Saturday, February 5, 2022

Politics like an ADHD Monkey with an AK47

If yesterday's post was scattershot, today's is positively like an ADHD monkey with an assault rifle. Here we go. 

Capt. Ed at Haut Hair catches the NYT worrying about Suburban women stuck in "politics of gloom" ahead of midterms. Twitchy finds Actor Ron Perlman calling for a national divorce Ron Perlman@perlmutations "It’s time that every state they would elect republicans to represent them, and all of the rest of us separate. You don’t wanna live in my world and I certainly don’t want to live in yours." Fine, where will you get your water and energy? MSNBC photobombed by "Let's Go, Brandon!" Breitbart, Rep. Jim Jordan: Joe Biden’s ‘Deliberate’ Support of Illegal Immigration Could Lead to Impeachment, Remember the Pelosi doctrine, the grounds for impeachment are whatever the speaker wants them to be.

AllahPundit at Haut Hair is in extreme bliss as Pence rebukes Trump: He's wrong and "un-American" to say that I had the power to overturn the election. If the law wasn't ambiguous, why are they trying to fix it? You know Democrats would have opened that door if they had a chance. Speaking of voter fraud, The FBI finally gets their man, at the Smoking Gun, FBI: Retiree Said He "Just Wanted To Vote Twice," Florida Man faces felony fraud charge over dual 2020 ballots. 

KC Wang at NYT (cited at Haut Hair) wonders Does DeSantis really have a shot against Trump?. Yes. AllahPundit whines Corey Lewandowski: Trump has tasked me with destroying Chris Sununu. Not something I care about one way or another.

In In The Mailbox: 02.04.22, the Wombat hosts The Geller Report Here’s How Democrats Plan To Rig The 2022 Elections To Stay In Power as the AP reports North Carolina Supreme Court strikes down redistricting maps. Seems like Democrat controlled courts are upholding Democrat gerrymandering and denying Republican attempts.

Dan Chaitin at WaEx, Tucker Carlson says House Democrat asked intelligence briefer for 'dirt' on show's ties to Russia "Rep. Jim Cooper of Tennessee, during a Wednesday closed-door briefing on Russia, "asked an intelligence briefer to find out if this show is tied to Russia," Carlson said Friday." Becky Downs at Town Hall, Tucker Carlson Reveals Democratic Lawmaker Accused His Show of Having Ties to Russia
"To be clear, that is not allowed. It is illegal to use the U.S. Government to settle partisan scores or to silent opposition journalists. It is also, by the way, illegal to secretly monitor their electronic communication. We are not speculating about it. The NSA admitted that," Carlson also reminded.

Rep. Cooper, who Carslon said "admitted what he did today when we asked him," was "too cowardly to come on tonight to explain how he could justify that," according to the host, who frequently invites and has on guests from across the aisle to explain their point of view.

NN,  Tulsi Gabbard Warns of 'Dictatorship' If Elites Continue Propaganda and Censorship and at Base Politics, DISTURBING: Twitter Purges Conservative Education Publication and Staff Amid Teachers’ Union Pressure Campaign. Twitter is evil.

Kaelen Deese at WaEx recounts how Schumer omits Thurgood Marshall from history in Supreme Court justices quip. "Until 1981, this powerful body, the Supreme Court, was all white men. Imagine," Don't know much about history. The Volohk Conspiracy (hosted at Reason these days), John Adler reports a Member of #TeamJackson Allegedly Edited Wikipedia Bios of Potential Supreme Court Nominees. "A former clerk to Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is accused of burnishing her Wiki bio, while sabotaging those of other contenders to replace Justice Breyer." I wonder who ordered her to do that? Someone should ask. At WaPoo, Hugh Hewitt cogitates on  How Stephen Breyer could end his tenure with a surprise. Admitting error on the 2nd Amendment. 

Althouse is hung up on the word "Sherpa", The idiocy of appropriating the ethnicity of the Other right when you're flaunting your racial progressiveness: Stop saying "sherpa"!

I'm reading "Why Stephanie Cutter says Dems need a new SCOTUS strategy/On this week’s show, Playbook author Ryan Lizza talks with Democratic strategist Stephanie Cutter about what it’s like to be a sherpa for a Supreme Court nominee" (Politico).

On the Ilya Shapiro 'controversy', from the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 02.04.22,  Herr Professor Jacobsen at Legal Insurrection: Professor Glenn Loury’s Ilya Shapiro Moment, “Sorry, but practicing “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” at the US Supreme Court is a very bad idea. Also from the professor, Ilya Shapiro To Whoopi: “Let’s Talk … We Have To Disrupt This Toxic Cultural Moment In Favor Of Free Speech.”  The Court should not be thought of as a ‘representative’ institution. So, go ahead and cancel me, too, for my ‘Ilya Shapiro moment’!” Michele Goldberg at NYT (cited by Haut Hair), Georgetown Law, don't punish your new hire for his bad tweets.

On the Jan. 6 fiasco, From the Wombat, The Geller Report claims the FBI Director Shamelessly Lies That J6 Protesters Have Been Treated No Differently Than Antifa & #BLM. Put the period after "lies." 'Bonchie' at Red State says It Sure Seems Like the January 6th Committee Was Colluding With Jeff Zucker "What’s my evidence for such speculation? How about members of the committee asserting that Zucker’s departure represents a threat to “democracy”?"

AllahPundit has the sads, RNC censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for persecuting people engaged in "legitimate political discourse". PM, RNC formally censures Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for participating in Pelosi's Jan 6 show trials. Rick Moran at PJ Media, RNC Moves to Censure Liz Cheney and Fund Her Primary Opponent.  TampaFP, RNC Formally Censures Cheney, Kinzinger Over Trump Criticism, Jan 6 Committee Participation. Criticism is fine, but you need to expect to be criticized back. Breaking party discipline by partaking in a highly partisan, illegally constituted committee should be punished. 

John Solomon at JTN documents how Judge lets convicted Hunter Biden business partner freely roam globe while awaiting sentencing, "Federal judge's lenient treatment for Devon Archer renews debate about a dual system of justice, as Jan. 6 and Russia defendants faced travel restrictions."

A Hawaiian judge in Virginia? Da Caller, Universal Mask Mandate To Remain In Effect In Northern VA Schools. Ace, Virginia (Prince William County) Mom Absolutely Destroys School Board: "If Masks Work, Why Don't They?"

Using facts and logic, of course. She points out that kids are getting sick at the same rates they did pre-masking. So if masks work, why don't they work?

And also using their previous lies -- the head of the schoolboard told her last year that she'd love to unmask the kids, but Ralph Northam's executive order mandating mask "tied her hands."

Nick Arama at Red State, WATCH: Mask Karen Loses Her Mind at Glenn Youngkin; He Responds Like a Boss, "Governor, where is your mask?" "We're all making choices today." AllaPundit hurt by The powerful "give kids back their childhood" ad

Dan Greenfield at Front Page, The Only Ones Banning Books are Critical Race Theorists

After spending the last few years banning Dr. Seuss and literally burning copies of Harry Potter novels in bonfires, and denouncing classic children’s literature like Little House on the Prairie and Mary Poppins as racist, leftists are now accusing conservatives of “banning books”.

When a Minnesota school district removed The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and To Kill A Mockingbird from its curriculum because it made students "uncomfortable", the NAACP, which has been trying to ban Huck since at least the 50s, cheered. So did the media which celebrated the effort to remove "racist language" that “triggered students of color” from the classroom.

The removal of Mark Twain's authentically anti-racist masterpiece was carried out by anti-racists in school districts from Burbank, California to Lawrence, Kansas. In 2016, a Virginia school district, now at the center of media fear mongering about book bans after parents succeeded in reclaiming schools from CRT bosses, banned both books because of all the "racial slurs".

Now the censors want to reclaim the mantle of free speech. The media, which described school districts “removing” or “replacing” books on reading lists when leftists were doing it, now calls the removal of books, whether they’re racist critical race theory texts or Maus, as “bans”.

Much like erstwhile liberals went from celebrating Jefferson and Lincoln to toppling their statues, their educational counterparts who had once vocally championed Huck and Mockingbird, and shouted down any effort to keep them out of the classroom, now just as vocally want them out and replaced with the deranged hateful ravings of Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ibram X. Kendi.

And just try to find a book on de-transitioning or gay reversion therapy at a high school library, I dare you.  

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