Sunday, June 16, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Is Weiss Going After Hunter on FARA violations?

Steve Richard at JTN reports Hunter Biden labeled 'lobbyist' in tax indictment. Did prosecutors signal potential fresh liability? "The IRS whistleblowers told Congress that potential lobbying violations were one focus of their investigation into Hunter Biden. FARA violators may face up to up to five years in prison." In general, I don't believe FARA should be a law, it violates the concept of free speech. However, if it's good enough for Gen. Michael Flynn, it's good enough for Hunter (and probably Jim) Biden.

Jane Fonda
KT at Hat Hair informs us Jilly from Philly Campaigns with Hanoi Jane to Get out the Senior Vote. This won't exactly earn them the veteran vote. At TownHall, Sarah Arnold reports Kamala Harris' Popularity Plummets to New Low, "net disapproval rating of 52-42" From WokeSpy, Kamala Harris Wants To Give First-Time Homeowners $25,000… But There’s A Catch "Eligible candidates must be the first generation in their family to buy a home to secure the $25,000 grant. In addition, a “certain tranche of folks” will receive the $400 a month to help pay their mortgage costs." I suspect that violates equal protection laws, since it's never going to happen, it's simple pandering. 

Breitbart cites Bill Maher: Immigration Is Going to Get Democrats ‘F–ked’ on Election Day. I guess that depends on how many illegal immigrants vote. Sarah Arnold again, Biden Importing Venezuelan Gangs Into U.S. to compete with American big city gangs. Fox has a New poll that reveals Biden's border security move fails to satisfy voters as crisis rages. Da Caller, Dem-Run Sanctuary City Quietly Sending Illegal Immigrants To Red State. Deseret News, Gov. Cox says Denver mayor sending migrants to Utah without notification. "Cox blamed the Biden administration for its ‘failed catch-and-release policy’" Maybe they can make another electoral college spot for Utah. Hat Hair's KT sees that Governor Abbott is Busing Fewer Illegal Aliens to Sanctuary Cities, because of their anti-busing policies. It seems they don't want them either. 

Bonchie at RedState says RIP to Biden's Gaza Pier As He Chalks Up Another Foreign Policy Disaster. CentCom, cited at Hat Hair, Yeah, CentCom Moved the Gaza Pier Cuz 'Waves'. Victory Girls, Gaza Pier Gets Moved, But Will Anyone Use It Ever Again? Probably not; it served it's purpose, sucking up to the pro-Hamas Democrats in Michigan. Spencer Brown at Town Hall reports The Biden Admin Is Still Withholding a Mandated Report on Iranian Sanctions, which means they have something to hide.

At WaEx, Consumer sentiment unexpectedly falls to lowest level in months "Unexpectedly"! From the California Globe, Small Business ‘Uncertainty’ Reaches Highest Level Since Pandemic Forced Business Closures. "Twenty- two percent of owners reported that inflation was their single most important problem in operating their business." Twitchy, Community Notes Alerted After the White House Brags About a 'Biden Win' on Inflation.

Leslie Eastman at LI, Biden’s DEI Policies Zap Electric Vehicle Charging Station Construction. "DEI mandates are also hurting implementation of the CHIPS and Science Act, a bipartisan measure that is designed to enhance U.S. semiconductor supply chains." The Center Square reports the Second round of lawsuits filed over EPA emissions rule, EV mandate. Breitbart, Brendan Carr: Biden Has Not Connected One Person with High-Speed Internet with $42.5 Billion from Infrastructure Bill, but I'll bet at ton of money got spent on DEI along the way.

PM reports 538 now projects Trump winner of 2024 election. "This is the first time Trump has, in any of his three campaigns, led a 538 forecast." TNP allows as how Maybe the Kids Are Alright… "Poll after poll indicates young voters are warming to Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election. Are they coming around to his policies—or has Biden driven them away from his own? It could be both." Hat Hair, Trump Is in Detroit This Afternoon And Pulling the Crowds and the Props. WaEx, Biden loses allies in Michigan battleground Macomb County as Trump plots comeback. Kylee Griswold at Da Fed reads the WaPoo Propagandists Warn Of ‘Potential Future Oldest President’ Trump Even Though Biden Will Be Older.

Many More at The Week in Pictures:
 Stock Up on Crazy Pills
Sarah Arnold, CNN Releases New Rules for Trump, Biden Debate. NewsMax, Trump Agrees to CNN Debate Rules: Mics to Be Muted. Rick Moran at PJM, Debate Details Emerging that Take Into Account Biden's Age and Infirmities "1. There will be two commercial breaks instead of one. No interaction with campaign staff will be allowed. Will they allow a bathroom break? 2. Mics will be muted when it's not the candidate's turn. 3. "Both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and their podium positions will be determined by a coin flip," according to CNN. 4. No audience will be present. 5. No opening statements. 6. The moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” according to the network. That means no talking over the other guy. 7. There will be a "spin room." Gavin Newsom will be available for Biden. Trump has yet to choose anyone to represent him in the mosh pit."

Althouse hosts a Trump video, "China is the prime AI threat... and... what they need more than anything else is electricity." "They have to have electricity, massive amounts of electricity.... [T]he electricity needs are greater than anything we've ever needed before to do AI at the highest level, and China will produce it because they'll do whatever you have to do, whereas we have environmental impact people..." John Sexton at Hat Hair is astonish by  Nicholas Kristof admitting Democrats Have Too Much Power on the West Coast “People are much more interested in ideology than in actual results.”

Da Blaze, Michigan voter fraud EXPOSED: ‘If you want to live forever, register to vote’Robert F. Kennedy Jr@RobertKennedyJr, "Puerto Rico’s primary elections just experienced hundreds of voting irregularities related to electronic voting machines, according to the Associated Press. Luckily, there was a paper trail so the problem was identified and vote tallies corrected. What happens in jurisdictions where there is no paper trail?" Via PM, Elon Musk calls for elimination of electronic voting machines over hacking concerns. "The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high." From Da Caller, Dem Candidate Charged For Allegedly Faking Racist Attacks Against Himself. There's clearly not enough racism since people find the need to fake it.

Jonathan Turley not especially happy that The Connecticut Bar Association Warns Critics of Trump Prosecutions: “No Place in the Public Discourse”. At WaEx, Michael Cohen plans to challenge Rep. Jerry Nadler in Democratic primary: ‘It’s enough already’. I wish they could both lose! But it would be fun to have serial perjurer Cohen to kick around in Congress.

Ben Whedon at JTN, 'Tainted and corrupted': Gingrich calls on GOP-led House to 'repudiate' Jan. 6 Committee. "Both former Trump advisors Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon have been convicted of contempt of Congress over their refusal to comply with subpoenas from the committee." AP whines Speaker Johnson says House will go to court for Biden audio after Justice Dept. refused to prosecute. From Twitchy, Speaker Mike Johnson Fights to Enforce Merrick Garland Subpoena. I kind of like Ana Paulina Luna's suggestion of an "inherent contempt" arrest, sending the House Sgt. at Arms to the DOJ, and sticking Garland in the dungeon under the house for a few days, until he relents. Give him a taste of the J6 hostages. 

Althouse looks askance at WaPoo, "Stanford’s top disinformation research group collapses under pressure/The Stanford Internet Observatory provided real-time analysis..." ""... on viral election falsehoods but has struggled amid attacks from conservative politicians and activists." That's the headline at WaPo, and I'm wondering how the 2 parts of the headline relate to each other. Why did the Stanford Internet Observatory collapse? Was it because conservatives attacked it? How much of a struggle is it for a research group that specializes in monitoring disinformation to handle attacks? The word "amid" fudges the causal connection. Did X happen because of Y or did X and Y just happen around the same time?" At Da Wire, Congress To Probe Media Rating Firm NewsGuard For Possible Taxpayer-Funded Censorship. Hat Hair's Beege Welborn says "Rating the hate raters - I LIKE it!" Ace's KT has a rambling post Men Exiting Cancel Culture, that's more or less germane to the topic.

Paula Scanlon and Riley Gaines
From Breitbart, Lia Thomas’ Former Teammate Demands Apology for Being ‘Forced to Undress’ in Shared Locker Room. Mercator says, hopefully, that The consensus on gender medicine for kids is crumbling. There never was a consensus; just the left shouting down opponents. 

At Hat Hair, City of Ft Worth, TX Has Hired Themselves an 'Affirmative Action' Consultant. The DEI people really are parasites on government. Hopefully, they don't kill the host, and we find some kind of political de-wormer for it.

At NRO, Tom McKenna tells of My Encounter with Pro-Hamas Protesters It turns out I look more Jewish than I thought. That’s one thing I learned covering the pro-Palestinian protest at the White House on Saturday. . . .  I am not of Jewish heritage, but maybe my dress slacks’ shade of blue was too close to that of the Israeli flag." Da Signal thinks You Might Be Surprised Who’s the Big Money Bankrolling Pro-Hamas Protests in US. No, I'm not surprised at all its Arabella, Soros and the Tides Foundation and "the Chinese Communist Party is working with American millionaire entrepreneur Neville Roy Singham". Anyone injured in a pro-Palestinian demonstration should sue them. At the Blade of Perseus, The Great Victor Davis Hanson believes The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Leave Room For Cream and FMJRA 2.0: Bullpen Blues ready for business at The Other McCain.

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