Saturday, June 1, 2024

More Flotsam and Jetsam

Resuming regular order, At Twitchy, the LOOK on Biden's Face After Journo Asks About Trump Being a 'Political Prisoner' Is CHILLING (Watch)

From the Free Bacon, Black Democrats Tell Biden Campaign Its Outreach Isn't Working. WokeSpy Joe Biden Needs The Black Vote… But It Isn’t Going Well. Lloyd Billingsley at Front Page, notes Biden Repeats the Police-Versus-Blacks Myth. "Fake news about police violence is nothing new." Jason Cohen at Da Caller, ‘Real Unease In The Party’: James Carville Says Not To ‘Discount’ Possibility Biden Won’t Be Dem Candidate. Fox, Celebrities wonder if endorsing Biden 'worth' the scrutiny in increasingly polarized worldnull. "President Biden's campaign is counting on celebrity to endorsements to give him a boost closer to November, the report said" Shut up and sing, or act. Capt. Ed snarks, "It's tough when mindlessly regurgitating the Left's talking points actually begins to exact a real cost, huh? Maybe these celebs can ask their conservative colleagues how it feels to get financially punished for their political views." Campus Reform reports SJP chapters organize to 'surround the White House' after Hamas, other terror orgs call on students to 'beseige' Biden's residence I'll bet DOJ doesn't go all J6 on them; they still need Michigan.

Steve Cortes, What's Behind the Biden Border Crisis? Cortes Investigates. Mary Chastain at LI, Border Patrol has Encountered Over 52,000 Special Interest Aliens Since October. "Special interest aliens are those who come from countries with possible security concerns." Hat Hair's KT reports on Biden's Latest on Handling Illegal Immigration: Send Them to Greece or Italy. A trivial number, but meant to sound good. Ace, Denver Doubles Down on Welfare for "Newcomers Program," Increasing Benefits for Illegals While Cutting Spending on City Services for Citzens "All they do is double down. For now. We'll see if their increasingly insane gambles pay off in the end."

Paul Bedard at WaEx, Poor economy shoves Biden reelection into loser category.  Ethel C. Fenig at Am Think thinks it's Déjà vu all over again as US unemployment increases. From Reason, The Congressional Budget Office's Alternative Scenarios Forecast a Dire Economic Picture, "Why aren't politicians on both sides more worried than they seem to be?" Ace, Surprise! GDP is UNEXPECTEDLY Revised Downward "Via Beege Wellborn, the government "revised" its previous estimate of last quarter's growth. You will not be surprised that the Bureau of Economic Analysts once again over-estimated the growth of the economy under a Democrat president. It was projected to be low at 1.6%. Now it's even worse at 1.3%." VodkaPundit at PJM, Here Comes the Re-Recession? At Breitbart, Bidenflation Backlash: Walgreens Joins Amazon, Target, Walmart, Cutting Prices on Thousands of Items. "“Unfortunately, the price cuts on shelves at large retailers are unlikely to reduce inflation, which is now largely driven by price increases in the services side of the economy,” stated Breitbart News’s John Carney."

NewsMax cites Dick Morris: Trump Will Still Win. From WaEx, Democrats target five more House seats in bid to win majority. Fox, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin leaves Democratic Party, registers as independent. "Sen. Joe Manchin, a political moderate, has officially left the Democratic Party to become an independent."

The Divine Ms. Devine at NYPo, The left and its scare tactics aren’t fooling the Supreme Court. Am Think's Jack Cashill examines What MSNBC Can Teach The Atlantic about January 6. TNP reports The FBI Lovers Who Tried to Stop Trump in 2016 Are Dropping Their ‘Privacy Violations’ Lawsuit Against the DOJ. "Former FBI official Lisa Page has reached a tentative settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding her allegations of privacy violations due to the release of her text messages with fellow agency official Pete Strzok. These texts were exchanged during the 2016 presidential election cycle and exposed their concerted opposition to Donald Trump’s election." 

From Breitbart,  WATCH — ‘I’m Done’: Democrat California State Senator Roasts Party for Trying to Protect Pedophiles, but you can't watch because YouTube terminated the account. At WaEx, Department of Labor refers to women as ‘menstruators’. Funny, there's a shorter, easier word. 

At the Free Bacon, Pentagon Shells Out Half a Million Dollars for ‘Indigenous Knowledge’ Research. "Indigenous knowledge" is a pseudoscience that posits native Indians possess unique insights into the workings of the universe. President Joe Biden has instructed all federal agencies to prioritize incorporating "indigenous knowledge" in their rulemaking, something scientists warn is "extremely dangerous." The College Fix reports UCLA med school DEI leader accused of major plagiarism refuses to address allegations. You can't make this shit up, so they plagiarize it. 

The Free Bacon again, Yale's New President Called In the Cops To Arrest Unauthorized Campus Protesters "As head of Stony Brook, Maurie McInnis survived censure vote after using police to disperse student protesters one day into illegal encampment." 

At PJM The Great Victor Davis Hanson has a wide ranging essay, Our Revolutionary Times.

Linked at The Pirate's Cove in the weekly Sorta Blogless Sunday PinupSorta Blogless Sunday Pinup and links. The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad up at The Other McCain.

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