Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Wednesday Wetness

The highly-anticipated Anacostia River Splash, postponed once again due to E. Coli levels, is expected to be made up on July 13.

However, the event has been delayed three separate times, making some parkgoers nervous that the makeup will not happen due to water safety.

Some parkgoers who spoke with DC News Now said they would not want to risk an illness by jumping in the water. “I’m all for recreation on the water, but I don’t think they’re ready,” Eddie Kessie said.

Back when I worked in the Anacostia River we were supposed to get Hepatitis A shots to be able to touch to water. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Beach Report 7/2/24

Another lovely day here in Slower Maryland, about 80 F, mostly sunny, and only a light wind.
I started near high tide, but there was a lot of gravel to look at and I found lots of teeth, mostly miniscule. 
The nicest was this small White Shark lower tooth.
I also found this small shark vertebra. 
A large Hercules Beetle on the shore near the water. I honored the prime directive and didn't intervene. 

Flotsam and Jetsam - Trump's Immunity Decision Riles Democrats

Yesterday we got the news that the Supreme Court had ruled that all president's and ex-presidents, even Donald Trump had complete immunity for acts committed under the imprimatur of their office, while having no immunity for acts committed as private citizens. Herr Professor Jacobson at LI explains what this means for the Trump persecutions going forward. Immunity Hot Take: The DC Case Against Trump Is Virtually Over. "That doesn’t mean Jack Smith won’t keep trying to fight it."

Ryan King at NYPo, Supreme Court affirms absolute immunity for official acts in Trump case, renders Jan. 6 trial before election unlikely. Matt Vespa at TownHall, CNN Legal Analyst: Don't Be Shocked If Trump's Legal Team Files This Motion Over the Hush Money Verdict. A Larry video at Hat Hair, So Much Winning! Full Immunity, Biden Campaign in Shambles! Ace, Supreme Court Rules on Presidential Immunity, Requiring a New Hearing to Determine Which Acts of Trump's Were "Official" Acts. "The Supreme Court did what many expected it would do: It recognized that presidential immunity exists, but only for certain official actions taken by the president." Althouse takes note of  "As for a President's unofficial acts, there is no immunity. The principles we set out in Clinton v. Jones confirm as much."

Sister Toldja at RedState, wants you to WATCH Bill Barr Rip Through Justice Sotomayor's Hysteria Over the SCOTUS Presidential Immunity Ruling. Vicky Taft at PJM, Supreme Court Justice Thomas Takes Aim at Trump Special Counsel Prosecutor. "I write separately to highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure," Thomas wrote. "In this case, the Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States. But I am not sure that any office for the Special Counsel has been ‘established by Law,’ as the Constitution requires," he added, citing generalized case law that Attorney General Merrick Garland said supported his decision to appoint Smith." Spencer Brown at TownHall, Clarence Thomas Raises Another Reason Jack Smith's Case Against Trump May Be Unconstitutional.

At the Freep, If Not Biden, Then Who? "Publicly, everyone is behind him. Privately, Democrats are panicked and plotting. I&I, Who Should Get To ‘Finish The Job’? The Answer Was Clear Before The Debate. Breitbart has a  Report that Harris Allies Seethe as ‘White’ Democrats Dominate Biden Replacement Talk.  At Hat Hair's KT thinks The Cringe is Strong as Kamala Harris Mocked for BET Awards Appearance and notes the  DNC to Accelerate Nomination Vote to Preclude Biden Switcheroo. Mark Tapson at Front Page, is annoyed by Kamala’s Cringeworthy Pandering. “Yeah girl, I’m out here in these streets.”  Peter Savodnik reports." Capt. Ed at Hat Hair extracts Dems, Publicly: Biden is 'Master Yoda.' Privately: Jar-Jar "Absolute gutless wonders. Master Yoda? That's gaslighting on an epic scale."  Harold Hutchinson at Da Caller sees Mika Brzezinski Throw Biden’s Staff Under The Bus For Poor Debate Performance: ‘Age Has To Be Managed’ and ‘Country Wants Something New’: James Carville Implores Dems To Show Biden The Door. At NYPo, ‘Morning Joe’ co-host opens MSNBC show with 15-minute monologue defending Joe Biden after debate ‘disaster’Also at Hat Hair, Whoa: Don't Blame Debate Preppers, Says ... Jen Psaki. I don't, it's all Biden. From Anxious, anxiously, Top aides shielded Biden from staff, but couldn't hide the debate. Paul Mirengoff at the Ringside says Biden's problem isn't just that he had a terrible debate. "It's also that he probably did about as well as he can." At Althouse, "I called on Mr. Biden to step aside almost a year ago, warning that he would be forever known as 'Ruth Bader Biden' if he didn’t." "Writes Bill Maher, in "Why I Want an Open Convention" (NYT)." Ace, Joe Biden, Sharp As a Vorpal Tack! Foreign Officials: We've Noticed Biden's Mental Decline for a While Now, WH Officials: Joe Sundowns at 4pm, You Know "Really good video below, thanks to Sock Monkey. Before that: now the WSJ reports that European officials noticed Biden's steep cognitive decline at the G7 meeting -- and before. " John Sexton at Hat Hair, Have You Heard? Joe Biden is Sharp as a Tack. Grayson Bakich at PJM amused by Philadelphia Inquirer Saying Trump Should Drop Out After Debate. Elder abuse.  Althouse  gets "A campaign email slammed those calling on the president to step aside as the 'bed-wetting brigade'..."  Jim Treacher, Biden vs. Democrats? Welcome to the "bedwetting brigade. Twitchy, Carl Bernstein Decided It Was Time to Tell CNN How Many 'Horror Show' Moments President Biden's Had. Dave Catron at Am Spec think Biden’s Debate Debacle Disqualifies His Entire Party. "Last week’s epic reveal demonstrated that the Democrats can no longer be trusted with power." Da Caller notes Nate Silver Calls Dems ‘F*cking Cowards’ Who ‘Should Be Shunned From Public’ For Not Speaking Out About Biden. Hat Hair has NY Times Breaking News: Voters Have Been Concerned About Biden's Age for Some Time.

At Da Caller, Check Out The Most Insane Sentence In The History Of Polling "But the most absurd spin came courtesy of a Democracy Corps survey of Democratic-leaners’ reactions to the debate. “President Biden was hurt badly by the debate, but Donald Trump didn’t benefit on any measure, except the vote,” reads a summary of the survey report." 

Breitbart, Report: Joe Biden Launches Public Relations Campaign to Remain De Facto Nominee. Ace, Biden Repairs At Camp David, to Consult With His Family About Finally Admitting He's Too Demented to Be President, then Biden's Family of Grifters, Power-Trippers, Coke-Heads and Party Whores Has Told Him to Remain In the Race -- But Fire His Advisors. At Hat Hair, Democrats Have Chosen Long, Slow Death March. At Da Mail, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer reveals dire SOS for Joe Biden in Michigan after chaotic presidential debate, but then somebody got to her, Whitmer Now Says Biden Can Win Michigan (Dave Strom at Hat Hair). Anxious anxiously goes Behind the Curtain: Biden's salvation plan. "State of play: Biden's inner circle argues that one bad night of a scratchy voice and a few mangled answers doesn't warrant ending it all. So they're unleashing the full power of the White House and top Democrats to resist the loud calls for him to give up the race." Capt. Ed notes "Notable not for the desperation plan to salvage Biden's candidacy, which is mainly predictable as gaslighting, but for the analogy Axios uses in its headline. Did anyone there realize that 'behind the curtain' is a reference to The Wizard of Oz as exposing the Wizard as a blowhard empty suit?"

From Behind the Black, Is last week’s Biden-Trump debate a game-changing moment or not? Well, it didn't tell us anything we didn't already know, but it hammered it home nicely. From Da Caller, Biden Reads Teleprompter For 5 Minutes, Takes No Questions In First Major Post-Debate Appearance. Matt Vespa, Biden Shuffled Out to Attack the Supreme Court and Everyone Couldn't Ignore His New Appearance. Breitbart, Biden Attempts to Reframe Election Around Jan. 6 in Rushed White House Speech. "Biden, despite reading from a teleprompter, repeatedly slurred his words — at one point seeming to mistakenly read “end of quote” — in a shaky effort more notable for its delivery than content (and what appeared to be a newly applied spray tan). Despite the speech’s brevity, Biden refused to answer questions from multiple reporters asking about his fitness for office and if he would step down from the ticket."

Dave Harsanyi at Da Fed explains Why The ‘Biden Stumbled But Trump Lied’ Narrative Is A Myth. Trump lied. And, yes, Biden stumbled — and blatantly and repeatedly lied. ... These are lies about defining issues of Biden’s presidency. Inflation. The border. Foreign policy. We also shouldn’t forget that Biden would be impelled to lie a lot more if he were regularly asked tough questions." Dave Strom I Am Tired of the 'Trump Lies' and 'Biden Has Integrity' Meme. Becky Noble at RedState sees Burgum and Vance Push Back on Media - Has Biden Cover-Up Caused GOP to Finally Say 'Enough?' 

Spencer Brown at TownHall explains Why Attorney General Merrick Garland Just Got Slapped With a Lawsuit. The next step in obtaining the Hur tapes. Jazz Shaw, Hunter Biden is Suing Fox News Over 'Revenge Porn'  NewsMax reports Hunter Biden Sues Fox News Over 'Mock Trial' Miniseries. Capt. Ed, "Good luck with that. The photos aren't 'revenge porn,' and they relate to someone who is very much as 'public person' in the Sullivan standard. Public persons don't get to sue over 'emotional distress' from public discussion of their actions, a point settled in the Hustler case. This is just a PR stunt, and it's probably going to get tossed as soon as it gets challenged." 

Da Caller, Judge Rejects Biden Admin’s Effort To Dismiss Case Alleging It Funded Palestinian Terrorists. "The lawsuit, first filed in December 2022 by Republican Texas Rep. Ronny Jackson and victims of Palestinian terrorists, claims that the administration violated the law by reinstating aid to Palestinians and allowing funds to flow to a program that pays stipends to imprisoned terrorists as well as their families." From the Free Bacon, Michigan Dem Senate Candidate Downplays Reports on ISIS-Linked Border Crossings. ""At this point, given how much speculation there is out there, I want to see the actual classified information," Rep. Elissa Slotkin said." Jazz Shaw would like you to Meet the Latest Batch of Illegal Migrants.

The Victory Girls hear Irrelevant Nikki Haley Chimes In "Haley told The Wall Street Journal that given how poorly Biden performed on Thursday night, the Democratic Party will likely replace the current nominee with a younger, more coherent candidate. She said: ‘They are going to be smart about it: they’re going to bring somebody younger, they’re going to bring somebody vibrant, they’re going to bring somebody tested.’"

Rachel Alexander at Front Page decries Sadistic Persecution of J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Continues Inside Biden's Gulag. Three and a half years of pre-trial detention, 180 days of solitary confinement. Shipwreckedcrew, United States v. Matthew Perna: It Didn't Have To Be This Way. "I don't know who it is, but there is a DOJ Supervisor -- maybe a political appointee -- who should think about Matthew every day the rest of his or her life."
On June 28, 2024, the United States Supreme Court held in Fischer v. United States that a violation of 18 U.S.C. SeƧ. 1512(c)(2) could not be based on allegations involving illegal protest activities, i.e., “by entering and remaining in the United States Capitol without autority and committing an act of civil disorder and engaging in disorderly and disruptive conduct.” In doing so, the Court vacated of every District Court Judge in the District of Columbia who had answered that same question with the opposite finding — except for one.

On December 17, 2021, Matthew Perna was charged by the Biden DOJ with violating Sec. 1512(c)(2) “by entering and remaining in the United States Capitol without authority and committing an act of civil disorder, and threatening Congressional officials, and engaging in disorderly and disruptive conduct.”

Pursuant to a pre-indictment plea agreement that had been negotiated between Matthew, assisted of an experience criminal defense attorney, and the Biden DOJ, Matthew entered a plea of “Guilty” to that charge the same day.

On February 25, 2022, only 70 days after pleading guilty and two weeks prior to his scheduled sentencing, Matthew Perna took his own life.
John Sexton gratified as Antifa Goons Who Attacked Trump Supporters in San Diego Sentenced to Jail

SciTechDaily, AI Outperforms Students in Real-World “Turing Test”. Not that high a bar, really. Stacy McCain writes In Defense of Cynicism.

A Tuesday Tune - Playing With Fire


Jasmine Therese Montemayor Henry (born June 19, 2004) known by her stage name Jaz is a Filipino-Australian singer and model under Cornerstone Entertainment. She is a member of the girl group G22.

She made her first solo debut on November 30, 2017 with her first single, "This Is The Night".

Monday, July 1, 2024

Beach Report 7/1/24

TV alarms went off last night for a possible horrible thunderstorm last night, with 80 mph winds and ping-pong ball sized hail. The storm fizzled, and went around us with just few raindrops. However, in its wake came delightful cool air, a stiff breeze, and blue sky with fluffy clouds. 
The wind also blew the tide out, resulting in a pretty easy walk up the beach, and lots of gravel and shells to sort through
I found 27 fairly ordinary teeth, and this nice stubby crocodile tooth.

Breaking News! Supreme Court Rules Trump Has ‘Absolute Immunity’ From Prosecution For Official Acts

 Da Caller, Supreme Court Rules Trump Has ‘Absolute Immunity’ From Prosecution For Official Acts

The Supreme Court ruled on former President Donald Trump’s immunity appeal, finding that presidents have immunity from criminal prosecution for “official acts” taken in office.

Trump’s appeal, which seeks to dismiss the case brought by special counsel Jack Smith based on Trump’s claim that he has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his presidency, has long delayed his trial in Washington, D.C., bringing proceedings at the district court to a grinding halt as the Supreme Court sorted out the dispute. Trump was indicted last August on four felony counts relating to alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

“Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority,” the court held in a 6-3 ruling. “And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts.”

Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the majority opinion that the ultimate analysis on which of the allegations in Trump’s indictment are considered official acts subject to immunity is “best left to the lower courts.”

“Certain allegations—such as those involving Trump’s discussions with the Acting Attorney General—are readily categorized in light of the nature of the President’s official relationship to the office held by that individual,” Roberts wrote. “Other allegations—such as those involving Trump’s interactions with the Vice President, state officials, and certain private parties, and his comments to the general public present more difficult questions. ”

Roberts wrote that Trump is “absolutely immune from prosecution for the alleged conduct involving his discussions with Justice Department officials.”

However, Roberts also wrote that Trump asserted “a far broader immunity than the limited one we have recognized.”

“He contends that the indictment must be dismissed because the Impeachment Judgment Clause requires that impeachment and Senate conviction precede a President’s criminal prosecution,” Roberts wrote. “The text of the Clause provides little support for such an absolute immunity.”

About what I expected. Now the lower courts can spend years trying to figure this one out. 

Flotsam and Jetsam - Should Joe Stay or Should Joe Go?

If he goes there will be trouble, and if he stays it will be double. Yep, still beating that dead senile horse. At Althouse, "[O]ne person close to Biden described his mood as humiliated, devoid of confidence, and painfully aware that images of him appearing confused..." "... during the debate could be damaging to both his campaign and presidential legacy. Another source close to Biden suggested that First Lady Jill Biden’s opinion will significantly influence the President’s decision. 'The only person who has ultimate influence with him is the first lady,' the source said. 'If she decides there should be a change of course, there will be a change of course.'" Matt Margolis at PJM, Is It Over? Joe Biden to Have Family Meeting Sunday About the Future of His Campaign and ‘The Decision Has Been Made That’ Biden ‘Will Quit the Campaign,’ Says Bill O’Reilly. Oh, really?  Hat Hair's KT, Biden Family Huddles at Camp David - Should He Stay or Should He Go? Sundance at CTH likes Sunday Talks – NBC Kirsten Welker Describes Biden’s Family in Deep Discussions at Camp David and  Key Installer James Clyburn Says Brilliant Joe Biden Was Too Prepared for Debate. NewsMax, Biden's Family Urges Him To Stay, Says He Should Axe Advisers. The latter is probably good advice. Da Caller, ‘Buckle Up’: Jill Biden’s Fmr Press Sec Says There’s ‘No Chance’ Of Replacing Biden Despite Admitting Debate Defeat. The Divine Ms. Devine at NYPo, thinks Jill Biden’s delusional if she believes she can save her husband, the country after debate debacle. Matt Vespa at TownHall, Biden's Family Has Made Their Decision About Joe's 2024 Prospects, "Joe is staying, but one family member was quite adamant that the president does not kowtow to outside pressure and drop out. And this individual wasn’t Jill (via NYT)," Hunter. The grift goes on! Breitbart Reports Hunter Biden ‘One of the Strongest Voices’ Urging Biden to Remain in Presidential Race. At the Free Bacon, Joe Biden’s Bad Weekend Leaves Dems in Disarray. NewsMax, Oddsmakers Still Bet on Biden as Candidate. At OTP, RNC Shrugs Over Dems Replacing Biden, Says New Nominee Would Embrace Same Policies. Josh Barro, I'm Not Ready to Call for Biden to Drop Out, But I Probably Will Be Soon. "I still need an answer to the biggest question: If Biden goes, who replaces him?" Breitbart, Top Hollywood Donors Issue Democrats Ultimatum After Biden Debate: ‘If He Doesn’t Drop Out, We’re Not Giving Any More Money.’ Da Caller, ‘Very Unrealistic’: Replacing Biden Will Likely Land Dems In A Political And Legal Quagmire. Roger Kimball at Am Great says SCOTUS Rulings, Biden-Trump Debate Shake Up Political Landscape. At the Volokh Report, Volokh has some Sad Thoughts About American Politics

At Althouse, "For [Biden] to remain the Democratic candidate... would be an act not only of self-delusion but of national endangerment." "Writes David Remnick, in "The Reckoning of Joe Biden/For the President to insist on remaining the Democratic candidate would be an act not only of self-delusion but of national endangerment" (The New Yorker)." Hat Hair's KT cites the WSJ: European Officials Have Noticed Deterioration of the President’s Faculties For Months. Reagan Deese at Da Caller says White House Aides Reportedly Confirm Biden Exhibits Classic Dementia Symptom, "sundowning." Breitbart, White House Aides Admit Biden Is Only ‘Dependably Engaged’ Between the Hours of ’10am to 4pm’ Bob Hoge at RedState, Former WH Photographer Spills the Beans, Details How Biden Aides Hide His Decline From the Public. They didn't hide it very well, just provided some implausible deniability.  Dan Greenfield at Front Page wonders Who’s Running the Country? "Biden’s decline exposes a much bigger national crisis." The same people as the last 3 years. At NewsMax, WH Aides: Biden 'Dependably Engaged' Just Few Hours a DayIsraelis Fear Iran, Terrorists Exploiting Biden Weakness and Dems Even More Scared of Biden at 86. He's going downhill fast. NationalSecurityJournal, Joe Biden’s Mental Fitness Is A National Security Threat. The Victory Girls wonder Who Controls The Democrats Right Now? Erik Telford@ErikTelford, "He had a cold. Wasn’t feeling well. Contagious. That’s why we took him to Waffle House in the middle of the night and had him touch a bunch of people." Hat Hair cites Brit Hume from Andy McCarthy at NRO, 'As Catastrophic as Joe Biden Is...' Athena Thorne at PJM, Democrat Voters Are Making a Shocking Admission. What Does it Mean for the Trump Campaign? "Of course, on some level, we’ve long known that our lefty friends will vote for a radish if it has a “D” next to its name. Memory care patient Joe Biden’s election in 2020 and recovering stroke survivor Sen. John Fetterman's (D-Pa.) in 2022 made this abundantly clear." Althouse, "When age comes in, wit goes out." "A line that jumped out at us in the play we saw last night." At OTP, Fauci Dodges Question On Whether Biden Fit To Run For Reelection: ‘It’s A Personal Choice’.  Bill Kristol@BillKristol "Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state." At Fox, Doctors express concern about Biden’s apparent cognitive issues during debate: 'Troubling indicators.' The Free Bacon has their Joe Biden's Senior Moment of the Week (Special Debate Edition). Virginian Kruta at Da Wire finds a Former Biden Aide Has Had It With Dems Defending Biden: ‘Jesus Christ With The Gaslighting!’ John Kass examines the Biden Debate Disaster and the Root of Democrat Panic. At WaEx, Democrats fear Biden debate will sink vulnerable candidates down ballot. Hat Hair's KT sees Clinton and Obama Left Biden Hanging Before They Threw Him a Lifeline, or was it a noose?

Breitbart cites Van Jones: ‘High Likelihood’ ‘Biden Victory Ultimately Means Kamala Harris Will Be President.’ At OTP, Kamala’s Camp Fumes That Dems Overlook Her As Replacement For Biden, "VP's Camp Fumes That Dems Overlook Her As A Replacement For Biden." Leslie Eastman at LI wonders Is Vice President Kamala Harris Really So Unpopular Among Voters? "Harris’ address at the Air Force Academy was powerful and shows she can discharge the duties of President." Well, she's not senile, so there's that. 

Susie Moore at RedState, has Devastating Latest CBS Post-Debate Poll Numbers that Paint Grim Picture for Biden. OTP, Post-Debate Poll: 72% Of Americans Say Biden Lacks ‘Mental and Cognitive Health’ To Be Pres. Matt Margolis thinks This Post-Debate Memo From the Biden Campaign Is Comedy Gold. Matt Vespa, Here's the Line in the Biden Campaign's Latest Memo That's Jaw-Dropping "If we do see changes in polling in the coming weeks, it will not be the first time that overblown media narratives have driven temporary dips in the polls," and The Only Way to Read This Biden Fundraising Email Is That the Campaign Is Having a Meltdown. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair hears Biden say My Debate Performance Was Actually Popular With Undecided Voters. Fox, Biden claims his debate performance won over ‘more undecided voters than Trump’ at NJ fundraiser. "Biden admitted he 'didn't have a great night' against Trump." Da Caller, ‘I’m Hopeful’: Team Biden Shares Video Of Convicted Murderer Saying He’d Vote For President After Watching Debate

Nick Arama at RedState sees a Bad Move: Nancy Pelosi Short-Circuits While Trying to Defend Biden. She's no spring chicken, either.  Twitchy sees JOURNALISMING: Politico Says the Debate Did Not Help Donald Trump ... Except With the Vote and Massive Amounts of COPIUM: Keith Olbermann Blames Biden’s Debate Debacle on Cold Medicine. At NewsBusters, MSNBC Mourns Biden Loss, ‘Cheap Fakes’ are a Reality. At Hat Hair, This Morning's 'Meet the Press' Opening Was Brutal. NYPo, Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial board calls on Biden to drop out of 2024 race: ‘Retirement is now necessary’. From L'Ombre de l'Olivier, The Gaslighting Will Continue Until It Leaks and Explodes "And I can smell something in the air now." Tim Graham at Front Page, The Stephanopoulos Lectures on Proper Interviews and Debates. "A man who thinks it's "journalistic malpractice" to interview Trump live on television."

Bob Spencer at Front Page highlights Biden’s Top 5 Big Lies, "Liar-in-Chief." Spencer Brown at TownHall Speaker Johnson Blasts Biden's 'Most Staggering' Debate Lie. So many to choose from from, but yes, asserting that no combat deaths was pretty high on the list. NewsMax sees the Pentagon Attempt to Cover for Biden's Military Deaths Gaffe. From I&I, How Did The Army Of Debate ‘Fact Checkers’ Miss This Biden Whopper? and Election Interference: Biden Lied And Google Denied. Althouse, Who came into the debate with a planned zinger that just had to be zinged and that was supposed to be the focus of the post-debate spin? You're the sucker . . .  "I think he practiced that line and received coaching on how to look and sound truly angry. I think his people believed this was the stake to drive into Trump's heart. But Biden looked old and ugly and weird, and Trump grabbed that stake and clonked him over the head with it." Tim Graham notes Biden Shamelessly Throws 'Convicted Felon' Despite Hunter's Felonies. At OutKick, Eyewitness Account Of A Wild Joe Biden Golf Story Has America Asking Questions. The Great Victor Davis Hanson at Am Great on The Lies We Have Lived Through. "“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” — Often attributed to Abraham Lincoln" At OTP, Trump Team Demands White House Apology For ‘Cheap Fake’ Narrative

OTP, Number Of Criminals Caught Illegally Entering US Hits Record High. KT at Hat Hair VIP reports  Illegal Border Crossings Down, ISIS-Affiliated Migrant Numbers Way Up. At LI, 'Fuzzy Slippers' on the Biden Border Crisis: Illegal Alien Venezuelan Gang Presence Growing In NYC and Mike LaChance, First Wave of Illegal Immigrants Moved Into Empty Prison in Norfolk, MA. From the Free Bacon, Biden Admin Flying Migrants Deported by Trump Back Into the US. "Biden admin alarms immigration officials by reversing deportations of some Cameroonians." Betsy McCaughey at Front Page, says Open Borders Subject Women and Girls in the US to Rapes and Wanton Violence. "How the Left spawns femicidal terror."

From Behind the Black, Sixteen Nobel economists once again prove that our “expert” class is expert at nothing. Nobels should have stuck to science. 

Charlotte Hazzard at JTN reports  Harvard Law's Dershowitz compares lawfare against Trump to McCarthyism, says the future is dark "The new McCarthyism is by young people and it represents our future."  Breitbart cites Bannon: McCabe, Comey, Esper, Milley, Barr Will All Be Investigated. From NewsMax, Vance: Presidents Should Have Immunity. That ruling should come down today! At Am Think, M.B. Mathews say Be careful, Donald "There is no shortage of evil people who would 'Epstein' someone if the incentive were big enough." Tom Bevan@TomBevanRCP "They are definitely throwing Trump in jail now on July 11."

From NYPo, FDNY boss Laura Kavanagh rips firefighters in texts to NY AG Letitia James: ‘I can’t fix them. Politicians don't get respect with the title, they need to earn it.

Tristan Justice at Da Fed pleased that Supreme Court Tosses Obstruction Charges For J6 Defendants. Jack Smith with try to hold on to the ones against Trump. 
aHat Hair VIP's Jazz Shaw notices The 'Spies Who Lie' Are Still Lying

NewsMax, Dr. Haim to Newsmax: DOJ Silencing Transgender Surgery Dissent. Dan Greenfield at Front Page notes Vandalizing LGBTQ Materials is a Crime Unless You Support Hamas. “I don’t know why it took the police so long to arrest them.” Althouse finds "Pride Month has always been about a political and progressive embrace of our rainbow of choices. But lately..." "... I find myself feeling alienated by loud voices among activists in the L.G.B.T.Q.+ community on all sides of the Israel-Gaza war. They’re intolerant of nuance, complexity and opposing views." From Da Caller, Wild Video Shows Chaos Unfold After Dem City Pride Parade, New York. Hey, the Baltimore Pride Parade turned into a riot too. At Da Wire, a DAILY WIRE POLL: Voters Reject Biden’s Move To Require Parents to Embrace LGBTQ Ideology to Adopt Foster Children. Eric Lendrum at Am Great is greatly amused that Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson Refuses to Use Word “Woman” in Abortion Ruling: “Pregnant Patients”. From the College Fix, One of oldest women’s studies departments in U.S. on chopping block

MEMRI@MEMRIReports "Imam at a Lafayette, Louisiana Friday Sermon Prays: Oh Allah, Annihilate the Jews and the Chris… Their Helpers, Kill Them One by One, Do Not Spare a Single One of Them." Campus Reform reports Jewish students sue UCLA, claim school allowed anti-Israel protesters to block them from campus.

The Monday Morning Stimulus

As strange as it seems, how much coffee or caffeine an individual drinks might be partly inherited from their parents. Previous research on twins has suggested that caffeine-related traits are 36–58%Trusted Source heritable.

To investigate these relationships, scientists use so-called genome-wide association studies (GWAS). In short, these studies analyze participants’ whole genomes to identify gene variants associated with a given trait.
. . .
As strange as it seems, how much coffee or caffeine an individual drinks might be partly inherited from their parents. Previous research on twins has suggested that caffeine-related traits are 36–58%Trusted Source heritable.

To investigate these relationships, scientists use so-called genome-wide association studies (GWAS). In short, these studies analyze participants’ whole genomes to identify gene variants associated with a given trait.
“We were also able to confidently identify specific genes that influenced coffee consumption, including some that influence how quickly caffeine is metabolized,” Thorpe told Medical News Today.

In both the U.K. and U.S. datasets, the scientists noted positive associations between coffee consumption and health outcomes, including substance use and obesity.

MNT spoke with Michael Foti, PhD., an assistant professor of internal medicine at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in New York who was not involved in the study. We asked what a “positive association” between coffee and obesity means:  “This study found that certain genes were found consistently among enough participants to say the two may be linked.”

In agreement, Thorpe told MNT that “the genetics of coffee intake positively overlapped with the genetics of obesity and related traits.” She also added an important caveat: “This does not mean that coffee intake promotes obesity. Rather, it means that the genetic differences among individuals that influence coffee intake also influence obesity.”