Thursday, June 20, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Cheap Fakes or Cheap Thrills?

Matt Margolis at PJM wants you to Check Out the Latest Video the White House Will Call a ‘Cheap Fake’ Before It’s Scrubbed. "Cheap Fake" is an unedited video that shows Biden, or some other Democrat in an unflattering light. Nick Arama at Red State,  How Will They Explain This One? Biden Has More Difficulty, This Time Climbing Into an SUV At Da Fed, Dave Harsanyi says Stop Trying To Convince Me Joe Biden Isn’t A Confused, Doddering Old Man. At The Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.19.24  Twitchy, CBS News Explains Why “Wrong Version Of A Video” Was Removed From Biden “Cheap Fake” Hackery. From Breitbart, AP Fact-Checks Video of Barack Obama Walking Joe Biden off Stage, Citing One Anonymous Source. Da Fetched, Biden Visibly Struggles Mid-Speech While Announcing Mass Amnesty. Dan Greenfield at Front Page thinks the Media Wants to Ban Videos of Biden’s Senility. "Now Biden's gaffes are "misinformation" too." Leavitt to Newsmax: People 'See Truth' About Biden. At Da Signal, Media Is Gaslighting You About Biden’s Obvious Signs of Decline. Here’s Why It Won’t Work. Matt Margolis again, The Media Knows Biden Will Lose the Debate With Trump. Sarah Arnold at TownHall, thinks a Report Reveals 'Secret Democrat Plot' to Replace Joe Biden. At OTP, Queer Eye For Biden-Harris: VP Hosts Cast Of Gay Pride Hit. "VP Hosts Cast Of Gay Pride Hit." Well, she probably can't screw up the gay/trans vote. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Evening Edition), Louder With Crowder, Special K spreads a STUNNING amount of misinformation in defense of Joe Biden being a senile old coot Twitchy Cringeworthy Kamala Harris “Pride” Post Gets The Treatment It Deserves, The Lid, Nearly Half of Voters Say Joe Biden Mentally Unfit for Office, Power Line: Guest Column, Joe Biden Options: Senile Dolt, Evil Genius, or Double-Agent,

At Am Con, Biden Announces Amnesty for over 500,000 Illegal Aliens. "State of the Union: The plan covers those married to U.S. Citizens." Hat Hair's KT hears Governor Abbott Flames Biden's Mass Amnesty Policy. NewsMax, Trump: Biden Wants to Be 'President for Illegal Aliens' and Sen. James Lankford to Newsmax: Biden's Border Policy Backward. From Breitbart, Amnesty Joe Biden Gives His Podium to Illegal Migrant and Jayapal: ‘Fearmongering’ by Reporting Things That Happened Is ‘Part of the Problem’ of Support for Mass Deportations. Hat Hair's John Sexton sees US Cities Are Overwhelmed with Migrants Despite Mexico Doing Biden's Dirty Work. They vote poorly. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair is not broken up when NY Vigilantes Beat, Capture Migrant Who Raped 13-Year-Old Girl. Mia Cathell at Town Hall sees 'Sanctuary City' Swallows Massive Red Pill After Illegal Alien Child Sex Offender Was Freed, Baltimore. Matt Walsh at Da Wire, thinks Americans Are Sick And Tired Of The Illegal Immigrant Crime Epidemic. From Da Signal, a Poll: Majority of Hispanics Favor Deporting ‘All’ Illegal Immigrants. Hat Hair's KT sees The Warning Signs Are Flashing Red for in internal terrorist attack by illegal "newcomers." HE, Conservatives need to go hard on immigration—like the Left does on abortion.  Da Caller, ‘That’s Remarkable’: CNN Panelists Stunned As Donald Trump’s Immigration Policy Enters ‘The Mainstream’.

Fox, Hunter Biden revealed top CCP leader wanted him to visit China to 'discuss business opportunities': emails. "'I can go with you to find out what he can do for us,' Biden's Chinese business partner said." PJM's Kevin Downey, Why Did the White House Allegedly Kill an Anti-Corruption Bill? You Know Why!

Cathy Salgado at PJM hears Retirees Look for Work Again in Biden’s Economy. Thanks Brandon! WaT, Americans still waiting on Biden broadband plan; rural high-speed internet stuck in Dems’ red tape. "Not a single home connected three years after enactment." But I bet a lot of DEI officers got employed. Whole Mars Catalog @WholeMarsBlog "For $42 billion they could have bought Starlink dishes for 140 million people (US population is 333 million)." From CH, Meddling in Mergers "The Biden administration is putting its politics ahead of business—and consumers will pay the price." NewsMax, Biden Lands EPA Union's First Endorsement. I wasn't even aware EPA had a union. Of course, they're for Biden. 

At LI, Netanyahu Reveals Biden Admin Has Been Holding Back Weapons Shipments, Says Blinken Promised To Free Up Flow. "Netanyahu: “[I]n the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel. Secretary Blinken assured me that the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks…. Give us the tools and we’ll finish the job a lot faster”" Jake Smith at Da Caller, ‘Rougher And Rougher’: Biden’s Chaotic Gaza Pier Could Be Dismantled Months Earlier Than Expected. VodkaPundit at PJM says Let's Kick Off Summer With Another Losing War! and continue to allow the Houthis to control trade in the mid east. "We have over 2,000 years [of] written record — remarkedly consistent given the turnover of empires & technology — of how to successfully eliminate piracy." And yet, the White House "decided to ignore that and only do part of the recipe but expect the same result." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.18.24 (Evening Edition), The Geller Reports Jihad Joe Biden Regime Shells Out $400,000,000 More to Jihad Terrorists in Israel. From the Wombat's  In The Mailbox: 06.19.24, The Geller Report: Netanyahu Asserts US is “Withholding Essential Weapons and Ammunitions to Israel” that Israel Paid For.

Ace, Trump Opens Up an Eighteen Point Lead in Iowa, a State Obama Won "Happy Nineteenth of June. I have proclaimed today a special holiday, which I call "Humpteenth." Iowa wasn't and isn't a blue state, but Obama did win it. Twice. Even in 2012, after everyone understood that he was an incompetent empty-suit DEI hire. So it was gettable. Iowa is no longer gettable for Democrats." Hat Hair KT talks about About That Shocking Iowa Poll. At PJM VIP, VodkaPundit is Wargaming the Electoral College: Pennsylvania or Bust for Joe?   Atop Da Hill, a youngster explains Why Biden is losing young Democrats like me. At Breitbart, WATCH — 7th Grader: Trump Popular Among Young People Because Biden’s Inflation Raises Candy Prices. At Da Fetched, Jack Black Roasted after Endorsing Joe Biden: ‘How Much Are They Paying You?’  From Althouse, "The Return of Peace Through Strength/Making the Case for Trump’s Foreign Policy." "A column in Foreign Policy by Robert C. O'Brien, who "served as U.S. National Security Adviser from 2019 to 2021."" Rumble, Trump Will Win 50 States If This Happens. Hat Hair's KT, It Starts in Ohio: New Red State Playbook by Pro-Abortion Advocates.

Hollywood it Toto Explains ‘The View’s’ Anti-Trump Hysteria, "Joy Behar fears former President will do what's already happening in America" under Biden. On X, the Great Victor Davis Hanson@VDHanson explores the "Anatomy of a Full Leftwing Meltdown The media is afire with warnings of the impending Trump “dictatorship”. Celebrities, the Squad, and Biden administration grandees vie to conjure up the most nightmarish things that Trump might do to them. What drives their current mounting hysteria? . . ." Althouse, I'm told there were a lot of these "Please Remember" billboards along the backroads north of Milwaukee. "Here's an article about the phenomenon: "Mysterious Trump and Epstein billboards are popping up across Wisconsin" (UpNorth News).." One of the more minor hoaxes.  Also, "[P]ortraying Trump as not merely a convicted criminal — but a wildly self-centered one — may be a smart play." "I'm reading "Biden’s ads haven’t been working. Now, he’s trying something new. The president has been massively outspending Donald Trump on the airwaves and still losing" by Eric Levitz (at Vox)."

OTP, Chief Trump Impeachment Witness Eugene Vindman Wins Bid For House SeatReese Gorman@reesejgorman "John McGuire is declaring victory over Bob Good. He’s currently up by just under 400 votes. If this stands he defeats the House Freedom Caucus Chairman and is a huge victory for Trump and Kevin McCarthy." Althouse tells an amusing tale from the wilds of Vermont, "I walked around this place, paranoid of my fellow legislators, racking my brain trying to think, 'What could I have possibly said or done?'" "Said Jim Carroll, quoted in "Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months/Mary Morrissey apologizes after being filmed dumping liquid into backpack of Democratic legislator Jim Carroll" (The Guardian)." FinBold, Nancy Pelosi is up this much on her Nvidia stock bet. "After a breathtaking run NVDA stock has been on since, adding over 170% to its value, Pelosi earned an estimated $5 million on her call options, approximately 20 times her annual salary." It's good to have inside information.

Guy Benson at TownHall explores Is Biden Responsible for Alvin Bragg's Prosecution of Donald Trump? No, but he helped when he could. From TNP, Bannon Faces Harsh Prison Conditions Alongside Violent Criminals. "The federal judge assigned to Bannon’s case ordered the more stringent conditions. Polantz says the prison is “behind ‘The Wall,'” indicating a higher level of confinement than minimum-security camps.“ It’s different than a camp. It has more confines for the inmates that are kept there. Also, violent offenders can be kept in a low-security prison like the one Bannon is going to,” Polantz stressed." Da Caller, Steve Bannon’s Prison Sentence Will Be Served In Facility With Violent Offenders. At Am Great, Resolution Declaring J6 Committee Illegitimate Awaits Action, which might nullify Bannon's conviction, since the action of the committee subpoenaing him would be illegitimate. "Congressman Eric Burlison (R-MO) has introduced a 5 page resolution that would effectively rescind the subpoenas issued by the January 6 (J6) Committee against Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Peter Navarro and Daniel Scavino Jr and withdrawing the recommendations that found them in contempt of Congress." Steve Richards at JTN, House Republicans request all documents previously turned over to Jan. 6 Committee. "Many of the documents used in the investigation were not properly archived and handed over when Republicans took power in 2023, the House subcommittee says."

At PM, BREAKING: Biden DOJ wins bid to move Ashli Babbit wrongful death suit from her home town of San Diego to Washington, DC. "The case will now be overseen by Judge Jia Cobb, a Biden appointee."

Da Caller reports ‘Weaponization Of The IRS’: Biden Admin Cements Rules Handing Labor Unions A Massive Victory. At the Free Bacon, John Kerry's Climate Office Coordinated With Left-Wing Nonprofits Working To Shut Down Coal, Internal Docs Show. "'Evidence continues to mount' showing Biden admin's coordination with eco groups, Oversight chairman James Comer tells the Free Beacon." It's all a grift. If you're not getting your share, you're paying the bill.

At The Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.19.24 At Da Fed, Jeremy Tedesco reports Google’s Censorship Machine Targets PragerU — Again. Cranking up the censorship for the 2024 election. At Am Think, Andrew Riddaugh thinks America is Riding on this Supreme Court Decision. "The highest court in the land will be focused on cases from Missouri and Texas that aim to prevent social media outlets and the Biden Administration from censoring and banning users based on their political views." NYPo, ABSOLUTELY slap a surgeon general’s warning on social media — ASAP. "As Murthy put it: “The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency — and social media has emerged as an important contributor.”"

ET, DOJ Charges Texas Doctor Who Exposed ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care for Minors "Dr. Eithan Haim faces 10 years in prison and a $250,000 maximum possible fine if convicted." At CJ Chris Rufo examines The Murky Business of Transgender Medicine. "Did Texas Children’s Hospital commit fraud to pay for child sex-change procedures?" Hat Hair's Begee Welborn hears a Broward Brouhaha When HS Girl Volleyball Player Turns Out to Be...SURPRISE...a Guy. Fox 31, Colorado Supreme Court to hear arguments in transgender cake case, before being overturned by the US Supreme Court? at Breitbart, San Francisco Mayoral Debate: Democrat Mayor Breed Asks Challenger to Name 3 Drag Queens, a major point in today's Frisco. 

Eric Lendrum sees Massachusetts Spends $1 Million of Taxpayer Money on Ad Campaign Against Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers. Promote abortion all you want, but not with public money.

Hat Hair's John Sexton says Columbia Task Force on Anti-Semitism Reveals Some of Its Findings "The general sense task force members got from talking to students was that anti-Semitism was a big problem on campus." Mike LaChance at LI, Cal State LA President: Students Who Took Over Building No Longer Welcome on Campus “Know that we will recover from this, but also know that I am committed to doing everything we can to ensure this will never be allowed to repeat.” There needs to be jail time. Lee Edwards@terronk "One of the weird things, and there are many weird things, about this bullshit is that he believed the best target for this was UC Berkeley. As far short of his far leftist ideals as Cal may have been, few actual real world institutions are closer."

At Am Think James Erwin thinks The Flag Debate Is Not Just About the Supreme Court. Charles Rotter at WUWT, Just Stop Oil Terrorists Desecrate Stonehenge. What did the Druids do to them?

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Leave Room For Cream and FMJRA 2.0: Bullpen Blues ready for business at The Other McCain.

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