Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Tuesday's Gone

I can't really find a signal story to name this post after.

NewsMax reports USA Today/Suffolk Poll: Biden Loses Steam With Blacks in Mich., Pa. Ace, CNN Poll Analyst: Trump Is On the Path to a Historic Performance With Black Voters. "That's going to hurt." Madeleine Hubbard at JTN, Detroit pastor thanks Trump for visiting the 'hood,' says Biden, Obama 'never came' "Trump also announced multiple endorsements from high-profile black community leaders ahead of his meeting in Michigan." From CJ, The Democrats’ Emerging Race Problem. "As the nation grows more diverse, race-based policies like affirmative action are losing luster." Althouse, "Corporate media has spent 8 years, in consensus, branding Trump a racist and White Nationalist." "Meanwhile, actual Black voters are migrating away from Dems/Biden to Trump in what even CNN is describing as a historic shift (following Latino voters)." Writes Glenn Greenwald, looking at this . . ."  Dan Chaitin at Da Wire, ‘Gold-Standard’ Poll A Bad Omen For Biden In Midwestern States. Matt Margolis at PJM, This Could Be The Biggest News of the 2024 Campaign Yet and  Politico Thinks They Have a Bad Post-Verdict Poll for Trump. They Don’t.  At the Economist, Donald Trump has a clear lead over Joe Biden. I cynically assume the polling companies are just setting us up for the "Joey come-back" phase of the campaign. Guy Benson at TownHall has More Data Confirms Biden's Not-So-Secret 2024 Advantage, and Republicans Need to Take It Seriously "As I've been pointing out, Biden enjoys the built-in advantage of 'high propensity' voters favoring his party by a meaningful margin." Sundance at CTH, says it's Unfortunate – Charlie Kirk, TPUSA and Richard Baris Construct Push Poll to Influence VP Selection

NewsMax, Biden Spends $50 Million on Trump Conviction Ad, Well that was the whole point, wasn't it? Breitbart, Biden Reelection Team Seeks the Moral High Ground: Targets Trump in $50 Million Advertising Spend. From WaEx, Biden warns that next president could appoint two Supreme Court justices at glitzy LA fundraiser. Stop it, I already support him! From NotTheBee, Report: Trump is thinking about eliminating income tax and replacing it with tariffs. That's not something easily done.

At Hat Hair Jazz Shaw sees Now It's Obama Leading Joe Away When He Freezes and Larry sees Media Panic, Obama Caught Directing Biden, Who's Really In Charge?! Mary Rooke at Da Caller, Obama Got Exactly Want He Wanted With His Biden Investment, a useful puppet. The Babylon Bee quips Obama Panics As His Biden Remote Control Loses Connection. Matt Margolis, White House Denies Biden Froze at Hollywood Fundraiser. Ace, After Week of Joe Biden's Dementia Being Obvious to Everyone, MSNBC Copes by Pushing New Storyline That It's Really Trump Who's In Steep Cognitive Decline. I&I has a poll, Nearly Half Of Voters Say Biden Not Mentally Fit For A Second Term. Lou Aguilar at Am Spec hopes for a Return From American Zombieland, "Biden is weak and confused, but holds a burning hatred for the conservatives who might displace him in November." 'Becca Downs at TownHall, Biden Yells Gibberish At Press the Same Day As KJP Gaslights American People on 'Cheap Fake' Videos. At Am Spec, Dave Catron wonders, Is Biden’s Dementia Just Russian Disinformation? "The media takes an ineffectual stab at portraying Biden as a victim of Russian ‘cheap fakes.’" At RedState Bob Hoge says  No, Biden's Not Stuttering—but Could His Bizarre Speech Pattern Be Something Known As 'Cluttering?'  and Sister Toldja, thinks it's 'Unthinkable': Patricia Heaton Says What Needed to Be Said About the Cruelty of Jill Biden. At PM, Joe Biden unironically declares Saturday June 15 'World Elder Abuse Awareness Day'.

NYPo reports, Hunter Biden files motion for new trial in federal gun case — then mysteriously cancels it seconds later. NewsMax, Hunter Biden's Lawyers Withdraw Motion for New Gun Trial. TAG, Gun Control Groups Go Crickets Amidst Hunter Biden Gun Case Controversy. From Fox, House GOP probes whether special counsel office helped retaliate against Hunter Biden whistleblowers.

PJM's Athena Thorne says As a Woman, I Deeply Resent Being Put at Risk From the Democrats’ Imported Monsters. From Da Caller,  Chinese ‘Cyber Police’ Agent Runs Online Network Helping Illegal Immigrants Flood Into US. China is asshole. At Althouse, Marrying an American citizen generally provides a pathway to U.S. citizenship. But people who crossed the southern border illegally..." "... must return to their home countries to complete the process for a green card.That means long separations from their spouses and families. The new program would allow families to remain in the country while they pursue legal status. Officials briefed on the discussions said the announcement could amount to the most sweeping unilateral move by a president to provide relief to unauthorized immigrants since President Barack Obama implemented DACA. In a separate move on Tuesday, Mr. Biden is also expected to announce new ways to help people in DACA, known as Dreamers, gain access to work visas." From "Biden to Give Legal Protections to Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens/Undocumented spouses of American citizens will be shielded from deportation, provided work permits and given a pathway to citizenship, according to officials briefed on the plan" (NYT)."

At Da Wire, Tom Cotton Defends Trump’s Position On Ukraine: ‘Putin Only Invades Ukraine When Democrats Are President’ It's true, but the 'n' is small. 

Dan Greenfield, resents that Biden Ready to Empty US Strategic Oil Reserve to a Week’s Supply to Win Election "If Biden empties the reserve again, we may not have enough to last a week." Dan Turner at Da Fed predicts The End Of The Petrodollar Is The End Of America’s Global Dominance.

PJM's Stephen Kruiser, thinks Trump Shouldn't Have Wussed Out When Agreeing to These Sham 'Debates' Ward Clark at RedState is amused when Nancy Pelosi Melts Down on Air, Begs Trump Family to 'Stage an Intervention'.

At Da Fetched, Democrats Arrested for Election Fraud After Abusing Absentee Ballot System. No, really? At Front Page, Can Russian and Chinese Agents Legally Vote in Washington, DC? "The law that allows them to."

NewsMax, GOP: Jail for Trump Could Guarantee Red Wave. From Da Caller, Scrutiny Over Jack Smith’s Potentially ‘Unlawful’ Appointment Could Undermine His Prosecution Of Trump and Connecticut Bar Association Issues Warning To Lawyers Who Speak Out Against Trump’s Prosecution. Althouse likes what Turley has to say on the issue, "These officials declare that it is now unprofessional or reckless for lawyers to draw historical comparisons to show trials or..." ""... to question the motives or ethics underlying these cases. They warn lawyers not to 'sow distrust in the public for the courts where it does not belong.' Yet, many believe that there is an alarming threat to our legal system and that distrust is warranted in light of prosecutions like the one [against Trump] in Manhattan. ... [C]ritics of political prosecutions under the Crown and during the Adams Administrations were often threatened with disbarment or other legal actions for questioning the integrity or motives of judges or prosecutors. It is not enough to say 'well that was then and this is now.' The point is that the bar association also has a duty to protect the core rights that define our legal system, particularly the right of free speech." Writes Jonathan Turley, in "Think twice? Bar group tells members it’s OK to criticize, but don’t dare call Trump conviction 'partisan'/Connecticut Bar Association makes chilling claim that calling the case one of political prosecution has 'no place in the public discourse'" (Fox News)."

Ed Driscoll at Insty, FAKE BUT ACCURATE: Atlantic’s Anne Applebaum explains why ‘even if every single word in the Steele dossier was wrong,’ the FBI and media were right to treat it as legit.

Dan Greenfield at Front Page, Threatening Rep. Maxine Waters Gets You Prison, Threatening a GOP Congressman is Fine. “Three daughters. Hey, hey, hey, three bullets hey, hey, hey."

At Da Fed, Dave Harsanyi explains Why The Left Hates It When You Point Out We’re ‘A Republic, Not A Democracy’. Matt Vespa at TownHall thinks CNN Steps on a Rake With This Segment About Trump Supporters. Hat Hair's Dave Strom reports WaPo Makes Up Story About Trump Wanting a Draft, Don Surber hopes TDS becomes unprofitable. NotTheBee, The Economist says it has proof that the NYT bestseller list is biased against conservatives

Althouse cites  A Glenn Reynolds rule of thumb. "I now assume that any prosecution or regulatory attack on a business not overtly aligned with the Democrats is undertaken for partisan political reasons."

Da Wire reports State Department Subpoenaed Over Use Of Foreign Propaganda Weapon Against Domestic Media. NewsMax, Comer: House Oversight to Investigate NewsGuard.

Warren Redlich - Chasing Dreams@WR4NYGov "Biden Administration continues its weaponization of federal agencies to go after Elon Musk. "Again ask a court to bar him from serving as an officer or director of a public company ... exposing him to the possibility of removal from Tesla." “They sued him previously, and I think they are disappointed with the outcome of that settlement and how he has responded to it ... They are putting in the extra work to see if they can get a stronger case here.”"

Media Research Center @theMRC "Facebook whistleblower: "Don Lemon said publicly ‘white males are terror threats,’ and Facebook told us to make a newsworthy exception to allow that kind of hate speech because it’s Don Lemon and he’s attacking straight white males."" Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw wonders Should Social Media Come With Warnings Like Tobacco?.

"Rose" Montoya
At Da Wire, Biden’s Intel Community Is Celebrating Pride Month With Free Trans Flag Manicures, ‘Filipinx’ Lectures. TNP, Biden’s WH Tranny Accused of Rape — Blamed Having a ‘Phallus.’ "Rose Montoya, a transgender TikTok personality whom Joe Biden invited to the White House, faces accusations of sexually assaulting multiple people. Montoya, a biological male who exposed his mock breasts at a White House Pride event, allegedly abused at least five individuals over several years." Florida Voice, Outlet gives Florida an ‘F’ grade for ‘LGBTQ+ safety’, which, of course, has nothing to do with safety. Byron York at Front Page writes the Push to Promote Transgender Ideology is Backfiring. "Is this a watershed moment for gender ideology - and the Biden presidency?" At Da Fed, Peachy Keenan says The Left’s Marriage And Family Dilemma Is A Nuclear Self-Own. At NotTheBee VIDEO: I don’t think the lads in West Virginia like the religious symbol of the Total State R A W S A L E R T S@rawsalerts "BREAKING: Police are actively investigating after someone driving a red pickup truck was doing burnouts and left tire marks on pride mural after it was installed three days ago" 

Greg Piper at JTN reports  Students sue UCLA over 'Jew Exclusion Zone' as debates over intolerance grip campuses, "If masked agitators had excluded any other marginalized group at UCLA, Governor Newsom rightly would have sent in the National Guard immediately," law firm says. UCLA disputes that moving event online is caving to pro-Palestine protesters." From Twitchy, WOMP WOMP: Columbia Student Whines She's Suspended for Fall Semester for Involvement in Gaza Encampment

Katya Rapoport Sedgwick at LI sees Disloyal ‘Allies’ "Woke allyship requires a near-identical worldview and presumes no reciprocity. The Contemporary Left judges everyone by a stringent Marxian measure and leaves no option for difference of opinion."

Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair VIP hears Fox News Host Warns People 'Get Out of C**p-Hole Blue States', Tomi Lehrin.

A couple of San Francisco kids pretending to be rednecks. 

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Bullpen Blues ready for business at The Other McCain.

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