Oh My God’: Frank Luntz Impressed Trump ‘Making It Close’ In Reliable’ Dem State After Conviction. Steve McCann at Am Thinks thinks about Is the 2024 Election Trump’s to Lose? At Am Con James Antle wonders What Kind of Conservative Will Trump II Be? "The former President, despite some long standing preferences, is not a predictable ideologue." KT at Hat Hair, Trump Lowers Expectations for Debate As He Should

Breitbart, Exclusive — Chip Roy: There Is ‘Repeated Evidence’ of Non-Citizens Voting. Of course, non-citizens are voting, but the real question is whether there are enough to make a difference. The fact that one party wants to crack down, and the other party doesn't even want to check tells you what you need to know.  At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.20.24 Da Fed, Election Integrity Groups Urge North Carolina To Pass Citizens-Only Voting Amendment.

At Da Wire, Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain, The Peacock, Pew Research Center revises report about 'racial conspiracy theories' after backlash "Critics said the report’s initial title referring to “racial conspiracy theories” implied that Black Americans’ distrust of U.S. institutions is irrational and without historical context."

Scott Pinsker at PJM explains why There Is No Equivalency Between 'Convicted Felons' Donald Trump and Hunter Biden. Ace, Oh My: Marlon Wayans Interviews Darius "Sweetdick" Honeycum, Esq. "I don't think this is the interview Sweetdick was expecting. For those of you who can't watch video, here's a written report from the NY Post." Hat Hair's John Sexton reports As Expected, Alvin Bragg's Office Drops Charges Against Columbia Trespassers.

Jack Cashill at Am Spec wants to know Who Had Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick ‘Murdered’? "His reported ‘death by fire extinguisher’ was no accident. Congress needs to find out pronto who ordered the hit."

Jordan Boyd at Da Fed, says Yes, Biden’s Department Of Justice Wants To Imprison Peaceful Pro-Lifers For Praying.

Vodka Pundit at PJM wonders Will Biden Help Soros Silence Dana Loesch and Mark Levin? by allowing him to buy the radio network that hosts them? "According to Tuesday's report in the New York Post, before Soros can take control of Audacity, "Soros Fund Management needs help from the FCC as the money funneled into buying the bankrupt network comes from abroad." Under current law, "foreign company ownership of U.S. radio stations is not allowed to exceed 25% — but a filing acquired by The Post details Soros’ asking the commission to make an exception." Soros is reportedly leaning hard on the FCC for approval, but, at least publicly, the commission remains mum."

At NYPo, another case of estrogen poisoning, Transgender woman guns down ‘parents’ in Utah home, sparking massive manhunt: police. Mia Cathell at TownHall notes DOJ Omits One Inconvenient Detail About the Club Q ShooterErik Herrera@photoswitherik "Mugshot of Club Q shooting suspect has been released. Andersen Lee Aldrich’s public defender has stated that Andersen is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. #ClubQ" Breitbart, California Senate approves ban on requiring schools to notify parents of child’s pronoun change. Da Wire goes Inside The Fight To Shield Kids From Graphic Material In A Deep Red State. John Sexton, UK Police Investigate Activist Over a Tweet Critical of a Trans Doctor. From Twitchy, TikTok Bans Jennifer Sey for Ad Protecting Women's Sports, Riley Gaines Makes It Go Viral. Freep, This Company Believes in “Protecting Women’s Sports.” TikTok Banned Its Ad. From Da Caller, Pakistan Has The Perfect Solution To Pride Month Globe Eye News@ GlobeEyeNews "A man who tried to open Pakistan's first gay club was admitted to a mental hospital by Pakistani authorities."

Sister Toldja at RedState, want you to WATCH: Sen. John Kennedy Humiliates Two More Biden Judicial Nominees in Epic Fashion. Twitchy, Sen. John Kennedy Shames Judicial Nominee for Finding 'a Lot of Good' in Child Molester.

Nate Hochman at Am Spec, comes out Against Juneteenth. "The purpose of the holiday was abundantly clear from the outset, to anyone who cared enough to actually pay attention." James O'Keefe@ JamesOKeefeIII "BREAKING: Senior Vice President at The Walt Disney Company details discriminatory hiring practices: "Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they're not considering any white males for the job," says Michael Giordano, a Vice President of Business affairs, "there’s no way we’re hiring a white male.” Giordano reveals Disney uses "code words and buzzwords" to avoid legal action and even mentions a candidate being rejected for not looking black enough. Giordano also admits Disney gives bonuses to executives for practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), agreeing that "diversity helps with financial incentives." Giordano further claims he’s been denied promotions due to his race. Stay tuned for The Disney Tapes: Part 2..." Hat Hair, Disney VP Admits: Not Hiring White Males. Ace, Disney Executive: "There's No Way We're Hiring a White Male" Interviewer: "It's kind of unspoken?" Disney Executive: "Sometimes it's spoken." "Tell me more about the "it's sometimes spoken" part. Is it ever memorialized in emails? Because that would make for some sweet discovery."

David Atherton@DaveAtherton20 "American broadcaster @BenBergquam comes to London & meets pro-Palestine thugs at a London univeristy. One threatens to "shank" him the neck. Why are these people not deported?" NYPo, NY ‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman finally apologizes for denying Hamas rape atrocities on Oct. 7. Jazz Shaw hears a Columbia Professor: Avoid MSM Because It's 'Owned by Jews'.

Fish Pic Friday - Touch The Sky

Kelci@touchtheskyy Catchin with Kel 🎣 NY✈️FL | ♍️ | ⚓️ | ☀️ | 🌊 | 🐟 | 🌸 | 🐚 @rocketcitycharters

Not to most variety, but some nice fish!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Forget it Jake, It's Baltimore

What if they held a pride parade and a riot broke out? What happened at Baltimore Pride? Mace, crowds, fireworks left some attendees confused.

Baltimore Police confirmed the “chemical agent” released at a Baltimore Pride event on Saturday evening was Mace, but the sequence of events left some attendees confused about what actually happened.

“What was kind of wild was that there were multiple incidents throughout the day, which may be why some people’s accounts don’t really match,” said Margie Miller, a 36-year-old Baltimore City resident who attended the annual Pride Parade and Block Party.

Miller said she first saw people running when she was dancing to Sasha Miles’ DJ set, which began at 5:40 p.m., according to his Instagram account, near a smaller stage. She sought shelter behind a truck and heard people saying there were shots fired. Then others said it was a car accident, she said, which prompted some to worry the car had driven into the crowd.

Later, she saw running again between 8 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. by the main music stage.

Baltimore Police said Mace was sprayed when a fight broke out between two groups in front of the main music stage near North Avenue and Charles Street at approximately 8:30 p.m. Three people came in contact with the Mace, which was not released by police, and were treated at a local hospital, the department said.

Around the same time, police said, fireworks were set off in the crowd, prompting a “mass exodus,” which led to several injuries 

Miller and her friends were resting against a brick wall around that time when people started running past them, she said. Something in the air prompted everyone to start coughing, and once they could no longer breathe, they decided to leave the area, she said.

“I don’t think I was even trying to process what it was,” Miller said. “I was sort of just trying to stay safe, not breathe in the agent, not get run over by people.”

Just another day in Baltimore. 

Dali Update

The  Balmer Sun has some updates on the MV Dali, the container ship that took out the Key Bridge.  Cargo ship Dali readying for departure, could head as early as Friday to Virginia

“They can’t go down and anchor off Cape Henry and wait because they don’t have anchors, right?” Smoak said. “So the movement has to be highly choreographed. They gotta go straight from one terminal to the next.”

One of the Dali’s anchors was “completely crushed” during the bridge collapse, while the other was cut free during the salvage, Smoak said.

Without anchors and still quite damaged, the Dali will be carefully escorted to Norfolk. It will sail under its own power, but four tugboats will assist it the entire way. A Coast Guard cutter will also form part of the convoy and enforce a “moving safety zone.” Another work boat — from the salvor Resolve Marine — will also escort. In total, seven vessels, including the Dali, will make the 16- to 20-hour trip.

“It’s another set of eyes to ensure that nothing falls off of the vessel,” Smoak said of the salvor’s boat. “If something were to fall off the vessel, there’s someone there to immediately respond, mark it and recover it.”
I guess you don't just run to West Marine an buy a new anchor. Key Bridge collapse: Judge’s order seeks to keep crew of Dali in US until Thursday hearing 
The motions asked a judge to require the crew to stay in the U.S. until they receive further instructions from the court, and to require the ship’s lawyers to guarantee the crew’s continued availability.

“The crew consists entirely of foreign nationals who, of course, have critical knowledge and information about the events giving rise to this litigation,” wrote Adam J. Levitt, one of the lawyers for the city. “If they are permitted to leave the United States, Claimants may never have the opportunity to question or depose them.”

Senior U.S. District Judge James K. Bredar set a court hearing for Thursday and ordered lawyers for the ship’s owners not to facilitate the crew’s departure. The order does not block the crew from traveling, but requires the U.S. government and the ship’s lawyers to make every effort to keep the crew present through Thursday’s hearing.
12 weeks after Key Bridge collapse, Dali crew still on board. Now a deal means some could be leaving.
They’ve been stuck aboard the Dali container ship for more than 12 weeks now: as the vessel crashed into and destroyed the Francis Scott Key Bridge, as divers recovered the bodies of six road workers who were killed while filling potholes on the span, as a massive, floating salvage operation sprang up around them to clear the debris.

The crew remained on board even as explosives were set off to break up the huge piece of the bridge that had landed on its bow and stranded it in the river and the battered vessel was refloated and tugged back into port a month ago.

Now a deal between attorneys for the city and the ship’s owner and manager means eight of the crew members could be heading home as soon as Thursday. The city dropped its objections, filed late Tuesday, to the crew members’ departure. A federal judge had scheduled a hearing for 10 a.m. Thursday to weigh whether to keep them here at least for now. It’s not clear whether that hearing will proceed.

The eight, including a cook, several seamen, a fitter, an oiler and a general steward, now may be able to fly home.

The city, which has filed a claim against the Dali’s Singapore-based owner and manager for negligence in the bridge collapse, had feared it might lose the opportunity to question crew members as part of the litigation should they leave the country.

I'm sure the cook has a lot of information to contribute. Update, Key Bridge collapse: Eight Dali crew members can go home, will be deposed later under last-minute deal 

The eight, including a cook, several seamen, a fitter, an oiler and a general steward, now may be able to fly home after spending 12 weeks aboard the Dali.

Flotsam and Jetsam - Cheap Fakes or Cheap Thrills?

Matt Margolis at PJM wants you to Check Out the Latest Video the White House Will Call a ‘Cheap Fake’ Before It’s Scrubbed. "Cheap Fake" is an unedited video that shows Biden, or some other Democrat in an unflattering light. Nick Arama at Red State,  How Will They Explain This One? Biden Has More Difficulty, This Time Climbing Into an SUV At Da Fed, Dave Harsanyi says Stop Trying To Convince Me Joe Biden Isn’t A Confused, Doddering Old Man. At The Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.19.24  Twitchy, CBS News Explains Why “Wrong Version Of A Video” Was Removed From Biden “Cheap Fake” Hackery. From Breitbart, AP Fact-Checks Video of Barack Obama Walking Joe Biden off Stage, Citing One Anonymous Source. Da Fetched, Biden Visibly Struggles Mid-Speech While Announcing Mass Amnesty. Dan Greenfield at Front Page thinks the Media Wants to Ban Videos of Biden’s Senility. "Now Biden's gaffes are "misinformation" too." Leavitt to Newsmax: People 'See Truth' About Biden. At Da Signal, Media Is Gaslighting You About Biden’s Obvious Signs of Decline. Here’s Why It Won’t Work. Matt Margolis again, The Media Knows Biden Will Lose the Debate With Trump. Sarah Arnold at TownHall, thinks a Report Reveals 'Secret Democrat Plot' to Replace Joe Biden. At OTP, Queer Eye For Biden-Harris: VP Hosts Cast Of Gay Pride Hit. "VP Hosts Cast Of Gay Pride Hit." Well, she probably can't screw up the gay/trans vote. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Evening Edition), Louder With Crowder, Special K spreads a STUNNING amount of misinformation in defense of Joe Biden being a senile old coot Twitchy Cringeworthy Kamala Harris “Pride” Post Gets The Treatment It Deserves, The Lid, Nearly Half of Voters Say Joe Biden Mentally Unfit for Office, Power Line: Guest Column, Joe Biden Options: Senile Dolt, Evil Genius, or Double-Agent,

At Am Con, Biden Announces Amnesty for over 500,000 Illegal Aliens. "State of the Union: The plan covers those married to U.S. Citizens." Hat Hair's KT hears Governor Abbott Flames Biden's Mass Amnesty Policy. NewsMax, Trump: Biden Wants to Be 'President for Illegal Aliens' and Sen. James Lankford to Newsmax: Biden's Border Policy Backward. From Breitbart, Amnesty Joe Biden Gives His Podium to Illegal Migrant and Jayapal: ‘Fearmongering’ by Reporting Things That Happened Is ‘Part of the Problem’ of Support for Mass Deportations. Hat Hair's John Sexton sees US Cities Are Overwhelmed with Migrants Despite Mexico Doing Biden's Dirty Work. They vote poorly. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair is not broken up when NY Vigilantes Beat, Capture Migrant Who Raped 13-Year-Old Girl. Mia Cathell at Town Hall sees 'Sanctuary City' Swallows Massive Red Pill After Illegal Alien Child Sex Offender Was Freed, Baltimore. Matt Walsh at Da Wire, thinks Americans Are Sick And Tired Of The Illegal Immigrant Crime Epidemic. From Da Signal, a Poll: Majority of Hispanics Favor Deporting ‘All’ Illegal Immigrants. Hat Hair's KT sees The Warning Signs Are Flashing Red for in internal terrorist attack by illegal "newcomers." HE, Conservatives need to go hard on immigration—like the Left does on abortion.  Da Caller, ‘That’s Remarkable’: CNN Panelists Stunned As Donald Trump’s Immigration Policy Enters ‘The Mainstream’.

Fox, Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails. "'I can go with you to find out what he can do for us,' Biden's Chinese business partner said." PJM's Kevin Downey, Why Did the White House Allegedly Kill an Anti-Corruption Bill? You Know Why!

Cathy Salgado at PJM hears Retirees Look for Work Again in Biden’s Economy. Thanks Brandon! WaT, Americans still waiting on Biden broadband plan; rural high-speed internet stuck in Dems’ red tape. "Not a single home connected three years after enactment." But I bet a lot of DEI officers got employed. Whole Mars Catalog @WholeMarsBlog "For $42 billion they could have bought Starlink dishes for 140 million people (US population is 333 million)." From CH, Meddling in Mergers "The Biden administration is putting its politics ahead of business—and consumers will pay the price." NewsMax, Biden Lands EPA Union's First Endorsement. I wasn't even aware EPA had a union. Of course, they're for Biden. 

At LI, Netanyahu Reveals Biden Admin Has Been Holding Back Weapons Shipments, Says Blinken Promised To Free Up Flow. "Netanyahu: “[I]n the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel. Secretary Blinken assured me that the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks…. Give us the tools and we’ll finish the job a lot faster”" Jake Smith at Da Caller, ‘Rougher And Rougher’: Biden’s Chaotic Gaza Pier Could Be Dismantled Months Earlier Than Expected. VodkaPundit at PJM says Let's Kick Off Summer With Another Losing War! and continue to allow the Houthis to control trade in the mid east. "We have over 2,000 years [of] written record — remarkedly consistent given the turnover of empires & technology — of how to successfully eliminate piracy." And yet, the White House "decided to ignore that and only do part of the recipe but expect the same result." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Evening Edition), The Geller Reports Jihad Joe Biden Regime Shells Out $400,000,000 More to Jihad Terrorists in Israel. From the Wombat's  In The Mailbox: 06.19.24, The Geller Report: Netanyahu Asserts US is “Withholding Essential Weapons and Ammunitions to Israel” that Israel Paid For.

Ace, Trump Opens Up an Eighteen Point Lead in Iowa, a State Obama Won "Happy Nineteenth of June. I have proclaimed today a special holiday, which I call "Humpteenth." Iowa wasn't and isn't a blue state, but Obama did win it. Twice. Even in 2012, after everyone understood that he was an incompetent empty-suit DEI hire. So it was gettable. Iowa is no longer gettable for Democrats." Hat Hair KT talks about About That Shocking Iowa Poll. At PJM VIP, VodkaPundit is Wargaming the Electoral College: Pennsylvania or Bust for Joe?   Atop Da Hill, a youngster explains Why Biden is losing young Democrats like me. At Breitbart, WATCH — 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices. At Da Fetched, Jack Black Roasted after Endorsing Joe Biden: ‘How Much Are They Paying You?’  From Althouse, "The Return of Peace Through Strength/Making the Case for Trump’s Foreign Policy." "A column in Foreign Policy by Robert C. O'Brien, who "served as U.S. National Security Adviser from 2019 to 2021."" Rumble, Trump Will Win 50 States If This Happens. Hat Hair's KT, It Starts in Ohio: New Red State Playbook by Pro-Abortion Advocates.

Hollywood it Toto Explains ‘The View’s’ Anti-Trump Hysteria, "Joy Behar fears former President will do what's already happening in America" under Biden. On X, the Great Victor Davis Hanson@VDHanson explores the "Anatomy of a Full Leftwing Meltdown The media is afire with warnings of the impending Trump “dictatorship”. Celebrities, the Squad, and Biden administration grandees vie to conjure up the most nightmarish things that Trump might do to them. What drives their current mounting hysteria? . . ." Althouse, I'm told there were a lot of these "Please Remember" billboards along the backroads north of Milwaukee. "Here's an article about the phenomenon: "Mysterious Trump and Epstein billboards are popping up across Wisconsin" (UpNorth News).." One of the more minor hoaxes.  Also, "[P]ortraying Trump as not merely a convicted criminal — but a wildly self-centered one — may be a smart play." "I'm reading "Biden’s ads haven’t been working. Now, he’s trying something new. The president has been massively outspending Donald Trump on the airwaves and still losing" by Eric Levitz (at Vox)."

OTP, Chief Trump Impeachment Witness Eugene Vindman Wins Bid For House SeatReese Gorman@reesejgorman "John McGuire is declaring victory over Bob Good. He’s currently up by just under 400 votes. If this stands he defeats the House Freedom Caucus Chairman and is a huge victory for Trump and Kevin McCarthy." Althouse tells an amusing tale from the wilds of Vermont, "I walked around this place, paranoid of my fellow legislators, racking my brain trying to think, 'What could I have possibly said or done?'" "Said Jim Carroll, quoted in "Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months/Mary Morrissey apologizes after being filmed dumping liquid into backpack of Democratic legislator Jim Carroll" (The Guardian)." FinBold, Nancy Pelosi is up this much on her Nvidia stock bet. "After a breathtaking run NVDA stock has been on since, adding over 170% to its value, Pelosi earned an estimated $5 million on her call options, approximately 20 times her annual salary." It's good to have inside information.

Guy Benson at TownHall explores Is Biden Responsible for Alvin Bragg's Prosecution of Donald Trump? No, but he helped when he could. From TNP, Bannon Faces Harsh Prison Conditions Alongside Violent Criminals. "The federal judge assigned to Bannon’s case ordered the more stringent conditions. Polantz says the prison is “behind ‘The Wall,'” indicating a higher level of confinement than minimum-security camps.“ It’s different than a camp. It has more confines for the inmates that are kept there. Also, violent offenders can be kept in a low-security prison like the one Bannon is going to,” Polantz stressed." Da Caller, Steve Bannon’s Prison Sentence Will Be Served In Facility With Violent Offenders. At Am Great, Resolution Declaring J6 Committee Illegitimate Awaits Action, which might nullify Bannon's conviction, since the action of the committee subpoenaing him would be illegitimate. "Congressman Eric Burlison (R-MO) has introduced a 5 page resolution that would effectively rescind the subpoenas issued by the January 6 (J6) Committee against Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Peter Navarro and Daniel Scavino Jr and withdrawing the recommendations that found them in contempt of Congress." Steve Richards at JTN, House Republicans request all documents previously turned over to Jan. 6 Committee. "Many of the documents used in the investigation were not properly archived and handed over when Republicans took power in 2023, the House subcommittee says."

At PM, BREAKING: Biden DOJ wins bid to move Ashli Babbit wrongful death suit from her home town of San Diego to Washington, DC. "The case will now be overseen by Judge Jia Cobb, a Biden appointee."

Da Caller reports ‘Weaponization Of The IRS’: Biden Admin Cements Rules Handing Labor Unions A Massive Victory. At the Free Bacon, John Kerry's Climate Office Coordinated With Left-Wing Nonprofits Working To Shut Down Coal, Internal Docs Show. "'Evidence continues to mount' showing Biden admin's coordination with eco groups, Oversight chairman James Comer tells the Free Beacon." It's all a grift. If you're not getting your share, you're paying the bill.

At The Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.19.24 At Da Fed, Jeremy Tedesco reports Google’s Censorship Machine Targets PragerU — Again. Cranking up the censorship for the 2024 election. At Am Think, Andrew Riddaugh thinks America is Riding on this Supreme Court Decision. "The highest court in the land will be focused on cases from Missouri and Texas that aim to prevent social media outlets and the Biden Administration from censoring and banning users based on their political views." NYPo, ABSOLUTELY slap a surgeon general’s warning on social media — ASAP. "As Murthy put it: “The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency — and social media has emerged as an important contributor.”"

ET, DOJ Charges Texas Doctor Who Exposed ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care for Minors "Dr. Eithan Haim faces 10 years in prison and a $250,000 maximum possible fine if convicted." At CJ Chris Rufo examines The Murky Business of Transgender Medicine. "Did Texas Children’s Hospital commit fraud to pay for child sex-change procedures?" Hat Hair's Begee Welborn hears a Broward Brouhaha When HS Girl Volleyball Player Turns Out to Be...SURPRISE...a Guy. Fox 31, Colorado Supreme Court to hear arguments in transgender cake case, before being overturned by the US Supreme Court? at Breitbart, San Francisco Mayoral Debate: Democrat Mayor Breed Asks Challenger to Name 3 Drag Queens, a major point in today's Frisco. 

Eric Lendrum sees Massachusetts Spends $1 Million of Taxpayer Money on Ad Campaign Against Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers. Promote abortion all you want, but not with public money.

Hat Hair's John Sexton says Columbia Task Force on Anti-Semitism Reveals Some of Its Findings "The general sense task force members got from talking to students was that anti-Semitism was a big problem on campus." Mike LaChance at LI, Cal State LA President: Students Who Took Over Building No Longer Welcome on Campus “Know that we will recover from this, but also know that I am committed to doing everything we can to ensure this will never be allowed to repeat.” There needs to be jail time. Lee Edwards@terronk "One of the weird things, and there are many weird things, about this bullshit is that he believed the best target for this was UC Berkeley. As far short of his far leftist ideals as Cal may have been, few actual real world institutions are closer."

At Am Think James Erwin thinks The Flag Debate Is Not Just About the Supreme Court. Charles Rotter at WUWT, Just Stop Oil Terrorists Desecrate Stonehenge. What did the Druids do to them?

A Thursday Tune - Obsessed

Olivia Isabel Rodrigo (born February 20, 2003) is an American singer-songwriter and actress. She first became known for starring on the Disney Channel series Bizaardvark (2016–2019) and the Disney+ series High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (2019–2022).

Overall, Rodrigo has achieved three Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles, two Billboard 200 number-one albums, and five multi-platinum certifications by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). Her other accolades include an American Music Award, seven Billboard Music Awards, and four MTV Video Music Awards. She was recognized as Time's Entertainer of the Year for 2021. Billboard named her as the Woman of the Year in 2022. She was awarded as the "Songwriter of the Year" at the ASCAP Pop Music Awards in 2022 and 2024.

Olivia Isabel Rodrigo was born on February 20, 2003, in Murrieta, California, to Jennifer, a school teacher, and Chris, a family therapist. An only child, she grew up in neighboring Temecula. Rodrigo was born half-deaf in her left ear. Rodrigo identifies as Filipino American. Her grandfather and one of her paternal great-grandfathers both emigrated from the Philippines, and her family follows Filipino traditions and cuisine. Her mother has German and Irish ancestry. She grew up listening to her parents' favorite alternative rock music, such as the bands No Doubt, Pearl Jam, the White Stripes, and Green Day

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Forget It Jake, It's Baltimore

Mia Cathell at TownHall, 'Sanctuary City' Swallows Massive Red Pill After Illegal Alien Child Sex Offender Was Freed

An illegal alien from Guatemala was convicted of heinous sex crimes against a minor in Maryland, but a Baltimore County judge suspended the pedophile's six-year prison sentence, and the so-called "sanctuary city" jailing the Guatemalan freed him in disregard of a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainment request.

Now, the deep-blue county is walking back its "sanctuary" policy following widespread backlash.

Last year, 25-year-old Raul Calderon-Interiano, a Guatemalan national living in the U.S. illegally, was arrested by the Baltimore County Police Department on January 23, 2023, and charged with sexual abuse of a minor (as a household/family member), attempted sexual abuse of a minor (as a household/family member), attempted sex offense in the third degree, sex offense in the third degree, and two counts of second-degree assault. The charging documents specified that Calderon-Interiano sexually abused a 13-year-old and a 14-year-old.

That day, Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Baltimore lodged an immigration detainer against Calderon-Interiano with the Baltimore County Detention Center.

ICE issues immigration detainers to temporarily hold illegal aliens who have been arrested for committing crimes. Federal detainers ask local law enforcement agencies to notify ICE in advance before "removable" suspects are released and request that they be detained until ICE can assume custody. Detainers allow for an arrest to be made in a secure, controlled custodial setting — i.e. a direct transfer of custody — as opposed to hunting down an at-large illegal alien freely roaming the streets. The latter also expends "scarce" government resources, ICE explains.

On April 10, 2024, Calderon-Interiano was convicted of a fourth-degree sex offense (sexual contact) and assault in the second degree. He was sentenced to a total of six years in prison followed by five years of probation.

According to county records reviewed by Townhall, that same day, Judge Jan Marshall Alexander of the county's Circuit Court decided to suspend all of the convicted child sex offender's prison time, and the county jail was ordered to release him. However, the court order directed the Baltimore County Detention Center to "check for detainers" first. He was let out anyways, in spite of ICE's active detainer against him.

They still vote poorly. 

Beach Report 6/19/24

No Chesapeake Bay News today because of Juneteenth, all Fed offices are shut, including the Bay program. So, a fairly ordinary beach report instead. A little warmer than yesterday, a little more humid, a little less SE wind, but still a pretty good day for summer (which officially starts tomorrow)

Pretty much the same as yesterday, I found a small pile of little teeth, and one nice Snaggletooth. More gravel, so a few more teeth, and 2 drum teeth.

Flotsam and Jetsam - Freeze!

Herr Professor Jacobson at LI, FREEZE! Mainstream Media Insists You Not Believe Your Eyes. "The freeze would not mean much if it were the first time. But it’s not. The lights are on, maybe someone is home, maybe not. Let the voters decide. But instead the mainstream media is swarming to Biden’s defense, a sure signal that the real campaign season has started." Guy Benson at TownHall say Let's Talk About That Weird Viral Video of Obama Escorting a 'Frozen' Biden Off StageBill Ackman @BillAckman, I have been criticized by some for sharing these @POTUS Biden videos which appear almost every day. I have read numerous articles which somehow suggest that the camera angle, the duration of the clip or some form of right wing manipulation explains Biden’s behavior on camera. Some people are old at 81 and others are sharp, vigorous, and impressive. Compare Warren Buffett at 93 and Biden at 81. Biden is an old 81 who can’t find his way off a stage or stay present and focused at a G7 conference. Is that who should be the leader of the free world for the next five years? A president should not have to be led off stage by hand or with an arm wrapped around him. That is the not the image of strength and leadership we need as a country." Dave Strom at Hat Hair, Turning the Gaslighting Up to 11. From the Wombats  In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Afternoon Edition),Twitchy: The Gaslight Is Strong With This OneWH attacks conservatives, claims new video of senile-looking Biden being led off stage by Obama isn’t what it looks like Louder With Crowder, WH attacks conservatives, claims new video of senile-looking Biden being led off stage by Obama isn’t what it looks like, and Dana Loesch, Special K Calls Videos Of Struggling Biden “Deep Fakes”  PJM's Stephen Kruiser, Dems' 2024 Platform — Your Reality Is Wrong, Stupid Voters. Matt Taibbi at Racket says We Called It: Karine Jean-Pierre Blames AI "Deepfakes" for Joe Biden's Real Infirmity "Last week, Racket showed an intelligence-crafted game blaming AI for suggesting "one of the candidates may have dementia." Yesterday, Biden spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre played that exact card. Ace, Update: The Biden-Media Op Is On "This is a full-court press throughout all the Regime media -- they're all claiming, at once, all using the same language, that all the videos showing Biden wandering off, freezing, and sitting (or shitting) in invisible chairs are "cheap fakes" spread by "right-wing media," and Latrine John-Pissoir Spreads Disinformation About Biden's Degenerated Brain. "Latrine John-Pissoir is now claiming that all videos -- all -- that show Biden freezing or wandering or pooping his pants or trying to sit in invisible chairs are "cheap fakes." They're not fake in any way, of course. The White House has created this knock-off term "cheap fakes" to rhyme with "deep fakes" to suggest to their audience of literal imbeciles that these videos are CGI fakes. This is obviously complete disinformation.The social media monopolies should ban this disinformation." At Althouse, "The Biden campaign seems to believe that journalists should stop reporting on polls, rallies, and other tentpoles of traditional presidential races..." "... and instead devote their resources to telling Americans that Trump wants to be a dictator, over and over again. If that means ignoring Biden’s missteps and weaknesses, well, the Biden campaign can accept that...." Sister Toldja at RedState, Greg Gutfeld Puts Biden/Media Collusion on 'Cheap Fakes' Scandal in Perspective As Only He Can

The Babylon Bee@TheBabylonBee "White House Claims Terrible Economy Is Just A Deepfake"

John Solomon and Steve Richards at JTN reports FBI knew since 2016 Hunter Biden’s team nearly scored $120 million Ukrainian deal while Joe was VP. "Hunter Biden slated to serve on board of new venture to be incorporated in Liechtenstein and funded by controversial Ukrainian oligarch, memos show." MXM News, House Republicans to probe special counsel’s office over Hunter Biden whistleblower retaliation. From Breitbart, Impeachment Inquiry: Hunter’s Lawyer Used Joe Biden’s Position to Discourage SEC Probe. Kaelen Deese at WaEx reports Hunter Biden law license suspended after gun crime guilty verdict. Cutie Pavlich at TownHall wonders Did DOJ Destroy the Special Counsel Audio Interview With Biden?  From the Wombats  In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Afternoon Edition)Axios Looks At How Biden’s Historic Presidency Has Doubled As A Family Tragedy.  Anxious Anxiously whines about the Biden backstory: Runs darkened by family trauma, addiction. Cami Mondeaux at WaEx, House Democrats back out of White House ethics bill after allegedly being contacted by Biden officials. No ethics in this White House!

Nicholas Ballasay at JTN, WH releases details on Biden amnesty plan, Johnson says it will incentivize more illegal immigration. Mary Chastain at LI sees  Biden Signs Another Useless Border Executive Order as Illegal Alien Arrested for Rape of NYC Teen Girl. "Maryland’s Democrat governor recently demanded an end to Biden’s open borders policy." Stephen Kruiser  'Glitch' Biden Unveils His Illegal Alien Dem Voter Registration Plan. From the Right Scoop, UGH: How Biden illegals are getting voter registration forms across the US. At NYPo, Biden official reveals unaccompanied migrant juveniles aren’t getting proper background checks in bombshell admission. NewsMax Reports  a Spike in Chinese Migrants Crossing Border to Calif. From the Wombats  In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Afternoon Edition), EBL: Rachel Morin, RIP: Murdered by Illegal Alien From El Salvador. Da Caller, Police Arrest Serially Deported Illegal Immigrant After Crash Kills 64-Year-Old. Ace, An Illegal Alien Allowed in the Country By Biden Rapes and Murders a Mother of Five. And Today, Biden Encourages More Illegal Immigration By Proposing an (Illegal) Grant of Amnesty to Hundreds of Thousands. "Is it an invasion if the Usurper on the throne lets the invaders in?" Kevin Downey at PJM, How Many 'Random' Sexual Assaults by Illegals Before Liberals Rethink the Way They Vote? One each? 

Hat Hair's John Sexton maintains Biden's Pier in Gaza Has Been a Complete Failure. Only if it didn't win him any votes in Minnesota.

John Sexton again, CBO: National Debt Will Pass $50 Trillion in 10 Years. Thanks, Brandon! VodkaPundit at PJM, wants you to Guess How Many High-Speed Internet Connections Biden Built With $42.45 billion. Zero, but I bet they funded a lot of DEI officers. Niall Ferguson at The FP, worries that We’re All Soviets Now "A government with a permanent deficit and a bloated military. A bogus ideology pushed by elites. Poor health among ordinary people. Senescent leaders. Sound familiar?"

NPR whines Biden vs. Trump remains close, so next week's debate offers them an opportunity "According to the latest NPR/PBS News/Marist poll, out Tuesday, Biden and Trump both received 49% support among registered voters nationally. That includes undecided voters who are leaning toward one candidate." At PJM VIP, VodkaPundit has a Contrary Take: Maybe Trump Was Right to Accept Biden's Sundowner Debate Rules. Rusty Weiss at RedState notices Democrats Desperately Downplaying Trump’s Support From Black Voters – Trust Me, They’re Terrified. WaEx's Paul Bedard hears ‘What the f***?’: Celebrities baffled voters like Trump for sounding ‘normal’. Matt Vespa has the whole thing, and some clips, Here's the Part of Dr. Phil's Trump Interview That Would Probably Make Libs Vomit. Althouse, "The Democrats are making up stories that I said Milwaukee is a 'horrible city.' This is false, a complete lie..." ""... just like the Laptop from Hell was a lie, Russia … was a lie, and so much more.... It’s called disinformation, and that’s all they know how to do. I picked Milwaukee, I know it well. It should therefore lead to my winning Wisconsin. But the Dems come out with this fake story, just like all of the others. It never ends. Don’t be duped. Who would say such a thing with that important state in the balance?" Said Trump, on Truth Social, quoted in "Trump to stage Wisconsin rally days after calling Milwaukee a 'horrible city'/Ticket-only event follows unflattering remark about state’s biggest city that will host Republican national convention" (The Guardian)."

At Twitchy, Second Whistleblower Exposes Texas Children's Hospital ... and Guess Who Came A-Knocking? Matt Vespa at TownHall, We Had Another Creepy Incident Where FBI Agents Accosted Law-Abiding Americans Again "The agents told Sivadge that she was a “person of interest” in an investigation targeting the whistleblower who had exposed the child sex-change program. They told her that the whistleblower had broken federal privacy laws. “They threatened me,” Sivadge said. “They promised they would make life difficult for me if I was trying to protect the leaker. They said I was ‘not safe’ at work and claimed that someone at my workplace had given my name to the FBI.”" 

Judicial Watch: New Records Detail Federal-State Censorship Coordination in 2020 Election. At Outkick, Joy Behar, Rachel Maddow Warn Donald Trump Could Cancel 'The View' If He Wins Election. Stop! I already like him enough!

MxM News reports a Judge blocks Biden’s new Title IX rule in six more states Riley Gaines@ Riley_Gaines_" Great news! Biden's illegal rewrite of Title IX won't go into effect in TN, KY, VA, WV, OH, & IN A federal court granted an injunction for the Title IX lawsuit filed by mentioned states. This is a huge win. The gender ideology house of cards is falling fast."

Hat Hair's John Sexton, Suspect Arrested in Pro-Palestinian Arson Attacks on Berkeley Campus (Update). At NYPo Rich Lowry opines Hateful pro-Hamas protests create another antisemitic Charlottesville rally every day. From the Jewish Insider, No more bridges left to burn in Jewish Westchester "As Rep. Jamaal Bowman fights for his political life, Jewish leaders in the district say he's left a long trail of betrayal in his wake."