Thomas Lifson, AmThink, AG Barr’s trip to Italy on ‘official business’ may be a key to unmasking deep state entrapment of George Papadopoulos by CIA asset Joseph Mifsud, sundance, CTH,Attorney General Bill Barr Visits Italy on “Official Business”? – Remember That Audio-Tape Deposition by Joseph Mifsud? Nice Deb at AmGreat, AG Barr’s Hush Hush Trip to Italy Sets Tongues Wagging on the Left and the Right – American Greatness. Maybe he's just there for the pasta, but we can hope.
Benjamin Wittes at Lawfare announces a new crime, Collusion After the Fact. I know, it's enemy territory, but you have to watch them. The New Neo, The Deep State hatched its plot against Trump very early, and they told us so. Althouse, “He’s been forecasting that the ‘deep state’ is out to get him, and there’s a way in which the narrative of the whistleblower can come to confirm all of that for his followers.” It doesn't need confirming, it's all proved in the links above.
Legal Insurrection notes the WaPoo, State Dept intensifies investigation into Hillary’s email server practices "It’s unlikely anything will come of this. But you can’t take away our dreams."
On the Impeachment front, Stacy McCain shouts, Impeachment Mania! "Is there any fact that could convince the Democrats to desist? Have they become so maniacally obsessed that they are beyond reason?" No. Althouse, “On another frenetic day of political exchanges, Democrats sought to engineer a fast start to their impeachment efforts as their chances of political success hinge on early momentum to keep the White House off balance.” "I’m quoting “Washington at war: Dems aim for speedy impeachment push as Trump threatens whistleblower” (CNN)."
I see everything needs to be fast, fast, fast for this to work. If another week passes without the whole country getting the cue to go “frenetic,” maybe the Ukraine phone call will fade away like 100 other impeachable offenses attributed to Trump. I’m put off by the pressure for speed. All the time we devote to electing a President and all the work lavished thus far into the next election, and we’re supposed to suddenly stop everything and throw this bum out? Quick! Don’t think! That makes me want to slow down and think quite a bit.More impeachy links:
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Trump is going to fight, and Democrats aren’t going to get their wish for a quick one-sided war.
AmSpec, Trump Impeachment: Inevitable
NYMag, Is Impeachment the End of the Road for Most 2020 Democrats?
Mark Tapscott, ET, Assessing the Most Dangerous ‘What Ifs’ of the Democrats’ Impeach Trump Frenzy
Jazz Shaw, Hot Air, Pelosi doesn't care if she loses the gavel over impeachment?
Instapundit » Blog Archive » HEH: …
WaEx If Democrats impeach Trump, a GOP House would probably impeach the next Democratic president
The National Interest (that's kind of presumptive) Could Trump's Impeachment Crisis Push Hillary Clinton to Run in 2020?
WaPoo, Staring down impeachment over Ukraine call, Trump sees himself as a victim of historic proportions He's not necessarily wrong
Newsbusters, CNN's Jake Tapper Gripes: Unlike Nixon, Trump 'Has Fox News' and Die-Hard Websites
RCP, David Brooks: Trump "Did Something Impeachable," But "Impeachment Would Be A Mistake" |Politico, 5 Ways Impeachment Could Play Out - POLITICO Magazine. Only 5?
Instapundit THAT’S AWFULLY RICH COMING FROM ONE OF THE LEADERS OF THE PARTY THAT BOOED GOD: Nancy Pelosi Says She’s ‘Prayerful’ As Impeachment Moves Forward.
Jake Sherman on Twitter: "Nixon won 49 states and he was impeached.… " Wrong, but we get the point.
Ace, Politics Isn't Binary...Maybe Some Rational Disagreement Is A Good Thing!
NyPo, Trump impeachment saga is repeat of 1999 Bill Clinton effort, Yep, they, been dying for revenge for 20 years.
Da Fed, Congressional Democrats Have No Credibility On Impeachment Put the period after credibility
Victor Davis Hanson, AmGreat, Impeachment Coup Analytics

Rudy Giuliani: 'I Wouldn't Cooperate With Adam Schiff'
WaPoo, In strategy shift, Democrats settle on Schiff to lead a focused inquiry Nadler loses Pelosi's favor after Lewandowski "fiaso."
At WaPoo, EJ Dionne doesn't care about the facts, and never did, Not too fast, not too slow on impeachment
On Ukraine/Bidengate:
Da Beast, Biden Campaign Demands TV News Execs Stop Booking Rudy Giuliani
DaHill Biden campaign demands news channels stop booking Giuliani

What a poker player would call a “tell”:AP Trump blurs lines between personal lawyer, attorney general. You mean like Hillary and Barack's lawyers?
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If what Giuliani is saying about Biden and Ukraine is just “unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies,” wouldn’t it be easy for Biden to prove that? But not — they want him silenced. Don’t be surprised if networks comply with Biden’s demand. “Democrat operatives with bylines,” etc.
AllahPundit at Hot Air, Chris Wallace: Rudy had help in trying to get dirt on Biden from Ukraine, and it's a name Fox News viewers will recognize
Margaret Olohan, Da Caller Ukraine’s Fired Top Prosecutor Saw No Evidence Of Wrongdoing, Urged Giuliani To Launch US Investigation
Town Hall, Kamala Wants Everyone to 'Leave Joe Biden Alone!' But Her Reasoning Is Seriously Ironic And Hypocritical
Bloomberg, Ukraine Scandal: Expect More Surprises for Biden
Breitbart Five Times Hunter Biden’s Dealings Were Conflict of Interest for Joe Biden
Da Fed, Burisma Timeline Just Leads To More Questions About Hunter Biden
Am GreatL’etat C’est Nous – American Greatness "A deeper knowledge of the players involved in leveling the charges of impropriety and, even, “treason” against President Trump, shows that most of them have something to hide and interests to protect that explain their outrage."
PJ Media Trump: 'Rep. Adam Schiff Must Resign From Congress!' Like that will happen
AmGreat, The Press Gang That Couldn’t Keep Its Story Straight – American Greatness
Da Caller ‘Your Question Is Not Honest’: Mark Levin Blasts Ed Henry During ‘Fox & Friends’ Appearance
PJ Media Trump: 'Rep. Adam Schiff Must Resign From Congress!' Like that will happen
AmGreat, The Press Gang That Couldn’t Keep Its Story Straight – American Greatness
Da Caller ‘Your Question Is Not Honest’: Mark Levin Blasts Ed Henry During ‘Fox & Friends’ Appearance
Capt. Ed at Hot Air, Stephanopoulos to Schiff: If what Trump said was so bad, why make up dialogue? and Hot Air citing Hot Air Trump was warned that Ukraine conspiracy theory was "completely debunked" - Hot Air
WaPoo, Phone call has yet to harm Zelensky and boy, are they pissed!
And at last, on the Whistleblower
CNN Mick Mulvaney on shaky ground in wake of whistleblower fallout
So Stacy thinks Trump's off balance now? Three years of watching the man set traps and he still has no clue about Trump.