Jeri Ryan, best known (to me at least, and who else counts) as the partially de-Borged human woman on "Star Trek: Voyager" is the subject of this week's Rule 5 post, in partial violation of the spirit "All politics all the time gets boring after a while", but in full compliance with the dictum "Everybody likes a pretty girl". In Star Trek 7 played the same role as Spock in the original and Data in "Next Generation":
Seven of Nine was an outsider who could comment on humanity and all of its follies as well as serve as a foil for Janeway’s character." She also remarked that "combining non-human qualities with an attractive human appearance," as in Seven's character, was a great move by the producers. In terms of portrayal, she said that "keeping a straight face" while showing suppressed emotion was an enjoyable challenge.
Demonstrating that Star Trek understood the Rule 5 principle...The character's attire, a form-fitting silver catsuit with distinct rib-lines and a high stiff neck, was criticized by veteran Star Trek writer/producer Ronald D. Moore, who felt she should have a more Borg-like appearance. Her outfit also annoyed some who felt that it was an attempt by the show's creators to make her sexually appealing to male viewers, without any storyline purposes intended.

In 1989 she was chosen Miss Illinois (another connection in the conspiracy theory), but only placed third runner up in the 1990 Miss America, having won the swimsuit competition. Wikipedia has no record of what she performed for her talent event.

She subsequently heard the call of Hollywood and moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting. Her first significant role was am extra-terrestrial investigator (an investigator of the extra terrestrial, not an extra terrestrial who investigates, though that might have worked too) in "Dark Skies", a short lived TV series.
In 1990, while she met Jack Ryan, future Senate candidate from Illinois, while dealing black jack at a charity event. They married in 1991, and had a son, Alex, in 1994. Though she worked in acting more or less contintuously, she began a major grind when she signed up with Star Trek: Voyager in 1997. They divorced in 1999, and the problems of a dual city marriage was cited by Ryan in a Star Trek interview as at least a partial cause for the divorce.
This is where it gets interesting:
When Jack Ryan's campaign for an open United States Senate seat in Illinois began in 2003, the Chicago Tribune newspaper and WLS-TV, the local ABC affiliate, sought to have his records released. Both Jeri and Jack agreed to make their divorce, but not custody, records public, saying their release could be harmful to their son.And we all know how that turned out. So I blame 7 of 9 for all of America's current problems. Seems fair enough to me. Now, no more words about Jeri; just more pictures.
On June 18, 2004, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Robert Schnider agreed to release the custody files. The decision generated much controversy because it went against both parents' direct request and because it generally reversed the early decision to seal the papers in the best interest of the child. It was revealed that six years previously, Jeri had accused Jack Ryan of asking her to perform sexual acts with him in public, and in sex clubs in New York, New Orleans, and Paris. Jeri Ryan described one as "a bizarre club with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling." Jack Ryan denied these allegations. Although Jeri Ryan only made a brief statement, and she refused to comment on the matter during the campaign, the document disclosure led Jack Ryan to withdraw his candidacy; his main opponent, Barack Obama, then won the 2004 United States Senate election in Illinois.
CDR posted this 7 of 9 wannabe over at the Ace's ONT
Maggie links at her post with Yesica Toscanini. Alos, thanks to William Teach at Pirates Cove for the link! As always, I thank Wombat-Socho for his links in The Other McCain's weekly collection of Rule 5 posts "Rule 5 Monday: Apocalypse Edition."
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