Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Weird, Preznit Biden Calls Speak Johnson DOA

Last evening, part-time President Biden woke up from his afternoon nap, and gave an address proposing to gut the Supreme Court in the name of "reform." Of course, this could never pass the Congress as it is currently constituted, so it is merely a campaign ploy. Honestly, I'm amazed he cares enough, in the wake of his impending ouster by fellow Democrats, to try to give them this issue. 

Capt. Ed at Hat Hair,  Quasi-President Reverses: On Second Thought, Let's Revamp SCOTUS and Monday's Final Words. Althouse, The lamest lame duck executive seeks to meddle with the judicial branch. "Having faltered and fallen in his own lane, Joe Biden seems to think his view of the Supreme Court might matter." Dayam! Dan McLaughlin at NRO says Kamala Harris and Joe Biden Propose Their Own January 6 for the Courts. Ace, Biden: Let's Destroy the Independence of the Supreme Court to Further Save Democracy, "Why is this self-confessed vegetable still inhabiting the Oval Office?" Of course it wouldn't be complete without some kind of Biden gaffe. WaT, Biden says Speaker Johnson is ‘dead on arrival’ in confusing exchange with reporter. Mary Chastain at LI, Biden on Johnson Saying SCOTUS Reform is Dead on Arrival: ‘He is. Dead on Arrival’, "Come on, man." Sundance at CTH, Joe Biden says House Speaker Mike Johnson is “Dead on Arrival.” Ace, Biden: My Supreme Court Bill Isn't "Dead on Arrival," Speaker Johnson Is, "We have a nasty, angry, bitterly senile man as "president," and the Media Patriots are all okay with this."

Pete van Buren at Am Con, sees The Biden Coverup Comes Back to Bite the Dems. "There are no good options." RNC Research@RNCResearch "Pete Buttigieg confirms they were "ALL AWARE" of Biden's obvious cognitive impairment — including Kamala Harris — but lied to the American people anyway. Kamala led the coverup of the century." Great loop. At RCP, Hemingway: Democrat Swap to Harris Really About Preventing Down Ballot Collapse, Loss of 6, 7 Senate Seats. From the Wombat's  In The Mailbox: 07.29.24, Roger Kimball at Am Great, Democracy in Name Only: How Kamala Harris Became Democratic Nominee, The Bloodless Coup of Joe Biden Will Not Work Out Well for Democrats  and Adam Schwarz at Am Con calls President Biden  A Single Point of Failure for America.  Breitbart, Report: Democrats Privately Anxious About Kamala Harris’s Ability to Defeat Trump. Sundance sees a Nice Cover Story – Biden Holds Meeting of Ballot Coordinators During AF1 Flight to Austin and Preparing Against Putin – Team Behind Joe Biden Announce Expanded Nuclear Weapon Deployment for UK and Europe. And somebody wants a refund, 'Becca Downs at TownHall, Here's the New Effort for Biden Donors to Demand Their Money Back. Good luck with that. 

Stacy McCain says Issues? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Issues!. VodkaPundit at PJM has a VIDEO: Harris Unburdened by Knowledge or Facts in Latest Word Salad We don't need issues, we can just call the Republicans weird! Dave Rubin@RubinReport "Supercut of NPC’s being programmed to say “weird.”" Jim Treacher, The Dems Claim the OTHER Guys Are Weird "At least they're trying". Dave Strom, The New Brainwashing Is... "weird." At Twitchy, You Wanna' Talk Weird? Check Out What a Kamala SUPPORTER Says About How She Treats Her Interns. Elon Musk@elonmusk, "They should mix up the propaganda more. This is way too obvious. Just like when they were parroting before the debate that Biden was “sharp as a tack”" Jen Van Laar at RedState, 'Good Morning, General' - Intern From Kamala Harris' Attorney General Days Shares Eye-Opening Stories. Dave Strom at Hat Hair sees Kamala Segregating Her Supporters--Literally. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.29.24, At Twitchy, WATCH: Mary Katherine Ham Perfectly Parodies the 'White Women For Kamala' Meeting. and Dana Loesch , Cat Ladies & The Nauseating White Savior Sisters For Kamala.
At Hat Hair, Fauxcahontas Helping Out Kamala's Campaign: She Will Help 'Create a Path to Citzenship'. Collin Rugg@CollinRugg "NEW: Far-left Senator Elizabeth Warren says Kamala Harris will grant citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants who illegally entered the country. Why rig one election when you can rig every election in the future . . .?" From the Right Scoop, Elizabeth Warren confirms that Kamala will grant citizenship to all illegal immigrants. At WaEx, Harris’s campaign manager indicates she would keep Biden border policy in place if elected. NYPo, Next mayor wants NYC to be even more of a ‘sanctuary’ for illegal immigrants. Luke Rosiak at Da Wire, Homeland Security Failed To Enforce Mandatory DNA Tests At the Border. Whistleblowers Say Violent Criminals And Child Traffickers Took Advantage. Bob Hoge at RedState, Reports the Suspect Who Allegedly Shot San Antonio Police Officer With a Rifle Is Venezuelan Illegal Alien. Dave Strom sees Kamala Gives Seal of Approval for Venezuela Election, with obvious fraud and intimidation. 'Bonchie' at RedState knows Venezuela's Election Was Just Stolen, and Biden-Harris Were at the Center of It. VodkaPundit, Harris Says 'I Will Not Be Silent' About Dead Kids in Gaza War — Unless They're Israeli Kids. Duane Patterson at Hat Hair VIP thinks Kamala Harris' Silence On Hezbollah Attack Is Complicity. Victory Girls, Border Patrol Arrests Three Palestinian Terror Suspects At San Diego Sector. As Ace puts it, Border Czar Kamala Harris Positioned Three Hamas Terrorists For Success Last Month
"Don't call them illegals! Or terrorists!"

Newsbusters, ABC, CBS, NBC Gush Over Kamala’s ‘Strength’, ‘Surge’ Putting Trump ‘On Defense’. Capt. Ed pounces on Politico Pounces: Trump Accused Kamala of Opposing Fracking! Dug Howlett at TAG explains Why America’s Corporate Media Loves Harris’ Anti-Gun Agenda. At NewsMax, Musk Calls Harris 'Extinctionist'. "Billionaire Elon Musk called Vice President Harris an "extinctionist" after seeing a video of Harris discussing the "climate anxiety" young people feel regarding their futures." Evita Duffy-Alfonso at Bongino says Communist Kamala Harris Isn’t Just Stupid — She’s Dangerous. From the Wombat's  In The Mailbox: 07.29.24, BattleSwarm: Andrew Schulz Roasts Kamala Harris, Power Line, How Bad Is Kamala?

At USA Today,  Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer: I have not been vetted as Kamala Harris' running mate. Capt. Ed comments "I'm not surprised. Whitmer said a week ago that she didn't have any interest in the role, and she has good reasons to avoid it. But those reasons probably apply to Josh Shapiro as well, which means Harris will have to look elsewhere, unless Shapiro really wants to provide Harris cover for her anti-Semitic base on the Left." Rick Moran at PJM, Potential Harris VP Pick Josh Shapiro Accused by Democrat of Covering Up Sexual Harassment in His Office

Guy Benson at Town Hall considers the question 99 Days Out: Should Trump Supporters Be Optimistic or Pessimistic? "Given the head-spinning events of the last month or so, making confident predictions seems rather foolish." From Twitchy, Fake News! WSJ CUTS Last Two Seconds of Trump Speech Video Clip and that Changed Everything. WSJ, Iran Is Working to Undercut Trump in Presidential Election, U.S. Spy Agencies Say. "Tehran’s preference is rooted in concerns about a Trump presidency fanning tensions with U.S.." ALX@alx sees "Election Interference by Meta’s “Independent Fact Checkers” The entire “Fact Checking” program at Facebook and Instagram needs to be dissolved." From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.29.24, Da Tech Guy says Just Remember the Same People Who Will Be Deciding in Court if Election2024 is on the Up and Up… "…are the ones who are dropping charges against terrorist sympathizers in DC while imprisoning people for praying in front of abortion clinics. Oh and they’ll be backed up by the same press that are re-writing history to protect Kamala Harris & reporting the events in DC as “mostly peaceful”." Dave Strom finds Smurfing At Work
RedState's Levon Satamian reports a  Fox News Host Tries to Corner Vance About Viral Past Comment, He Proves Why He's the Right Choice for VP. From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.29.24,  Insty, at his Substack, on J.D. Vance, the New York Times, and Decency.

They still fear him, from Radar, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Presidential Campaign Set to Be Derailed by 'Explosive Investigation': ‘Washington Post’ Said to be Preparing Publication of Bombshell Exposé. Capt. Ed, Radar says that the story had already been discussed in this Vanity Fair piece. If it's the "sex diary," that story's been around for almost a decade. 

Matt Margolis at PJM hears Bongino Claims That Trump Assassination Bombshells Are Coming Soon. “I've got from as close a source as you're gonna get to this, okay?" he said before going into detail about what he found out. "The reason they waited and hesitated was because they were unsure if that was in fact the locals who were supposed to have that post. Apparently, they waited for the muzzle flash, which is an unbelievable lapse in security, before they realized 'That's not us.'” Ace, Secret Service Knew About Trump Shooter a Full 100 Minutes Before the Shooting, "Trust the experts, ignorant peons." NYPo, Thomas Crooks used fake name to gear up with dozens of purchases from gun stores a year before Trump assassination attempt. Sundance is not impressed when Speaker Johnson Appoints “Top Men” to Investigate Trump Assassination Attempt.  From the Wombat's In The Mailbox: 07.29.24, Twitchy, Speaker Mike Johnson BLASTED for Choices for Trump Assassination Task Force. "The big question on everyone's minds — where the hell weren't former Navy SEALs Cory Mills and Eli Crane put on the task force?" and Mike LaChance at LI reports an Academic Poll Finds More Than 70% of ‘Hard-Line Lefties’ Wish Trump Assassination Attempt Succeeded.NewsMax, Trump Agrees to FBI Interview on Assassination Attempt. He should, of course, but he needs a (good) lawyer present, and for the interview to be recorded. Larry at Hat Hair, among other things wonders Are Tech Overlords Erasing Trump's Assassination From the Internet?

mrcTV, Charges Dropped Against D.C. Rioters Who Assaulted Cops & Vandalized Property, of course. The left gets away with a new J6 every day. 

Eric Lendrum at AmGreat, Official Olympics YouTube Channel Removes Videos of Opening Ceremony Due to Backlash. Metro.UK, Mystery as Olympics opening ceremony video disappears from official account. And they're issuing takedown notices to people who kept it and used it. Timcast on YouTube, Olympics APOLOGIZES For Insulting Christians By MOCKING Last Supper, Ceremony SLAMMED As SATANIC. Capt. Ed cites Bishop Barron: 'Apology' by Paris Olympics a 'Masterpiece of Woke Duplicity'. At OutKick, Athletes Disqualified From World Championships For ‘XY Chromosomes’ Will Compete In Olympic Women's Boxing. "While neither boxer has explicitly identified as transgender, it is suspected that both are impacted by a Difference of Sexual Development (DSD) — meaning they have both male and female genitalia — according to Reduxx." 

At CJ, Heather Mac Donald is concerned with Girling the Boy Scouts, "Progressives notch another victory in their war on American institutions." "Does it matter, then, that the Boy Scouts of America has now extirpated the last use of “boy” found in its entire portfolio—the “boy” in “Boy Scouts of America,” the name of the parent organization? It does. That the Boy Scouts cannot tolerate even an atavistic use of “boy” reveals how powerful the impulse is to efface males from our culture. The transformation of the Boy Scouts of America into Scouting America is an object lesson in the incapacity of traditional institutions to withstand progressive takeover." Capt. Ed, "When people complain about the state of modern masculinity, do they even consider the dismantling of such positive influences as Boy Scouts for formation? And what did that leave for formation for boys and young men? Pop culture?"

The Wombat has  FMJRA 2.0: An Inoffensive Offense up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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