Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Autism-Vaccine Link Study Found Fraudulent

The 1998 study published in Lancet which linked autism with the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine has been judged fraudulent:

An investigation published by the British medical journal BMJ concludes the study's author, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, misrepresented or altered the medical histories of all 12 of the patients whose cases formed the basis of the 1998 study -- and that there was "no doubt" Wakefield was responsible.

"It's one thing to have a bad study, a study full of error, and for the authors then to admit that they made errors," Fiona Godlee, BMJ's editor-in-chief, told CNN. "But in this case, we have a very different picture of what seems to be a deliberate attempt to create an impression that there was a link by falsifying the data."

Britain stripped Wakefield of his medical license in May. "Meanwhile, the damage to public health continues, fueled by unbalanced media reporting and an ineffective response from government, researchers, journals and the medical profession," BMJ states in an editorial accompanying the work.

And this particular fraud had significant consequences for public health:

The now-discredited paper panicked many parents and led to a sharp drop in the number of children getting the vaccine that prevents measles, mumps and rubella. Vaccination rates dropped sharply in Britain after its publication, falling as low as 80% by 2004. Measles cases have gone up sharply in the ensuing years.

In the United States, more cases of measles were reported in 2008 than in any other year since 1997, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 90% of those infected had not been vaccinated or their vaccination status was unknown, the CDC reported.

"But perhaps as important as the scare's effect on infectious disease is the energy, emotion and money that have been diverted away from efforts to understand the real causes of autism and how to help children and families who live with it," the BMJ editorial states.

People who's children have autism have been grasping for years to come up with a rationale that would explain autism, and give some hope of  prevention, at least for the future.  This paper came along at just the right time to provide that explanation, and convince far too many people to withhold vaccinations from their kids.  Measles is still a potentially fatal disease, causing an estimated 383,000-731,000 deaths world wide in 2003.   I hope this "scientist" is prosecuted to the fullest extent possible.

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