Sunday, July 7, 2024

Back from Fishing

A 5 AM start from Solomons got us across the Bay (a rough trip against a 15 kt wind) to the Little Choptank River/James Island region around sunrise. The pre-dawn sunrise was much more brilliant, but we were bouncing too hard for me to catch it. Pete decided to go north today because the weather to the south promised to be too rough. 
The usual game, we fished structures in the lee of the land, and found fish. Not a whole lot, but enough. 
One of the few bits of James Island left above the waves, mostly.
My best fish of the day, a very fiesty 26 inch Striped Bass I caught on a paddle tail jig along a protected shoreline. It was too big to keep with the new regs this year, that only allow stripers between 19 and 24 inches to be kept. We did manage a boat limit of 6, and even threw a few back.

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