Saturday, February 11, 2012

Rule 5 Saturday - Mentalist Meets Friday 13th in Orange County - Amanda Righetti

Georgia was watching "The Mentalist" a couple nights ago, while I was half listening while trying to figure out what I was going to do for Rule 5 Saturday this week.  I looked up, and inspiration struck.   I had to Google the show to find the cast, and found that Amanda Righetti plays Lucy Grace van Pelt, the Ginger detective on the "CBI" squad with the con man turn super sleuth. (I knew that; brain cramp!)

Born in Utah, and raised in Nevada, Amanda is a staple in horror films like "Angel Blade" (2002), "Return to the House on Haunted Hill" (2007) and the remake of "Friday the 13th" (2009).  She played an unnamed  S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in "Captain America: The First Avenger" (2011).

She also had continuing roles on TV series, North Shore,  OC and Reunion, none of which I have ever watched.  Is she enough to make me?  I'll have to think about that.
She is also a producer of commercials, and short films, so she's not just relying on her good looks.   Have I ever told you how much I like gingers?

Well, that's about all I got.

Just more pictures of Amanda below the jump.

Oh, and I almost forgot her Maxim photo shoot video!

Ted is featuring an old favorite, Scarlett "Boobs" Johansson as his Weekend Woman this week.  The Daily Gator picked this up in his Weekend Linkfest.  Don't forget to check out his DailyBabe (fresh daily). Wombat-Socho posted this in his weekly Rule 5 extravaganza at The Other McCain.  Thanks again Kevin, for a great list. The Classical Liberal also links in late with "Rule 5 Speak."

1 comment:

  1. Lucy van Pelt is the one in the Peanuts comic. Amanda's character in The Mentalist is Grace van Pelt. *L*
