Friday, March 6, 2020

Signs of Intelligent Life in California?

Two separate articles suggesting that the era of one party dominance in California might be wearing a little thin. First, from the Daily Wire, CA Primary Reveals Bad News For Pelosi. GOP Could Win House Back.
With all the hype over the Joe Biden versus Bernie Sanders face-off during Tuesday night’s Democratic primaries, a dirty little secret for the Democrats was revealed in California, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn’t going to like it: nine seats currently held by Democrats in California look vulnerable enough that the GOP might grab them.

As J.D. Rucker notes at NOQ Report:
Keep two things in mind. First, these aren’t nine seats that are deemed “in play” through some election miracle. These are nine seats currently held by Democrats where Republicans have the upper hand based on analysis of Tuesday’s primary votes. Second—and this is very important to understand—with only one statewide ballot measure, the main draw was the Democratic presidential primary in which Republicans may not vote. That means that even without the draw of a presidential primary choice, nine seats showed Republicans either within striking distance or outright beating Democrats.
The San Francisco Chronicle reported, “Republicans took a strong first step in the primary election toward grabbing back at least some of the seven California congressional districts that Democrats flipped in 2018. With millions of late-arriving mail ballots still uncounted from Tuesday’s election, Republicans have so far combined for a majority of the votes in six of those seven districts. GOP candidates have solid leads in two of them.”

The Chronicle noted, “In Orange County, GOP candidates were winning a majority of the votes in three of the four targeted districts.” Fred Whitaker, chairman of the Orange County GOP, stated, “On Tuesday night, the waters of the blue wave began to recede … and Republicans showed that we will take back Orange County. The pathway to restoring the House of Representatives is through Orange County.”
and from Kira Davis at Red State, Kira Davis: Trump Could Flip California…Here’s How
Here in California we are often the butt of jokes from conservatives and Republicans from outside the state who dismiss us as “getting what we voted for” and then tell us we just need to sink into the ocean already. It’s understandable but unhelpful. The truth is, many of us are not voting for this at all, but we are overwhelmed by three cities that also happen to be some of the most populous cities in America. Most of us don’t enjoy the way this state has become a one-party state, but we are overwhelmed by urban areas, voter fraud and massive amounts of lobbyist dollars that basically own Sacramento. It seems hopeless, but something has happened recently that makes me think we may be on the precipice of an historic shift in the Golden State. If Trump can take advantage, he could very possibly flip this state in the popular vote, and have a huge affect down ballot.

If you’ve followed me for the last couple of months you’ve seen me raging about AB5, the California law that dropped and put nearly a million independent contractors out of work or under the threat of losing work. The consequences were swift and brutal. In the span of a few months the electoral mood here has gone from business as usual to “Vote the bums out”.

The California electorate is extremely tolerant of Sacramento’s nonsense (which should be obvious). We live in a gorgeous state, one of the most beautiful in the union if you ask me. People will put up with a lot just for the honor of calling this home. And to be fair, most of the people who vote for what ails us aren’t being stupid or evil, they just genuinely believe these laws are helpful. They care, they just don’t necessarily understand all the “unintended consequences” of the “help” they’re voting for. They do not deserve your scorn for that. When AB5 came along it rocked the world of almost every faithful Democrat voter. There is hardly a business or a person here that isn’t tied to independent contracting in some way, and since we have that super majority it is strikingly and undeniably clear that this is the California Democrat party that has done this to us. There is simply no one else to blame, even if we wanted to. What’s worse, the response from Democrat elected officials has been underwhelming at the least, downright dismissive and rude at its worst.

The bill’s author – Lorena Gonzalez (CA-80) – has been flooded with emails, calls and social media pleas to reverse her position and support her constituents who are begging for help. Her response has been anything but diplomatic. From calling her faithful Democrat voters “trolls and bots” to telling them those freelance jobs they love aren’t “real jobs” anyway to using vulgarity to accuse them of being Trump voters in disguise, she has been nothing but churlish, obscene and insulting. It isn’t just her…it is almost every Dem politician in the state. Republican voters may already be familiar with this type of ignorant and smug response, but they’re used to it. They expect it. Democrat voters most certainly do not. They value their politicians and believe their political class has their best interests at heart. They want to vote Democrat and yet when faced with the smug cruelty of the Lorena Gonzalez’ of the state they are now at their own crossroads.
I don't know, that would require Californians to vote their self interest . . .

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