Sunday, July 21, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Biden's Last Stand, SS Denied Trump Security Requests, Audio Suggests Second Gun

Earlier in the week, rumor had it that Joe was getting ready, or perhaps being coerced into giving up the race today, on Sunday. I'm not exactly waiting with bated breathe, but... Stacy McCain says We Probably Can’t Rule Out ‘Arkancide’.  

Democrats have a problem, and that problem has a name: Joe Biden.

The entire Democratic Party is now echoing Henry II’s complaint about Thomas Becket: “Will no one rid us of this elderly president?”

Far be it from me to rule out the possibility that an 81-year-old man could die of natural causes in the next few weeks. I’m just saying that, if it did happen, nobody would believe it, any more so than we believe that the “mistakes” made by the Secret Service last weekend were actually mistakes. “Arkancide is a word for a reason,” as Derek Hunter has said, and we cannot rule out the possibility that, sometime in the near future, Joe Biden will die peacefully in his sleep. With a pillow over his face. . . 

An 81-year-old man with Covid dies in his sleep? Could happen... WokeSpy recalls Joe Biden Says He Will Consider Dropping Out If He Had A Medical Condition Hours Before COVID-19 Diagnosis. "Long" Covid could be a convenient excuse. Dave Strom at Hat Hair, Biden: This is a Revolt. The Democrats are revolting...  NYT, Biden Grows Resentful Toward Democratic Leaders Amid Calls to Drop Out. Insty has a DISPATCHE FROM THE BIDENBUNKER: Secluded in Rehoboth, Biden Stews at Allies’ Pressure to Drop Out of the Race. From WaEx, Heinrich becomes third Democratic senator to call on Biden to step aside. CNN goes Inside the ‘doom loop’ of Joe Biden’s campaign "every move to keep President Joe Biden in or push him out further destroying their chances against Donald Trump." AMP America, The Potential Ousting Of Biden Has Become A Democrat Nightmare. DNYUZ, Lord Almighty, Joe, Let It Go! Althouse, in "Tell me who enlarged NATO. Tell me who did the Pacific basin. Tell me who did something that you never done with your Bronze Star — and your — like my son — and, you know — proud of your leadership. But guess what? Well, what’s happening? We got Korea and Japan working together." says:

Joe Biden seems bereft of the ordinary tools of human interchange. His son died. Go home and grieve constantly if that's what you really need to do, but don't use your dead son randomly as a weapon when you run short of things to say. Quite aside from how the Democrats are going to extricate themselves from the idiotic jam they've gotten themselves into, the entire world is put at risk when the President of the United States has lost his mind.

Dayam! At OTP, Vance Calls For Biden’s Resignation: ‘If You Can’t Run, You Can’t Serve’.

Sundance at CTH sees The Biden Family Fighting the DNC Apparatus to Remain in Power… From WaEx, Democrats begin to plant seeds for open convention. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair wonders Do Biden's Delegates Have a 'Loophole' at the Convention? “Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.” (NY Post). My bold. But, do any of them have a good conscience? Jerry Wilson at RedState, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Charges in to Rescue Biden From the Windmills of Her Own Mind. Capt. Ed at Hat Hair, Narrative Buster: Top Ten Reasons Biden Will Fly to Hawaii This Month. Big fundraiser with Dave Letterman. 

NeverTweet@LOLNeverTweet "yeah, fuck @jaketapper for his sanctimony here; he was totally in on Biden's decline coverup with this stutter shaming guilt trip." Quote The Recount@therecount, "Jake Tapper calls out Lara Trump for openly mocking Joe Biden's stutter. Lara says, "First and foremost I had no idea that Joe Biden ever suffered from a stutter. I think what we see on Joe Biden on stage is very clearly a cognitive decline."At WokeSpy, Alt-Right Leader Announces Support For Joe Biden Over GOP “Zionism” Criticism

From NewsMax, Pelosi: Don't Anoint Kamala if Biden Quits. WaEx, Pelosi privately favors open nomination above Harris endorsement. At Insty, MATT MARGOLIS: It Looks Like Kamala’s Call with Democrat Donors Was a Disaster. "According to the New York Times, the call included roughly 300 donors, and “several listeners said they found the meeting overall to be of little value and even, at times, condescending, believing that the message ignored donors’ legitimate concerns about the Biden-led ticket.” Chicks on the Right worry Could Kamala Actually Win??? Althouse, Creating an aura of inevitability around Kamala. "I'm reading "Democratic consensus solidifies around Harris, should Biden step aside" (CNN)." "Every line — intended to bolster picking Harris — works to explain why Biden won't back out." WaEx, Survey shows 79% of Democrats would support Harris if Biden drops out of race, of course they would, but not with a lot of enthusiasm. "Nah. Definitely lemmings. Not clever enough for a head fake of that magnitude." Althouse,  "The Trump team has already prepared opposition research books on Ms. Harris...." "In particular, the Trump team plans to attack her over the border crisis, one that the president tasked her with finding the 'root causes' of...."

Insty, JON GABRIEL: We landed on the moon. Now we can’t even keep the Gaza aid pier afloat. OTP, Illegal Alien Charged In NC Murder Was Supposed To Be Deported In 2022.

From Twitchy, Report Claims That the Director of the Secret Service Will Resign Monday. She should, unless her job is to cover up something. Bruce Porter Jr. @NetworksManager has "More information about Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle who has close ties to the Cheneys, the Bidens and is responsible for the J6 deleted texts scandal. After the attempted assassination do you think she should be allowed anywhere near President Trump?" At TownHall, Matt Vespa, And We Have Another Brutal Development on the Trump Assassination Attempt, "The latest development shows a gross allocation of resources regarding local law enforcement. Plenty were deployed, though not stationed at the most critical points. This allowed shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, to move unmolested outside the perimeter. The only police officers who got close to him were the ones who left their designated area, according to Jonathan Martin of the New York Times. He added their initial assignment was traffic duty (via NYT) . . . " Atop Da Hill, 4 revelations raising heat on Secret Service after Trump shooting and Hawley: Whistleblowers allege Trump rally was considered ‘loose’ security event. Breitbart lists Nine Secret Service Failures that Nearly Led to Former President Donald Trump Being Assassinated. At CJ, How the Secret Service Failed "What disaster science tells us about the Trump assassination attempt." WSJ reports Fog of Confusion Clouds Epic Security Failure at Trump’s Rally "Law-enforcement authorities have conflicting recollections of their responsibilities at ill-fated rally." You're supposed to write that stuff down. mrcTV claims the Secret Service ‘Has Ignored Recommended Reforms’ Despite Failures for Past Decade. NewsMax, Secret Service Protection Has Evolved for Presidents Over the Years. Duh! At NYPo, Secret Service honchos denied Trump additional security for 2 years before assassination attempt: damning revelation. Matt Vespa again, A Major Lie From the Secret Service About the Trump Assassination Attempt Just Got Busted. Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT "NEWS: Confirming WaPo reporting, USSS acknowledges it did turn down requests for additional resources from the Trump team in recent years, a flip-flop from last weekend's claim otherwise
@KannoYoungs me." Sundance at CTH, Officials Admit the Biden Administration Denied Security Requests by Agents Assigned to Protect Donald Trump.

At Peak Prosperity, Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump & Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People "There’s zero doubt. Two separate weapons were fired toward Trump and the Crowd. One fired 3 rounds, the other(s?) 6 or 7 depending on how many sniper rounds were fired at Crooks. This indicates a conspiracy to assassinate Trump." Bruce Porter Jr. @NetworksManager, "Ballistics evidence shows that there was a second shooter in the attempted Trump assassination." Listen to the shots in the video at both links videos. There are clearly two different shot sounds, and time of bullet arrival and muzzle blast arrival also suggest two different locations. Take this with a grain of salt, but demand the SS and the FBI account for the discrepancies. 

Althouse, "Attacks without clear motivation aren’t unusual and have increased, researchers say, in part as a reflection of the ideologies that swirl together on social media..." "We're supposed to stand back while the officials mull it all over, perhaps to tell us years from now that one can never really know the inside of anyone else's head. But until that modern-day equivalent of the Warren Report issues from the earnest authorities, please note that the Justice Department has bellied up to the bar of your mind and ordered a diabolical cocktail of white nationalism melded with misogynistic incel subculture and garnished with satanic neo-Nazism. Drink deeply and ideate about the right-wing morsels that might have swirled in the toxic soup of young Mr. Crooks's mind."

Becca Lower at RedState, Sanjay Gupta Has Health 'Questions' After Trump Assassination Attempt; Ronny Jackson Brings the Facts. At Da Caller, ‘An Absolute Miracle’: Trump’s White House Doctor Releases Medical Update After Shooting. Sundance, President Trump Provides Update on Gunshot Injury. Insty, BLUEANON: Shocking Number Of Democrats Think Trump Shooting Was Fake: Poll. "Even those tweeting from their bathtubs:" Tyler O'Neil at Da Signal, ‘LA LA LAND’: Former Dem Presidential Candidate Slams Democrats for Calling Trump Shooting ‘Staged’, Cenk Uygur. NewsMax, Fla. Man Arrested, Accused of Threats Against Trump, Vance

Althouse, "Last week, I took a bullet for democracy." "Said Donald Trump at his rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan just now. If you think his convention speech went long, this speech was half an hour longer. It clocked in at two hours." Byron York at WaEx on how he thinks How a would-be assassin’s bullet may have changed Trump, if not the race. At OTP, Christie Not Convinced, Claims Assassination Attempt Didn’t Change ‘Actor’ Trump

From Campus Reform, NH prof expresses worry over ‘electability concerns’ for Democrats after attempt on Trump’s life. Insty, HEATHER MAC DONALD: Edge of the Abyss. "By December 2023, the Biden campaign’s frequent equation of Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler had caught the attention even of some in the mainstream media. “In most situations, comparing a political opponent to Adolf Hitler might seem like an extraordinary step,” wrote Politico. “For Joe Biden’s campaign, it has become part of the routine of running against Donald Trump.” CNN predicted that the Trump-is-Hitler “attack line” would likely be “central” to the president’s efforts to win reelection. Other outlets contributed their own Trump-Hitler comparisons. The New Republic’s June 2024 issue, a special report on “American Fascism,” showed a blended image of Trump and the Führer on its cover. . . ." Reason whines Getting a Home Depot Employee Fired for Calling for Trump's Assassination Is Still Cancel Culture "Libs of TikTok is blasting out screenshots of random people's offensive posts to her millions of followers in hopes of claiming their scalps." Cry me a river.

At Fox, Trump did something he's never done before with RNC speech. Now, the election may already be over "I may be a Democrat, but I'm also a clear-eyed political analyst. Donald Trump clearly rose to the occasion with his RNC speech." Megyn Kelly@megynkelly "Is this the first presidential election in which, before the election, one party has so clearly defeated the other candidate to the point where said opponent is forced to drop out?" Tristan Justice at Da Fed sees Donald Trump Enters Fall Election With The Big Tent Republicans Failed To Build For Decades. At Da Fetched, CNN’s Van Jones Admits Support for Trump Like Nothing He’s Seen Since Obama 2008. Misty Severt at JTN reports Utah governor reverses decision on Trump endorsement after shooting. "Cox said part of the reason he changed his mind on supporting Trump was because of the former president's speech at the Republican convention on Thursday, where he called for unity in the country, and urged people to "lower the temperature."" Sundance, Class Act – Sandy Pensler Suspends His Senate Campaign, Joins President Trump Endorsing Mike Rogers, "Mike Rogers had better deserve this." Andy Sullivan, calls it Regime Change In America? "Something really has shifted these past two weeks. Will it hold?" AMAC, The Democrats’ Fear Loathing Can’t Bring Down Trump

Althouse,  "That's very severe, that combover." "Trump makes fun of his own hairstyle:" At Hat Hair, Jonathan Karl sees Pretty Universal Praise for the Job Milwaukee Did

Insty, WITH J.D. VANCE ON HIS TICKET, TRUMP BRINGS YOUTH BACK TO AMERICAN POLITICS. The Chronicles, The Chosen One. Chaz Lipson at The Spec admires The logic of the J.D. Vance selection. "Trump’s main goal is to build a MAGA coalition that dominates the party in 2028 and beyond." Althouse notices Things that are in the movie "Hillbilly Elegy" but not in the book. "1. Meals on Wheels 2. Funyuns 3. ..." Also, "The publics of many of our allies, and those countries we seek to build stronger relationships with, have traditional Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or Hindu moral values," "
"If confirmed, how would you explain to them what the United States' promoting 'human rights for LGBTQ people' would look like in their country?" From a questionnaire J.D. Vance gave to nominees seeking Senate confirmation as ambassadors, quoted in "Leaked memo shows J.D. Vance’s anti-woke ideology on foreign affairs/Trump’s VP pick froze dozens of ambassador nominations over issues like gender transition care and diversity hiring, offering a glimpse into his anti-establishment views"  (WaPo). Insty, LOL:

NewsMax, Zelenskyy Calls, Tweets to Congratulate Trump. Hat Hair's Jazz Shaw sees Zelensky 'Bracing' for Possible Trump Presidency. At Althouse, "I appreciate President Zelenskyy for reaching out because I, as your next President of the United States, will bring peace to the world and end the war... " "... that has cost so many lives and devastated countless innocent families. Both sides will be able to come together and negotiate a deal that ends the violence and paves a path forward to prosperity." Wrote Donald Trump last evening (on Truth Social)."

The Telegraph promises Trump vows to axe Biden’s electric car mandate on ‘day one’.

Natalia Mittelstadt at JTN reports Election integrity bolstered by federal appeals court ruling allowing voter citizenship checks "Every voter registration should be accompanied by proof of citizenship," Jason Snead said." In Arizona. 

From the Center Square, Women's sports protected, sex changes for minors banned in New Hampshire. 

The Wombat makes up time with FMJRA 2.0: A Glimmer of Hope.

1 comment:

  1. The only way the demoncrats can replace sleepy joe in all 50 states is if he dies. If removed for any other reason, his name comes off of several state ballots.
