Friday, March 6, 2020

Fish Pic Friday - Rockfish

But not rockfish they way we talk about them in Maryland, which are Striped Bass, but rather
Rockfish is a common term for several species of fish, referring to their tendency to hide among rocks.

The name rockfish is used for many kinds of fish used for food. This common name belongs to several groups that are not closely related, and can be arbitrary.
Specific examples of fish termed rockfish include:

The family Sebastidae, marine fishes that inhabit oceans around the world. They may be included in the family Scorpaenidae. Sebastes, a commercially important genus of fish in the Sebastidae inhabiting mainly the North Pacific, but with a few species in the North Atlantic and southern oceans.

Sebastes is a genus of fish in the family Sebastidae (though some include this in the Scorpaenidae), most of which have the common name of rockfish. A few are called ocean perch, sea perch or redfish, instead. Most of the Sebastes species live in the north Pacific, although two (S. capensis and S. oculatus) live in the South Pacific/Atlantic and four (S. fasciatus, S. mentella, S. norvegicus, and S. viviparus) live in the North Atlantic. The coast off Southern California is the area of highest rockfish diversity, with 56 species living in the Southern California Bight.

Rockfish are important sport and commercial fish, and many species have been overfished. As a result, seasons are tightly controlled in many areas. Sebastes species are sometimes fraudulently substituted for the more expensive northern red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus).
I have caught a lot of different Sebastes rockfish species off California and Oregon coast, but never off the Atlantic.

There is also a line of  rubber boots named Rockfish...

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