...The film chronicles an unprecedented biological disaster unleashed from the waters of the Chesapeake Bay -- an isopod parasite, carrying a horrific untreatable disease, that jumps from fish to human hosts. The true horror and scope of the event unfolds on footage captured on home videos and the Internet by the town's victims, Lionsgate said in a synopsis...
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Fish lice on deck of boat |
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Isopod mouth parasite |
However none of these parasites pose any threat to people. You could probably eat them if you cooked them well. However, we do have a dangerous disease that you can catch from fish in Chesapeake Bay, Mycobacterium marinum or Mycobacterium chesapeaki (often called Myco for short). You can get this from the water, but often infections occur after being stuck by a fish spine (striped bass in particular have a set of sharp dorsal spine, which often prick the unwary, and sometimes the wary; I speak from experience). However, it's a slow growing infection, which can be quite serious, and one that often requires months of treatment. The majority of striped bass in Chesapeake Bay are infected with Myco, and at this point, we don't fully understand the impact of that on striped bass populations, but it is unlikely to be good.
All of which is a rather long way of getting around to saying there's more than a germ of truth in this horror movie.
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