Monday, June 17, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Swing State Blacks Swing towards MAGA

Matt Margolis at PJM explains This Is Why Democrats Are Panicking About Joe Biden, black voters deserting. 'Bonchie' at RedState, Much-Anticipated Poll of Black Voters in Swing States Is Out, and It's Not Good for Joe Biden. From Althouse, "Polls suggest that several of Mr. Biden’s core constituencies — young people, Black people and Hispanics — are increasingly Trump-curious."  Breitbart, Black Sports Icons on Support for Trump: ‘People Are Hoping He Comes Back. Paul Bedard at WaEx, the Liberal Media Scream: ‘The View’ says black people not allowed to leave the Democratic plantation

At HE David Krayden wonders Can half of Americans really hold their noses and vote for Biden? Sundance at CTH reports  Representative Anna Paulina Luna States DC Dems Discuss Replacing Joe Biden Before General Election. At Am Great, Roger Kimball has Further thoughts about the foreseeable future. "The election is still five months away. Most observers say that it is too late to change candidates, but is it? Five months is an eternity in politics." At Am Think J. Bob Smith is wondering About what kind of October Surprise Democrats have in store. 

Roger Kimball at Da Spec, The Joe Biden Shuffle defines the G7 "Giorgia Meloni espied POTUS wandering off like a bemused toddler." Unfair to toddlers. Hat Hair's KT reports Joe Biden's Deterioration Shocked G7 Members. Matt Vespa at TownHall A Biden Spokesperson Did Not Just Say *That* to Explain Joe's Wandering Off at G7 Summit, misinformation, baby! From NYPo, Biden appears to freeze up, has to be led off stage by Obama at mega-bucks LA fundraiser. RedState's Nick Arama elaborates Biden Has Another Embarrassing Moment at Fundraiser—Obama Has to Intervene. But at NYPo, the Divine Ms. Devine warns Don’t fall for Joe Biden’s nice old man act — he’s just lowering expectations. At the Victory Girls Dr. Jill says vote Joe because he’s lived history. Matt Margolis thinks Biden’s Pitch to Senior Voters Is Hilariously Awful, “speak of the benefits of aging and appeal to an important voting bloc.” At Twitchy, Biden Sharing Pic of Himself with 'Good Friends' Obama and Jimmy Kimmel Does NOT Go As Planned (Clearly!). Mary Rooke at Da Caller thinks The Right Finally Figured Out A Winning Narrative Against Biden "At least according to the narrative, President Joe Biden is on drugs. . . . This narrative has gained traction because it’s not a far stretch of the imagination to believe that Biden’s doctors have a drug cocktail they administer before he’s set to go out in public. His speeches often start with a high energy level, with him practically yelling at the crowd. As the speech progresses, he gradually lowers his voice, culminating in his signature smile and whisper routine before exiting the stage in the wrong direction. " 

At WaEx, The Evil Stepmother First lady comments on Hunter Biden’s conviction: ‘Tough week’. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw cites Jonathan Turley on How Might Hunter's Gun Conviction Affect His Tax Trial? 
"Turley goes on to say that the potential sentencing in the tax case is "far more serious" than in the gun case. He describes Hunter's decision to not seek a plea deal in Delaware to avoid prison time as "insane." The same goes for the tax case in California. That doesn't seem to be Hunter Biden's style, however. The idea of pleading guilty to anything must be a bitter pill to swallow if your name is Biden and you were raised believing that you were untouchable and everything would always go your way."

TownHall's Sarah Arnold is not shocked to hear the Biden Admin to Announce Largest Relief Program for Millions of Illegal ImmigrantsCBS News@CBSNews, "The Biden administration is making plans to announce one of the largest immigration relief programs in recent history, developing a policy that would offer legal status to hundreds of thousands of immigrants living in the country without proper documents, four people familiar with the plans told CBS News." Brianna Lyman at Da Fed, Supreme Court Erases Loophole That Kept Foreigners Inside The U.S. Illegally, no more interminable appeals. The Center Square, Supreme Court ruling upholds immigration law and deportation process. Da Wire, Bill Maher Rips Leftist Anti-Semitism And Democrat Border Policies, Begs For Return Of ‘Traditional Dads’

At Front Page, Dan Greenfield explores The Strange Finances of Biden’s Terror Ambassador. "How does a government employee come into $61 million in twelve bank accounts?" Friends in high places.

At Da Caller, Biden Has Used The Dollar As A Hammer — But Americans Might Be The Ones Who Get Hit and Biden Admin Outsourcing Energy Policies To Unelected Blue State Bureaucrats

More inflation as TNP notes ‘Mass Shootings’ Are Up 44% Under Biden. TownHall's Kurt Schlichter, says Joe Biden Reminds Us to Buy Guns and Ammunition, in case we have to shoot down his F-15s.

Hat Hair's KT reports on the Updated Rules Agreement for Presidential Debate Announced by CNN. End Wokeness@EndWokeness, "HAHAHAHA HOLY SMOKES MSNBC host Alex Wagner worries that the debate is unfair to Joe Biden because our expectations for him are so high. "The bar for Biden is so much higher" "Trump's bar is literally: Is he alive? Is he standing? Are the words coming out?"

Althouse, Over at The New York Times, it looks as though Trump has already won the election. "The resistance has already started." Dan Greenfield at Front Page, Dems Already Prepping Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ "Dissent is about to start being patriotic again." NYPo, Donald Trump offers message to black voters in immigrant-weary Detroit: ‘Taking your jobs’. Ward Clark at RedState, Could Trump Turn Virginia Red in 2024? There Might Be a Way. Youngkin for VP! Twitchy sees They're Scared: Politico Performs MASSIVE Face Plant in Attempted Hit Piece on Glenn Youngkin. Lowman Henry at Am Spec takes A Glimpse at the History of the Vice Presidency. "Trump’s decision will matter more this year than usual."

Jazz Shaw notices The Media Plot to Question Trump's Cognition is in Full Swing, even the far-left trolls at Althouse got the message. Mike LaChance at LI reports Nancy Pelosi Tries to Turn Trump Into Biden Saying His Loved Ones Should Intervene.  “I do wish there would be an intervention from his family, assuming they love him beyond the resources … that they would intervene”

NYPo, Lara Trump is building an army of ‘100,000 poll watchers and over 500 lawyers’ to ‘deploy’ across America in November. Sundance at CTH, The Guy Who Organizes Ballot Counting, Says Election Results Will Not Match Polling "Hopefully readers here know exactly who James Clyburn is and what his function consists of within the Democrat party election process." At Florida's Voice, Florida GOP pushes mail-in voting ahead of 2024 election

MD Kittle at Da Fed, hears the Wisconsin GOP Chairman Voices Concerns About Convention Amid Trump Derangement Syndrome.“Let’s be honest, Matt. They are going to have thousands of paid protesters on the streets. Paid, professional organizers trying to close down streets, hotels that delegates are staying in, venues that we’re having events at in Milwaukee,” the state GOP chairman told me on Friday’s edition of “The Federalist Radio Hour.” Will Merrick Garland allow Antifa to hold riots? Clarice at Am Think warns Be Prepared for Chaos. At Am Great the Great Victory Davis Hansen explains How Left-wing Conspiracies Work. At YaHoo! Venezuela opposition reports arbitrary detentions ahead of election, who do they think they are, Biden? Ace explains A Government Big Enough To Give You Everything You Want, Is A Government Big Enough To Take Away Everything That You Have "Including your life."

Dan Chaitin at Da Wire reports the House Sergeant-At-Arms Could Take Garland Into Custody Under GOP Proposal. They could do it, but they're too chicken. 

Adjust your tinfoil hats and see sundance's Sunday Talks – House Intel Chairman Mike Turner Explains How His Team and Intel Community Will Control Speaker Johnson and MAGA Republicans. Jack Cashill at Am Think wonders Do the Plotters of the ‘51 Intel Experts’ Coup Deserve Prison? Any who were on the government payroll when they did it, sure.

From NewsMax, Rep. Donalds: Supreme Court Should Take Up Trump Case. Yep, they should, but probably won't. No Pasaran! "A banana republic—if you can keep it." 

Nick Arama again, CNN Freaks Out Over MAGA Republicans Calling US a 'Republic'—and the Big Problem This Exposes. Eddie Scarry at Da Fed, says ‘Media Reporting’ Is Now Just More Censorship And Suppression Of Information. mrcTV, Media Claims That A ‘Republic’ Is A ‘Conspiracy Theory’ & Other Insanities - Wacky MOLE. At Am Think, Janet Levy explores The Censorship-Industrial Complex and How It has the Internet in its Grip. From Da Wire, Journalist Says First Amendment In Jeopardy As He Faces Punishment Over Reporting On Covenant Shooter. I&I reports Election Interference: Facebook Blocks Post About Biden Campaign Disinformation. At CTV, French protesters are standing up to the far right ahead of the country's snap elections or as Beege Wellborn at Hat Hair retitles it State Subsidized Canadian TV Cheering As Leftists Burn Thru Paris in #Tantrums Over Losing Election "To be fair, it's precisely what NPR did here during the summer of fiery but peaceful. The Canadian media is sweating Pierre Poilievre's ascendency and their very existence should he prevail, so it makes sense they cheer the opposition to that right-wise thinking wherever it emerges."

Stacy McCain notes a Typical Wisconsin Democrat Gets Arrested Twice, Charged With Five Felonies. "What do I mean by “typical Wisconsin Democrat”? Well, how about a transgender-identified dude who posts lots of violent #Antifa memes on his social media and also enjoys posting pictures of his genitalia to “small penis humiliation” forums on Reddit? Is that “typical” enough for you? And do I need to explain what I mean by “felonies”? “Antifascist” Trans-Identified Male Arrested For Possession Of Child Pornography Two Times In Four Months." From the College Fix, Premier scientific journal Nature takes on ‘climate of fear’ surrounding research on sex and gender. At TNP, This News Station Just Fired a Black Lady for Posting a ‘Straight Pride’ Meme to Her Private Facebook Account.

OutKick reports Reporters Try To Browbeat Caitlin Clark To Acknowledge White Privilege. At Insty, JOHN TIERNEY: The March of Dimes Syndrome.

In the spring of 1979, a few weeks after the partial meltdown of a nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, more than 65,000 people marched on the United States Capitol chanting “No Nukes, No Nukes.” As a young reporter at the Washington Star assigned to cover this new movement, I interviewed march organizers and noticed that all of them had previously organized protests against the Vietnam War. This struck me as curious: How had they suddenly become so passionate and knowledgeable about nuclear power?

I later learned that a term exists for this phenomenon—the March of Dimes syndrome—and that the tendency affects many other movements, too. Why, last year, did the Human Rights Campaign declare a “national state of emergency” for LGBT people? Why was the election of the first black American president followed by the Black Lives Matter movement? Why have reports of “hate groups” risen during the same decades that racial prejudice has been plummeting? Why, during a long and steep decline in the incidence of sexual violence in America, did academics, federal officials, and the #MeToo movement discover a new “epidemic of sexual assault”?
. . .
For career activists, success is a threat. They can never declare mission accomplished.

The Free Bacon reports the Ford Foundation Sends Millions to Organizations That Have Celebrated Oct. 7 Terrorist Attacks. Tax endowments 10% per year. Josh Hammer at NYPo explains How to lock up those nasty pro-Hamas and Gaza protestors

First, it’s constitutional law that aliens — legal or illegal — do not possess a First Amendment right to free speech that would prevent them from being deported for vocally supporting a US State Department-recognized Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Each and every pro-Hamas protestor who’s not a US citizen thus can, and should, be sent packing, as 8 U.S.C. § 1201 clearly permits.

Second, much of the protestors’ behavior likely violates Section 2 of the 1871 Ku Klux Klan Act (42 U.S.C. § 1985), which creates a civil cause of action to sue those who “conspire or go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another, for the purpose of depriving . . . any person or class of persons of the equal protection of the laws.” Such a successful class-action civil suit — now gaining traction among Jewish leaders — wouldn’t result in jail time, but it could punish the bank accounts of thugs who went “in disguise” to advocate for Jewish genocide.

Federal prosecutors have options too. The criminal analogue to Section 2 of the Ku Klux Klan Act is 18 U.S.C. § 241, which criminalizes conspiring to “injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person . . . in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States.” This has clearly been happening nationwide, but no one has lifted a finger to pursue such charges. Nor has any federal prosecutor gone after a case of material support for a terrorist organization, proscribed by 18 U.S.C. § 2339A.

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