Monday, June 24, 2024

Beach Report 6/24/24

We had a touch of a cool front, I won't say cold front, blow threw and drop the maximum temperatures a few degrees, and more importantly, tamp down the humidity. I'm finally feeling little better, so I thought I would head to the beach.
The front also brought stiff NW winds, 20-25 kts from the NW. 
I managed to catch the tide a little after low, and despite the surf, there was good gravel to look through, and I found 17 teeth and a couple crab claws and a Tilly bone. This Snaggletooth upper was the best of the lot. 
What's that? It looks kinda suspicious. Something missing from the front of that container ship?
All the zoom my phone can muster. When I got home a quick check on confirmed that it was the infamous Dali, on her way to Virginia Beach for repair.

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