Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Wednesday Wetness

WaPoo, D.C. region under drought watch as officials advise limiting water use. "Officials says short showers and other limits on water use can help the region as heat continues."
Six million residents across the region are being asked to be careful with their water use after the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments issued a drought watch on Monday. The guidance comes after a stretch of record-setting hot days that has created unusually dry conditions in Maryland, Virginia and the District, including low flow in the Potomac River.

Officials remain adamant that region is prepared. The three water supply reservoirs in the region are full, and if needed water can be directed from them into the river basin. The water-saving measures suggested by local leaders on Monday — including taking five-minute showers; turning the faucet off when brushing your teeth; and waiting to wash dishes and laundry until you have full loads — remain voluntary.

Our water system, which depends of water from deep wells, 300-400 ft, is unaffected by drought. The aquifers are managed, and even during drought spells with high water use, our usage remains under the withdrawal limits set by the state.

The Wombat has Rule 5 Sunday: Redheads – Threat or Menace? up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.

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