Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - The Dead Cat on the Sloped Tin Roof

From Twitchy, Secret Service Director Allegedly Didn't Want to Put Snipers on a Sloped Roof. Tristan Justice at Da Fed notices too, Secret Service Director: We Didn’t Put Snipers On The Roof Because It Was Kind Of Sloped.  Hat Hair cites MSNBC, A Sloped Roof? YGBFKM. Sundance at CTH, It Gets Worse – Three Security Detail Snipers Were Inside Building Used by Trump Shooter – Secret Service Director Says Roof Was too Slopey for Sniper Safety  Ace is pissed, Secret Service Girlboss Kim Cheatle: We Didn't Have Anyone On the Obvious Sniper Position on the Roof Because the Roof Had a "Slope" and It Was Too Dangerous to Our Girlbosses to Send Them Up There! "Kim Cheatle -- who Jill Biden fought to get installed as the Secret Service Girlboss -- told ABC "News" that she decided not to put anyone on the roof, because a Secret Service agent could have fallen and twisted an ankle! They're not paid to take those kind of extreme risks!" 

The Free Bacon is suspicious of The Immaculate Conception of Thomas Crooks. Did the three letter agencies scrub his socials before they released his name? Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair, FBI: Shooter's Phone Has "No Clues" About Motive. They'd never lie to us, would they? Sundance at CTH, sees Sketchy Business Behind Thomas Matthew Crooks, and has an Alarming Update – Trump Shooter Was Seen on Roof 30 Minutes Prior to Shots, Thomas Crooks Was Photographed by Law Enforcement With Picture Forwarded. Sean Davis@seanmdav, "Secret Service had snipers INSIDE the building the assassin used. They took pictures of him. They watched him pull out a range finder to get his exact distance to Trump. They radioed the Secret Service command post about the assassin. They all knew he was there. Who gave the order to do nothing until after the assassin shot Trump, killed an innocent man on that stage, and fired round after round after round after round?"  Matt Walsh@MattWalshBlog, "Here’s the official story so far: a random 20 year old acting completely alone walked within 150 yards of a presidential campaign rally with a rifle, climbed onto a rooftop in full view of Secret Service snipers, set up his shot and fired without anyone intervening and with no help from anyone. This 20 year old is also so politically radical as to attempt an assassination and yet not radical enough to have ever posted any political writings or commentary on any social media site ever in his life. He also wrote no manifesto and left behind no indication about why he did it. His last and only political act, before attempting to kill the Republican candidate, was to register as a Republican. You must believe this and ask no questions about it or else you are a conspiracy theorist. And one thing we know about assassination attempts is that there’s never any conspiring involved." Also, Michael Walsh@TheAmanuensis "Your timely reminder that between 1865 and 1901, three presidents were assassinated, all Republicans. Three of the first six elected GOP presidents were murdered, by Democrats, anarchist leftists, and sexual weirdos. JFK, the lone Dem, was shot and killed by a Communist."

So was it conspiracy or incompetence? Sean Davis at Da Fed comes out with Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security To Allow An Assassination Attempt. Althouse picks it up, "Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security To Allow An Assassination Attempt." "Writes Sean Davis in The Federalist. Very strong words. Read the whole thing." As often, the fun is in the comments. Also, "Good Lord. I do not want any of this to be the case. I'd far rather have the whole thing have been simple incompetence." "Wrote Jamie, in the comments to my post "Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security To Allow An Assassination Attempt."" Stacy McCain sees Dueling Paranoias and takes the opportunity to promote his substack, The Paranoid Temptation "Who are 'they,' and why are they out to get you?"  "Maybe you dismiss this as “right-wing” stuff, but my point is, perhaps there are reasons why Republicans don’t trust the FBI (or DHS, or the CIA, or any other “deep state” bureaucracy). So you can scoff at my acquaintance suggesting that the assassination attempt against Trump was some sort of CIA-directed scheme, but is it really that far-fetched, considering what is known about the anti-Trump bias of some employees of federal agencies?" EducatĂ«dHillbilly™ @RobProvince "No… 125 meters is not a long shot. If you’re going to be a shooter that’s a free throw. Yes I’m aware a lot of gun owners couldn’t hit a 4” plate with 4 tries but I don’t care my point stands. Yes the secret service looked like shit on a stick. Sure they worked hard to get hired. Sure they try. Sure they passed all the tests. Still had a massive failure and looked like hot butter shit and I’m ashamed we as a country look like THAT at a critical moment. And I’m going to rail them harder than Ginger Lynn for that embarrassment of a shit show. And I’m not going to pretend better, bigger more physically qualified people were probably not offered the job for “reasons”. I have eyes." John Lucas at Bravo Blue has A New Cut on the Incompetence and Cowardice of the Director of the Secret Service. "Any competent executive would fire Kimberly Cheatle now." Dave Strom at Hat Hair VIP, Secret Service Embodies Biden's Governing Philosophy. Insty, NEVER ASSUME MALICE FOR WHAT CAN BE EXPLAINED BY INCOMPETENCE, BUT AT SOME POINT THE TWO ARE INDISTINGUISHABLE: a fine collection of Tweets. 

CNN, Exclusive: Secret Service ramped up security after intel of Iran plot to assassinate Trump; no known connection to shootingCapt. Ed, "Crooks clearly wasn't part of that threat; if Iran was behind it, they would have used a more reliable assassin, not hired a local 20-year-old misfit. But if the Secret Service knew about this intel and still left Trump this exposed, then a lot of heads should roll."  At Da Caller, US Reportedly Received Intel Of Iranian Plot To Assassinate Trump. Ace, Fantastic News: The Secret Service is Increasing Their Protection of Trump Due to Iranian Assassination Threat. Whoops, Terrible News: They Already "Increased" Security "Which means the sh*tshow we saw on Saturday was the Secret Service in "enhanced security mode." At least I think it does. It's not clear which day specifically this threat was detected." An assassination by the Iranians would serve Biden's needs much better than an American nobody. 

Jonathan Turley is disgusted by a Virginia Professor who Declares Trump Shooting Was Faked: “Staged Theatrics to Win Idiots’ Vote”. At Campus Reform, UVA professor claims Trump shooting was 'staged' and a tactic to win votes from 'idiots' "His biography at UVA states, “Mokoko’s work specializes in teaching students to appreciate and value social justice rhetorics across media; to become rhetorically listening writers, readers, and viewers; and to understand how global rhetorics shape and define agency and identification.”

At Da Fed  Eddie Scarry says They Don’t Want ‘Unity,’ They Want A Reset. Don’t Give It To Them and Dave Harsanyi, Unity? No Thanks! They don't want unity. They want us to shut up and let them win. Bill Otis at the Ringside asks and answers  Q: Why can't we just turn down the heat? "A: Because the people who turned it up have nothing else to run on." PJM's VodkaPundit, Mea Culpa: Turns Out the Dems Can Go Right Back to 'Trump Is Literally Hitler!' and The Three Lefties (Including Biden) Who Just Admitted That Trump Holds the Moral High Ground. Dave Strom, That Was Quick: Biden Is Getting Nasty Again. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair, Biden Flails Trying to Defend "Bullseye" Remark About Trump. Ace, Forty Eight Hours After Demanding That Republicans "Lower the Temperature," Biden's Back to Calling Trump an Existential Threat to the Country, "Of course." At Twitchy, Jennifer Rubins's Advice to Media On How BEST to Use Trump's Shooting to Help Dems Pisses EVERYONE Off. "Oh look, Jennifer Rubin is being horrible again." At Shooting News, Democrats Have No Problem With Political Violence, They’re the Reason it Exists. The Babylon Bee snarks Party That Called Trump 'Hitler' For 8 Years Shocked As Someone Tries To Assassinate Him. At the Stream, Could Trump Become the Great Unifier? I doubt it, too much hate has been carefully cultivated. Althouse totally unimpressed by Biden's civility bullshit, "My first reaction was, 'My God. This is' — look, there’s so much violence now and the way we talk about it."

James Lynch at NTO amused when Scarborough Threatens to Quit Morning Joe after MSNBC Cancels Episode in Wake of Trump Assassination Attempt. Dave Strom, MSDNC Clowns Are Almost Fun to Watch They Are So Ridiculous. Shooting News, Lefties Horrified Young White Men Can Buy 50 Rounds of Ammo Without Triggering a SWAT Raid.

At Althouse, "It felt like the world's largest mosquito." "Said Donald Trump, quoted in "In Leaked Phone Call, Trump Tries to Coax Kennedy Into His Camp/Robert F. Kennedy Jr. apologized for a leaked video of the phone call, in which Donald Trump offers anti-vaccine messaging and says the wound to his ear 'felt like the world’s largest mosquito.'" . . . Kennedy tweets that he's "mortified" and should have "ordered the videographer to stop recording immediately." Hmm. This gets my "things not believed" tag." Sundance reports Kennedy Clan Records and Releases Conversation of President Trump Talking to Robert F Kennedy Jr and thinks you Must Watch – UFC President Dana White Talks About Conversation with President Trump following Assassination Attempt. I wasn't that excited.

Don Surber, You know, for a guy shot in the face, Trump is having a good week "He made $763 million on Monday." Sundance sees a Historic Moment – President Trump Enters RNC Convention Arena to Thunderous Applause and Shouts of “Fight, Fight, Fight”. Althouse, "You're going to be so blessed, you're gonna be tired of being blessed."

PJM's Stephen Kruiser thinks J.D. Vance Pick Continues Remarkable Campaign for Trump. Matt Welch at Reason says J.D. Vance Completes Trump's Ideological Takeover of the Republican Party. Matt Margolis at PJM explains How Mitt Romney Sold Me on J.D. Vance  “I don’t know that I can disrespect someone more than J. D. Vance,” Romney told me." Insty, "I don’t think Romney realizes how his genteel response to the endless pummeling he received courtesy of Obama, his vice president, and his operatives with bylines led directly to the Trump era. As did his continuing Stockholm Syndrome after the ordeal. In December Romney was quoted by NBC as saying he doesn’t rule out voting for Biden, and that Trump has ‘authoritarian’ interests." Not Quite Miss Congeniality Luz Mair explains Don't fall off your chair... Here's what I like about JD Vance. Capt. Ed, "This is a painfully personal essay from Liz that should be read in full. It's well worth your time, and one indication that Vance really does speak to the populist and conservative bases, albeit in different ways." Insty again, WHAT DOES VANCE DO FOR TRUMP’S RE-ELECTION PROSPECTS? NOTHING OR WORSE: Sean Trende: Trump’s VP Pick Won’t Help Him Win Election. Trende is one of America’s most astute political observers. Perhaps his most pertinent point is that Vance was hardly an electoral juggernaut in Ohio . . ." Sundance notices Wife of JD Vance Resigns From San Francisco Law firm Moments After Her Husband is Announced. Paula Bolyard at PJM, Here Are the Top Contenders to Replace JD Vance in the Senate

And of course, there were speeches at the convention. Capt. Ed, points out one Convention Video: Ramaswamy Champions American Exceptionalism. Althouse liked Amber Rose at the GOP convention. At Twitchy, Joy Ann Reid Attempted to Pull the Race Card but Amber Rose Was Holding a Royal Flush.

At WSJ, Elon Musk Has Said He Is Committing Around $45 Million a Month to a New Pro-Trump Super PAC "Other backers of America PAC include Palantir Technologies co-founder Joe Lonsdale and the Winklevoss twins." At The Information, Marc Andreessen, Ben Horowitz Say They Plan to Donate to Trump PAC. That's what you can do with FU money.

Stacy McCain, GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! Jury Convicts Corrupt Democrat Senator Menendez. But as I noticed in an Althouse comment. Mendez was convicted of taking bribes to support the Saudi's etc, against Iran. They tried in the Obama administration. And got it done under Obama. But really, Bob, cash stuffed in shoes, and gold bars piled in the closet? That's amateur shit. You need a web of shell companies to pass it all through and maybe a Biden or two in the mix for protection. 

Matt Margolis, Adam Schiff Privately Reveals What He Thinks Will Happen in November. Capt. Ed, Schiff to Donors: Get Ready to Lose Big With Biden. Ace, Biden's Puppetmasters Race to Nominate the Vegetable Early, but Congressmen Continue Their Dump Biden Efforts. The Peacock reports a Group of House Democrats pushes to delay Biden nomination. "In a letter obtained by NBC News, several Democrats say a "virtual roll call" to nominate Biden before the convention would stifle an important debate about the top of the ticket." Capt. Ed reacts It's not over yet ...  Matt Vespa reveals, Here's What Sent Joe Biden Into a Total Rage During 'Awful' Call With House Dems. "Things got especially confrontational when Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) brought up the crisis in confidence in Biden being our commander-in-chief. Crow, a veteran with a Bronze Star, was excoriated by Biden, who trashed his service and once again used his dead son as some political playing card. The contents of the calls were not known until now. What a nasty piece of work Biden is. Mr. Empathy is a total a-hole, but you knew that already (via Axios) . . ." Ace, The Presidential Vegetable Is Back, Baby! "I see people saying that Biden gaffed again, and either said that "regretfully" Trump survived the assassination attempt, or that he meant to say "fortunately" but instead said "unfortunately." I can't find clips of those gaffes, but here are others:" Hollywood Reporter reports from a Hot Source: As Dump Biden Movement Fizzles, Hollywood Turns Its Angry Eyes on Jeffrey Katzenberg "Who is to blame for the seemingly inevitable disaster looming in November? Some in Hollywood are pointing fingers at Biden campaign co-chair Jeffrey Katzenberg." Capt. Ed, "Will Hollywood figure out that Democrats and the media have conspired for years to cover up Biden's cognitive incapacity? And more importantly, will they care -- outside of the consequences of one election cycle?"

Clay Travis@ClayTravis. "Joe Biden announces that he’s going to ban rent increases of more than $55 nationwide. I think he means 5%, which he also can’t do, but he legit can’t read his teleprompter. Elder abuse:" Capt. Ed, Biden's New Inflation Plan: How About Federal Rent Control? 

Jazz Shaw, Now Biden is Flying Migrants Back to Texas, because the even the blue states are whining. 

From Spiked, The lawfare against Trump is falling apart "A Florida judge has seen right through the Democrats’ legal overreach." Capt. Ed, "I hate special counsels for this very reason. We need to end the practice now and force Congress to do its job in checking executive abuse and overreach. In fact, we need to force Congress to do its job in legislating rather than pass that over to the executive branch, too." Josh Blackmun at the Volokh Report reports on what's New in Harvard JLPP Per Curiam: What We Did and Did Not Argue in United States v. Trump.

Reddit Lies@reddit_lies, "Reddit mods deleted this picture." Matt Taibbi at Racket on The Surrender, "In the wake of a fatal shooting and attempted assassination of Donald Trump, a series of reversals may mark the beginning of a new political era." "There’s a longer story to be written about the sudden collapse of many of the core premises of the last eight years of American politics, in particular the notion that Trump is such a unique “existential” threat that the system would not bear treating him like any other politician. In conjunction with Trump’s documents case collapsing and a list of other retreats on the lawfare/prosecution front, we appear headed for a new world, though what that will look like remains very unclear. The two obvious options are retreat from the “at all costs” mindset and a double-down, the double-down being the pattern in the Trump era. Who knows yet, but it’s remarkable to watch." Capt. Ed, "It's most likely to be better than what we have now. We'll see."

Whining atop Da Hill as Musk says SpaceX, X moving HQs out of California over transgender law. Stephen Kruiser, Gavin Newsom's Anti-Parent Transgender Lunacy Chases SpaceX HQ to TexasLibs of TikTok@libsoftiktok, "Just today, Microsoft announced they’re slashing their entire DEI program. Now, John Deere says they’re done getting involved in woke propaganda activities. Great to see them listening! The tide is turning. The Culture War is shifting in our favor because people are sick of the nonsense!" At the Business Insider, Internal Microsoft Email Shows DEI Leader Blasting LayoffsChristopher F. Rufo@realchrisrufo, "I'm preparing an investigative series on DEI in the federal government. If you're working in a federal agency, leak me documents, recordings, and other materials at We'll protect your anonymity. We're going to abolish DEI. Help us get there." Kevin Downey at PJM says The Commies Are Now on Defense. Here's What We Can Expect. Riots. "I suggest you buy stockpile food, water, and perhaps a few more boxes of mostly peaceful ammo." At the College Fix, Northwestern faces subpoena threat after antisemitism advisory board ends. Don't look under that rock!

1 comment:

  1. How many of the SS people involved in the assassination attempt were hired because of DEI?
