Friday, June 14, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Biden Dazed and Confused in Italy

Matt Margolis at PJM on the Biden WATCH: A Dazed and Confused Biden Lands in Italy, and It’s Scary. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.13.24, EBL, Dementia Joe Biden and Twitchy: Where The F Is He Going? and Legal Insurrection, Biden Watched His Dog Commander Attack Secret Service Agents Several Times. NYPO reports Biden awkwardly salutes Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni as he arrives at G7 summit. Nick Arama at RedState sees At Disastrous G7 Presser, Biden Gives Garbled Answer on Hunter, Snaps at Reporter and WHCA Throws Biden Under the Bus After He Snaps at Reporter, Claims He Has 'Deals' With the Press

VodkaPundit at PJM, says Place Your Bets: What Will Be in Biden's Pre-Debate Chemical Cocktail? I'm going with meth. Hollywood in Toto explains Why Hollywood Can’t Save Joe Biden This Time. Althouse, ""Influencers have been given exclusive tours of the White House.... They’ve been wined and dined at lavish parties in New York and at State of the Union watch parties..."From "Don’t Forget to Like, Subscribe and Vote: Biden’s Rocky Influencer Courtship/The Biden campaign is trying to work its way into social media feeds. But the young, left-leaning voices that control the conversation aren’t making it easy" (NYT)." Because Dylan Mulvaney worked out so well for Bud Lite. Hat Hair VIP's KT reports Biden Supporting PAC Offers Beer, Birth Control, and Manicures to Attract Young Voters. Well, Free beer is my favorite brand. Dave Strom at Hat Hair VIP, hears Steve Forbes predict Biden Will Drop Out; Is He Right?. I'm 30:70 on that one. The best time to drop out is gone, but the need may still arise. Ace, Kamala Harris Brags About Her Big Accomplishment: She Drops F-Bombs Now As Often As She Drops to Her Knees "The public has less faith in her than it has in Biden, and he's a vegetable who rapes women."

Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair VIP explains Why the Left is Dancing on Hunter's Grave. "Most of the left-leaning media appear to have thrown Hunter under the bus pretty quickly, seizing on the result as somehow being proof that conservative claims about a two-tiered system of justice under the Biden administration have been shown to be invalid. They were also quick to offer the convictions as evidence that "no one is above the law" and Donald Trump should quit complaining." Larry Elder at Front Page on the liberal  trope ‘Hunter’s Conviction Blows Up Trump’s Claim of Two-Tiered Justice System’ "Does it really?" Nope. HE, Hunter Biden’s conviction proves nothing.  From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.13.24, Twitchy, The Left Can’t Meme – Lawyer Weighs Hunter Biden’s Gun Crimes Against Kyle Rittenhouse. Mia Cathell at TownHall, We Asked Wilmington Residents What They Thought of Hunter Biden's Verdict. Their Reaction Was Priceless.

Hat Hair's Beege Welborn says Send the Crackhead: I'm Only Okay With American Troops in Gaza If They Include Biden Administration Kids.

Hat Hair's KT, Houston We Have a Problem: ICE Arrests Multiple Criminal Illegal Aliens over the Last Two Weeks, From NYPo, Suspected NYC jihadist was caught near major airport as new details of averted ‘disaster’ are revealed. At Am Think, Allan Feifer thinks it's Three A.M. And Seven Minutes to Armageddon—Can Biden Be Trusted? He can be trust to respond stupidly to almost any situation. Ace reports Saudi Arabia Walks Away from the Petrodollar Agreement, a 50-Year Partnership to Only Sell Oil in Dollars? "Last month, Russia Hoaxer Jake Sullivan met with Saudi Arabia to try to work with them on various deal, despite Biden constantly propping up Saudi Arabia's enemy Iran and despite Biden calling the Saudi crown prince a murderer. This is just some of that use of diplomatic Smart Power that Democrats are always bragging about." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.13.24,  The Geller Reports Another EPIC BIDEN FAIL: Saudi Arabia Ends 80-Year Petrodollar Deal with US, Dealing Massive Blow to US Global Economic Dominance.

Harold Hutchinson at Da Caller hears ‘It’s Absolutely Pathetic’: Autoworkers Discuss What Is Fueling Support For Trump In Crucial Swing State Althouse appreciates The classic Trump monologue about sharks and batteries. "Maybe you're noticing "Let’s Talk About Trump’s Gibberish/What the former president’s shark tirade says about American politics and media" and "Trump Rants About Sharks, and Everyone Just Pretends It’s Normal/Par for the course. Trump is Trump. But imagine the response if Joe Biden had said it." Both at The Atlantic. And then there was "Cognitive Decline? Trump Short-Circuits During Bonkers Rant/The former president glitched during a tirade about sharks and batteries" at The New Republic. Is anyone "pretending" that's "normal"? No, I think people who like Trump feel as though they're listening to a stand-up comic. A highly gifted one, not a normal one. It's not "par for the course." It's a birdie. An eagle." At Da Fed  Shawn Fleetwoodwarns Ignore The Polls. Republicans Have A Major Voter Turnout Problem  (They don't mine their voters hard enough).

TNP thinks the Supreme Court Could ‘Split the Baby’ On Trump Presidential Immunity Case. So do I. WSJ opines, Democrats May Regret Their Legal War on Trump. "The unprecedented targeting of the former president and his allies invites partisan retaliation." It won't end with Trump, take the war to them. Breitbart looks at the timelines, Biden’s #3 Man at DOJ Resigned to Join Alvin Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Team on November 18,2022 "only three days after Trump announced his 2024 run and the same day Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed special counsel Jack Smith, and White House attorneys met for eight-hours with Nathan Wade." If you think it's a coincidence, I have what's left of a bridge to sell you. Cockburn at the Spec wonders Why did Nathan Wade agree to this CNN interview? "Kaitlan Collins asked him about his relationship with Fani Willis — obviously — then he walked out." Capt. Ed in, What Was Wade Thinking, Part LXXVII. "They both think they're above any accountability. But yeah, why would Wade have agreed to do this interview at all? And why wouldn't he have been prepared to answer that specific question? Why would he think that anyone would want to talk to him about anything other than that question?"

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.13.24, Power Line: Contempt for Garland, and Twitchy, DOJ Memo Claims Merrick Garland Can’t Be Prosecuted For Contempt. Of course. Well, he won't be. Until after an administration change. Hey, they did it to Bannon and Navarro. Chad Pergram at Fox, cited at Hat Hair, Could the House Order Garland Arrested Under 'Inherent Contempt'? He could, but he probably won't be. Ana Paulina Luna is pushing for it. I like her. Capt. Ed whines "The most recent precedent for this is almost a century old. I doubt such a resolution would pass in this narrow majority. Republicans got what they wanted from this contempt citation -- a demonstration of Garland's corruption and the hypocrisy of pursuing prosecution against Republican exec-branch officials while dodging it for Democrats. They'll probably decide to take the W and move on." Dan Greenfield at Front Page worries The Only Crimes Are Political Now. "Supporting Hamas isn’t a crime in D.C., but being a Republican is." Supporting Hamas shouldn't be a crime unless you so something illegal, but they do, and get away with it.

Mike LaChance at LI, George Stephanopoulos Rips the Mask Off, Gives CNN Advice on How to ‘Get’ Trump in the Debate "It’s time for people to stop treating him as a journalist and acknowledge him for what he is. A former Bill Clinton staffer and Democrat party strategist masquerading as a member of the press." The mask was never very convincing. Hat Hair's KT reports Free Speech Group Sues Indiana University Over Bias Reporting.

Capt. Ed asks Question of the Day: 'Pro-Palestinian Protest' or Terrorist Crime Scene? John Sexton, Protesters Block Access to Citibank, Get Arrested. Insty, MASKED MARCHES HAVE BEEN ILLEGAL IN VIRGINIA SINCE THE KLAN WAS BANNED, AND YETGMU ALLOWED HAMAS SUPPORTERS TO MARCH MASKED: NY needs to outlaw masking at protests NOW before more antisemitic goons run wild. Laws are only as good as the people enforcing them, who by all evidence aren’t worth a rancid turd in NYC. The Free Bacon, AOC Decried Growing Anti-Semitism on the Left. Days Earlier, She Requested $1.5 Million Earmark for Legal Group Accused of Hostility to Jews. At Am Think Leo Goldstein explains How the Obama-Biden Machine Intimidated Jews to Hate Trump. Martin Hackworth at Howlin' at the Moon in ii-V-I, I'm your huckleberry "Yo, you over there in the keffiyeh asking about Zionists on this bus. I'm actually a hillbilly from Appalachia, but for the moment, I self-identify as a Jew. Come on over and let's have a chat."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: No Surrender out more or less on time at The Other McCain.

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