Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Biden's Border Boondoggle, Hunter on Trial

Preznit Biden issued a new executive order, restricting asylum seekers to a mere 2,500 per day or 1 3/4 million per year. From Reason, Biden Announces Sweeping Asylum Restrictions at U.S.-Mexico Border "When border encounters between ports of entry hit an average of 2,500 per day over a seven-day period, migrants will no longer be allowed to seek asylum unless they qualify for a narrow exception or request an appointment at a port of entry through an app (a process that has been glitchy and cumbersome). The restrictions will lift two weeks after the daily number of encounters between ports of entry falls below 1,500 on average over a seven-day period." A nod toward sanity, but barely. Mary Chastain at LI, Biden’s Border Executive Order Accomplishes a Bunch of Nothing "Boll Melugin: “Also, asylum has already been banned for most migrants who cross illegally since the end of Title 42 last year – and that hasn’t stopped them from coming.”"  At Da Caller, ‘Fool The American People’: Biden’s Immigration Order Has More Holes Than The Border, Experts Say. Althouse cited the Biden friendly NYT, "We must face a simple truth. To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must first secure the border and secure it now." "Said President Biden, in the 4th year of his presidency, facing up, at long last, to the "simple truth."" Ace, Biden Signs "Tough" Immigration Order That Will Lock In 1,750,000 Illegal Aliens Per Year, Minimum, "The Permanent (?) Invasion." Da Signal, Biden’s Edict on Southern Border Is an Election Year Stunt, Republicans Say. OTP, paraphrases AnxiousElection, June Debate Force Biden’s Hand On Illegal Immigration. Spencer Brown at TownHall hears Sen. John Kennedy Sums Up Biden's Border Executive Order As Only He Can. Hat Hair, Senator Kennedy: Here's Why Joe Biden Is in Big Trouble. OTP, Trump: Deport Biden. Leah Barkoukis at TownHall, Trump Campaign Blasts Biden's Immigration Executive Order. NewsMax, Trump to Newsmax: Biden's Border Action 'Public Relations'. Atop Da Hill some liberal wonders Will Biden’s new border restrictions sway voters? I doubt it, but it will give them talking points. Matt Vespa at Town Hall, CNN Analyst Had Just Two Words to Describe Voters' Shift to Trump on Handling Immigration, “My goodness.”

Hunter Biden's trial for lying on a federal form about his drug addiction is getting underway in Delaware, with the exact opposite of the Trump trial situation, an extremely friendly jury pool. Ace, "Comically Rigged" Hunter Biden Jury Features a... Family Friend of the Bidens and a Former Secret Service Employee and Jurors Who Say Drug Addicts Should be Allowed to Buy Guns "PLUS: We now know why Joe Biden made his secret trip to visit Beau's former wife and Hunter's former slam-piece Hallie Biden. But first: They want a revolution. John Sexton at Hat Hair VIP, Hunter Biden Trial Day Two: Opening Statements and Already One Juror in Tears. Nick Ballasay at JTN reports Opening statements in Hunter Biden’s gun trial delayed after jurors absent at courthouse "The judge revealed that she would exempt one juror as a result of hardship and the spot would have to be filled by one of the alternate jurors." Hat Hair's KT hears Joe and Jill Biden Send a Message to Hunter's Jury. "This is exactly what it looks like. The president and the first lady are intimidating the jury into letting their son off the hook on criminal gun charges." Chris Datoc at WaEx, Hunter Biden trial to test president’s loyalty to independent judicial system. From Jacob Sullum at Reason, Hunter Biden's Trial Highlights a Widely Flouted, Haphazardly Enforced, and Constitutionally Dubious Gun Law "The president's son, who is charged with crimes that violated no one's rights, theoretically faces up to 25 years in prison." Et Al at Da Fed, Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Hunter Biden’s Criminal Gun Trial. From NYPo, Joe Biden told Hunter to ‘get some help’ in 2018 voicemail — three days after son allegedly lied to buy gun and Hunter Biden’s wife lashes out at ex-Trump adviser in trial break: ‘Nazi piece of s–t’. Cam Edwards at Bearing Arms notes Biden Defense Attorney Throws Hallie Biden Under the Bus, over cocaine found on the gun. Steve Richards at JTN, Hunter Biden defense lawyer says he will call presidential brother James Biden to testify "Jim Biden is a central figure in GOP concerns about him and nephew Hunter Biden using the family name to secure lucrative business deals." The family that grifts together. From NewsBusters, Five New Biden Family Scandals ABC, CBS, NBC Are Censoring.

At OTP, Time Calls Biden ‘Scattershot’. John Sexton at Hat Hair details how Joe Biden Seems Out of Touch With Reality In This Time Magazine Interview. Reagan Reese at Da Caller, Joe Biden’s Time Interview Was Full Of Senior Moments. Nick Arama at RedState, thinks Biggs Absolutely Levels Garland, Blows Up the Excuses Not to Turn Over Hur Audio. Madeleine Hubbard at JTN, Transcript tampering? DOJ says written record of Biden interview with prosecutors omitted wordsTranscript tampering? DOJ says written record of Biden interview with prosecutors omitted words. "Even though the Justice Department stated that the transcript was altered, it still contains some repeat and filler words."  Jason Miller to Newsmax: Attorney General Garland 'Lying' to US. Sundance at CTH hosts Matt Gaetz Questioning AG Merrick Garland About Coordinated Lawfare. Dave Harsanyi at Da Fed says Merrick Garland Shouldn’t Be Praised. He Should Be Impeached. NewsMax, Biggs, Roy, Massie to Garland: Question Jan. 6 Prosecutions. CNN, whines ‘I will not be intimidated’: Attorney General Merrick Garland to slam attacks against Justice Department.

 Da Mail, How most voters want Trump and Biden drug tested before the presidential debate. At Insty, DISPATCHES FROM THE PALACE GUARD MEDIA: Alex Thompson@AlexThompAlex Thompson@AlexThomp "Asked if he can do the job at 85 years old (which he would be in a second term), Biden tells TIME: “I can do it better than anybody you know. You’re looking at me, I can take you too.”" From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.04.24 (Morning Edition), Da Tech Guy, Meta AI on Facebook gives biased answers on Biden and Trump’s health and Twitchy, and Biden Visits His (Black, Irish, Italian, Puerto Rican) Childhood Home & The Jokes Write Themselves.

From Semafor, Why Biden’s economic comeback story is falling flat. At MarketWatch, ‘The manufacturing side of the economy appears to have stalled,’ ISM says. Ace, Wall Street Journal: Unexpectedly. the Economy Is Grinding to a Halt "Best economy in history, Jack! My word as a Biden. Also I was appointed to Annapolis but blew it off because I was a Big Football Hero but Annapolis already had Roger Staubach as a quarterback so I went to the University of Delaware and rode the bench, Jack! David Strom is one of those lucky people who has a subscription to the WSJ, so I'll quote his quote . . ." From NewsMax, an Economic Poll: Middle Class Majority Reports Financial Struggle. PJM's Stephen Kruiser finds The Most Delusional Paul Krugman Headline in the History of Delusional Paul Krugman Headlines. AZ SunTime is pissed that the Biden DOJ Claims Arizona Powerless to Stop 1 Million Acre Grand Canyon Monument

PJM's VodkaPundit thinks Even the MSM Can't Hide How Stupid Biden's Ceasefire Plan Is. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, Biden: Israel May Have Committed War Crimes, and Netanyahu Wants War to Keep Power. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.04.24 (Morning Edition), American Conservative: Biden Administration Allows Ukraine to Strike Inside Russia with U.S. Weapons. At WaEx, Biden to veto House GOP military funding bill over abortion, gay rights, and DEI provisions.

From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 06.04.24 (Morning Edition), Da Tech Guy: These are the type of Numbers that Might Trigger the Worst Case Scenario, The Lid: Obama’s Top Adviser Says that It’s a ‘Fantasy’ to Replace Biden on 2024 Ballot. NewsMax, Morning Consult Poll: Trump Keeps Edge After Conviction. TNP has the DATA: Trump Surges With Black Voters, Up 15% Since Manhattan Conviction.  Leading Leading Report@LeadingReport "BREAKING: Black Panthers founding member David Hilliard is backing Donald Trump for president, calling him an “ally of the black population.”"  Sundance at CTH is pleased as punch that President Trump Gains 3 million TikTok Followers in 24 Hours – Raises Quarter Billion Dollars in Three Days. Don Surber says Media pays for getting Trump wrong. At Althouse, "Most of the prominent Democrats with whom I speak have been concerned to the point of panic about how inept they’ve found [Biden's] campaign." "Said Frank Bruni in a "Round Table" discussion at the NYT, "Trump Is Blocking Out the Sun: Three Writers on the Political Impact of the Guilty Verdict.""

Also at Althouse, "Fetterman’s health has improved more and faster than expected, and in what may not be a coincidence..." ""... the more his brain damage recedes, the less he agrees with lefty activists and the Democratic Party’s functionaries. . . . Writes Glenn Reynolds, in "Mea culpa, Fetterman: I was wrong about the senator and his illness" (NY Post)." Salena Zito at WaEx, notes This time, Pennsylvania Republicans embrace mail-in voting. Got play the game by the rules that are, not what you want them to be. Capt. Ed comments "It's one thing to oppose mail-in balloting, which I do as a large-scale practice. But if it's legal, then both parties have to learn to compete. Republicans refused to do so in 2020 and paid a big (and unnecessary) price for their principles. Win elections, then pass policies that provide more reliable methods of conducting the next elections to come." At OTP, Over 500 Noncitizens Registered To Vote In DC. How much over? At WaEx Paul Bedard opines ‘Elites’ don’t want you to vote

At PM, Independents favor Trump by 12 points despite guilty verdict: I&I/TIPP poll. From WaEx, Sununu says support for Trump despite conviction shows how ‘bad’ Biden is. Da Fetched features a   Liberal Guest on Piers Morgan Show Becomes Visibly Confused When Asked What Crimes Trump Committed – WATCH. Herr Professor Jacobson at LI on the Trump Guilty Verdict: “There are some serious constitutional problems with this case” "Yale Law Professor Jed Rubenfeld lays out the basics and problems of the verdict: “What exactly was Trump just found guilty of?”"

Fox, Trump's appeal to disqualify Fani Willis from GA case gets October hearing date, 'This case should be dismissed and Fulton County DA Willis should be disqualified.' Matt Margolis at PJM, LOL! Fani Willis Won’t Be Happy About This

ET, Fauci Disavows Adviser Who Deleted Emails "Dr. Anthony Fauci downplayed his connection to Dr. David Morens."

At Da Signal, Mary Margret Olohan reports Vermont Blocked Christian Families From Fostering Over Gender Ideology, Lawsuit Alleges.  (Capt. Ed says "This isn't about concern for children. It's about validation for the adults in the prog-left elite clique.")  and Tyler O'Neal sees the MASK OFF: Vermont Foster Care Rule Reveals the Left’s Terrifying New State Religion. Spiked wants the press to Stop lying about the sex of suspected murderers "A man alleged to have killed his husband with a samurai sword should not be treated as a woman." At Hat Hair, The LGBTQ Mob Has a Message for Straight, 'Cisgendered' Individuals

At ET, Texas Asks Court to Block Federal Workplace Guidance on ‘Gender Identity. Da Signal sees FBI Agents March, Wave LGBTQ Flags at California ‘Pride’ Parade. Leslie Eastman at LI reports an Idaho Bar Declares June ‘Heterosexual Awesomeness Month’, "Old State Saloon to give all straight men one free beer on Mondays in June."

The Wombat has FMJRA 2.0: Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad up at The Other McCain.

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