Monday, June 3, 2024

I'm Back from Fishing

Another Cedar Point sunrise.  No fish to be found here at that time. In fact, it was a pretty tough day. 

We fished a lot of shallow water in the lee side of the islands, with only the one fish caught, all the way down to Smith Island. Kenny managed one keeper on a popper. 
At that point, the wind having died down, we headed out to the Middle Grounds near the Target Ship, where we struck out on Bluefish, etc., but I had an extensive battle with a Cownose Ray before breaking it off deliberately.  We fished the bay side of the islands on the way back, only me catching 2 under sized fish. Finally, back at Cedar Point Pete located a few fish on structure, and Tom showed his prowess, catching 2 over size and one more keeper. Trevor and Dennis got skunked. 

1 comment:

  1. Went fishing for Rockfish on Memorial Day. did really well at the end of the day up near Kent Island, on the east side of the Bay. Glad you got out at least!
