Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Biden on the Cusp

Which way will he fall?  Whoo boy! Hat Hair's KT hears Axelrod Predicts Biden will “Lose by a Landslide”: Brutal. Paul Bedard at WaEx, Biden’s excuses fuel push to exit 2024 race. From NewsMax, Senior House Democrat Urges Biden to Leave 2024 Race. Hollywood in Toto, when you've lost Meathead, Rob Reiner Does 180 on President Biden: It’s Time to ‘Step Down.’ "Hollywood's loudest Trump critic has seen enough of addled Commander in Chief." KT again, Reiner: 'It's Time to Stop F***ing Around' - Biden Must Go. Sundance at CTH sees a Furrowed Brow Speaks About Need to Replace Biden on Behalf of the State Dept Who are Worried About Losing Ukraine Money if Trump Wins, Jake Tapper. Also, Biden Refuses Meeting with IC Spox – IC Spox Sends Biden a Tweet The Peacock whines ‘No one is picking up the phone’: Joe Biden’s fundraising confronts new hurdles after debate. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair is amused when a 50-Year DC Insider Cries: The Elites Want Me Out! Twitchy sees an Angry First Lady Jill Biden Rebuke a Reporter for Asking a Simple Question.  Matt Margolis at PJM hopes The Democratic National Convention Could Be an Epic Political Massacre. Ryan King at NYPo, Dems increasingly worry President Biden will spell doom for down-ballot races: ‘The s–t is going to hit the fan.’ Matt Taibbi at Racket reports Details On the Proposed "Blitz Primary", The oddest primary season in modern times may take an even stranger turn, as calls for Joe Biden to step down as presumptive Democratic nominee grow louder."

However, Dave Strom at Hat Hair warns Expect a 180° Reversal in Calls for Biden to Leave, as their options become clearer. Also, Irresistible Force Meets Immovable Object and Where Are the Calls for 25th Amendment? ET, Prominent Democrats Voice Support for Biden After ABC Interview. Robby Soave at Reason has a Prediction: Sorry Democrats, Biden Isn't Going Anywhere. "Biden wants to retain his power. Most political leaders do!" Capt. Ed has a Letter from Biden (?): I'm Staying in the Race, and That's That.  Ace, "I'm Not Going Anywhere," Dark Brandon Promises, and Demands That Democrats "End" All Chatter About Him Dropping Out of the Race. "But the pressure will continue to mount. Unless it doesn't -- if Democrats get the message that Biden will not drop out for any reason and that continuing to talk about him being unfit for office is only guaranteeing a Trump victory, maybe they will stop the public campaign to pressure him to leave the race." Capt. Ed quibbles, Maybe. I'd bet that way if Biden doesn't leave soon. Althouse, "If any of these guys don’t think I should run, run against me. Go ahead, announce for president. Challenge me at the convention."  Jim Geraghty explains how The Biden Family Tries the Ralph Northam Strategy. Sundance, Biden Family Enter Negotiation Stage – Letter to Congress Frames Baseline for Exit Price. Larry at Hat Hair has a video, Biden's Last-Ditch Effort to Save Campaign, Joe Roasted by Black Pastor! KT again, Rep. Clyburn's Awkward Cancellation of a Sunday Morning Show Appearance. Losing faith? At Althouse, Black House members have rallied behind Biden... The desire to defend Biden appears to be so widespread..." Capt. Ed has Great News: KJP, Kirby Announce Biden Will Hold a 'Big Boy Press Conference'! 'Bonchie' at RedState, WATCH: Joe Biden Goes on 'Morning Joe,' Appears to Read From a Script and Starts Screaming Incoherently. NewsMax points out Harris 'Increasing Her Role' in Reelection Effort. Capt. Ed, Gee, I wonder why Harris' role will increase? Could it be because Biden's role has to decrease? Sister Toldja at RedState tells The 'Open Secret' About Kamala Harris That Is Fueling the Anybody-But-Kamala Chatter on Capitol HillMatt Stoller@matthewstoller "It's an open secret that Kamala Harris is stupid and isn't good at campaigning. Are we going to pretend that we can move from one open secret about Biden's senility straight to another one about the next nominee? Don't answer that." Dave Strom hears Whitmer: I'm Out. I don't believe her.  Guy Benson at TownHall explains how How Trump Could Wreak Havoc in Democrats' War Over BidenGuy Benson @guypbenson "Question: While I am fascinated by Trump’s relative silence as next-level #DemsInDisarray plays out, given our tribal age negative partisanship , what would happen if Trump publicly, briefly & forcefully… …called for Biden to exit the race, for the good of the country? WaEx, Biden expected to make decision about future in ‘next couple of days,’ Hawaii governor says

Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair,*Shudders* Is Hunter Biden the Real Power Behind the Throne Now? Matt Vespa at TownHall, Who Is Running the White House? Because This Article Spills Some Disturbing Details. At TAG, Legal Scholar Suggests Scheme To Put Obama Back In White House. "While many might object to the scheme citing the two-term limit for the country’s highest office, Banzhaf said that isn’t exactly the case. The amendment limiting presidential terms says: “No person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice, and no person who has held the office of the president, or acted as president, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected president shall be elected to the office of the president more than once.” “While this amendment may bar Obama from ‘being elected’ to the office of president again, it obviously and by its clear language doesn’t prohibit him from being elected as vice president, and subsequently becoming president by succession without ever being elected to the office again,” Banzhaf said."

KT, Hmm. Biden's Physician Met with Parkinson’s Specialist in the White House...in January. Ace, A Doctor Specializing in the Treatment of Parkinson's Has Visited Joe Biden's White House Doctor Nine Times Since Last Year Alone. "Alex Berenson at his substack, Unreported Truths:" and Axios: Biden's Prep for Events Includes Photographs Showing Him How to Walk to the Podium, and he still screws it up. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair says it is, Revealed: Biden's Staff Spends Most of Their Time Training Him to Walk. Sundance hears White House Spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre Have Heated Exchange About Parkinsons Doctor Visiting White House. Cutie Pavlich at TownHall, White House Briefing Blows Up After Press Refuses to Buy KJP's Spin. Althouse, "Biden’s word salad and sudden drops in volume to pianissimo are relevant for reporters to cover because they’re a microcosm of the questions..." "... at the heart of the 2024 Democratic campaign: Is the president’s mental state strong enough to beat Donald Trump and can he serve for four more years? The desperate Biden team is ready to go to war over every syllable. Writes Maureen Dowd in "Joe Biden, in the Goodest Bunker Ever" (NYT), detailing how the Biden team came for her:" WaEx reports Comer investigating Biden’s doctor after ‘concerning’ debate performance. From Twitchy, They've ALWAYS Known: Even Democrat Canvasser Can't Help Telling the Truth About Biden (Watch). RNC Research@RNCResearch, "Here's how one of Biden's own campaign volunteers reacted when he heard Crooked Joe was stopping by: "I hope he's awake for it"" At Reason, Biden Insists Beyond All Reason That He's the Most Qualified Person To Be President "I had a bad night," Biden repeatedly said in an ABC interview about his debate debacle." At Althouse, A dialogue about Trump and Biden. Composed by my son John (at Facebook) . . .  Matt Vespa likes how How the Trump Campaign Wrecked Biden's Rapid Response Director: 'Do You Have a Cold?' Seth Dillon@SethDillon "Another Babylon Bee prophecy fulfilled." A program to translate Biden into English. Mark Tapscott at PJM points out Biden's White House Staff, Payroll Are Biggest Since Nixon. Well, he's not doing anything, and there's a lot of spin to be spun. 

Jonathan Tobin at Da Fed says Joe Biden Is Not A Decent Man. I never thought he was. Capt. Ed, "Joe Biden has never been anything than a lying, vicious demagogue and an empty suit blessed with great PR cover from the media." Frank Menton at the Manhattan Contrarian asks  Who Is The Greater "Threat To Democracy"? Trump or Biden? Capt. Ed "Three guesses, and the first two don't count. There's room for real criticism of Trump in the post-election period, but Biden and his administration have done far worse, as Menton elaborates." CJ, Covid Politics ’24. "Joe Biden’s effort to use pandemic failures as a weapon against Donald Trump risks reminding voters of how much they dislike the president’s own policies." Don Surber asks Who's more unfit? FJB or the press? Capt. Ed snarks Can we call it a tie?. Nate Silver thinks Blaming the media is what got Democrats into this mess, Ace, Radio Host Confesses That She Was Given the Questions She Was Allowed to Ask Biden by the White House; Radio Station Fires Her for Telling the Truth, "This is how Banana Republics operate when the banana harvest fails." Althouse, Why does The Washington Post illustrate this article with a photo of a random woman rather than the woman the article is about? Obviously because she was Black. 

CNN worries A key part of America’s economy has shifted into reverse. "Consumer demand seems to have tapered off so far this summer, according to surveys of American businesses that sell any kind of service to make a profit, ranging from restaurants to dental clinics. That weakness is also evident in the latest spending figures — a far cry from last year’s lucrative summertime spending spree when Americans shelled out for films and high-profile concerts." Fortune, One of the most accurate recession indicators is close to sounding the alarm as unemployment continues to rise. Sal Mercogliano (WGOW Shipping)@mercoglianos. "Spot rate surge to continue past Golden Week, with surcharges causing more pain.:  Trent Telenko@TrentTelenko "And we will see a big inflation spike before the Nov 2024 election as a result." At OTP, NYC Residents In Poorest Zip Codes Bear Most Of City’s Migrant Crisis. You didn't expect the Democrat donor class to suffer, did you?

Henry Rogers at Da Caller, ‘He’s An Asshole’: How Trump And Centrists United To Oust The Chair Of The Freedom Caucus. Ben Whedon at JTN thinks After years of Republicans saying they can win Nevada, this could finally be their year. Until they count the "mail-in" ballots. Fox, House Dems launch united effort against election bill requiring voters prove citizenship. "'Democrats are urged to VOTE NO on H.R. 8281,' a whip question states." Ace, Democrats Banding Together to Block a Law to Prevent Illegal Aliens from Voting in Elections -- For Some Reason. "The SAVE Act would require voters to prove they're actually entitled to vote. Democrats are whipping votes against it -- their (Voter) Replacement Theory doesn't work unless illegals are voting to let more illegals into the country." From Da Fetched, Elon Musk Warns Democrats Are Preparing to Use Non-Citizen Votes to Steal Election

At NewsWeek, Supreme Court Didn't Give 'Green Light for Death Squads'—Attorney. Jonathan Turley, “A Death Squad Ruling”: The Press and Pundits Make Wild Claims in the Wake of the Court’s Immunity Decision. ET, Judge Rejects Trump Codefendant Motion to Dismiss Classified Documents Case "U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon rejected a motion to dismiss the classified documents case special counsel Jack Smith is prosecuting. . . . Mr. Nauta moved to dismiss the case based on selective and vindictive prosecution—a motion also separately raised by former President Trump."

Da Fetched, JD Vance Destroys NBC Host When Asked if Trump Will Weaponize DOJ if Elected. Breitbart, Murphy: Trump Wants to ‘Mainstream Political Violence in This Country’. Dave Strom notices that when The Left Loses, It Riots; The Left Wins, It Riots. At Twitchy, Patriot Front Jumps Out of Their U-Haul Trailer in Nashville. Larry Schweikart@LarrySchweikart "Why doesn't some brave reporter follow some of these people home, get their names and check their voter reg and social media accounts?" Presumably part of the Fedsurrection. 

Alex Berenson, In stealing my story today, the New York Times committed a serious breach of journalistic ethics (yes, that's a thing). "They didn't just fail to give me credit I earned, in hiding their "breaking news" source they misled their own readers. I can't do anything about it except try to expose them and correct the record." The story was mentioned by Ace, above.

Grayson Bakich at PJM flabbergasted that Leftists Oppose California Trafficking Law Because It 'Disproportionately Targets [the] Marginalized' " have you ever noticed that whenever leftists advocate for something truly horrid like normalizing pedophilia, they couch it in language about how laws are disproportionately unfair to certain groups of people?" Children lower on intersectionality ranking than pedos. 

NYT, cited at Hat Hair, NEW: Columbia U Removes 3 Admins Over Anti-Semitic Texts.

Jazz Shaw sees hopeful signs Suburban Democrats Rejecting Wokeness

The Wombat has and FMJRA 2.0: The Beatings Continue garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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