Thursday, April 25, 2024

Tattoo Thursday

TikToker Ash Putnam was frustrated after T.J. Maxx denied her application — and she thinks her tattoos were to blame.

Some of her visible designs include a skull with horns on her neck, solid black patches on her arms, and a pattern on her forehead. Putnam, 23, also has multiple facial piercings, including a large silver ring hanging from her septum.

"I hate that my tattoos are such a defining factor for me getting a job or not," she said in a recent TikTok. "Just because I have tattoos doesn't mean I'm not going to be a good worker."

Putnam, from California, said she went into the store to ask why she hadn't gotten the job, and the hiring manager told her she didn't have enough experience. The hiring manager also denied that her tattoos played any role in the rejection. T.J. Maxx did not respond to a request by Business Insider for comment.
The Wombat has Rule Five Sunday: Indoor Lounging up and garnering clicks at The Other McCain.