Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Long Night

Georgia passed out at the table in a restaurant up near Annapolis last night, where we were having dinner with friends and colleagues.  Anne Arundel County medics were there in minutes, and took excellent care.  The result was a night at the emergency, spent doing not so much.  She got poked and prodded, blood drawn, had two EKGs (one in the ambulance and one at the hospital) hooked to an IV, and X-Rayed.  In the end, nothing was found, and the diagnosis was "syncopy", a fancy name for fainting.  She has low blood pressure most of the time, and did have fainting spells as a child. She was released around 10:30 with instructions to see her own doctor, and we got a late start sleeping.

Thanks to Charlie, for coming over to see to the dogs.

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