Monday, April 8, 2024

The Monday Morning Stimulus

Hyundai's  DAL-e Delivery robot
Tech Radar, This cute robot can deliver 16 cups of coffee right to your desk.
The office coffee run could soon be a thing of the past, judging by Hyundai's new DAL-e Delivery robot. The cute 'bot, which Hyundai says has been designed to navigate busy and complex settings such as offices and shopping malls, can carry up to 16 cups of coffee – and based on the video below, it'll deliver them without spilling a drop.

The DAL-E uses four of Hyundai's Plug & Drive (PnD) modules, which combine an electric motor, steering, braking and suspension system into one unit. It's capable of safely travelling at speeds of around 2.6 mph - a perfectly acceptable walking pace.

But more impressive still is the suite of environmental recognition sensors that allow it to avoid obstacles and create real-time optimal route calculations. According to Hyundai, it can even use an elevator system by "seamlessly interfacing" with the door controls.

No! One of the primary reasons for a coffee run is to stretch your leg, and socialize interface with other workers. Besides, wouldn't you rather have one of these deliver your coffee? 

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