Sunday, July 28, 2024

Flotsam and Jetsam - Week End Jam Session

An odd lot today. Usually I can put stuff together in a few groups and see some kind of order in them. Today, I just can't. Maybe it's just weekend leftovers, maybe it's old age. We'll see how this jam session goes. 

Dennis Prager at Hat Hair, Joe Biden Gave No Explanation. He Lied Instead. John Kass, Obama Leaves No Fingerprints Behind. From NewsMax, Rasmussen Poll: 53 Percent Say Biden Should Resign. Da Caller, ‘They Aren’t Appealing Because They Will Lose’: Biden Administration Backs Down From ‘Racial Equity’ Programs. They'll start pushing them again if they win. Sarah Arnold at TownHall thinks Joe Biden Has One Last Attack for Trump Before Leaving Office. "The president is set to propose a few changes to the U.S. Constitution next week in a bid to reform the Supreme Court. While he’s at it, Biden will also seek to reverse the higher court’s immunity decision on Trump." MAZE@mazemoore, "They demanded that Biden commit to only selecting a woman of color as VP, which he did, and now when somebody mentions that Kamala Harris was chosen because she is a woman of color, they claim racism." From Fox, Buttigieg ripped for 'extraordinarily brazen' slam on Trump that critics say was accidental 'dunk' on Biden. From the Free Bacon, Dimming the Torch: Lousy Law Student Joe Biden Passed Bar Exam on First Try, Unlike Kamala Harris "As law grad in 1989, Harris turned in 'half-assed performance' matched only by her failed primary campaign decades later."

At WaEx, Jen Psaki apologizes to Afghanistan Gold Star families in congressional interviewRep. Mike Waltz@michaelgwaltz, "Just left the House Foreign Affairs interview with Jen Psaki. She agreed to apologize to the 13 Afghanistan Gold Star families whom she falsely contradicted in her book when she said Biden didn’t look at his watch. This isn’t a partisan or gotcha moment. This is the right thing to do as fellow Americans and I pray she follows through." Wait, I distinctly remember the CIC telling us no military were lost on his watch.

Stacy McCain looks forward to a ‘Return America to a Dark Past’, assuming Kamala loses. "Well, sonny, lemme tell you, it was plenty rough. Back in those days, people had to pay their own bills, so they worked what were called “full-time jobs,” instead of hustling as DoorDash drivers or peddling naked selfies on OnlyFans. Yes, I remember when gas was less than $3 a gallon and interest on the national debt was less than a trillion dollars a year . . ."

At the Telegraph, Obama’s scheming has spectacularly backfired, "Biden’s anointment of Kamala Harris as party successor was a final act of revenge against his former boss." Da Caller, Obama Finally Endorses Harris, Tells Vice President They’ll Be ‘Underdogs’ In Presidential Campaign. And you know what Obama does with dogs". And Ex-Obama Official Rejoices At Kamala Harris Not Facing ‘Brutal’ American ‘Primary Process’ Heaven forfend the Democrat voters should pick their candidate. They don't seem to care. 

At WaEx, Five factors Kamala Harris is using to narrow down her VP pick. Race, sex, gender ID, religion and money, more or less in order. Da Fetched, Newt Gingrich Reveals Running Mate That Could DERAIL Kamala Harris’ Campaign: ‘They Have a Real Problem’, Jewish Josh Shapiro. Jazz Shaw at Hat Hair hears Dems: Harris Should 'Probably Pick a White Guy'.  Althouse, "As a Black woman, I am bracing for the inevitable racist and sexist attacks on her and have mixed emotions about us asking her to sprint a marathon and do something unprecedented in an impossibly short timeline." "Said Jasmine Clark, a Georgia state representative, quoted in "Harris seized the moment. Can she translate that energy to victory? After an extraordinary debut as a presidential candidate, Vice President Harris must now prove she can wage a winning campaign to defeat former president Donald Trump" (WaPo)." Jen O'Connell at RedState, Blacks Loudly Declare Their Lack of Support for a Kamala Harris Presidency. She's not really black. It's an act and they know it. OTP argues Gerald Ford Predicted Kamala Harris "He foresaw a scenario where “either the Republican or Democrat party will nominate a man for president and a woman for vice-president and the woman and man will win”. Ford continued: “In that term of office of the president, the president will die and the woman will become president under the law or constitution. “And once that barrier is broken, from then on men better be careful because they’ll have a hard, hard time even ever getting a nomination in the future. But that’s the way it’s going to happen.” From Althouse, "'How would Kamala Harris feel....' I hope that doesn't become the key question at every turn — How would Kamala Harris feel? Ugh." "I hope this isn't the beginning of a new phase of semi-conscious misogyny: Because the Vice President is a woman, we must think about the Vice President's feelings. Does anyone ever wonder how Mike Pence feels?" Cathy Salgado at PJM, Black Show Host Gives Perfect Summary of Why Not to Vote Kamala.

John Lucas at Bravo Blue, "She can run but she can't hide." "Question Answered: These People Will Lie About Everything." Ben Whedon at JTN, Kamala's record as prosecutor fuels Trump critique, but she's doubling down. Sarah Arnold again, Here's Where Kamala Harris Was When Biden Pulled Out of Afghanistan, last person out of the room.  Stephen L. Miller@redsteeze, "The next thing that never happened is coming soon." Tristan Justice at Da Fed hears CBS Denies Kamala Harris Raised Money To Bail Out BLM Rioters.

At Breitbart, Kamala Harris to Make Guest Appearance on ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars’ to Push Voter Registration. NewsMax, Kamala Harris Appears on Drag TV Show. OTP, Kamala Told San Fran Dems She Wanted To Be ‘An Honorary Sex Worker’ Why be honorary when you qualify for the real thing? At Fox, a FLASHBACK: New Harris campaign senior adviser made several insensitive comments about women, gay people, "Marshall apologized for his comments in 2020 saying he 'values' and 'respects' women." Well, who hasn't, given that the standards for insensitive are constantly being moved leftward. Insty, DEI CANDIDATE SLAMS DEI OPPONENTS: FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris slammed DEI opponents in Florida speech: ‘You know what they’re up to.’ WaEx fears Kamala Harris wants to keep Hamas in power. She wants to win Minnesota. And she wants to win Pennsylvania, OTP, Kamala Reverses Course, Now Claims She Wouldn’t Ban Fracking. From WUWT, AEA: Kamala Harris on Energy. Generally anti. 

ET, Trump Campaign Says It Won’t Finalize Harris Debate Until She’s Officially Nominated. Don't let them pull the football out twice. Mike Miller at RedState, WATCH: The Trump-Harris Debate We'd Love to See — Hilarious Impersonators Absolutely Crush It. It is pretty good. 

Althouse is interested in the media attempts to dunk on JD  Vance, "There can be no single emissary for the more than 80 million people who make up 'the White working class' nationwide..."  "Writes Becca Rothfeld, in "'Hillbilly Elegy' and J.D. Vance’s art of having it both ways/In his memoir and for some time after, Vance told liberals what they wanted to hear — but then he wanted power" (WaPo). The attack on Vance as an attack on identity politics?" And "She would get a guy who knows how to talk to rural Americans, who knows how to reflect the most positive aspects of rural America, and therefore able to make our case to the folks in rural America who felt abandoned by the Democratic Party." "Said a Kentucky Democrat quoted in "The Amiable Attack Dog From Kentucky Who Could Join the Harris Ticket'Andy Beshear, the Democratic governor of a deep-red state, is an intriguing Southern contender to become Kamala Harris’s running mate. He’s already straining to go after JD Vance" (NYT)." Jazz Shaw finds The Revolt of the Childless Cat Ladies revolting. At the Brussels Signal, German publisher drops Vance’s book Hillbilly Elegy over alliance with Trump

From the Center Square, Election integrity questioned ahead of Arizona U.S. Senate primary. Hat Hair's Beege Welborn comments, "I saw where the GOP had passed Dems in voter registrations in AZ by some 250K AND finally flipped Yuma County. But if they don't have the election officials squared away, all the voters in the world don't matter. This will be quite a test to see if it can go without a repeat of the previous disgrace."

WokeSpy, Gab CEO Reveals Pro-Democrat Posts By Donald Trump Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks. At NewsMax, FBI Asks to Interview Trump About Assassination Attempt. How can they turn it into a perjury trap? Twitchy, Sen. Ron Johnson Assures Dan Bongino He'll Address This at the Upcoming Secret Service HearingDan Bongino@dbongino, "IMPORTANT The Secret Service scandal is about to get A LOT worse. Apparently, Secret Service counter-sniper assets were routinely denied to the USSS Donald Trump Detail if the locations weren’t within “driving distance” of Washington DC. This is a shocking piece of information that Acting-Director Ron Rowe should immediately have to answer for." At Hair, Trump Says He's Not Stopping the Outdoor Rallies EH-VAH. Kevin Downey at PJM, You Don't Tug on Superman's Cape — How Trump Is Clown-Slapping the Entire Deep State. Sundance at CTH is pleased with Trump's ear recovery, Looking Good – First Clear Images of President Trump’s Right Ear. It does look good. Is the the Wolverine? 

Susie Moore at RedState hears that Alvin Bragg's Office Urges Judge Juan Merchan to Uphold Donald Trump's Business Records Conviction. Was it ever really in question? Twitchy, It's BACK! Logan Act Twitter Has Returned and It's as Hilarious as EverLauren Windsor@lawindsor, "Legal Twitter, is this a Logan Act violation?" Quote Aaron Rupar@atrupar "Trump is having a fake cabinet meeting with Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago."

WokeSpy, Liberty Bell Replica Vandalized As Thousands Riot Against Netanyahu Visit. Fox, Feds bring criminal charges after anti-Israel rally; DC prosecutors let some misdemeanors go "At least 8 people arrested at the anti-Israel rally face federal charges; local prosecutors dropped misdemeanors against others."  CNA, Young mother gets more than 3 years in prison for blocking abortion clinic entrance.

Twitchy reports NewsGuard Censors Come Knocking for Jonathan TurleyJonathan Turley@JonathanTurley. "Roughly a week after criticizing NewsGuard in a column, I received notice that the company was now reviewing my blog, Res Ipsa. The questions sent by NewsGuard were alarming, but not surprising. Here is my response..." "...I was first asked for information on the financial or revenue sources used to support my blog. Given NewsGuard’s reputation of targeting the revenue of sites, the email would ordinarily trigger panic. But I pay not to have advertising, and the closest I come to financial support would be my wife, since we live in a community property state. If NewsGuard wants to blacklist me with my wife, it is a bit late. Trust me, she knows." Insty, WELL, CBS GAVE US THE FAKE DAN RATHER MEMOS, TOO, SO THAT’S ON-BRAND: 

From NRO, Drag Queens Parody the Last Supper During Olympics Opening Ceremonies. Sundance calls it Demonic, Foul, Obscene and Disgusting – The Olympic Opening Ceremony in Paris. From Twitchy, Those Drag Queens at the Opening Ceremonies Weren’t Disciples but Olympic Gods. I call it implausible deniability; they were certainly posed like the last supper, and the "halo" on the central Drag Queen left no doubt what they were trying to portray. NewsBusters, PBS Previews Olympics, Ties Opposition To Transgenderism With Nazism. Bob Hoge at RedState notes The Backlash Continues: Tech Company Pulls Ads From Olympics As Boycott Movement Grows.

Streif at RedState is outraged that Joe Biden's Defense Department Poised to Strip the Medal of Honor From 20 US Soldiers, medals awarded after "Wounded Knee." Josh Brooks@F530Josh "Big Army deciding their Soldiers from 130 years ago don't deserve the MOH because history is inconvenient and doesn't work with the modern narrative is a pretty good look."

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