The brunette bombshell... said: ‘My grandma said, “Men are very visual, so don't forget that.”Granny was brilliant.
‘She said, “Every day, put a little makeup on, put on some nice underwear, and you'll keep your husband.”'Advice she keeps to this day.
This rule Rule 5 post prompted by this "Live at 5" (or whenever) post by Wombat-Socho at "The Other McCain", the man who formulated Rule 5:
Everybody loves a pretty girl.Miranda is, Of course, the Australian supermodel with the cute dimpled chin, known for chaining herself to a tree naked for Koala relief, modeling for Victoria's Secret and marrying Legolas from the Lord of the Rings and Will Turner from the Black Pearl simultaneously, without committing bigamy.
More Miranda below the jump..

Linked by William Teach at Pirate's Cove in his weekly "Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup" and assorted links. The Wombat had a busy week, so Rule 5 Sunday at The Other McCain done come on Tuesday again this week! Also picked up by The Classical Liberal for "Cold Shot" Rule 5 Thursday, with Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble.
‘She said, “Every day, put a little makeup on, put on some nice underwear, and you'll keep your husband.”'
ReplyDeleteWow, this oooozes intellectualism.