Sunday, June 9, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Hunter Prosecution Rests, Hamas Democrats Attack White House

Steve Richards at JTN reports on the Hunter trial, Prosecution rests in Hunter Biden gun trial as defense calls for an acquittal, pro forma. Also, Hunter Biden’s seemingly paradoxical legal defense strategy. "The fourth day of Hunter Biden’s Delaware gun trial wrapped on Thursday following testimony from his ex-girlfriend and sister-in-law Hallie Biden. The defense seems to be saying he was an addict, then not when he bought the handgun, then was an addict again." The true strategy is jury nullification. At Hat Hair, Jazz Shaw has doubts, that  Joe Biden has Ruled Out a Pardon For Hunter. Really? Well, first we need a conviction, which, given the jury pool I doubt, and then for Biden to lose the election, which looks more likely. Matt Margolis at PJM, Hunter Biden’s Daughter's Testimony Epically Backfires on Defense. Caught lying Bidening for dear old dad. I'm pretty sure she won't get charged with perjury. Fox has 5 takes on the Hunter Biden laptop that have aged poorly "The FBI confirmed the laptop's legitimacy as part of Hunter’s federal gun crime trial." At RedState, Nick Arama thinks Jill Biden's Flights Back and Forth to France to Attend Hunter's Trial Raise a Lot of Questions. Where she got the bread to go, ain't nobody knows. At Da Wire, Hunter Biden Has Never Met 5-Year-Old Daughter He Fathered With Stripper; Joe And Jill Have Never Reached Out, Mother Says. Cutie Pavlich at TownHall, Biden Is Still Pretending His Fifth Grandchild Doesn't Exist. Well, she's better off not associating with them.

From Twitchy, AP's Breakdown of Biden Chair Video for Debunking Purposes Reeks of Dem/Media Desperation. Mark Judge, at Hat Hair VIP thinks  Jill Biden Is a Monster for elder abuse. Victory Girls upset with Biden plagiarizing Reagan, Pointe Du Hoc- Biden’s Sad Echo, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Nick Arama see Biden's New Origin Story Gets Even Wilder at State Dinner, While Jill's Dress Is Just Awful. Has he got to the part with the blue ox yet? 

'Bonchie' at RedState,  HUGE: Israel Rescues Hostages Despite Biden Insistence They Leave Gaza (VIDEO INCLUDED). I was shocked, I figured all the hostages were dead. Twitchy claims Biden WH Responds to Israel Rescuing Hamas Hostages in a Maddeningly Predictable Way "With an election about five months away the White House always feels compelled to throw something in that might help appease the pro-Hamas wing of the Dem Party." At OTP, Massive Anti-Israel Protest Descends Into Chaos Outside White House "Massive Anti-Israel Protest Descends Into Chaos At White House." PM, Pro-Palestinian protesters surround White House, clash with police "Demonstrators attempted to pull the arrested woman away from the police officers and were eventually successful in helping her to escape. During the clash with police, mace was also used by the officers to quell the mob, according to reporter Jordan Fischer." 

Do you think they'll get the full J6 treatment? At Wokespy, Heckled Harris: Leftist Banshees Call Veep a Murderer at Kimmel Taping.

At NYPo, Videos show hundreds of migrants pour across the US southern border — undeterred by Biden ‘crackdown’. NewsMax, Biden Admin Orders Release of Migrants Into US Despite Ban. John Sexton at Hat Hair cites Nicholas Kristof: Biden is Right to Curb Immigration for cynical political reasons. "The only reason Biden is taking action on the border is because it's an election year. If it weren't an election year he'd still be doing nothing. And along with that, let's also stipulate that if Joe Biden weren't taking this action, Nicholas Kristof would not be saying it's a good idea to control the border." Madeline Leesman at TownHall reports Voters in Arizona Will Decide If Police Can Arrest Illegal Aliens for crossing the border. 

Jazz Shaw wonders Was a Trump Juror Leaking Trial Information Online? Althouse throws cold water on the story in "Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan revealed Friday that a Facebook user claiming to be a 'cousin' of a juror in former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial..." "It's hard to imagine how this can amount to anything... even if it turns out that the person who posted actually is the cousin of one of the jurors." Michael Barone takes a brave stance against Using a 'Sham Case' to Undermine Democracy. WaEx reports Bragg requests new date for Trump hush money trial testimony to the house. Deny it, and if he doesn't come, put him in jail.

The Center Square, Poll finds Trump's support same as before New York conviction. Ben Whedon at JTN,  finds With varying reasons, Silicon Valley moguls are backing Trump and adding to his campaign coffers "Sequoia Capital partner Shaun Maguire made headlines last week in the wake of Trump’s conviction in Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s hush money case." Eric Worrall at WUWT hears Drill, baby, Drill: Trump Raises $12 Million in Silicon Valley, by Promising Cheap Energy to Power the AI Revolution. At Breitbart, Americans Concerned About Freedom and Democracy Should Vote for Trump, but at Hat Hair, devout libertarian John Stossel cast aspersions on Freedom Under Trump. He's not perfect, but he's so much better than the alternative. 

Natalia Mittelstadt at JTN reports on Republicans fighting federal funding for college voter mobilization that Biden gave Democrat states. "The Federal Work-Study program funds are "used to support the Biden Administration’s campaign efforts during the 2024 election cycle,” House committee chairs said." At the Volokh Conspiracy, Steve Calabresi attacks The Left's Attack on the Secret Ballot and on Same Day Voting.

At Campus Reform the FBI defends 'First Amendment rights' of LA student group whose fundraising poster features terrorist logo "When asked to comment on the poster, FBI Los Angeles Field Office spokeswoman Laura Eimiller said the agency doesn't confirm or deny investigations, but said that it supports First Amendment rights." That's correct, but do they take a similar tack on right-wing symbolism? At WaEx, Jordan demands interview with Fauci, accusing him of ‘false on its face’ testimony

At Hat Hair, it Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Lizard: 9th Circuit Says Meta Has No Section 230 Shield in Scam Ads Lawsuit. NewsBusters hears Carville Lecture the Press to Crack Down Harder on Republicans: 'F**k Objectivity!'. Too late, they already have.  Tim Graham finds Time Magazine Betrays Its Tilt in Biden, Trump Interviews. At WUWT, UN Chief Calls for Governments to Censor Fossil Fuel Advertisements. From PM, Google removes PragerU app from Play Store for 'hate speech' "Google referenced PragerU’s recently released documentary Dear Infidels: a Warning to America, which "features first-hand accounts from individuals who escaped the oppressive grip of radical Islamic rule.""

Sarah Arnold at TownHall reports the Trans Nashville Shooter's Disturbing Manifesto Revealed. Stacy McCain examines her ‘Underlying Psychological Co-Morbidities’
At the time she perpetrated the Covenant School massacre, Hale was under treatment by both a psychiatrist and a therapist. The distinction is important — a psychiatrist is an M.D., who can write prescriptions, whereas a therapist is basically a counselor, someone with a degree in psychology, to whom the patient talks about their problems. So medication and conversation are, in such a case, handled by two separate “mental health professionals” who, we suppose, consult with each other.

The fact that Audrey/“Aiden” Hale was not healed by this treatment — to the contrary, she became a worst-case scenario of therapeutic effectiveness — is not unusual. Most people who are subjected to treatment by “mental health professionals” never really become healthy. With the assistance of anti-depressants or other medications, they may be able to get through life OK, but how can you say turning someone into a drug addict is “success”? Excuse me for speaking so bluntly, but if the goal is “mental health” and you require Prozac (Zoloft, Paxil, etc.) just to make it through the day? No, you haven’t achieved “mental health.”
TN Star finds Covenant Killer Audrey Hale Used Federal Pell Grant Funds to Buy Guns She Used in March 2023 Mass Shooting at Christian School and MNPD Learned on Day of Covenant Shooting Audrey Hale Had Been Treated by Vanderbilt Psychiatric for 22 Years from 2001 Until Her 2023 Death. At Hat Hair, American College of Pediatricians Calls Out Major Med Assoc's Over Child 'Gender Care'. Gallup reports a Slim Majority of U.S. Adults Still Say Changing Gender Is Morally Wrong, but "More than six in 10 Americans oppose laws that ban certain types of gender-affirming care for minors."  From the Victory Girls, The Olympics Create List Of Banned Words For Journalists Regarding “Trans” Athletes. "In a new 33-page document, the International Olympic Committee warned the media against using terms such as ‘born male’, ‘born female’, ‘biologically male’ and ‘biologically female’, which they claim is ‘problematic language’..." At WokeSpy, “The Only Flag We Allow Is The National One” – Mexico City Workers Tear Down Rainbow Flag In Protest.

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: No Surrender out more or less on time at The Other McCain.

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