Saturday, July 6, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Biden Flunks Big Interview, Annie, Ashley and Anthony Run the President, Who Runs Them?

Preznit Biden's "big interview" with George Stuffinenvelopes is out, and while he was perhaps a little more sentient in this sit down than in his debate with Donald Trump, it did little quell concerns about his advancing age and fitness for office. He offered the lame jet-lag and cold excuses for his debate debacle, recited a few of his stock lies, and created a few new non-sequiturs.  'Bonchie' at RedState has a breakdown at WATCH: Joe Biden's Big Interview With George Stephanopoulos Is Out, and It's an Absolute Trainwreck. At the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.05.24 (Evening Edition), EBL: Biden tries to resurrect himself with Democrat Homunculus George Stephanopoulos, Twitchy, Biden Takes Swipe At Senator Warner (D-VA) With False Claim, and Biden’s Interview With Stephanopoulos Goes Really Badly. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, Video: Biden Makes His Pitch to Survive as Nominee "Well, he didn't fall asleep or pitch over during the interview with George Stephanopoulos, so in that sense, this is an improvement for Joe Biden. On the other hand, Biden continued having trouble finishing thoughts, dreamed up a non-existent primary challenge from Mark Warner, and claimed he'd "shut Putin down" while Ukraine approaches its 30th month of a Russian invasion." PJM's Paula Bolyard calls it a DISASTER: Biden Completely Disconnected From Reality in ABC Interview. "Stephanopoulos introduced the interview by claiming there had been "no cuts, no edits" to the video. "We have not touched it." There was really no need. There was no way to pretty up the pig tonight. (You can watch the interview in its entirety below.) " Ace, Biden "Interview", "In progress. I heard they got his Medical Grade Cocaine Solution levels titrated well, so he's doing okay. Which is good for us." Matt Vespa at TownHall, says Look at the Faces of the ABC News Panel After Biden’s Interview. Fox, Biden panned for not being certain about whether he watched the debate: 'He doesn't know???'. "'I don't think I did, no,' he told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos." OTP, Excuses, Excuses, "Desperate Biden Blames 'Bad Cold,' 'Exhaustion' For 'Putrid' Debate Showing." CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta: It’s time for President Biden to undergo detailed cognitive and neurological testing and share his results. Capt. Ed comments "Perhaps it's just time for the media, CNN included, to quit covering up Biden's cognitive decline. I don't trust doctors to act as screens for candidates, because doctors are just as prone to political biases as anyone else. We shouldn't set up a situation where candidates get DQ'd by medical boards that may have other motives. Or didn't we learn lessons about politicized medicine from the COVID-19 pandemic?" AMP, Biden’s Problems Aren’t Just Beginning – They’ve Been Here All Along

Dave Strom at Hat Hair, Biden Campaign Booted Wisconsin Media From Their Campaign Tour. At The Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.05.24 (Afternoon Edition) Twitchy: “Looks Really…WHITE”, It’s Time To Play What’s That Stain! OTP, Biden Lies Again About Trump In Bumbling July 4th Address To Troops. Mary Chastain at LI, New Biden Ad Attacks Conservative Supreme Court Justices. "A new low." At Hat Hair, Not Normal: Biden Campaign Ad's Personal Attack on Supreme Court Justices and Biden Lied About Roe Too. At Am Con, Biden: How We Got Here. "An examination of President Biden’s life and inner sanctum gets at the question of the hour: Is this the end?" Lionel Shriver at Spec World, Joe Biden is a huge narcissist, too. "He’s singlehandedly increased the likelihood of what’s ostensibly the end of the republic: a Trump victory."

Fred Fleitz at Am Great, Americans Want to Know Who is Really in Charge in the White House. "Whether Biden remains in office for the remainder of his term or lets Harris take over, our country is facing a leadership crisis that puts U.S. national security at serious risk." Capt. Ed cites Axios: 'The President Has Lost All Independence' "One former Biden aide told Axios: "Annie, Ashley and Anthony create a protective bubble around POTUS. He's staffed so closely that he's lost all independence. POTUS relies on staff to nudge him with reminders of who he's meeting, including former staffers and advisers who Biden should easily remember without a reminder from Annie."" But who runs the aides? Matt Vespa at TownHall, The One Sentence in This Axios Report That Has Everyone Asking This Question *Again*. Charlotte Hazzard at JTN reports To stop Trump, MSNBC host Joy Reid says she'll back Biden even if he's 'in a coma'   Insty at his NYPo gig, Who’s our real president? Joe Biden — or the staffers who keep walking back his comments?

Spiked, The Democrats’ civil war has begun. Da Fetched, Insiders Leak Top Pick for Biden Replacement – Democrats Are About to Make a Fatal Mistake, Kamala. 'Bonchie' at RedState on The Kamala Harris Delusion. Breitbart hears Howard Dean say If Biden Drops Out, Harris Will Be the Nominee. Paul Bedard at WaEx,  Kamala Harris is a dud, just 25% say she helps Biden. Capt. Ed, "So far, there's really not much reliable polling on Harris as a potential rival to Trump, but that is changing after the debate. We should see a pretty good spread of polls soon on her standing in a competitive race."  At NewsWeek, wonders Could Michelle Obama Replace Joe Biden? Experts Weigh In. Capt Ed says Michelle Obama: Still No, "This is a couple of days old, but definitely after the debate and also after the leaks about Biden's real condition. She's not going to do it."

Erick Erickson exposes The Plot to Oust Joe Biden. "So, when Stephanopoulos interviews Biden later this week, his job will be to euthanize the Biden campaign." Seems that way. Capt. Ed, Disney Heiress: I'm Done With Democrats Until You Sexists/Racists Boot Biden. Hat Hair's KT, Big Democrat Donors Slam Shut Their Checkbooks Until Biden Goes. OTP cites Anxious, Virginia Sen. Warner Organizing Democrats To Ease Biden Out Of Race. Also, Biden Defiantly Says He’s Not Quitting, But Says Wrong Election Year At Rally. "Biden Remains Defiant, But Says Wrong Election Year At Wisconsin Rally." Da Wire, Biden Seeking Support Among Allies To Remain The Party’s Nominee. Breitbart sees a Pity Party: Biden Campaign Staff Reportedly ‘Miserable’. Frank Foer at the Slantic thinks Biden Has Fallen Into a Psychological Trap. "The same approach that has long driven his success now threatens to destroy his legacy." Capt. Ed disagrees, "Biden's nothing more than a vicious demagogue with good PR, an empty suit who built a family business based on access to himself. When he stops being relevant, the family business collapses." MD Kittle at Da Fed thinks Biden’s Real Legacy Will Be As Silencer Of Speech.

Capt. Ed looks at What's Behind the Mainstream Media Preference Cascade to Boot Biden?. Matt Margolis at PJM, Bombshell Report Reveals ‘Conspiracy’ to Hide Biden’s Mental Decline. Josh Hammer at RCP, They Lied to You "Never forgive, and never forget, what these lying miscreants have done to us." Capt. Ed, "The contrast to Watergate is amazing. In Watergate, the press exposed the cover-up. In Bidengate (?), the press was part of the cover-up to benefit the elite clique's grasp on power." Matt Taibbi, The Lies Continue, As a Matter of Principle, "The Biden debacle should have been a game-changer, but the Big Lie has become a cause all its own, more important than retaining audience or winning elections." Capt. Ed, "Taibbi is brutal." At the Freep, How ‘Misinformation’ Becomes Common Knowledge. "Fear of being punished by a crowd is not unique to Democrats, or liberals, or Americans. It is an innate human response to the dangers of being ostracized." John Hinderacker at Power Line explains Why the Dems Don’t Care. "Why don’t Democrats don’t think it makes much difference who the president is? Because they are content to have our government run by anonymous White House aides and administrative state bureaucrats. What do they need a president for? To issue Pride Month proclamations and appoint liberal judges. But anyone can do that."

Ashley McCully at PJM sees a Concerning Trend: Foreign Nationals Probing Military Bases While Commander-in-Chief Naps. "Russian, Chinese, Jordanian, and Iranian military-aged males posing as delivery drivers, students, military history enthusiasts, and tourists are all turned away by some of the most patient, stoic people in the armed forces." OTP reports a TX National Guard Member Killed During Border Deployment, traffic accident.  Monica Showalter at Am Think reveals the Venezuelan thug arrested for Jocelyn Nungaray's murder is son of a former Chavista official. At Hat Hair Jazz Shaw tells you all About That Latest Mass Amnesty Plan. Charlotte Hazzard at JTN reports a Congressional report exposes taxpayer-funded 'concierge' services for illegal immigrants. "According to the report, the money was funneled through left-wing organizations, despite it being at the expense of security."

Hat Hair cite BLS, NEW: June Jobs Report: 206K Added, Jobless Rate 4.1%. Capt. Ed, "Job creation has begun to slow down significantly, which is good news on one hand and not so good on the other. The Federal Reserve may feel more comfortable with a slight decrease in the prime lending rate after reading this report, so it's possible that we could get a boost soon from those seeking to invest or purchase homes. On the other hand, not only is this number no better than a maintenance level, the new hiring is mainly coming from government, health care, and social services (with some obvious overlap in those categories). The private-sector economy appears to be stagnating just as the election rolls around." Zero Hedge, Payrolls Rise 206K After Huge Downward Revisions As Unemployment Rate Jumps To Three Year High. OTP cites CNBC: Almost All The New Jobs Came From Government. CNBC: "Nearly Three-Quarters Of The Jobs Added Last Month Came From Government. "The Rest Of The Jobs Not Doing Quite So Well."" Breitbart has a Report: Price of Fourth of July Cookout Reaches ‘Record High’ Thanks to Bidenflation. Beege Welborn at Hat Hair gleefully reports A Federal Judge Drop Kicked POTATUS' LNG Ban.

Fox, Trump challenges Biden to second presidential debate — but there's a catch. No mods, no holds barred. "Let Joe explain why he wants Open Borders, with millions of people, and many violent criminals from parts unknown, pouring into our once great Nation, or why he wants Men Playing in Women’s Sports, or demand ALL ELECTRIC VEHICLES within five years, or why he allowed INFLATION TO RUN RAMPANT, destroying the people of our Country, and so much more." John Kudla at Am Think thinks The Hint of a Trump Landslide Appears. YouTube has an optimistic video Trump Flips NEW JERSEY In Updated 2024 Election Map | Trump LANDSLIDE IS COMING.

At Da Fed, Bruce Gilley explains Why Nobel Laureates Opposing Trump’s Economic Policies Is A Ringing Endorsement. Althouse, "Yes, Trump is a terrible person and was a terrible president. I, like many of you, believe he is unfit to hold any office. But around half the country does not feel this way..." "I've been looking for Trump-haters to begin to show respect for their fellow citizens who support Trump, and when I saw "around half the country does not feel this way," I thought I was about to see it, but then I ran headlong into "your shellshocked papaw after a few snorts of schnapps. . . . But it's too late not to pitch the old man overboard. They've let it show that they've been lying miserably for years about this presidency. And yet there is no way to begin to tell the truth. Old lies are better lies... usually. I would think" Rex Valachorum@RexValachorum, "🧵 ATTENTION DEMOCRATS! THIS IS AN URGENT ALERT, READ AND FORWARD TO ALL YOUR FOLLOWERS! After much research and painstaking detective work,  I compiled a list of horrific things fascist Trump and his MAGA people will do to end democracy in America:" 1) "If Trump his MAGA people (I will abbreviate TMAGAP) will win the 2024 election, they will send FBI agents to go to school board meetings and keep an eye on all atheist people who express their displeasure with teaching of religion in schools. . . ."

Dan Greenfield at Front Page, Only 1 in 3 Dems Very Proud to be Americans. "Republicans are far prouder of America even under leftist rule than Democrats are of the country they run." Madeline Leesman at TownHall, American Pride Remains Near a Record Low, Poll Shows. PJM's Stephen Kruiser, says Sorry Lefties — We're Not Fringy, YOU Are!

The Free Bacon catches Schumer's Shell Game: Dark Money Group Disbands Then Resurfaces To Dump Cash into Swing States. "Schumer-linked PAC latest instance of Democrats relying on dark money while claiming to oppose it."

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstates absentee ballot drop boxes. ET, Federal Court Orders Mississippi to Add New Black-Majority Districts. "The Magnolia State must include more black-majority districts in both state Senate and House races, the court ruled." Democrat orders state to elect more Democrats. 

Naomi Wolf asks What Time It Is regarding "The imprisonment of Stephen K. Bannon." "Where the hell are you, everyone? Where are you, Conservatives? Libertarians? Independents? Hell, where are you, liberal Americans? Anyone, anyone, who claims to care about an open society and due process of law? Where are you, “freedom-lovers”? Where are you, alt-media? Do you not realize what time it is?"

Lloyd Billingsley at Front Page takes to task the Collaborator Intelligence Agency "Where jihad is “a holy struggle in pursuit of a moral goal” and CIA bosses share information with Communist regimes."

FIRE thinks In a blockbuster First Amendment term, the Supreme Court got the big stuff right. "Here are five free speech takeaways from the Supreme Court’s historic 2023-2024 term." On the contrary is Da Caller, who claims The Supreme Court Just Opened The Door To A New Orwellian Censorship Regime. Paula Bolyard at PJM, You Really Need to Understand What We're Up Against

Craig Oknin at Am Think thinks about The Coming Coup. "The first question to ask if speculating on an hypothetical leftist coup is this: Are there a substantial number of people in the United States who would like to see an anti-American revolution? It’s hard to quantify, but there’s certainly a sizable population, made evident by the noise they make. During the Antifa riots, apart from the violence, there were chants: “No border, no wall, no USA at all.” Campus Reform has SJP pens message to 'progressive left': 'We are not loyal to our oppressors' and Republicans introduce 'No Tax Dollars for College Encampments Act'. Becca Lower at Red State reports Dem Rep.'s Office Inside Capitol Vandalized, Oct. 7 Display Destroyed by Pro-Hamas Mob on 4th of July

The Wombat has and FMJRA 2.0: The Beatings Continue garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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